Design Notes
October 06, 2017
The Blood Moon Rises on 10.13.17
Join us for our 15th Anniversary + Friday the 13th event!
In Darkovia, the shadows grow darker and whispers of fear begin to rise on the winds… Ancient Lorekeepers stare at the stars and shiver - the signs all point to a Blood Moon rising on Friday the 13th. And when it does, the veil between worlds will disappear and the lost ones will return.
Join Voltaire, Kimberly and Jason from One Eyed Doll, the AQW team, and tens of thousands of your fellow heroes as Log in next Friday the 13th as we launch part 1 of our 3 week event!
10/13/17: The Blood Moon Rises
10/21/17: Blood and Tears Boss Battle
10/28/17: Blood Moon War - Battle for Safiria