Design Notes
October 26, 2012
Happy Mogloween!
Are you Committed?
The Mogloween 2012 release is LIVE! This is a very special Mogloween release with musical guests One-Eyed Doll!
/join Asylum and you can watch One-Eyed Doll's brand new viceo for the song "Committed"! You'll also a new Mogloween 2012 shop, an Event Rare Shop and you can start the Committed Mogloween event!
Earlier today we released the new video in-game with most of the new items, but each of the previously released shops have had at least one more new item added to them.
If you can survive a night in the abandoned Asylum with Kimberly and me, then you will unlock the Committed Character Page Badge and the special Committed Merge Shop.
I think you'll find the Merge Shop to be especially difficult as it requires three merge items, all rare drops, all from bosses in the event, and two of the bosses are only found in the completely random maze of mirrors! So have fun with that!
Special thanks to One-Eyed Doll for allowing us to use their music and their voices in this event. For my own voice acting, I make no appologies.
Happy Mogloween 2012!
4th Upholder, Time Is Running Out!
If you haven't upgraded to become a 4th Upholder yet I should tell you that you're running out of time!
If you HAVE become a 4th Upholder, then I hope you enjoy the especially Member heavy Mogloween Shop and the other Member Only items from tonight's release. Along with all the other great benefits of supporting AQW with your Membership. Remember that you get Bragging Rights, another Character Page Badge and TWO rare Star Swords!
HeroMart Super Launch!
Today HeroMart has released THREE new items!
- NEW CD: One-Eyed Doll's Something About a Dragon, which contains three of the songs from tonight's event PLUS Battleon! and the Pony vs. Pony theme song!
- MOGLOWEEN 2012 SHIRT: Which comes with the amazing NeverMore armor and snazzy Mogloween 2012 "Haunted" Character Page Badge.
- AE 10th ANNIVERSARY SHIRT: It's been 10 Great years with you guys and we made a shirt to commemorate our BIG TENTH BIRTHDAY! This shirt comes with items in ALL 6 of the major AE games. AQW gives you the AE Dragon Conqurer Armor and Helm along with the BIG TEN Character Page Badge.
There are limited amounts of ALL of these items so don't miss out!
55 days until Just Another Day

October 26, 2012
One-Eyed Doll's Committed!
World Premiere Video!
It's TIME! We are too excited to keep this to ourselves so we are releasing a pre-event version of the Committed Asylum Map where you will be able to see the brand new video for One-Eyed Doll's song Committed!
We have also opened the Event Rare Shop full of AC items that will go rare and the new Mogloween 2012 Seasonal Shop with lots of taggged items that you can only buy during Mogloween! Once we release the FULL event later tonight, you will find a bunch of event drops and be able to unlock an event Merge shop where you can farm for a ton MORE new items! You will also be able to unlock the Committed Character Page Badge when you complete the event.
Something About A Dragon
The One-Eyed Doll CD "Something About a Dragon" is now for sale on HeroMart. This CD was lovingly crafted by the band just for the AE community and features the songs "Mirror, Mirror", "Scorpion Death" and "Girl On Convict Hill" features in tonight's event as well as the songs "Battle On!" and "Pony vs. Pony Theme"!
The CD also comes with the non-member Metal Sneevil pet!
We also have the Mogloween 2012 Shirt as well as the AE 10th Anniversary Shirt for sale. Each of these come with an awesome in-game armor and since these shirts are sure to sell out, they are rares!
We'll let you know when the full event is released a little later on today! Battle On and enjoy the video!

October 24, 2012
World Premiere!
The Committed Video Is Coming
It's a real honor to type that. One-Eyed Doll is allowing us the honor of showing their video to you guys before it is officially released anywhere else ON EARTH. That's kind of a big deal.
It's a big deal for a few reasons. First, it's a big deal because I've actually seen the pre-release of the video and it's awesome. it does justice to the song which is also awesome.
The second reason that it's a big deal is that we get to help out some people that we really, honestly like. I don't know if you guys understand this but when we do these musical events, it's because WE like the bands. Voltaire, Jonathan Coulton, Paul & Storm, They Might Be Giants... these are all bands that a LOT of us really like. They don't pay us to get into the game. A lot of the time we don't even pay them. Often there is no money involved... just fun. It's an amazingly rare and super cool thing to be say that in this or any other industry.
This Friday you all get to see One-Eyed Doll's video for Committed before anyone else and the cool part is that you'll get to see it INSIDE THE INSANE ASYLUM! It will also be accompanied by the release of their album tailored especially for AE fans called "Something About a Dragon?".
The art team is working on a load of new Mogloweeny themed items for the event. Here's Solrac's Member Only Gloomcaster Set.
Some are cool, some are cute and some are downright terrifying for folks like Reddy who are big into the creep factor.
HeroMart Avalanche Of Awesome
This Friday HeroMart will be launching THREE new items, the Something About A Dragon CD, The Mogloween 2012 T-shirt and the AE 10th Anniversary T-Shirt. (Sorry in advance, D. We're going to make you go broke, I swear.)
Each of these items comes with a Character Page Badge, and AT LEAST 1 in-game item. The Mogloween Shirt comes with the NeverMore armor by Memet who just got...promoted?... from Player Support to AQW Artist...
The AE 10th Birthday Shirt comes with the AE Dragon Conqurer set (which I colored to match the DrAEgon items) in AQW and at least one more items from EACH other the games that participated in the EbilCorp Gameocide War...
And "Something About A Dragon?" comes with the Metal Sneevil Non-Member Pet and maybe some stuff in the other games. I'm not sure on that part.
And speaking of HeroMart, keep your eyes on our Twitter accounts for sneak peeks of the AE 2013 Calendar. The art by Diozz and Dage is amazing and it will come with the Exclusive TimeTracker Class. No Chronomancer this year!
United Nations Shop LIVE!
Today we released a little shop to honor United Nations Day. On October 24, 1945, the United Nations (U.N.) came into force when the five permanent members of the security council ratified the charter that had been drawn up earlier that year. These members were: France, the Republic of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States.
You can argue about the effectiveness of the United Nations but the concept of uniting a world of many different religions, races and ideas under a banner of peace is something worth continuing to reach for.
Next Wednesday is October 31st. In addition to being Mogloween it is ALSO the last day of the month and the last day that you can upgrade to become a 4th Upholder.
Don't miss this chance. UPGRADE NOW and become a 4th Upholder before this offer is gone forever!
I'M Not Going To Spell Check This Post
I'm really hungry and I want to go eat some dinner so I'm not going to spell check this. Don't bother letting me know what I missed on Twitter. Enjoy!
57 days until Just Another Day

October 22, 2012
Insane In The Mainframe
This Mogloween Will Be Crazy!
This Friday we will be releasing our very extra creepy Mogloween 2012 event with special guests, One-Eyed Doll! Teaming up again with One-Eyed Doll is always great but for Mogloween, it's the PERFECT fit!
Kimberly is a long-time friend of AE and one-time Chaos Lord, but this year she will be rocking our faces off in the old abandoned Pandinus Insane Asylum.
This event will include a number of Mogloween rares and an Achievement Badge for your character page, but it's too awesome to only come back once a year so we're keeping the Asylum map as a permanent part of AQW.
You will also be able to watch the world premiere of OED's video for their new song Committed!
You'll also get the first crack of their new CD "Something About A Dragon?" from! The CD will be the first CD to feature their song "Battle On!" and a number of other new tracks like "Mirror, Mirror" from the event and the Pony Vs. Pony Theme Song!
Keep reading the Design Notes for more updates about this event starting Friday, October 26th at whenever we launch it. I'm thinking around the usual time.
Chunin Changes
We got a lot of feedback from you guys over the weekend about the new Chunin Class and as always we try to give you what you want. We've slightly reduced the mana cost for a couple of it's skills, increased the damage on Chi Blast and the biggest change is that we changed the mana regen model from Warrior to match DragonLord.
That means that you will still get mana with every hit you deliver BUT it now has an inver relationship to your HP so you should get more mana the weaker you get and with no heals in the class, you DO get weaker.
I DID see a lot of feedback that a lot of you really like the class the way that it is so these changes should make you like it even more without overpowering it.
Keep in mind that you will only be able to EARN the class until the birthday event leaves on Friday, November 9th! CORRECTION: Friday November, 16th!
Alina and Rolith Are Married!
This weekend was the actual wedding of Rolith and Alina. It was on a boat so I won't ever forget it, as the song says. They said their vows on the ship's aft deck, being wed by the ship's captain as the sun sank slowly and we sailed away from the setting sun into a warm night of celebration on the Gulf of Mexico. There were gifts, dances (their first dance as a married couple was to JoCo's Code Monkey), songs (Warlic and Alina's sister played them to the alter and Alina sang one herself to Rolith) and stories. Artix and I both got to dedicate toasts to the happy couple and tell stories about how much they mean to us and to each other. It was a beautiful night.
In-game, their wedding event is going strong and will continue for 2 weeks before vanishing. The Book of Lore badge for completing the event will appear this Friday along with the OED Character Page badge.
59 days until Just Another Day

March 17, 2011
Happy Good Luck Day!
It feels good to be green.
FINALLY! I know how Cysero must feel. Being tickled pink green is a good thing… even if it’s only for one day =D
Okay so there’s bunches of stuff going on right now. And since you won’t be blinded by my favorite font color as usual, I’m inviting you to come join me in reading this wonderfully festive DN post!
First thing’s first: wishing Happy Birthdays to our friends and family! Both my mother and my sister are celebrating their bdays today along with Randor the Red’s grandmother and sister! Wow—what an incredibly lucky day!
Hrrrrm… what are the chances of having your birthday on St. Patty’s Day?
“One in 365,” says Cysero.
…Right. Anyone else’s birthday today? If so… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
All the Good Luck Day festivities will be coming to a close before tomorrow’s release, so if you haven’t grabbed the 40+ Seasonal Rares from the Shamrock Festival yet, I suggest doing so now ^___^
Remember: the Cloverfield Stalker Armor in the Lucky Day Merge shop will be going RARE! So this is your LAST CHANCE to grab a piece of AQW history!
Quibble’s Coming Back to Town!
Even more luck! Everyone’s favorite traveling sales moglin is making his way back to Battleon with his treasure chest LOADED with brand-new-never-before-seen-items… unless you’ve seen previews from our Twitters! Hehehe.
What wonders will Quibble have in store for us tomorrow evening? Will these items be going Rare? How long will Quibble be staying? No one knows these answers, but the only thing we DO know is that whenever Quibble appears… a Chaos Lord is not too far behind… which brings us to…
The Chaos Beast of the Sandsea
Breaking our lucky streak already? As if Zahart hasn’t already caused enough problems over in the Sandsea… he will on Friday night as you and your friends journey to the legendary Sand Castle.
This large palace withstood the Sandsea’s unruly sandstorm and Zhoom believes this is the last place Zahart is hiding. War Mummies and War Hyenas patrol this ancient temple, forever guarding the greatest deity of the Sandsea: the Sphinx.
The heart of the Sphinx has been lost in the sands of time (literally) so no one knows why Zahart would go after the immobilized creature.
Unless… If Zahart finds a way to awaken the great Sphinx, then… O___O
But HEY! It’s not like anything like that has ever happened before... *cough cough*
As long as you are caught up in the Sandsea storyline and have found yourself a Djinn, you and Zhoom can journey to the Sand Palace to make sure Zahart’s plan at awakening the Sphinx are foiled!
DragonFable’s Lucky Week
Aaaand we’re bringing the good luck back… but this time, it’s outside of AQWorlds! In DragonFable, new features have been added in-game EVERY DAY this week! It’s amazing what miracles can happen when we feed Rolith an obscene amount of caffeine and cereal bars. Mwahaha >:D
In a dragon hatchling-sized summary, a new war mechanic was added on Monday. Tuesday marked the remodeling of a very popular house item: the Armor Closet! Yesterday, DragonFable heroes got unlimited bank storage for every item bought with Dragon Coins. And today, Dragon Amulet holders will be able to show off your fancy achievements on your character pages!
For a full detailed list, why not head to the DragonFable Design Notes? Or just log in to DragonFable NOW and experience everything yourself!
You think all that’s awesome? Ohhh… just wait until tomorrow when DF releases the best feature yet!
One-Eyed Doll Helps the Japan Tragedy
The recent events in Japan have affected the entire world. Our wonderful friend Kimberly from One-Eyed Doll wants to selflessly help the relief effort. Water Song is dedicated to our beloved Japanese fans and families who have lost so much in this event.
Profits from this download from now until 4/1/2011 will be donated to victims of the recent tsunami and earthquake disaster. Please, if you have it in your hearts (and wallets), any donation is happily accepted and know that YOU can help make the Japanese disaster a little less tragic.
Head to One-Eyed Doll’s website and make any donation to help this great cause.
On behalf of all the players of AQWorlds and our other games, Artix has made a donation of $5,000 to the Japanese Red Cross Society. We hope this contribution helps in the relief effort. You can visit for information on how you can help too.
What You Can Do Before Tomorrow’s Release
Since Friday night is literally a day away, there are bunches of things you can do in preparation for tomorrow’s release. Here’s a lovely list so you can check each one off as you finish ‘em!
- Snag the 42 Seasonal Rares in the Lucky Day Merge Shop
- Stock up on AdventureCoins for Quibble’s incredible wares
- Get the PERMA RARE Cloverfield Stalker Armor
- Donate to your heart’s content on OED’s Water Song
- Get up-to-date on the Sandsea saga (and find a Djinn!)
- Show off your Asguardian Armor Set
- Twitter me your best action-packed Screenshots
- Help support AQW by upgrading your Membership
- Pinch anyone NOT wearing green today
- Check out DragonFable’s new features
- Smile =D
- Get Fat Panda for your Android phone for only $0.99!
- Smile some more
- /join david to experience some really bizarre quests
- And, of course, Battle On!
WHEEW. That was A LOT. See—aren’t you glad this wasn’t ALL PINK? I know Artix is =D