Design Notes
September 17, 2012
Rare Gear and New Info to Know
3rd Birthday Event Goes Rare in October!
For AQWorlds' 3rd birthday, our musical guests really were gigantic stars, literally! They Might Be Giants battled with you on a trip through time, space, and a giant hamster cage... but the time has come for them to go back to that little birdhouse in their soul, and their gear leaves with them on October 10th, 2012!
The following content goes PERMANENTLY RARE October 10th:
- Tokens of Vindication Merge Shop!
- The first pieces of the Vindicators of They set!
- Super-Fan Swag Merge Shop!
- It Might Be A House Item Shop!
- A 1 Hour EXP Boost!
- 10 storyline quests!
- Many side quests and hidden quests!
- 5 member-only bonus quests in the Member-only Lab map!
- Member and non-member daily quests!
- Faction quests which will reward you with 5,000 Rep each!
AQWorlds in the Google Chrome Store...
And we need your reviews to get our rank up! (Usually you play to rank up your character. This time you're /ranking up AQW!) Head here to review AQWorlds and here to share your thoughts on Bladehaven!
Note: You'll need the Google Chrome browser installed to view most apps.
Battleon Shops Leaving Today!
Though the gear was great, all good shops must close their doors. Aranx's birthday shop, the Obrigado shop, and the Cave art shop are leaving Battleon this evening. This is your last chance to get their epic equips before they're gone!
Derp Horse goes "Derp derp derp"

January 25, 2012
Guardian Tower Mid-Week Expansion!
Meet Sloan
This is the Guardian Sloan.
He is now standing just inside the entrance to Guardian Tower. Since the beginning of the game, it has stood tall and silent at the top of Battleon, home to the verification shops but not much else.
Finally we have returned to Guardian Tower in this mid-week mini-storyline and given you a real reason to run around there! This story is full of intrigue and suspence as new and interesting aspect of the Guardians will be revealed.
You get to travel to strange and exotic location. It's a cave.
You also get to tie a dude up and question him.
As usual, if you complete the Member Only storyline quests you will unlock a shop full of new armors, weapons and other items all made by SOLRAC (spelled it right this time).
There was some confusion about this release going to the AQ Classic Guardians instead of being AQW Member Only. While we do appreciate AQ Guardians (as displayed by the verification shop and Guardian Only Class, one of the few totally redesigned at your request) but THIS release goes to the AQW Members who support THIS game.
Guardians still get a LOT out the game in which you have upgraded, AQ Classic! :)
Stuff Closing
I've been seeing a lot of questions about when stuff is leaving the game, or happening in the game so here's a quick-n-dirty list.
- FEB 6th! Friday the 13th Event Rares, House Shop and chance to get the Friday the 13th Character page Badge will leave on FEB 6th! The rest of the event and the other badge will be permanent additions to the game.
- FEB 13th! The nect I CAN HAS MOD contest winner will be selected on FEB 13th. We will try to contact them that day but it may be several days before and IF their wish changes the Golden Cheezburger Deluxe into anything. The Golden Cheezburger Deluxe will also be removed from Cleric Joy's Shop on FEB 13th!
- NEAR VALENTINES DAY: The Artix and Sepulchure Action Figures which will be sold at Toys R Us in the US and HeroMart everywhere else, will be going on sale NEAR VALENTINES DAY. That is the closest to an exact date that we can get. These toys come with the Paladin HighLord and Doomknight OverLord classes, armors, weapons, helms, houses and Character Page Achievement Badges respectively.
CORRECTION: I just found out this the Artix and Sepulchure Action Figures will not be released until Late April of this year. - EARLY to MID-OCTOBER: The THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS event will be going rare this year and taking everyything with it, including the Vindicator of They Class (unless we can finagle our way out of the contract) in EARLY to MID-OCTOBER of this year.
- NO IDEA: Our newest project, known under the working title AQ3D, will be released when we are done with it. It takes a long time to develop a game (especially a 3D Browser game) and we're just getting started. We have goals set but it's so early in the project that it's really not worth getting your hops up about it yet.
331 days until Just Another Day

October 17, 2011
They Might Be Giants Finale!
This Friday, the EPIC conclusion to the TMBG event!
Space, Time, and Portals! What could go wrong? EVERYTHING! I hope you've packed your towels, you hoopy froods, because you're going on an adventure WAY back into the past and FAR into the future this Friday!
"OW." - John F.
The dinos in this time period will make you really saur, so grab the nearest club or leg bone and attack back! After rockin' the dino-age, strap on your highest-tech gear, because you're going to be BLASTED through Time and Space into...
An otherworldy, alien futurescape! The Shadow-eyes are watching, always watching, never blinking. If you can evade them AND battle the alien guards, then MAYBE you'll reach your objective before The Collector. It's up to YOU to get everyone home and in one piece... but NOT as a piece of the Collection!
And don't miss the ALL-NEW even AWESOMER items that will be released this week! (Including 2-3 new houses, armors, weapons, and more!)
Vindicator Of They Class!
The Vindicator of They Class is coming THIS FRIDAY! If you haven't read about this Class yet, take a look at the Design Notes I posted here! With a look at all the crazy skills we've made for the class and the news that there will be TWO new skill animations, this is a Class you won't want to miss, because before long, it'll be as RARE as anything The Collector has!
But YOU can get it for 90 Tokens of Vindication OR giving Itzachi in BattleOn 2,000 ACs. Are YOU the Hero meant to vindicate They Might Be Giants?
Treasure (Chest) These Hard-To-Get Items!
This week we'll be updating the Treasure Chest with another awesome set of items and an armor! We don't know what to make yet, though, so why not let us know what YOU want? Post your ideas in the Design Notes thread or tell us on Twitter!
We Need Your Screenshots!
Beleen is working on a new page for and she needs your help! Can you post your most epic screenshots of any of the special events from the last three years? (Pink screenshots not necessary!) Post all your awesome shots here!
Which monsters are the most EPIC?
We have ANOTHER special project we're working on - this time with Yergen's help! We need to know which monsters you think are the scariest, most awesome, craziest, grossest, whichever you feel are the monsters that best represent AQWorlds, please post them here!
Mogloween is Coming!
This Mogloween is going to be... DELICIOUSLY* frightening! Insanity, death, and... CYSERO?! How does THAT make sense? And what could THIS art possibly be for?!
It's cherry pie filling, honest!
We're working on Mogloween even as we drive home the last pieces of the They Might Be Giants event, so get ready for a week of epic awesomeness followed by a week of terrifying insanity! It's all coming up in AQWorlds before the end of this October!
* That is a hint.

October 15, 2011
Vindicator Of They Class!
This EPIC Class arrives on Friday!
This Might Be the coolest class yet! Who are we kidding, the Vindicator of They Class is EPIC! With both offensive, stun and lifesteal skills, after you /equip the VoT class, you'll be able to easily up your kill count while collecting rares aplenty!
This class will only be available for a limited amount of time! The They Might Be Giants event will be in-game for a year and then that will go rare, too!
You Might Be Even More Awesome in this class!
- Vindicator of They Class - 2,000 ACs OR 90 Tokens of Vindication
- Vindicator of They Helm - 15 Tokens of Vindication
- Vindicator of They Blade - 45 Tokens of Vindication
- Vindicator of They Cape - 5 Tokens of Vindication
The Class can be purchased from Itzachi in Battleon for 2,000 ACs or by merging 90 Tokens of Vindication at the Token Shop in the /collection map. Non-members have a daily quest available which rewards a Token while members can do that quest AND a member-only daily quest which will award a second Token!
Skills of Vindication!
A Hero's got to have dexterity to annihilate opponents in combat, and with these cutting-edge skills - and two all-new animations- you'll really be able to let your blade-work shine!
Auto Attack
A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.
Super Taster
Summons a Super Taster to bite your foe, Causing a DoT and slowing enemy for 6 seconds.
I Just Want Your Half
Take a small amount of your foe's life force and heal yourself for a small amount.
We Want A Rock
Petrify your opponent for 10 seconds but applies a DoT To you.
I've Got A Fang & Hot Cha
Passive. Increase Haste by 20%
Mass Of Incandescent Gas
Create a tiny SUN, causing massive damage and applies a DoT.
They Might Be Giants Event - Happening Now!
AQWorlds' titanic 3rd birthday event is happening RIGHT NOW in-game! Log-in and party up with your friends to meet They Might Be Giants, our special mystery birthday guest, and... The Collector!
Thanks to Aranx for the action-packed screenshot!
Are you going to let yourself be kidnapped, trapped, and displayed for a race of grotesque, rare-collecting Aliens? I didn't think so! Get in there and Battle On in our biggest birthday event yet!

October 14, 2011
They Might Be Giants Special Event!
AQWorlds 3rd Birthday Event is live!
Happy 3rd Birthday, AQWorlds! The entire AQWorlds team want to thank you for /join'ing us for the BIGGEST birthday party event we've ever thrown!
With titanic musical guests They Might Be Giants, all the Heroes of Lore are in store for an event that will blast through the bounds of Space and Time to trap you in another dimension... where YOU are the most prized possession in The Collector's stash of epic rare Heroes!
Battle On to escape The Collector!
Your Great Destiny got you into this mess, but your epic battle skills and superior combat strategy are going to save you, They Might Be Giants, and a mystery guest star out!
Doppelgangers like to gang up on Heroes. It's in their name!
/Equip your most Collectible gear for:
- An EPIC AC Rares shop!
- Tokens of Vindication Merge Shop!
- The first pieces of the Vindicators of They set!
(Vindicator of They Class comes NEXT Friday!) - Super-Fan Swag Merge Shop!
- It Might Be A House Item Shop!
- A 1 Hour EXP Boost!
- 3 awesome cutscenes!
- 10 storyline quests!
- Many side quests and hidden quests!
(Be sure to click ALL over the map to find these secret quests!) - 5 member-only bonus quests in the Member-only Lab map!
- Member and non-member daily quests!
- Quests for EVERY FACTION which will reward you with 5,000 Rep each!
- Character page and Book of Lore achievements!
- And TWO ALL-NEW TMBG song written JUST for AQWorlds!
Check out this week's Design Notes to see the awesome equips and Hero-sized gear (not intended for Giants) available in the event!
Artix, Cysero, Yorumi, Samba, J6, the rest of the AQWorlds team, and I want to thank ALL of you for playing and staying with us through all of the Chaos, both in this event and in the rest of the game! (Drakath had a hand in it all, you can be sure!) Now get in there and BATTLE ON!
Happy birthday, AQWorlds!

October 13, 2011
3rd Birthday Event - Tonight!
AQWorlds' 3rd Birthday Event Comes Tonight!
Rares! You either love them or hate them, but would you ever want to BE one? This Friday, YOU are the MVC (most valuable collectible), because you're a Hero with a Great Destiny, and The Collector wants YOU as his most prized possession!
After falling into a portal through Space and Time, you'll find yourself trapped in the Collection along with John and John from They Might Be Giants! Along with John and John and a character you know and love (or hate), you'll need to free yourself from The Collector's clutches. By any means necessary! AND you'll get to collect EPIC rares while you do it!
In our most awesome birthday event yet - starring the BIGGEST (literally!) guest musicians yet - you're going to have a world of opportunities to BATTLE ON! Even if your world has shrunk to the size of a dome floating in the farthest reaches of hyperspace!
AQWorlds' giant-sized 3rd birthday event will be out of this world... and this is only Part 1! Join us tonight at 6PM for the rarest, most valuable birthday event yet!
3rd Upholder Time!
Now that October has actually arrived, the weather is starting to cool down, the days are getting shorter and it's Upholder Time in AQW!
October is AQWorlds' anniversary month! And THAT means that anyone who upgrades (as long as your upgrade expires ON or AFTER November 4th, 2011) will become a 3rd Upholder! That'll get you a sweet character page achievement and the EPIC Platinum Star Sword! (The Star Sword will not be released until November 4th.)

October 10, 2011
Happy Birthday AQWorlds!
Join us for the party Friday (with TMBG)
But first, I would like to talk about the AQWorlds team. Actually, I would like to say a number. 156. Yes, one hundred and fifty six. What is that number? That is the minimum number of weekly releases the AQW team has created since the game went live. (Of course, as you know the real number is closer to 200) Every single week for three years, starting on Monday and completed by Friday, the AQWorlds team has written, drawn, animated, and released brand new content for you and your fellow players to enjoy. To date the team has created 390 areas, 714 monsters, 9,391 items, and 1,315 quests. When we started, they said it was impossible to do weekly updates on a MMO like we did on a single player game... *dramatic pause* But you believed in us and supported us... so, this week we celebrate our 3rd year of our favorite weekly-updated, web based MMO! I would like to give credit, congratulations and praise to developers, moderators and support staff who make AQWorld's releases possible each and every week! I hope you will join me in this by raising your weapon, spellbook, or dangerously clawed were-arm in a war-cheer of "Battle on!" on The BattleOn Forums, FaceBook and Twitter.
Again, we would like to thank you. Whether you supported us by upgrading your account (3rd upholder is now available), clicking on an ad, or helped us improve the game with your suggestions... we are eternally grateful for the opportunity to continue making AQWorlds better for you each week. Thank you!
Special Birthday Event This Friday
Join us for our special event with special musical guest band, They Might Be Giants! We are going to add some servers, raise the level cap, and have the biggest special event in the history of the game.

October 07, 2011
Mogloween Review!
Spooky Quests For Creepy Heroes!
The Cauldron Sisters are back to wish you a Happy Mogloween!
This week we are re-opening MystCroft and the surrounding Mogloween-themed areas to everyone for a recap of ALL the previous Mogloween releases! This will give all the players who have started this last year a little time to play through YEARS worth of Mogloween content to get all caught up before we release ALL NEW MOGLOWEEN expansion coming OCTOBER 28th with all NEW Mogloween seasonal rares!
Even if you're an old school player, you can revisit the Cauldron Sisters in the Mogloween Map, fight the Thriller in the Mogloween Graveyard...
Fight the evil dentist/scientist Dr. Voltabolt in his Dentist Office of Nightmares, Battle huge Moglinsters, Fight Mailk-EYE and the other Children of the Candy Corn and the StalkWalker ...
And of course battle the Pumpkin King for your chance to earn the ever popular Pumpkin Lord CLASS!
There are SO MANY seasonal rare items and armors to be earned in this holday event and we can't wait to add more on the 28th! Happy Mogloween!
A Few Small Changes!
We've added some new functionality this week!
First off we've got a new MEMBER PERK! Members can now change the backgrounds on their character pages! All you need to do is explore your favorite maps and click the Set Background buttons that you find to pick your new background.
We even added a special Mogloween one which you will only be able to get as long as Mogloween continues!
Next, we've added a SERVER CLOCK to the game.
It can be found right in your options menu! This will let you know what time it is here at the Underground Lab (as well as other places like New York, Philly, Boston, Quebec, Ontario and everywhere ELSE in the EST time zone) which sould come in VERY handy for you LQS nuts!
That pretty much says it all!
Our biggest special event ever is coming Friday, October 14th!
Next Friday - They Might Be Giants special event!
Friday After That- They Might Be Giants special event PART 2!
You can expect more out of this special 2 part release than we have EVER done for any of our events before! The story is bigger, the rares are bigger, the guests are HUGE (pun intended), We are raising the level cap to 45 and adding other surprises I don't want to spoil!
Annual AE Pumpkin Carving Contest!
If you missed the news, our Pumpkin Carving Contest is on again!
The past two years have shown that you guys are INCREDIBLE carvers. Check them out for inspiration; 2009 Pumpkins & 2010 Pumpkins!
We are taking submissions over at the forums RIGHT NOW. This contest ends Monday, October 31st. Winners will be announced on the Design Notes and the Forums on Friday, November 4th! (The same day you get your 3rd Upholder treats!)
Like the previous years, the Grand Prize winner(s) will receive 5,000 AdventureCoins and additional prizes may be awarded to other groovy gourds! This includes a custom Mogloweeny weapon custom made by me. Last Year's Winners received the For The Gourd sword that you can see in my character page picture above!
You want to know how to enter right?
Wait-wait that's not it! These rules and guidelines are simple but MUST be followed accordingly for your entry to be considered eligible:
• Your pumpkin MUST be carved BY YOU!
• Only ONE photo submitted per person, please.
• Your pumpkin MUST be your own ORIGINAL WORK! Any work that is copied via Internet and/or Stencils or simply Copy-Pasted of some supreme pumpkin-carving legend will lead to an automatic DISQUALIFICATION.
We will also make fun of you here at the Lab.
• Your pumpkin MUST be carved in an AE theme. Check out pumpkins from 2009 and 2010!!
• Include an index card or a piece of paper with the year (2011) and your (and only your) AQW Character Name--this way we really know it's made by you, and so we can award you with AC prizes if you win! Make sure your AQW name is readable and legible!
• Your pumpkin carving can relate to anything from AdventureQuest Worlds or any other Artix Entertainment game!
• Your canvas must be a pumpkin or another form of squash and/or gourd. (since people have asked, Melons count too)
• The photo of your carved pumpkin must be of the Highest Quality—the bigger and more clear the picture, the better! Make sure that you provide a VALID URL to your photo. Try using a reliable photo uploader like Photobucket, TinyPic or Twitpic.
• You have until 11:59pm EST on Monday, October 31st to submit a photo of your carved pumpkin!
Questions? Ready to submit? Go haunt the Pumpkin Carving Contest Thread!
3rd Upholder Time!
Now that October has actually arrived, the weather is starting to cool down, the days are getting shorter and it's Upholder Time in AQW!
October is AQWorlds' anniversary month! And THAT means that anyone who upgrades (as long as your upgrade expires ON or AFTER November 4th, 2011) will become a 3rd Upholder! That'll get you a sweet character page achievement and the EPIC Platinum Star Sword! (The Star Sword will not be released until November 4th.)
Don't get sick on all that Moglweeny candy!

October 03, 2011
TMBG Birthday Fun
They Might Be Giants in AQW's 3rd Birthday Two-Week Event!
If you follow some of our Twitter accounts then you already know that It's AQW's 3rd Birthday and we have some GIANT treats in store! The band THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS will be joining us in a two week adventure filled with space and time travel and awesome music!
If you've never heard of They Might Be Giants then you're missing out! They are the coolest and strangest alt rock band out there! Zazul, Rolith and I are especially HUGE fans of the band but everyone here at AE loves them.
Really guys, we've brought you a few bands that not too many people have heard of before but They Might Be Giants is NOT one of them! If song titles like "Birdhouse In Your Soul", "Ana Ng", "Dr. Worm", "Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun Is a Mass of Incandescent Gas)" and "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" don't get you singing then you don't know what you're missing. Don't worry... we'll fix that for you :)
The special event starts on Friday October 14th at 6:00 PM Server Time (EST)! We will have even more information for you as we get closer to the Birthday Event!
THIS WEEK: Taco Day and Mogloween Review!
First things first, tomorrow is National Taco Day. This holiday celebrates everything taco and all of it's many varried forms. Macho Taco will show up in Battleon tomorrow and stay for one week (until next Tuesday). Once again he is offering the absolutely delicious tacomancer armor and the rest of the taco seasonal rares!
Then, on Friday AQW's spookiest event begins. When the strange, creepy town of Mystcroft appears then you know Mogloween is getting close! This Friday we will be releasing all of the previous years Mogloween events to let you get caught up.
We'll keep those up during the two week Birthday Event, then on Friday, October 28th we will release this year's ALL NEW Mogloween event with expanded storyline AND all new items!Remember, you won't be able to play this year's Mogloween without completing all the previous years' adventures!
Quibble Leaving TODAY!
Quibble isn't gone yet but he will only remain in Battleon for a little while longer. This is your VERY LAST CHANCE to get this year's TLPD rares!
3rd Upholder Time!
Now that October has actually arrived, the weather is starting to cool down, the days are getting shorter and it's Upholder Time in AQW!
October is AQWorlds' anniversary month! And THAT means that anyone who upgrades (as long as your upgrade expires ON or AFTER November 4th, 2011) will become a 3rd Upholder! That'll get you a sweet character page achievement and the EPIC Platinum Star Sword! (The Star Sword will not be released until November 4th.)
Did You Get Your Free Member Keys?
It's a new month and that means AQW Members get 2 FREE Magic Treasure Chest keys from Twilly in Battleon! Some of you had a small bug this weekend when trying to get your keys if you had them in your bank. The engine can't merge items in your Inventory AND your Bank which resulted in you getting nothing and not being able to do the quest again.
Have no fear! Zhoom was able to reset the quests for each of you that encountered this bug so you can now complete your quest and get your two free keys (Just remember to take them out of the bank and put them in your inventory first).
If you DO forget again, we've added a new pop up to remind you to get your keys out of the bank. Just keep the Item Accept Box open until you have moved them unto your inventory, then click YES on the box.
Now, I'm just going to go freak out for a second