Design Notes
February 25, 2011
Wandering into the Premiere
Cave of Wanders... Get it?
The Sandsea Saga continues as Sek-Duat, the Mummy master of the Sandsea, leads you to the Cave of Wanders. This maze may contain exactly what you need to fight Zahart and Tibicenas... another Djinn of your own.
Miltonius went all out this week in his design of the Kalestri Worshipers, a clan of noble creatures normally, but THESE have been corrupted by the forced of darkness and freeing them from the spell might be the only way to the prize!
In the Sandsea rep shop you will find a host of new items and 2 brand new armors... the Anubis Armor from Polistar and Dage's amazing Kalestri Worshiper armor and helm!
I think we should all give Dage a hand... since he gave you four of them. WAKKA WAKKA!
This armor is so impressive that we have decided to increase its rarity by making is a pretty high Sandsea Rep value AND sells for ACs (although at 400 ACs, you'll never find a more impressive armor this cheap anywhere else).
There are also a TON of drops from the new area, including the Sek-Duat armor itself!
Is Moderator?
Some people have noticed the Is Moderator option when they click on someone's nameplate. We've added this feature for increased security. If the gold name wasn't enough proof for you just check the Is Moderator option and see.
Remember, AE staff will NEVER ask you for your password or offer you free stuff in exchange for your password.
HeroSmash Trailer Premiere & Shop!
The HeroSmash trailer is finally complete and it looks AWESOME. If you want to view it all you have to do is click the HeroSmash button in Battleon or /join hsmovie.
You can also access the Premiere Shop, which contains a male and female color custom helm, one of the fan favorite HeroSmash weapons with color custom accents and FINALLY the Panda Launcher back item (click on it to fire a panda) from Thyton's Live Draw Event.
"Yeah, that's right. I have pigtails! YOU WANT A PANDA IN YOUR FACE?!"
These items will all be going rare EXCEPT the Panda Launcher which we will be hiding somewhere in game after the shop is locked.
Enjoy the trailer and let us know what you think about it on the forums!
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Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!