Design Notes
February 17, 2015
It's Pancake Day!
Grab Your Maple Syrup!
The Grand Master Lunch Lady Oishii has returned to Battleon bringing with her a few silly, pancake based items. You can find her in Yulgar's Inn but watch out, you will probably get hit at random by her flying flapjacks of doom!
Seasonal items are returning - like the Pancake Hat w/Butter and the Oolong the pancake bunny pet, and there is even a new Pancake Puppy pet!
Oishii's Pancake Goodies:
- Pancake Hat
- Pancake Hat w/Butter
- The Full Stack
- Oolong Pet
- Pancake-Topus pet
- Pancake Puppy pet

March 04, 2014
It's Pancake Day!
Grab Your Maple Syrup!
Grand Master Lunch Lady Oishii is back in Yulgar's Inn for pancake day, bringing you her yearly breakfasty silliness. Seasonal items are returning - like the Pancake Hat w/Butter and the Oolong the pancake bunny pet. Since it's also Fat Tuesday, for this year only we also have a New Orleans-inspired voodoo doll pet with pancakes on its head.
Zack Storch also likes pancakes, I hear.
Also, to celebrate our friend Zack Storch and his appearance on King of the Nerds, we've released his armor (shown above)! Free players and Legends alike can get the Nerdly Royalty armor for 5000 gold by visiting Zack Storch in Battleon!
Oishii's Pancake Goodies:
- Pancake Hat
- Pancake Hat w/Butter
- The Full Stack
- Oolong Pet
- Pancake-Topus pet
- Voodoo Cakes pet

March 08, 2011
Not The Best Morning
See What Happens When I Do Things By Myself?
Let me start by saying Happy International Women's Day, Happy Mardi Gras and Happy Pancake Day.
Why did we pick Pancake Day last year to celebrate, instead of one of the other two concurrent holidays? Two reasons, first and most important, it's PANCAKE DAY. It's a silly holiday and we're all about the silly. The second reason is that LAST year we celebrated INTERNATIONAL Pancake Day, which is in February. Today is the actual Pancake Day as recognized in most English Speaking countries.
The Grand Master Lunch Lady Oishii as returned to Battleon bringing with her a few silly, pancake based items including the Full Stack helm which is my favorite helm in AQW. You can find her in Yulgar's Inn but watch out, you will probably get hit at random by her flying flapjacks of doom!
We had all the files ready yesterday so when I turned on my computer this morning I thought I would kick Pancake Day off. As with most releases, large or small, I gave a 10 minute warning before the servers shurt down and restarted (a necessary part of most releases) but at the 2 minute warning I noticed that last year's Chinchilla With Syrup was still in the shop instead of this year's rare Pink Chinchilla W/ Syrup (one of the rare Member/AC items in the game. Yay free storage!).
They are both very silly pets and not hugely desirable but rare is rare and fair is fair. I was able to get the pink chinchilla into Oishii's shop a mere 35 seconds after the servers went back up. Due to caching issues i'm sure a few of you got last year's rare pet so... well done. That was some fast clicking.
I had to kick everyone out of Yulgar to make sure that the properly coded map was live. That was kick 1.
The someone on Twitter pointed out that I was no longer selling the Luck Enhancements from my warm and sudsy bath upstairs.
This was because I built the map on last year's map before the Stats release. I remembered to put the Giant's tale in Yulgar's chat box but I forgot my own. Once I had re-added my current chat box to the map and sent it to the live servers I had to kick everyone out of the map.
That was kick 2.
Suddenly another of my extremely helpful Twitter followers pointed out that Yulgar was wearing my clothes. Apparently all of the files used to make the Yulgar NPC had the same name as my own NPC so when I fixed my chat box I over-wrote all of Yulgar's clothed with my own.
I ran back to the file and quickly got Yulgar back into his own Innkeeper clothes and again sent the fixed Yulgar's Inn file to the live servers. To make sure everyone say the fix I was forced to kick everyone out of Yulgar. Again. Again. That was kick 3.
Just as I was satisfied that everyone was fine, all the shops were working. Another of my Tweeple noticed that Yulgar was STILL wearing my clothes in his chat box. *sigh*
Once more I flew back to the file and asked Yulgar what was wrong with him. He looked at me pointedly. I replaced THAT Yulgar file with the correct one and sent the file to the live server. To guarentee that everyone had the most recent version of the file i was forced to kick everyone out of Yulgar's Inn. Again. Again. Again. That was kick 4.
SO, if you were one of the people who was awake this morning and suffered through being kicked out of Yulgar's Inn time and time again, that is why and I appologize.
Not my best day ever. I'd also like to thank AQWwiki contributor and new AQW Mod Mturf for adding this as an entry to the wiki so I can relive this day any time I want. Big thanks there, buddy.
Friday is Your Lucky Day!
This Friday the Shamrock Fair will be returning to the game for another limited engagement.
You will be able to play all of last year's great Shamrock Fair Mini-Games (plus one all new mini-game) and gather Golden Tickets to buy all of last year's returning Seasonal Rare Items or any of the NEW Seasoal Rares which will be coming to the shops.