Design Notes
April 01, 2014
April Paymentez Special Offer
Become One with the Forest, Warriors!
Join with the creatures who move stalk the rainforest... learn their secrets and embrace their ways of battle! The Paymentez Forest Warrior tiered package special offer is available from 12:01 AM on April 1st, 2014 through 11:59 pm on April 30th, 2014.
Get ALL the gear with the Intiero Warrior Package!
Here's how to unlock this exclusive gear:
- Buy a 3 month or 5000 AC package with Paymentez to unlock the Verde Forest Warrior armor set
- Buy a 6 month or 12000 AC package with Paymentez to unlock the Intiero Forest Warrior armor sets (get ALL the gear!)
Verde Forest Warrior
The Verde Forest Warrior Package comes with:
- Verde Forest Warrior armor
- Verde Clinger Helm
- Staff of Vines
- Clinging Cape
- Character page badge
The Intiero Forest Warrior Package comes with:
- Verde Forest Warrior armor
- Verde Clinger Helm
- Azul Forest Warrior armor
- Azul Clinger Helm
- Rubro Forest Warrior armor
- Rubro Clinger Helm
- Staff of Vines
- Clinging Cape
- Character page badge
What is Paymentez?
The Paymentez is the leader in Latin America* in virtual goods payments. With Paymentez you can pay for your virtual goods through local means of payment such as credit card, bank transfer, bank, or via your balance PagSeguro & Paid Card Market. Additionally, you can recharge your balance Paymentez cash at over 500,000 outlets and cyber cafes.
* Paymentez only offers their services in Latin America
Where can I find a selling point Paymentez?
Click here and enter the zip code of the area you are in to find the nearest areas where Paymentez is available.

January 31, 2013
Carnaval: One Week Away
The Largest Party in the World… coming to AQWorlds!
A Maior Festa do mundo.... vindo para o AQWorlds!
Hi my friends! Long time no PINK, huh? Well that’s about to change—right now!
Olá amigos! Tanto tempo sem ROSA, huh? Bem isto está mudando a partir de agora!
As you may know, the Carnaval of Brazil begins next Friday, February 8th. This world-renowned party brings in hundreds of thousands of visitors to the festive streets all across Brazil. Carnaval is all about turning fantasy into reality, and just like AQWorlds, you can transform yourself into anything you want here!
Como você já deve saber, o Carnaval do Brasil se inicia na próxima Sexta, dia 8. Esse mundo novo trará centenas de visitantes para as ruas festivas em todo o Brasil. Carnaval é sobre tranformar a fantasia em realidade, e no AQWorlds, você pode se transformar no que quiser aqui!
Carnaval began back in 1641 in Rio de Janeiro. But there has never been a Carnaval in-game event in ANY game… until 2013! Starting next Friday, festoon yourself in beautiful Carnaval costumes and journey to the all-new permanent zone of Terra da Festa! In this magical party land, you will find:
Carnaval se iniciou em 1641 no Rio de Janeiro mas nunca teve um evento de Carnaval em qualquer jogo... até esse ano! Começando próxima sexta, se fantasie com grandes roupas e inicie uma jornada em uma zona nova e (bold)permanente(bold) da Terra da Festa! Nesta terra mágica, você irá encontrar:
- Tons of Items, both Rare and permanent
- Vários itens, ambos Raros e permantentes
- Brazil Mythology Monsters
- Monstros da mitologia Brasileira
- Rio de Janeiro-inspired Map
- Mapa inspirado no Rio de Janeiro
- Day and Nighttime versions of Map
- New NPCs
- Novos NPCs
- Carnaval music
- Músicas de Carnaval
- Cutscenes
- Videos
- Special surprises for Paymentez players
- Surpresas especiais para jogadores que usam Paymentez
- Entire English and Portuguese translation
- Tradução em Inglês e português
- AQW player Tendou no Mazo will be helping us with Carnaval!
WOW! Now that’s A LOT to get your tail-feathers shakin’! And to all our Brazilian friends out there who have experienced Carnaval in real life, we just KNOW you are going to love the Carnaval of Terra da Festa!
WOW! Agora é tudo que você precisa pra entrar na folia! E para todos os nossos amigos brasileiros que vivenciaram o carnaval nós SABEMOS que vocês vão gostar do Carnaval da Terra da Festa!
Stay tuned for more updates while we prepare costumes, characters, floats, and more for the Terra da Festa Carnaval! All the fun begins next week!
Fique ligado pra receber mais atualizações enquanto preparamos roupas, personagems e muito mais para a Terra da Festa do Carnaval! A diversão começa próxima semana!
Festa On!

August 12, 2011
Bloodtusk Ravine: Horcs/Trolls
An uneasy peace holds... but for how long?
In Bloodtusk Ravine, two races live in one place, separated only by a narrow gorge... and centuries of distrust. Enter a land of deceptive beauty and imminent violence, the air thick with tension and the smell of unshed blood.
Your services are sorely needed, Hero, by both the Horcs and the Trolls... because Chaos is rising, and will soon consume this shared land!
Superior warriors, steadfast and stalwart, do not underestimate the Horcs: their speech may be simple, but their minds are quick and their hearts are true, both to their tribe and the earth which sustains them.
Discover the Horcs of K'thurr; get to know them and you will soon begin to appreciate both their skill at war and their loyal natures.
- Kagg - Horc LoreKeeper, Rep Vendor
- Zot - Horc Spirit Master, Musician
- Tlax - Horc War Chief
- Ghaz - Horc Weaponsmith
- Sput - Horc Butch... Pet Vendor
Life is an Art, and the Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine are adept performers! Brilliant and creative, the Trolls value learning, history, and cultural pursuits above all else. Except maybe a good story or two!
Meet the Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine; they are quick to welcome strangers, as long as you aren't a Horc. They have tried to forget the unpleasant violence which happened so long ago. They are focused on living a bright future, and a joyous present.
- Sokrakiis - Troll Elder, Historian, Rep Vendor
- Samba - Troll Dance Adept, Hair Vendor
- Oishii - Troll Culinary Adept, Food Vendor
- Dregas - Troll Art Adept, House Vendor
- Bachius - Troll Musical Adept, Warrior, Weapons Vendor
- Krellenos - Troll Prophet
- Khasaanda - Troll Prophetess
Limited Quantity Shop at 3AM
Remember, the LQS goes live at 3 AM Eastern US time on SATURDAY! You can find a timezone converter here. We hope to see you there for this EPIC Omega shop! With six armors, FOURTEEN helms, and a variety of guns, daggers, and a cape, this is one of the most well-stocked Limited Quantity Shops we've ever offered!
Scroll down to see screenshots of all the epic Omega Mercenary Guild armors and items, made by Mennace!
Gender Change
Life feeling a bit too routine? Feel the need to look at the world through from a fresh perspective? Then Yulgar has just what you need! Go on a life-long vacation, by getting a gender modification!
Gender changes will cost 1,000 ACs every time you switch
That's right, you can now get a gender change in Yulgar's changing room. But be SURE you know what you want, because it will cost 1,000 ACs EVERY time you switch!
Member Emotes
Introducing EIGHT all-new MEMBER-ONLY emotes! /cheer for /spar with your friends when they get a Crit or /Headbang through our next musical event!
Cysero enjoying /stepdance while Bachius watches
- /Powerup
- /Cheer
- /Jumpcheer
- /Salute2
- /Cry2
- /Spar
- /Headbang
- /Dazed
The /samba emote that some of you saw previewed earlier today will be unlocked later on in the Bloodtusk Ravine. You won't be able to /samba until Samba starts giving dance lessons!
For our Brazillian players, we are now accepting Paymentez Credits on the master account page! Over 120,000 retail stores and 25,000 internet cafes in Latin America offer Paymentez Credits making it VERY easy to purchase Memberships or ACs!