Design Notes
June 18, 2015
AQWeekly Newsletter: June 19 2015
New layout. New adventures. New story written by Artix!
Hi! You’ve got mail!
Click to read this week’s brand new newsletter—not only was it personally created by Artix himself, but Artix also wrote this week’s new game release: Ebil DreadSpace. AQW’s summer event starts off with a blast… off into space!

July 30, 2013
Feelin’ So Fly
Vote for J6!
Everyone’s favorite bounty hunter and AQWorlds Artist, J6, needs YOUR help going to Space!
All you have to do is click the above picture to be taken to the Voting Page. Then, click the green VOTE button on that page and help J6 get one small step closer to making a giant leap into Space Travel!
Today’s Featured Artist
It’s Tuesday! And that means it’s time for another Featured Artist Showcase Shop!
Later this afternoon, J6’s Showcase Shop will appear in the Game Menu, featuring a treasure chest of Chess items!
White Bishop
Black Bishop
White Knight
Black Knight
White Pawn
Black Pawn
White Rook
Black Rook
White Royalty--Legends only!
Black Royalty--Legends only!
White Bishop Hat
Black Bishop Hat
White Knight Helm
Black Knight Helm
White Pawn Halfhelm
Black Pawn Halfhelm
White Rook Great Helm
Black Rook Great Helm
White Tiara--Legends Only!
White Crown--Legends Only
Black Crown--Legends only
Back Tiara--Legends only
All of these items are permanent additions, because on Friday, you and your royal army can play Enchanted Chess inside the Wizard University!
The 411 on J6
Every bounty hunter has to start somewhere, and for J6, it all began in 2004. J6 worked on the original AdventureQuest doing everything from backgrounds to items to monsters and animation. As the company leveled up, so did J6, moving from game to game as they were being created. But this bounty hunter’s true calling became background art, creating beautiful scenery that filled computer monitors worldwide(web) with breathtaking landscapes.
J6 has virtually made every AdventureQuest Worlds background and still (somehow) finds time to create weapons, helms, and armors alongside his beautiful wife Cinazool. Like most bounty hunters, J6 works on board his starship far, far away in the fabled lands of Canada, but wishes to work in the Secret Underground Lab with the rest of the Artix Entertainment team. Unfortunately, the Lab cannot accommodate for starships… only dragons. (But with your help, we might be able to send J6 into space on a real starship!)
J6 wishes to share a quote that would help inspire future artists and intrepid bounty hunters. After a successful mercenary mission, J6 was awarded with this quote from Scott Adams: "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."
Give a shout out to J6 on his Twitter!
J6’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop launches later this afternoon. Stay tuned to my Twitter for more details, and stay epic my heroes!
xoxo Beleen

August 25, 2013
Send J6 Into Space
Help Send him there in Real Life!
J6 the Bountyhunter gets to travel through galaxies on a mysterious mission. In real life, J6 the Lead Artist creates art on the ground ... but is always looking up to the sky for inspiration!
He has worked on EVERY game Artix Entertainment has made; working together, we can make his dream come true!
Where to Vote for J6?
Click this link: Vote for J6! You'll need to click the green "Vote" button, sign into your Facebook account, then submit your vote for AQW's favorite Bountyhunter/artist! You can only vote once per Facebook account, so let your friends know, too!
Why does he want to go into space?
"Art is all about breaking boundaries; traveling into space would let me create and inspire a new generation with a first-person view of the universe!"
Winning this contest would send him to a training camp where he would have the chance to fly into space with an international crew. This is not a joke contest; the last time he tried, he got the most votes, but the number of votes didn't matter. This time it does! Help to send our Bountyhunter up where he belongs: among the stars!
If we all vote together, we have the power to send an artist up into space! Will you help us?
Plus, if he gets there AND makes an epic item when he returns, we would be the first videogame company to have an item drawn by an artist in space!

March 15, 2012
The Astronaut & The Leprechaun
Let's Get Rid Of J6
At least for a while. The Metro news group and SXC (Space Expedition Curacao) are currently running a contest and the winner will win a trip to SPACE!
We all want to send J6 where he belongs and if they let him bring a pencil we've asked him to do a drawing for us while he's up there. He would be the first video game developer to go into space and when he gets back we could give everyone this item that he creates while floating above the Earth!
We're asking EVERYONE to help and it's really easy.
- Click on THIS LINK.
- Click the little VOTE BUTTON that looks like this.
That's it! Right now it appears that he is in 2nd place (you can check how well "Send J6 Where He Belongs" is going right HERE). Feel free to post this on your FaceBook and Twitter and tell everyone that you know.
NOTE: You can vote once PER DAY so be sure to vote for him every day until the voting is closed!
I want to emphasize that this is NOT an in-game event. If we pull this off, it will happen IN REAL LIFE! The actual Lead Artist for AQW will be actually going into actual space!
Together, we can lift J6 up amongst the stars.
For around an hour.
Lucky Day arrives this weekend and the Shamrock Fair will be in town. The fair will have all the fun fair games and seasonal rares from last year plus a few new rares this year. We are also adding the new Evolved Leprechaun Class to the game.
Before I get into the skills, let me answer a few questions that are being asked about this class.
- Will this class be rare? It will be a SEASONAL RARE (but with no tag) so it will return every year, much like the Evolved Clawsuit Class.
- Do I have to have the original Leprechaun Class to get this class? No. For those of you who DID grab the original class back in 2009, it will make getting the new class much simpler but it's isn't necessary.
- How will I get the class? There are three ways that you will be able to get the class...
- You will be able to purchase the class for ACs from Mog O'Rahilly in the Shamrock Fair or from Itzachi in Battleon, but only until the Shamrock Fair closes.
- You will be able to EARN it with a combination of Golden Tickets earned from Fair games and some farming quests which Mog O'Rahilly will give you. It won't be easy but if you're dedicated then you will be able to earn the class before the Fair closes.
- If you already have the original Leprechaun class from back in 2009, you will be able to earn it much faster using special quests designed just for you long time players, rare collectors and class fans. Don't worry, the original will only unlock these easier farming quests for you... you will NOT have to trade in your original Leppy.
- You will be able to purchase the class for ACs from Mog O'Rahilly in the Shamrock Fair or from Itzachi in Battleon, but only until the Shamrock Fair closes.
- What do I need to do to earn the class? If you want to earn the class, it should be fairly simple compared to the reputation classes but still pretty challenging to do before the Shamrock Fair closes. (it will be up until April 16th, more than a month from Friday)
You will need 2000 Golden Tickets from fair games, 20 Rainbow Shards and 12 Lucky Clovers. the Shards and Clovers you will earn from farming quests that Mog O'Rahilly gives.
You will be able to earn the Tickets and Shards as quickly as you want but the Lucky Clovers you will only be able to earn by doing daily quests. Most people will be able to earn 1 a day but people with the original Leprechaun will earn 3 a day. They will also be able to earn the Shards at a much faster rate.
Remember that ANYONE can earn tickets twice as fast by buying the Lucky hat from the sprites outside the fair.
Now, let's talk about this new and improved Leprechaun.
The class will be using the Evolved Leprechaun Armor art because... duh.
Again, we tried something new with this class. First off, it's on a rogue mana regen model which means it gets mana from every hit that connects and every dodge that you pull off. You will also get healed a little if you dodge but you won't be dodging a lot so don't count on that.
This class is specially designed to work with LUCKY Enhancements which I sell from the bathtub in Yulgar's inn. Every point of luck that you have ads more to your critical rating AND your damage modifier
The last thing that you should know about this is that it is DESIGNED to get critical hits often (as someone lucky would do). It has fairly low survivability with no heal and only one solid damage mitigation skill, but it can deal a TON of damage in a very short time. The idea is to do as much damage as you can as fast as you can, before you die.
If you don't want to die, find a healer or get some potions.
It's not great for farming as it has no AoE skills, and it's pretty decent at soloing because of the damage output but it's a beast in PvP. Petrify or no petrify, smart Vindicators will be running from you.
Another really nice thing about this class is, due to the fact that it does large damage consistently, rather than HUGE burst DPS occasionally, it's like a piranha chewing relentlessly through your opponent. And like a piranha, the more of you there are, the more deadly you are.
2 second cooldown
A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.
The idea is to raise your crit and since your AA is your fastest skill, THIS skill will be your damage dealer. Once you add all your Crit buffs, you should see 600, 700, 800, 1200, 700, 800, 1000 floating off your enemies every 2 seconds.
20 mana, 20 second cooldown
Instantly cause 50% weapon damage, also applies Keen to you which increases your Crit Damage by 5% for 12 seconds.
Notice that it is not your Crit CHANCE but your Crit DAMAGE that gets buffed here. That means higher damage crits at your normal rate which should be pretty high if you have Lucky enh slotted.
10 mana, 12 second cooldown
Deals damage based on how much time is left on Keen (less time means more damage) and reduces all incoming damage by 40% for 6 seconds
Here is a nice damage skill, faithful to the original Leprechaun Class design with an added damage mitigation bonus. You will have to decide if you want the higher damage from attacking when Keen is about to wear off or the 40% Damage reduction. In my experience the damage reduction was more worth it by far but when it's your class, it will be your call.
Swing and a miss!
20 mana, 20 second cooldown
Deals moderate damage, Also applies Stalic for 12 seconds which causes all attacks to do 110% damage, increases Crit Chance and Crit Damage by an additional 7% each.
This is where things start to get crazy. Once again you have the ability to increase your Crit Damage but also your chance to crit by 7% each. On top of that, it's a decent attack. When you unlock this skill, the fun really starts.
Rank 4 passives
Increase Haste by 10%
Increase Crit by 10%
Even more crit chance and this one doesn't fade, plus an overall haste buff which you will appreciate as this class has some LONG cooldowns.
30 mana, 40 second cooldown
Increases LUCK stat, haste, dodge, Crit Chance and Crit Damage for 15 seconds.
Once more, calling back to the original Leprechaun Class but with more suitable effects. Remember that this is a LUCK based class which affects Crit chance as well as overall damage so increasing your LUCK serves 2 purposes. On top of that you get ANOTHER boost to Crit chance as well as Crit Damage, an increase to Haste and to Dodge. This is a serious buff.
Rank 10 passive
Rarely, your astounding luck allows you to do QUADRUPLE damage on all crits for 10 seconds.
By now you will be feeling the power of the crit. Now imagine 10 full seconds of 4X crits on top of the fact that you're critting 90% of the time AND already doing extra crit damage if you apply your buffs right!
I think you'll have a LOT of fun with this class. It might make going back to other classes a little dull after seeing all those big, tasty, orange crit numbers flying around. It's also only the second time that we've had a Luck based class in-game but a lot of people really like playing a lucky warrior build for the crits. You people will enjoy this especially.
281 days until Just Another Day