Design Notes
August 13, 2013
Today’s Featured Artist Shop
A Drow who can Draw: Roroth!
Happy Tuesday my heroic heroes and vile villains! It’s time for another AQWorlds Artist to take the spotlight in the Featured Artist Showcase Shop!
Later on this afternoon, Ven du Violetmist will pack up her shop to make room for the Drow Gunslinger, Roroth. Mining materials from all over Lore’s deserts (…and treasure chambers), this Drow outlaw has crafted wild wild western armors, helms, and weapons for courageous cowboys and bold brigands.
Every cowboy and cowgirl needs a trusty steed at his or her side. Forget horses and cattle; get a Blob instead! The bulletproof Blob Cowboy Pet is the perfect companion during any cattle drive… or Chaos Lord showdown.
All of these items—and more!—and arriving in Roroth’s Shop later this afternoon.
Who is Roroth?
Last night, Roroth and I met at the local AdventureBucks Coffee Café and mingled over refreshing frozen coffee drinks called Trobblechinos.
As soon as that Drow Gunslinger was fully caffeinated, Roroth began to tell the tale of his mysterious history…
Beleen: * slurp * Mmmm, my Trobblechino is delicious! So tell a little bit about yourself, Roroth. * slurp*
Roroth: Well Beleen, when I was a low level Drow, I lived and worked with my Drow brethren inside Dwarfhold Mountains. The Drow Kingdom was ruled by King Vath, who, even before he was Chaorrupted, was a ruthless ruler. But when Vath foolishly consumed the powers of Chaos, he forced his entire kingdom to be Chaorrupted as well. The Dwarves fled from their homes while Drow kin accepted their fate due to their loyalty to King Vath.
I, however, refused to be Chaorrupted. Even though I was young and much weaker than the King, I took my family’s relic, the Legion Skull Dagger, and confronted Vath himself.
It was impossible to win a one on one fight against the Chaos Lord. Vath PWNED me. I lost my arm and the Chaos Scar on my face is a result of that battle.
Beleen: WOAH! That’s crazy! So Vath didn’t kill you? Or force you into becoming Charrupted like all the other Drow?
Roroth: Drows are known for being tricky. I pretended to be Chaorrupted. I acted as though I had complete allegiance to King Vath and returned to my Chaorrupted brothers and sisters.
But as soon as the opportunity presented itself, I rallied a team of young Drow who yet to be Charrupted and we ran. Ran far, far away from the Drow Kingdom. We became hunted outlaws as our exhausted feet led us into the blistering Sandsea Desert.
We started our own tribe, consisting of gunslingers, cowboys, and brigands. We freelance our skills and strengths in every town we come across in order to survive… and to pay for AdventureBucks coffee. We may look like Chaorrupted Drows, but our eyes—all of which are blue—prove that we have not fallen to the forces of Chaos.
Beleen: Wowie, Roroth! What a remarkable tale! Your bravery inspires me, and I’m sure it will inspire other heroes as well!
Roroth: Ha, thanks Beleen. And all the items in my Featured Artist Shop will help support my fellow Drows. As outlaws, we could reallt use all the Gold we can get.
Beleen: I will be sure to let everyone know on the Design Notes! * slurp *
In the Real World, Roroth hails from the beautiful lands of Belgium. Roroth has been drawing all his life and loves the fantasy theme found within many video games. At 12, Roroth began playing around in Photoshop and hasn’t stopped making digital art since.
In 2006, Roroth discovered AdventureQuest and fell in love with the classic game. AQ had consumed Roroth so much that he missed the AQWorlds Beta because of it! Seeing all the art inside AQ classic inspired his path down the Artist Alley.
Back in April 2013, Roroth joined the AQW Q&A volunteer team and continued making art for the game (in addition to blowing away the competition in many Art Contests prior!). Even though Roroth has only been an official AQW volunteer for a few months, his artwork has soared into the hearts (and inventory bags) of players just like you. Roroth’s favorite thing about AE is: “All the new stuff! AE is always searching for new things to do or make! New games, HeroMart, DragonCon panels… I love it all!”
And we all love you too, Roroth =D
Check the in-game Game Menu later this afternoon to get your hands on Roroth’s exclusive gunslinger items to help him and his Drow kin rekindle their tribe.
Until then…
Battle ON!
xoxo Beleen