Design Notes

June 17, 2010

Who would steal Musicians?

Music Pirates...

This Friday (tomorrow) we are beginning the week long journey to the biggest concert in the world -- Lorestockapaloosa! When we get there, next Friday (June 26th at 8pm), there will be a LIVE event! Well... that IS the plan but all of the bands in the world suddenly went missing. You only have one week to uncover who is behind this nefarious plot and save the concert*!

* In the secret language of gamers... THIS MEANS WAR!!!!!!

Beleen: ALL of the bands have gone missing?
Artix: I am afraid it seems so.
Beleen: What about...
Artix: Yes.
Beleen: And...
Artix: Yes, them too.
Beleen: What about your band?
Artix: I am the only one left. Zhoom, Warlic and Safiria are all missing as well!
Beleen: EEEEEEP! Do you think that the new Chaos Lord is behind this?
Artix: Dischordia?
Beleen: Yeah, that Phantom of the Concert looking guy.
Artix: I have no idea... I am not caught up on the last releases yet.
Beleen: WHAT!? Hurry up... you need to be up to date in the Mythsong storyline before the release tomorrow!
Artix: ...

Meanwhile, in the real-world: I received a surprise call at 3am. It was the female lead singer of a band that has not dissapeared... and she offered to help!

Forum Question: Which class has the best skills for battling in a War? Is it the new Starlord class with its area of effect attacks... possibly the mage because of ranged spells... or a healing class like the Paladin because of its survivability?

Tags: Artix, Beleen,
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