Design Notes

September 10, 2014
Breaking News: World Shatters Dungeon Crawl
New Releases Happening this Friday, September 12
Who has time to wait for the weekly newsletter in their inboxes anymore? I say... to the victor goes the spoilers!
Survive the Apocalypse
The Queen of Monsters has been freed—now the world has fallen into complete havoc!
- Prepare for travel to a new land
- Hunt down the Queen’s Titans
- Dungeon crawl to the Hall of LoreMasters
- Buff defenses & beat back new monsters
Mountains are falling… seas are rising… and no one knows what will become of the world this Friday at sundown!
Dage's Collaboration Shop
Dage knows a thing or two about being Evil and he's teaming up with other AQW artists to prove it!
- Dage x Laken Fallen Shaman Warrior armor and helms
- Dage x Blade Lycan Shadowstalker armor and helms
- Dage's Deep Terror Blade: unlocks exclusive gear in Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Dage may be the Undead Lord, but he certainly knows how to take care of his loyal friends and followers. If you haven't declared your allegiance to him, now is the time!
Win $100 with Rixty!
Score the motherload of all pirate treasures with this exclusive Rixty promo!
- Use Rixty to Upgrade and/or buy ACs
- Exclusive Item: Rixty Render Cutlass for Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Automatically entered to win $100
Be sure to read more to see all the details, and best of luck to you!
Soon: Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Ahoy matey! Quibble be settin’ sail to Battleon next week, and bringin' his Naval Commander CLASS, yarrrr!
- DoomKnight Naval Commander
- Golden Naval Commander
- ArchFiend Pirate Captain
- ‘nd more!
Quibble be havin’ somethin’ fer sea dogs ‘nd landlubbers alike, so make sure ye be ‘round next Friday, September 19, fer ye best Talk Like a Pirate Day event!

August 05, 2013
Marvelous Monday Meeting!
Get a head start on the week and discover all the exciting (and chaotic) things arriving this weekend.
Happy Monday! Usually Mondays are the most dreaded day of the week—unless you play AdventureQuest Worlds, because Mondays are full of surprises and spoilers on the Design Notes!
Allow me to make your Monday memorable by delivering your daily dose of sneak peeks. Let’s begin!
Tuesday’s Featured Artist Shop
Tomorrow is another Featured Artist Showcase Shop! We have seen the stunning skills of J6, Solrac, Aranx, Tyronius, Diozz, Beleen, Aegis, Dage, Jemini, Nulgath, Mido, Hizu, Memet, and Vokun!
And this week, the entire (AQ)world will get to enjoy the artistic talents of Ven du Violetmist! Ven, who hails from the mysterious lands of Leviasea, has crafted beautifully ornate—and devastating—items for her Featured Artist Shop.
Since I have NO IDEA where Leviasea is, Ven has agreed to meet me for a cup of coffee so I can learn more about her and hometown of Leviasea. Oh and of course snag some sweet photos of Ven’s showcased items. How exciting!
Quibble is on his Way
Everyone loves Quibble Coinbiter. He’s your friendly traveling sales moglin who always has the BEST and RAREST items in his magical treasure chest. And he’s headed to Battleon this Friday evening!
Sure, Quibble brings sweet loot for a price, but he also brings priceless knowledge about the next Chaos Lord. And speaking of Chaos…
The Chaos War Ensues Friday!
A famous warrior by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies.”
As we gear up for the beginning of the 12th Chaos Lord, the Chaos War returns. Drakath is sending his minions across the world, stirring up trouble and lending a hand when trouble becomes too much for people.
Heed Napoleon Bonapart’s words and storm headstrong into the Chaos War. Chaos ensues Friday at sundown!
And now, heed my words and return to battle in your favorite online adventure game AdventureQuest Worlds!
xoxo Beleen =D

July 08, 2013
Week at a Glance
Spoiler Showdown!
Happy Monday everyone! Did you enjoy the weekend? Let’s recap in case you missed Friday’s brand-new fun in your favorite online adventure game!
- 2 new weapons in Diozz’s Artist Shop
- Trigoras Challenge Fight
- Legion Soul Cleaver Class
- Exalted Soul Cleaver Class
- Cysero’s crazy Quests in BattleonTown
- Ducky Rubber Armor Set
- Living Yogurt Warrior Armor Set
- Mad Magic Mana Walker Armor Set
- Glowing Socks
- Trigoras Slayer gear
We have a bunch of awesome stuff coming this week, too!
Ermahgerd! A Meme Moglin Shop! And it’s arriving Tuesday afternoon! DO WANT!
We normally slot our Tuesdays for Featured Artists, but this week we’re changing things up a bit. I mean, what could be more epic than Meme Moglins, anyway?
Get your Robot On in Diozz’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop from the main menu! And then tomorrow we will release the Meme Moglin Shop in its place.
Sure, Friday is like 5 days away, but it’s never too early to get a head start!
- Continue Dage’s Scorn saga
- Meet Charon the Underworld Ferryman
- Travel down the River Acheron
- Traverse the Great Marsh of Styx
- Encounter infamous Underworld Beasts
- Collect unnerving Underworld loot
- Unlock the gates leading to Dage’s Palace
- Shadowfire Emissary
- Complete Armor Set
- Get with 1 month Membership package
- New hair styles
- Bev in Battleon is ready to give you a new ‘do
- Staff testing of Guilds Phase II
- U NO CAN HAZ…yet
- Only for AE Staff Members
- Public Testing coming soon-ish…unless we break Yorumi’s code when we test out Guilds!
There you have it! Now I must begin work on this week’s release!
xoxo Beleen

March 01, 2013
While Dage Slumbers…
Sneak Peek at more Undead Legion goodies!
I snuck into the Secret Underground Lab early this morning to snag these spoiler screenshots just for you!
Dage’s birthday release launches tonight! You should probably stock up on some AdventureCoins if you hope to obtain legendary Legion loot—and MUCH more to come!

February 23, 2011
The Cave of Wanders
Sneak-Peek at this week’s release!
It’s Wednesday already?! Geesh, time flies when you’re having pun!
Oh wow… that was pretty bad. My apologies! Let me make it up to you by giving ya a sneak-peek at Friday’s release!
So we last left off with you and Zhoom capturing the immortal god-king Sek-Duat.
Sek-Duat says that the only way to defeat a Djinn is with another Djinn. And luckily for him, he knows where to find one (I still say we should have handed him over to Zahart but NONONO, I wasn’t the one who wrote the cutscene, hahaha). This Friday, Sek-Duat will lead you and Zhoom to the magical Cave of Wanders where a supposed Djinn resides.
Thought it was difficult navigating through the Pyramids? Just wait until you try to find your way through these caves. Each door leads to a different passageway that will most likely get you lost. It IS called the Cave of Wanders for a reason =D
Sek-Duat says that a magical lamp is hidden in the deepest cavern within the cave. What’s so magical about this lamp, anyway? Energy-efficient light bulb? Made from amber? Houses a Djinn? I don’t know… but we will find out Friday!
We will also uncover new items! Here’s a sneaky-peeky of some new Sandsea gear to get you all hyped up. We’ve researched Hindu mythology and are incorporating this art style into new weapons, armors, and the monsters that will be seen within the Cave of Wanders.
And lookie what Lodarazs made!
It’s a beautiful lotus spider! But heads up: it’s a monster. AND a spider. And those two attributes together make it a MONSTER SPIDER! Ewwewweww kill eett kill eeet kill eeet!
I don’t like spiders. But that one is so lovely I might have to make a one-time exception. Maybe I’ll even have one as an in-game Pet... hmm… ^_____^

January 27, 2011
Hey…hey… look what I have for you!
*shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* No one knows this yet… but I snagged a spoiler screenie of a few of the items from the Ctrl+Alt+Del Event tomorrow!
And that’s not even ALL of them! YES I’m serious!! Click that pic if you wanna see a bigger size so you don’t have to squint to see =D
Okay… I better get back to work before Artix, Cysero, or anyone else sees that I’m giving out even more spoilers ^____^

January 04, 2011
Sneak Peek at the 1st Release of 2011
Arm they pink-protective eyewear and get ready for a massive spoiler regarding Lore’s newest zone, Player Suggestion Shop update, brand-new NPCs, and the fabled discovery of Bupers Camel.
Yesterday was the first Monday of the first week of the first month of the new year. Artix, Cysero, Safiria, Zhoom, Minimal, and I journeyed into the War Room for a little brainstorming session about this week’s release… and that somehow evolved into a 4 and a half hour discussion regarding the amazing new future for AQWorlds! Omgomgomgomg =D
I can’t really tell you what we have in store for you… but keep in mind that it’s HUGE. We know how much you love AQWorlds – and you know how much we love making AQWorlds for you! We listened to your comments and concerns and have come up with many ways to improve your favorite MMO in 2011. Many, many, many, many, many, many, *deep breath* many, many, many, many, many ways!
But let’s not focus on that just yet. There’s still another 361 days left to discuss our new plans. We’ve got a massive NEW release arriving in just a couple of days that I’m sure you wanna get the low-down on. Bring on the spoilers!
The Sandsea
This week you will travel to Lore’s seemingly endless desert known as the Sandsea. DragonFable heroes should be familiar with this parched paradise full of palm trees, sand dunes, and desert monsters surrounding a prosperous oasis city.
Recently, a very unnatural sandstorm has blown across the Sandsea and revealed that the oasis community was just the center of a much larger town… once devoured by the sands and forgotten by the people. Here you will meet Zhoom the Ranger (and full-time programmer) along with many other oasis inhabitants.
A Bazaar of new NPCs, Shops, Items and Monsters
Much like the thriving cities of Arcangrove and Mythsong Canyon, the oasis town features many NPCs and Item Vendors. Zhoom is the main NPC and Reputation guy offering you all sorts of necessary Sandsea armors, weapons, and various gear. The town also has a Barber with new hairstyles, a House Item Vendor, a Pet Shop owner, and an Innkeeper who sells consumable food!
Oh yeah, you heard read correctly. Consumable food. Food and drinks you can actually EAT to give you all sorts of different buffs! These will act just like the equipable Scrolls and Potions… but comes in delicious food form! Mmmmmmmmmmm tasty!
There are also two new baddies making the scene. Since the oasis is just about the only source of fresh water and vegetation in the Sandsea, exploding Cactus Creepers and Bupers Camels have made their way to this desert sanctuary.
…Bupers Camel?
Ah yes, the legendary Bupers Camel. No one knows exactly what a Bupers Camel looks like… or even what it is for that matter… but it’s revealing itself this Friday for the first time ever.
Here’s how Bupers Camel came about, quoted from Cysero himself:
“I was showing Warlic the Google voice recognition app. You just say what you want to search for and it googles it for you. I played with it quite a bit and it did really well but Warlic held the phone to his head and said "Dissertations on Bruce Campbell" and what came back was "Dissertations Bupers Camel". I don't know what a Bupers Camel is but I think we're going to have to add it as a monster when we add The Sandsea to AQW.”
Currently, Bupers Camel is a mythical beast that has been used in newbie trickery. Veteran heroes convince new players that catching a Bupers Camel in Greenguard Forest will grant them Mod Status.
Psh, that doesn’t even look like a Mod. At all. Where’s the gold name?
Please note that a Bupers Camels does not look like that. Or wait...maybe it does? I don’t know, I’ve never seen one myself. Gatta love our creative players out there -- thanks Loki Bloodstone!
Who will be the first to capture a screenie of the Bupers Camel in its natural habitat? Prt Sc! Prt Sc!
Player Suggestion Shop
Because releasing a whole new zone with all the amenities isn’t enough, we are even expanding the Player Suggestion Shop in Yulgar’s Inn. There are already 40+ masterpieces in this shop created by your fellow players… and we will be adding a whole lot more Friday!
You never know if your idea will be put in game… but there is only one way to find out! Head to the forums and submit your awesome weapon, armor, or helm, cape, or pet idea!
Before I leave…
A quick reminder! This is the last week to get Quibble’s Items and all of the items from the Big Red Bag and Tinsel’s quests! Quibble and the rest will be leaving town this Friday, January 7th, so make sure you pay them a visit before then.
Give your eyes a rest now. You deserve it =3

December 02, 2010
To the victor go the Spoilers
Sneak Peek at Friday’s Release!
A few days ago, Cysero posted a little teaser at what was coming in this week’s release. And I say “little,” I really mean it—he wrote like three sentences.
Pffffft, what kind of a spoiler is THAT?
Now that my Finals are over (yaaay!), I can dedicate my time to filling you all in on what’s going to happen tomorrow night. If you want it to be a surprise, I suggest hitting the Back button as fast as you can as to not catch a glimpse of tomorrow’s totally cool release.
And yes, ‘cool’ is a pun—you caught me!
Nythera and the Frozen Northlands
If you are up to speed on the Frozen Northlands chain, then you will recall helping Nythera take down that cold-hearted Ice Queen Aisha. Here’s a quick little summary to refresh your memory:
Rooooaaar! Nythera uses Chaos Gemerald to transform into crazy dragon!
But then… oh no!
Don’t do it Nythera! It’s Chaos! It’s not worth it!
And theeeeeen……
If you haven’t already witnessed this for yourself in game, and if you haven’t already played through Old King Coal’s quests (which come directly after defeating Queen Aisha), you will NEED TO do so in order to play through tomorrow’s release. That poor King has been sick for awhile now…
Anyway! Tomorrow (and right now, since this IS a spoiler) you will discover that Nythera has vanished! Adak Amaroq, the Guwio Village Messenger, has traced her footprints and found them leading into the uncharted Northlands Forest.
So much snow falls here that no one has ever been able to find a straight path through. And we mean NO ONE. Not even the Mods know the “correct” path, because there is NO correct path.
It’s just like getting lost somewhere in real life. No matter which direction you choose, you never seem to end up where you just were. I ended up upside down once. Don’t know how that happened….
So bundle up in something warm, because in order to “find your way out,” you will have to get lost!
Since Nythera has meddled with Chaos, you will have to collect Chaos Crystals in order to forge some sort of Chaos Positioning Spell… like a GPS, only more magical (and one that doesn’t tell you a million times to make a U-turn if you miss the path you were supposed to turn down). There are 10 Crystals hidden throughout this snowy terrain that you will have to find and collect, and then take them to George Forge-man in Guwio Village so he can do his thing with them.
Only when you have the Chaos Positioning Spell (the C.P.S.) will you be able to find out where Nythera is hiding!
Well what happens when we find Nythera?!
AH HA! That, my friend, is a surprise! I can’t give you all the juicy details because… well… when you do play through tomorrows release, and get to the end, you are going to be sooooo incredibly surprised and excited that whatever is within the vicinity of your computer may be knocked over from your flailing cheering arms.
But here’s a little hint to leave you off on: DragonFable players are going to scream with anticipation!

September 23, 2010
Rares Arrrrr Goin’ Rare, Matey!
Quibble leaves Tomorrow, along with his 33 Rare Item Collection
Is it just me, or has this past week just flown by? Who gave Time a +15 Agility Buff? (and why haven’t I gotten a buff like that in real life? I need to have a word with the Time Travel Faeries… and the coffee maker…)
Since Friday is a day away, I should let you all know that Quibble is leaving tomorrow! Yes, the 15 Arcangrove-inspired items in his shop will vanish come sundown Friday along with those 16 awesome Talk Like A Pirate Day armors, captain hats, bandanas, and back items (+2 House Items!). So if you haven’t already plundered Quibble’s shop, now is your last chance!
Sure, you can wait another 361 days for the next TLAPD, but no one can say if those Rare items in Quibble’s shop will ever resurface. So your best bet is to do some last-minute AdventureCoin shopping in order to get your hands on the savviest loot in all the seven seas! And remember, you can store as many AC items you want in your bank for free and forever! Yaaaaar, it be true!
You can also earn AdventureCoins through 3rd Party Offers, ya know! And if you haven’t already (or just forgot about it), downloading the AQW Battle Bar allows you to earn ACs for each valid search you type in! I use mine every day. Not just for searching, the Battle Bar provides instant access to the Design Notes, Home Page, and Character Page! It’s pretty convenient AND earns me AdventureCoins! Sweet.
Arcangrove Part 4: The Ruins of Great Gilead
Finally you get a sneak-peek at what we have planned out for this week’s release! You are going to want to make sure that you have completed all the quests in Arcangrove, The Cloister, Mudluk Village, and The Natatorium so that you can journey to the magical city of the Great Gilead.
The Great Gilead was once thriving city of great magical achievement, but due to a terrible magical accident, it lies in ruins, deserted for more than a thousand years. It is now a place of study and quiet meditation for the spirit speaking Shamans. You must seek out Master Shaman Umbra in the Ruins if you hope to obtain the next piece of the Supreme Arcane Staff: the Wrap of Gilead.
Just a few Great Gilead weapons
You and your friends will embark on quests that will enlighten you on the Four Elementals of Lore: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Only when you have a deep understanding of these elements will you be able to confront the Guardian of the Gilead Wrap. Oh, and there will be an all-new puzzle that needs solving before you can take out the Great Gilead’s Boss!
I cannot wait for tomorrow! Which is going to come much sooner rather than later with that new agility buff applied to it. Someone give Time a speeding ticket, will ya? Thx!

September 14, 2010
Tuesday PINK Alert!
TLAPD, Arcangrove expanding, and Calendar Project Spoilers below!
Avast me hearties! The day be Tues, and tis be the hour to plunder AQW’s secrets makin’ landfall this Friday.
For starters (in case you haven’t already guessed): Talk Like a Pirate Day! YAAAAAAAR! I know you’re excited. TRUST ME —we are all excited! Last year, TLAPD was a huge hit both in game and here at the Lab. Arrrrrrrtix and I dressed up as pirates IRL as thousands of our friends equipped their costumes in game. I know I’m dressing up again. Maybe I’ll bring a pie with me. So I can be a pierate ^___^
Quibble Coinbiter will offer brand-new TLAPD swag for you and your hearties on Friday. All the original loot from last year, including the house, are not coming back this year. They are Quibble items so they might come back someday… but that day isn’t Friday.
You like our new booty?
Here is just a sneaky-peaky at a *few* new TLAPD items. A lot of female players complained that last year's female version of the Pirate Captain showed too much skin. Cysero took that very literally. This year's Cursed Pirate Captain has no skin whatsoever!
You’re ganna want to stock-up on some AdventureCoins if you wanna showoff the best TLAPD booty. Remember, you can store an unlimited amount of AC items in your bank for free and forever! It’s like the best way to build that rare item collection of yours =D
The Natatorium
Pirates are natural born swimmers. …I think? Well I hope. The newest zone of Arcangrove will send you underwater to the home of freshwater merpeople: The Natatorium! The Natatorium is an ancient meeting place for various forms of merpeople, which has recently come under attack by Ledgermayne's forces.
Undersea Under siege
You will meet Nisse, the Mermaid Sage, and help her take out vicious Angler Fish, Armored Merpeople, and a new wicked boss that everyone here at the Lab is dying to see! I don’t want to spoil that last part… not yet, at least… so you will just have to wait patiently like the rest of us! Until we see it for ourselves. And then maybe we’ll share =D
Calendar Announcement(s)!
Have you heard anything about the Artix Entertainment 2011 Wall Calendar?! Um well now you have! We are actually making an actual calendar featuring the female NPCS from AE, beautifully set against backgrounds reflecting each month’s theme! Check it out.
Ai No Miko posing for March!
Mido, our newest graphic design artist, is hard at work on the calendar. He is EVEN designing a new rendition of Beleen… and I cannot WAIT to see myself in a whole new art style!
Significant dates (aka the most awesome ones) from AE's history and the games (big events, beta and alpha dates, AE holidays, etc) are marked on this calendar so that you'll know just when to make time to play the Mogloween event, or to check out Frostval or Hero's Heart Day! …or TLAPD!
You can get the calendar from HeroMart once Mido finishes it. And also when HeroMart is online... Heh… OH AND! And there will also be an in-game item that comes with the calendars, unlocking something not-yet-decided in every game! Any ideas?
So let’s make this DN post even longer by listing the following month/NPC pairs! YAY!
January: Fae *
February: Beleen
March: Ai No Miko
April: Geopetal
May: Jemini
June: Faith
July: Nythera
August: Reens
September: Alina
October: Safiria
November: Oishii
December: Aisha
Your fellow player by the name of ChainSword is even making a fan-made calendar that will be included on the Portal site once it's done! ChainSword and his friends have already gathered all the information they need and have moved on to the art-gathering stage.
They would really like to showcase fan-made art in the calendar, and for that they need YOUR help! They've got themes for each of the months, but would also like to see any free-themed AE-based art for possible inclusion in the calendar. If you'd like to submit your talented work (or to read the guidelines for submission) please give this underlined hyperlink a click!
We could never do ANYTHING like this without your time, effort, and support. New ideas like this are amazing, and for that we have you to thank! So head on over to the forums and see what masterpieces have been made and come up with some of your own!
If these design notes are any indication of the crazy week ahead…. we are going to need more coffee.
* Wait… who is Fae? Am I missing something here?

August 16, 2010
You survived my Pink Army…
…now try to survive my DN post!
Friday the 13th has passed… but the PINK nightmare is still a reality! Don’t believe me? …uhhh have you seen the length of this post? Well you soon will if you haven’t already scrolled down a bit…
Alright, let’s get right to it. Last Friday… if you missed it by some horrendously unlucky reason… we shared the BIGGEST, BESTEST, and CRAZIEST event to date with over 34,000 of our closest friends! That’s right; since the dawning of AQWorlds, we have NEVER had a higher turnout of players! Thanks for helping make history with us!
With so much awesome going on in game… we had a crazy thing happen over here at the Lab. This was where the “bad luck” of Friday the 13th came into play (hehee, get it, cuz it’s a game that we all play…uhh…). We have had our servers crash before while hosting these crazy Events… but ummmm last Friday, we sorta brought down the ENTIRE gaming network. Ahaha, WHOOPS! If you were online around 8pm EST on Friday, then you might have noticed not only AQW going offline… but also DragonFable, MechQuest, EpicDuel, and the original AQ.
Needless to say… that was pretty epic.
A few minutes later, we got all the serves up and running again, and the entire Lab was filled with /cheers of over-caffeinated joy for managing to release this Event without any other mishaps.
…or so we thought.
Achievements & J6’s Invisible Items that are no longer invisible
Friday the 13th Achievement Badges have been given to those of you who have traveled to Ranger Lowe’s campsite. If you have been around for previous Friday the 13th Events, then your badge is already on your Character Page. Friday the 13th Achievement Badge can be obtained until this Friday, August 20th, so if you don’t have yours yet… get it before it’s too late… or wait until another Friday the 13th rolls back around!
The Stubborn Achievement was supposed to be set to “100 times”, not 10… and from here on out, the achievement has been changed accordingly. So if you were one of the few to get the badge after only 10 times… Gratz! And if you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about… ask a fellow “stubborn” player!
And for some strange reason… the 5 RARE weapons that J6 made somehow vanished from the AC Event Shop. We have no idea where they went to, but it is confirmed that they are now back in the shop, ready for purchase. Speaking of items… the Rare Friday the 13th Items will be taken out this upcoming Friday, so make sure you get all the Rares you can while you still can!
Spoiler Alert!
Since this post isn’t nearly long enough, let’s get into some juicy details in this week’s upcoming release! We are finally ready to journey to the magical realm of Arcangrove. Arcangrove has always been a powerful place, home to ancient magi who built their renowned tower on its land. The Arcangrove Tower has become the center for all magical research and study in all the lands surrounding Battleon.
But as of late… something has gone horribly amiss with the magical energies. What started as a small quiver in their power has become an outright earthquake. The magi are losing their handle on the forces of nature and the power of magic itself. Unless something is done soon… it could mean the end of all magic on Lore. (Lim pipes in with: SCIENCE!)
Things to possibly watch out for while making your journey through Arcangrove:
- Seed Spitters—big, bad carnivorous plants that attack with a barrage of bullet seeds
- Gorillaphant—half gorilla half elephant hybrid, first discovered in DragonFable
- Magical Pet companions
- Battlemage Armor (idk if I was supposed to keep that secret?)
- An assortment of Staves and Swords embedded with magic energies
- And Chaos Lord… oh no no no wait, I’m not giving THAT sort of info out just yet >:D
Since it is Monday, I can’t surprise you with any spoiler pics. Why? Well the week only just begun, and even though our artists are super amazing… no one can work that fast, not even with a +20 agility boost.
OH but wait, there’s more! Due to popular request, the Player Suggestion Shop will be receiving a bunch of new items suggested by you and your fellow adventurers. We have so many great, talented artists out there that it was hard to narrow down our selection.
If your item gets selected and put in game… congratulations! But if not, then don’t give up! There are so many amazing ideas out there and we just don’t have the willpower to make them all. So keep on tryin’ and maybe one day you’ll see your beloved masterpiece in game!
My DerpFish made it in, after all. LOL!
So is that it? Probably not. But once Artix sees this post of mine… can you say Chainsaw Eyes, maybe? YIKES!