Design Notes
September 17, 2012
Tomorrow: Guilds Phase 1
Guilds Member-Only PTR!
AQWorlds has wanted to introduce the Guilds feature for 4 years, and the day is here... TOMORROW! Starting tomorrow, members will be able to log in to, join the PTR server and create their own Guild! Even after Guilds open for all players (hopefully this Friday), ONLY members will be able to create them.
Gather your crew, create a guild, and /battleon!
The Lag PTR "Lag Flame Pet" will be awarded tomorrow. It ends when the new engine rolls to release the member-only Guilds PTR (comes with badge)!
Vital info to know for tomorrow:
- Guilds will have 15 member slots to start with.
- On Friday, Guild leaders will be able to buy additional member slots for 200 ACs each.
- The maximum number of Guild members will be 50.
- Guild commands (listed below) will ONLY work on the PTR server until Guilds release to all players, but you can run aroundin any and show off your name.
- Future Guild content (like Guild Halls/Towns) will come out in Phase 2!
- We also reserve the right to change any inappropriate Guild name.
The guild commands are as follows:
- /gc name, is create guild
- /gi name, is invite
- /gr name is remove
- /gp name is promote
- /gd name is demote
- /g triggers guild chat
- /say turns guild chat off
- /guild will bring up the list of guild members and what server they're on (coming soon!)
- /motd alone is the guild message of the day
- /motd some message, sets a new one if you have enough rank to use that command
Guild rankings work as follows:
- Rank 3: Guild Leader
- Rank 2: Guild Officer (Most of the privileges of the GL, can't kick GL)
- Rank 1: Guild Member
- Rank 0: Guild Duffer (Revokes Guild Chat, player still a Guild Member)
What are YOU looking forward to with Guilds? More information to come tomorrow!