Design Notes
May 23, 2014
Chaotic Lab Time
I Barely Know What's Going On!
Well, I know some stuff. I'm going to put an eye catching promo image about tonight's release here.
Seems like forever since I've gotten to write a Design Notes for you good folks. To clear up a little confusion, I'm still NOT working on AQW, not even filling in for Alina this week. All I've been asked to do is write the Design Notes om Monday and Friday this week, so that is what I'm doing. However, since I get the privilege of writing a Design Notes post then I want it to be useful and informative. With that in mind, here's a release status notification which I will update when the release is released. updated with the release went live.
So, let's talk about the release. If you have been reading the DNs this week then you know that your fellow Player Runester333 was one of the winners of our Player Release Contest.
This hombre has concocted an adventure in a chaorrupted version of the AE Secret Underground Lab, where I currently sit. This release also features a rare shop, a merge shop and more than a few new items dropping off the monsters!
C'mon Cy, you can do better than that. These people want to know prices and tags!
Chaos Lab Rares:
Chaos Portal Cape (Animated, 500 ACs)
Chaorrupted Memet Pet (Legend only, 50000 gold)
Chaos Chinchilla Hat (Everyone, 10000 gold)
Chaos Lab Merge Shop: (requires Crystallized Chaos which drop from the monsters in the area)
Chaotic Battle Hamster (200 Crystallized Chaos + Hamster Pet)
Eye Am Chaos helm (250 Crystallized Chaos)
Chaorrupted Blade of Awe (500 Crystallized Chaos)
Chaos Artix/Beleen (750 Crystallized Chaos)
Chaos Cysero/Alina (750 Crystallized Chaos)
(I assume that the armor will make dudes look like chaos me and female characters get to look like Alina? Maybe?)
Chaos Lab Drops:
Chaotic Server Hamster Pet (5% drop from Chaotic Server Hamster, 10% from Ultra version) - Legend only
Purple Chinchilla Hat (2% drop from Chaorrupted Beleen)
Chaorrupted Light of Destiny (2% drop from Chaorrupted Artix)
Cysero's Chaos Hammer (2% drop from Chaorrupted Cysero)
Purple Potion Pack cape (2% drop from Chaorrupted Alina)
I do hope that you have seeing what we could do with the ideas from one of your fellow players. Enjoy it!
Or else.
We're all big fan of kaiju around here so needless to say that we HAD to make this pet. He's ENORMOUS and he has personal boundary issues.
Dude. Back up a little. Your breath smells like a sleeping bag filled with electrocuted dolphins.
Obviously, this little cutie pie is going rare but I can't get a date out of anyone yet so if you want it, I suggest buying it as soon as you're able. You will be able to buy him from a shop in the Game Menu.
OMGzilla prices:
OMGZilla Pet (Everyone, 2000 ACs)
OMGZilla Battle Pet (Legend Only, 2000 ACs)
Oh but he's not done yet! Both versions of zardface come with SIX quests for his new owner. Each of the quests (which all look pretty tough. Not as tough as I'd make them but still...) give a nice chunk of gold and XP but you also have a chance of getting a SPECIAL QUEST ITEM!
OMGZilla Quest Drops:
Kaiju Slayer Sword (Everyone, 0 AC tagged for storage, 10% quest drop chance)
Kaiju Slayer Staff (Everyone, 0 AC tagged for storage, 10% quest drop chance)
Kaiju Slayer Polearm (Everyone, 0 AC tagged for storage, 10% quest drop chance)
Kaiju Slayer Daggers (Everyone, 0 AC tagged for storage, 10% quest drop chance)
OMGZilla Tail (Everyone, 0 AC tagged for storage, 10% quest drop chance)
OMGZilla Tail & Spikes (Everyone, 0 AC tagged for storage, 10% quest drop chance)
That shop went live in the middle of the week but if you're one of those people who only check in on Friday for the release then you didn't know that. Like I always say, "If I ain't seen it then it's new to me!"
It's a three day weekend for many of here in the United States, so the AQW team has decided to give DOUBLE XP all three days! Have fun and be safe.
On a personal note, Monday is Memorial Day. It's a day when we, as a nation, remember the brave men and women who have fallen in the line of duty. Everyone has their own opinion about how our nation uses its military might but one thing upon which we can all agree is that it takes undeniable courage to risk and lose your life doing what you see as your duty. I'd like to thank all of those who have answered the call to serve and offer my sincere sympathy to those who have lost friends, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers or children in that noble pursuit.

October 19, 2011
Danger at the Lab!
Self Destruct Sequence Initiated
This is an urgent message to all Artix Entertainment personnel. EbilCorp has learned the location of our the secret underground lab. The self destruct sequence has been activated.... we have 3 days before it kabooms. The explosion will be pretty big, so please time your game releases this week so that immediately after you make the release live, we run out and jump with the explosion cinematically exploding behind us. That would look really cool. On Monday, you will all report to our new upgraded base of operations. This is not a drill. The self destruct sequence cannot be stopped. Secret Underground Lab #3's last release will be this Friday.... then, NEXT WEEK, we will be releasing updates for ALL GAMES from our NEW and improved secret base! Below are responsibilities and duties for the evacuation... Battle on!
Galanoth & Faith: Coordinate the move. Mark all of the experimental bio-nueral implants as fragile. (Means made in France, right?)
Alina: Feed the server hamsters
Thyton: Transport the cyborg laser sharks. Remember, Chippy needs his vitamins at 6am, NOT 8am.
Cysero: Keep rocking on the TMBG Part 2 this week... it looks like a really big release! Please remember to add a few level 45 enhancements to go along with that new class!
Korin: Can we use your bag to pack stuff?
Beleen & Yergen: Can you rig the new elavator in lab #4 to play the elevator music from Portal? (I am being dead serious.)
Rolith says, "Um, Artix. Why does the new Secret Underground Lab look like the Guardian Tower? ... and the area around it looks exactly like the town of Battleon in real life.... right down to the fountain!"
Artix replies, "I was wondering when someone was going to notice. Ok... so our new home might be more of a... Secret Above Ground Guardian Stronghold. Do you think we could get that Carrabba's (Itallian restaurant) to change it's name to Yulgar's inn?"