Design Notes
June 02, 2015
Summer Blockbuster Shop
The Summer Shop Arrives This Friday!
If you haven't been on AQWorlds yet this week then you didn't know that we're releasing the seasonal Summer Shop this Friday, along with the Summer Blockbuster Limited time Shop!
The Summer Shop will have all the returning seasonal rares you guys love to battle in, and the Summer Blockbuster Shop will include Memet's Ultra Revenger armor set and Laken's Jurassic Raptor Rider...
...and introducing this year's Limited Edition 2015 AE Surfboards! Last year's 2014 Designs are gone for good but this year's really rival them in style!
- Gravelyn surfboard
- Memet surfboard
- Alteon surfboard
- Sepulchure surfboard
- Yorumi surfboard
Like summer, the Summer Shop won't be around forever and once these rares are gone they won't be returning so take advantage of them while you can!

June 13, 2012
The Summer Shop's On Fire
Dance in the flames with the Fire Dancer Set!
You'll be looking HOT HOT HOT! That is, if you /equip the Fire Dancer set that we just added to the Summer Shop! Along with the armor we have the Fire Dancer's Fan and the Dual Flaming Torches of Fury!
Coming to the Summer Shop on Friday: Dage, Nulgath, Daimyo, Samba, and J6 surfboards! Check out Diozz's AWESOME art for the Nulgath surfboard!
Investment Trinkets have Increased Sell-backs!
If you purchased a member-only or free player Investment Trinket from Zombie Quibble's shop, then you should SELL them now and you receive MORE than you spent when you bought it! The member trinket sells back for 1500 ACs. The non-member one sells back for 1250 ACs. The price WILL NOT go up any further.
Those of you who sold the trinkets back while the price was bugged can KEEP the extra ACs! Since it was our mistake, we won't punish you by taking them away. If you sold the trinkets AFTER Noon today and got a sell-back of 250 ACs, then we gave you the ACs to make up for it.
Voltaire Sale Going on Now!
Your favorite gypsy goth pirate musician is having a sale at his online store right NOW! Head to Voltaire's online shop to take advantage of a great deal: Sleezter Deady, Urkor Malravenus, Deady "Not Bootleg" toy, AND the "Deady Sings" CD are bundled into one package for $65 USD!
Songs on the "Deady Sings" CD include:
1)The Vampire Club
3)Graveyard Picnic
4)Dead Girls
5)The Headless Waltz
6)Ex Lover's Lover
7)When You're Evil
8)Goodnight Demonslayer
Supplies of the CD are very limited, so if you want to own your own set of Deady-themed swag, head to Voltaire's site now! And if you just can't get enough of Voltaire, you won't have to wait long for more. He, Deady, and all-new characters will star in July's Friday the 13th event! Are you ready to get down with Deady?

June 11, 2012
J6 Saga, Summer Shop, and More News
Summer's crazy releases continue with J6!
Journey with J6 on an all-new adventure in space! In "Bountyhunter Banzai," you'll land on a planet destined for super-stardom... if it doesn't go supernova first! The LOSERs (that's League of Super Evil Rangers to you) have a Doomsday Rocket and they're ready to use it! You'll need to decide what path to take in order to stop them. Choose poorly and BOOM!
With space-tastic new gear, a MASSIVE new monster to battle (if you can unlock the fight), 3 new minigames, and new clues to lead you towards HAL's ultimate objective, this is one mission you won't want to fail!
Summer Shop Updates All Week Long!
Log in now to access the Summer Shop! It will only be around for a couple of weeks BUT will be updated today, Wednesday, AND Friday with new gear! All your favorite gear from previous Summers are back, including the Battle Swimwear and the Evil Professor Dolpho pet!
The Ignited One set!*
NEW this year are the items in the Ignited One set, the Fire Dancer set, and the NPC surfboards! The Fire Dancer Set releases in the Summer Shop on Wednesday along with 3 of the NPC surfboards. The others will release this Friday! NPCs being surfed this year are: Dage, Nulgath, J6, Samba, and Daimyo!**
* Note: the member-only Fists of Fire drop off last week's Xan boss.
** Last year's NPC surfboards are RARE and will not return.
The Fire Dancer Set by Jemini also features the Triple Torches of Fiery Death!
Don't Sell Your Investment Trinket Yet!!!!
DO NOT sell your Investment trinket yet! Both the non-member and the member-only AC Investment Trinkets will increase in price on Wednesday, so you'll get more ACs back than you paid for them. We will announce when the sell-back price increases here and on Twitter. The member-only trinket will sell-back for MORE than the non-member trinket!
Again, to repeat, do NOT sell back your investment trinkets yet! Wait until we announce the increased sell-back price!
Tier 2 of the Destiny/Necrotic Weapons Coming Soon!
Dage is hard at work on the art for the Tier 2 Destiny and Necrotic weapon sets. You'll see pictures popping up on Twitter throughout the week, and if Beleen has time, the quests to get them will release on Friday!
Issues with Last Week's Release Resolved!
Last week, the Alchemy Tradeskill released. There were some issues on Friday night, which included the merge shop not accepting potions for Academic Merits as well as the Enhancement system breaking. The Rep quests on Lim were also added.
One of the hardest things about programming is that if you fix one thing (like adding new code to the merge shop function), a seemingly unrelated thing (like the Enhancement system) breaks HORRIBLY! Thankfully Yorumi and Dumoose were right at hand to get fixes up and live.
CVS GameCards Now Available!
Have you got a Prescription for Destruction? No? Then head to your local CVS Pharmacy! CVS locations all across the United States now carry Artix Entertainment gamecards and until the end of June, the Rx for Destruction Axe unlocks when you redeem your Artix Points!
The CVS AE gamecards can be used for ANY of our games! When you redeem your card (follow the instructions on the back!), you'll get your Artix Points and automatically unlock the prize code with the same PIN number from the scratch-off card.
Artix Entertainment on the News!
Artix and the crew at the Secret Underground Lab were featured on local news station Channel 8! See what the Lab REALLY looks like when we're not all lurching down the hall pretending to be zombies. Check out Artix chair-surfing, Beleen's bouncy-ball chair, Cysero's feet, and my hair as we show some AQWorlds gameplay from Etherstorm!
Click the pic to watch the video! (May not play in all areas)
PS - Luckily the mountain of action figures did NOT come crashing down on Artix as he held Daimyo.
1 Year Membership Golden Package Next Week!
The Golden Plate from the original AdventureQuest has long been a player-favorite! Starting next week, when you purchase the 1 Year Golden Membership Package, you'll get the shiniest armor around in addition to some sweet extras (just like the Doom Starter package from a few months ago)!
Remember: AQWorlds membership gets you access to exclusive storylines, quests, gear, and gameplay perks!
Contest Winners Announced Later This Week!
Zhimaira and Beleen are hard at work this week judging the Artix vs Sepulchure/ZOMBIES!!! art contest! We anticipate announcing winners at some point this week. We'll keep you posted!
Mod Hunt Emails Going Out Soon!
This morning Reens said she was veeeeeeeeery close to sending out replies to moderator application emails! If you've already received yours, congratulations! She may still be sending out more in the coming days. We'll announce when all the prospective moderators have been emailed.

June 24, 2011
Summer School
Big Brains, Smarty Pants and Graduation Caps: SURF'S UP?
We've been getting a lot lot of questions about when the Summer Seasonal Shop was returning to Battleon. Sicne Summer has finally arrived here in Earth's Northern Hemisphere we have finally re-opened it!
Inside you will find a number of returning Summer Shop Seasonal Rare favorites like the Battle Swimwear Armors, the Class of 11 Banner, Robe of Knowledge and the Wild Shades.
This year we've added 3 new Seasonal Rare pets. The Graduate Moglin, Smartypants Pony and the vastly overpriced (at 2 MILLION GOLD) Evil Professor Dolfo... the worlds only evil super-genius dolphin.
But that's not all. We have also added 2 new Seasonal Rare Helms. The non-member Sleeping Tiki Head and the member-only Awoken Tiki Head!
We have also added 5 new RARE weapons to the shop that ARE NOT seasonal rares. Presenting the 2011 Limited Edition AE Surfboard collection!
Each of these RARE Surfboard weapons costs 350 AdventureCoins and WILL NOT be returning next year... or ever again. If people like them, we will do another series for the 2012 Summer Shop but you will never see the 2011 series ever again once the Summer Shop leaves Battleon!
Now that you have obtained your Necropolis Student ID from the Tower of Necromancy (you don't need to complete the tower, just do the quests at the bottom) you are able to continue your investigation into Vordreds Light-proof evilness inside the Necropolis.
This highly esteemed institute of higher learning has been churning out necromancers as well as hordes of undead for centuries and NOW... YOU CAN ATTEND CLASSES!
In fact you'll need to attend classes to find the answers to the questions of Vordred's origin and possible ways to stop him, but i promise you... there are more secrets in DoomWood than anyone knows what to do with.
Visit each classroom and complete your courseload to find out more!
A big congratulations to Titan, Nightwraith, Charfade and the rest of the EpicDuel team for concluding EpicDuel's Gamma stage and moving on to Delta!
As Cinderella pointed out in her Design Notes, Delta means “change” or “evolution” or “the fourth in a series”- which all describe the way EpicDuel is coming into its own. It’s really incredible to see such a small team make such great strides, and we’d like to invite you to join us and the EpicDuel team on June 29, 2011 (what time? When it’s ready o’clock... just like everything else in AE) to experience a new and improved EpicDuel!
Some of the key features include: 3 NEW Class Evolutions- the Tactical Mercenary, Blood Mage, and Cyber Hunter- a revamp of Fortune City, new characters like the cruel and calculating Alydriah Descarl, the fierce Imperial Tech Mage, and improved versions of some of the original NPCs. Plus, EpicDuel is adding a new mode supporting 2vs1 Boss Fights! When Delta launches you’ll be able to select a friend as your ally and battle against bigger and more powerful bosses than ever before! Can you form a team to defeat these monstrosities?
Finally, EpicDuel is introducing the unique and powerful new Delta Destroyer Sword for players that support the movement by purchasing an Epic Varium package on or after the 29th! Plus, everyone who plays during the Delta phase will be have the opportunity to pick up the exclusive Delta Knight achievement for FREE from any achievement vendor.
Don't miss out on this Epic event! Join us June 29, 2011 for the evolution!
A big congratulations to Titan, Nightwraith, Charfade and the rest of the EpicDuel team for concluding EpicDuel's Gamma stage and moving on to Delta! As Cinderella pointed out in her Design Notes, Delta means “change” or “evolution” or “the fourth in a series”- which all describe the way EpicDuel is coming into its own. It’s really incredible to see such a small team make such great strides, and we’d like to invite you to join us and the EpicDuel team on June 29, 2011 (what time? When it’s ready o’clock... just like everything else in AE) to experience a new and improved EpicDuel!
Some of the key features include: 3 NEW Class Evolutions- the Tactical Mercenary, Blood Mage, and Cyber Hunter- a revamp of Fortune City, new characters like the cruel and calculating Alydriah Descarl, the fierce Imperial Tech Mage, and improved versions of some of the original NPCs. Plus, EpicDuel is adding a new mode supporting 2vs1 Boss Fights! When Delta launches you’ll be able to select a friend as your ally and battle against bigger and more powerful bosses than ever before! Can you form a team to defeat these monstrosities?
Finally, EpicDuel is introducing the unique and powerful new Delta Destroyer Sword for players that support the movement by purchasing an Epic Varium package! Plus, everyone who plays during the Delta phase will be have the opportunity to pick up the exclusive Delta Knight achievement for FREE from any achievement vendor.
Don't miss out on this Epic event! Join us June 29, 2011 for the evolution!