Design Notes
April 22, 2013
Summer 2013 in AQW
We have BIG plans for AE's biggest MMO!
Every Monday, the team leads meet to go over their plans for the week. In today's meeting*, Artix asked, "Hey, AQW team! What INCREDIBLY-AWESOME releases do you guys have planned?! We should tell EVERYONE about all the insane things we've got planned so they can gear up before the BIG BATTLE!!!!"
2013 Continues the Chaos!
Here's what Cysero and I have planned:
- May: Begin the 2-part Xing/Xang** mini-arc in the Mirror Realm!
- End of May: Mage University zone***
- June: Summer of Dage! Dage the Evil takes over AQWorlds with NEW gear, quests, boss fights, and a Class****!
- June: More updates to the town of Battleon!
- July: A NEW member-only zone with challenge fight, mini-game, Class, and exclusive gear!
- July or August: the 12th Lord of Chaos zone... can you guess WHO the Chaos Lord is?!
- This Summer: Guilds Phase 2/3! Customizable Guild Cities AND Halls PLUS Guild vs Guild wars!*****
Prepare for the Summer of DAGE!
* BEFORE the nerf-gun battle, AFTER the ninja attack...
** Why are we only just NOW doing the 2nd Lords' zone? Because Chaos, that's why!
*** A player on Twitter suggested Horcwarts University! LOL!
**** Cysero and I will still head AQW, but we've asked Dage to design ALL of June's releases!
***** Yorumi is already BACK to work on Guilds AND has made significant progress!
So, tell us...
Let us know which releases YOU are looking forward to next by telling us on Twitter (Artix, Alina, Cysero) or Facebook, or the forum!