Design Notes
September 12, 2019
Wheel of Doom IoDA Update
Mega - Super - Incredible Update to the IoDA Tokens
You’ve asked for it, and now everything is ready to do it! The IoDA tokens are being taken to the next level! Starting tomorrow night (Friday, September 13th), the Platinum tokens are being retired and replaced. If you still have any unused tokens, you can still redeem those by following the instructions on this page:
Yes, really! This has been a much requested feature since the Wheel of Doom made its return. With the PIoDA tokens, we were able to do a “test” run to see if increasing the awards was feasible. IT IS!
Introducing - The WICKED Item of Donated Awesomeness!
The new and improved Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness (or WIoDA for short) is taking the Platinum’s place. This new token will no longer be left in your inventory. With each prize awarded, it will be removed so you can obtain a new one. And another new one. And another new one.
The stack limit on them is going to show as 1. But since they are removed now with the placements of your prizes, you can actually get as many of them as you have Treasure Potions for. You just have to redeem them one by one.
So what other changes are there?
At this time, the same rules as PIoDA will remain in place for what types of prizes you can ask for.
While we do have even more plans for the Wheel of Doom and the IoDA tokens, those are a subject for another day. (hint*hint*teaser)