Design Notes
January 23, 2025
Mischievous Moglins Contest Winners Announced
Meet our Moglin Mischief Makers
WOW! Just wow! Heroes, you’ve totally outdone yourselves! The Mischievous Moglins Contest has been a joy to judge from start to finish. Every entry reminded us how much passion, humor, and talent our community brings to the table. We laughed, we gasped, we got warm fuzzy feels, and we even questioned biology and anatomy at one point…
There are just tooooo many amazing winners to showcase here! Check them all out on!
Thank you all for making this contest AMAZING!
Battle on,
Beleen, the judges, and the Artix Entertainment team

December 18, 2024
Bake, Create, and Celebrate: Artix Entertainment's Holiday Contests
Join the Festive Fun, Everyone!
The holiday season is here, and it’s time to spread cheer, creativity, and… some friendly competition, ofc! Artix Entertainment is hosting two creative contests, and we’d love for YOU to join in the fun. Whether you’re a master baker, a fan of Moglins, or – better yet – both, there’s an opportunity waiting for you. Check out the details below and see how you can showcase your talent, win epic prizes, and celebrate the season with your fellow heroes.
🍪 The 2024 Artix Entertainment Creative Cookie Contest
Calling all bakers and dessert makers: let your kitchen become your battleground as you whip up Artix-themed cookies, cakes, or other tasty treats. It’s time to forge your fandom into delicious, edible art.
Read the full Cookie Contest rules here!
- Sunday, December 29, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET
- 🏆 1st Place: 10,000 Artix Points + Gingerbread Cookie Sword for their game character
- 🥉 2nd Place: 5,000 Artix Points + Gingerbread Cookie Sword
- 🥇 3rd Place: 2,500 Artix Points + Gingerbread Cookie Sword
- 🏅 Runner Ups: 1,000 Artix Points
How to Enter:
- Comments section in the Cookie Contest Design Notes post here
- Social media with hashtags #Artix #Games #CookieContest
- Discord Contest Channel here
😈 The Mischievous Moglins Contest
Unleash Moglin mayhem in this hilarious contest inspired by our favorite magical mascots (and Elf on the Shelf, ngl). From IRL plushie pranks to in-game shenanigans to fanart and much more, let your imagination run as rampant like those Mischeivous Moglins!
Read the Mischievous Moglins Contest rules here.
- Sunday, January 5, 2025, at 11:59 PM ET
- 🏆 1st Place: 4,000 Artix Points
- 🥉 2nd Place: 2,000 Artix Points
- 🥇 3rd Place: 1,000 Artix Points
- 🏅 Runner Ups: 500 Artix Points
How to Enter:
- Comments in the Mischeivous Moglins Contest Design Notes post here
- Social media with hashtags #Artix #Moglins #MoglinMischief
- Discord Contest Channel
- Google Form
Both? Both is good!
Whether you’re witnessing Moglin mischief or baking a Guardian Castle cupcake, these contests are the perfect way to share your creativity ~and~ holiday spirit with the Artix community! Participate in one or go all in for both – just more chances to win and spread the cheer!
On behalf of everyone at Artix Entertainment, thank YOU for making 2024 such an incredible year! We can’t wait to see your creations and celebrate the season together. Good luck to all, and may your cookies bring you sweet victory, and may your Moglins bring you magical mischief that’s totally too cute to handle.
Battle on, bake on, and bring on the Moglin madness,
Beleen and the Artix Entertainment team

July 09, 2013
Meme Moglins!
The Memes you Love now in AQWorlds!
ZOMG. No Wai. Meme Moglins?!1!!one!?! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
Today we are releasing a shop FULL of your favorite memes—in Moglin form! Later this afternoon, check your Game Menu for a shop loaded with Pet and Battlepet... Memeglins!
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Pancake Moglin Pet and Pancake Battlemoglin |
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Courage Moglin Pet and Courage Battlemoglin |
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Grumpy Moglin Pet and Battle Grumpy |
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Lorestuck Moglin Pet and Lorestuck Battlemoglin |
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Like A Moglin pet and Like a Battlemoglin |
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Trollolol pet and Battle Trollolol |
Stay epic, my friends.
xoxo Beleen

July 08, 2013
Week at a Glance
Spoiler Showdown!
Happy Monday everyone! Did you enjoy the weekend? Let’s recap in case you missed Friday’s brand-new fun in your favorite online adventure game!
- 2 new weapons in Diozz’s Artist Shop
- Trigoras Challenge Fight
- Legion Soul Cleaver Class
- Exalted Soul Cleaver Class
- Cysero’s crazy Quests in BattleonTown
- Ducky Rubber Armor Set
- Living Yogurt Warrior Armor Set
- Mad Magic Mana Walker Armor Set
- Glowing Socks
- Trigoras Slayer gear
We have a bunch of awesome stuff coming this week, too!
Ermahgerd! A Meme Moglin Shop! And it’s arriving Tuesday afternoon! DO WANT!
We normally slot our Tuesdays for Featured Artists, but this week we’re changing things up a bit. I mean, what could be more epic than Meme Moglins, anyway?
Get your Robot On in Diozz’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop from the main menu! And then tomorrow we will release the Meme Moglin Shop in its place.
Sure, Friday is like 5 days away, but it’s never too early to get a head start!
- Continue Dage’s Scorn saga
- Meet Charon the Underworld Ferryman
- Travel down the River Acheron
- Traverse the Great Marsh of Styx
- Encounter infamous Underworld Beasts
- Collect unnerving Underworld loot
- Unlock the gates leading to Dage’s Palace
- Shadowfire Emissary
- Complete Armor Set
- Get with 1 month Membership package
- New hair styles
- Bev in Battleon is ready to give you a new ‘do
- Staff testing of Guilds Phase II
- U NO CAN HAZ…yet
- Only for AE Staff Members
- Public Testing coming soon-ish…unless we break Yorumi’s code when we test out Guilds!
There you have it! Now I must begin work on this week’s release!
xoxo Beleen

April 25, 2013
Quibble is Coming
That Moglin always has the coolest gear!
Why hello my lovely heroes and villains =D Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever. Why? Not only is it Friday (and Fridays are always awesome, duh), but Quibble Coinbiter is also headed to Battleon! Yippee!
Hey there, Heeeeeeero...!
Who is Quibble?
Quibble Coinbiter is everyone’s favorite sales Moglin who travels far and wide, collecting never-before-seen Items to add to your impressive collection. No one knows if—or when—Quibble’s Items will go permanently Rare, so your best bet is to get all the goodies in his shop just in case it’s the latter!
Do you ally with Good or Evil?
That slick Moglin also has the uncanny knack of showing up right before the next Lord of Chaos strikes… and always seems to know an awful lot about the Chaos Lords, too.
Cryomancer Nax will also have an Ice Skull helm!
No one wants the Lord of Chaos to win (well… except for Drakath, who is all bent out of shape because we wouldn’t make him an in-game Mod), so suiting up in Quibble’s sweet swag is one of your best—and most fashionable!—defenses against the Chaos uprising.
The opposite of Alpha Pirate is... Omega Pirate!
Let’s get real here, folks—Quibble stocks Battleon with epic Armors, Helms, Weapons, and more, but he charges the AQW Team a hefty price. It takes a lot of time, energy, creativity, coffee, and money to craft these amazing items featured in Quibble Coinbiter’s Shop.
Cleric Zorbak just wants to help you heal!
But you can help! Your kind donations in the form of AdventureCoins and Membership purchases go towards helping AQW grow bigger and better every week. We could not have made AQWorlds without your help and support, and any donation made to us is greatly appreciated and continues to make AQW your favorite online MMO!
Become a real life Hero to your friendly AQW Team! Help support us by Upgrading to a Member today and by purchasing an AdventureCoins bundle =D
You guys and girls are awesome, and I look forward to continuing our adventures together! I wouldn’t want anyone else to battle alongside as we defeat the 13 Lord of Chaos! Let’s Battle ON!

January 11, 2011
2011 is Year of the Moglin!
Field guide to the Good, the Ebil and... Twig?
Moglins are the cuddly* and adorable** mascots of our game. Their origins are a mystery but the Loremasters say they have protected the forests since the times when Dragons ruled the world. With their magic healing powers*** and pure heart s**** they represent all that is good in the world*****. The most famous Moglins are well known to most of you... but for those just joining us this year, here is a helpful guide!
* Except for Zorbak
** Except for Zorbak
*** Except for Zorbak
**** Except for Zorbak
***** Except for Zorbak
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Twilly He is cuddlier than any fabric softener bear and more puntable than a football. Twilly's is a true friend to all. His helpful heals in the town of Battleon have made him one of the most liked and famous moglins in the world. We are not quite sure how he got that chunk taken out of his right ear... erm... left ear... erm... well, I guess it depends on which way he is facing. 2D world dynamics are so wierd! Any way yo ulook at it, Twilly is a good moglin that you can count on! |
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Zorbak 100% Ebil. Even as a baby it was not hard to see that Zorbak was different than the other moglins. While his fellow moglins touched plants, healing them and filling them with life energy.... his touch caused them to rot and become zombified. This does not bother him though. For he is consumed with dillusions of grandier and dreams of world conquest. All that stands between him and his wicked goal is... well, a way to actually do it. So be careful what you give him! Zorbak can often be found teaming up with villians -- mostly to try to take control of their undead armies. He has a soft wpot in his black heart for the sweet voice of a cute Necromantress though. If there is mischief, expect to hear Zorbak's signature "Meh heh heh" in the distance! |
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There are many other moglins in the world... Truffle (the rarest moglin because she has wings), Quibble (the never-before-seen-used weapon salesmoglin)... and many others. Each has a unique story, appearance (Well, except for Invisi the invisible moglin), and ability. During your adventures you may encounter these creatures. Do not dismiss them due to their small size. It should be known that Moglins hold a significant role in the balance between Order and Chaos. Why do such little cute things always hold such secrets?
Forum Question: If you were a moglin, what would you look like? What color would you be? What would you wear? Would you have any markings or powers?

December 14, 2010
I Leveled Up IRL!
Today I turned another year older… and turned Moglins PINK!
Thank you everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday on my Twitter =D It was SOO nice of you all and it made me feel so wonderfully warm on the inside… which was LOVELY considering it was 29 degrees outside! Burrrrrrrr!
I have such awesome friends! <3 <3 <3 <3 And I wanted to give you all something special for making me feel equally special ^___^
So here you go! I added 4 pink-a-licious items to Quibble’s Shop! Here’s your chance to get the Totally Pink Moglin Morph armor, the Hangin’ Around Pink Moglin cape, Cute n’ Cuddly Moglin Helm, and the Super Adorable Pink Moglin pet!
I priced these items in a very certain way. Can you figure it out? Hehehehe!
Oh yeah! Since my Bday kinda fell mid-week, I’m having Quibble hold on to my items until Friday =3
*Due to popular demand, I'm letting Quibble hold onto my bday items until the new year! After that, they will go PERMA RARE! Thank you everyone for making my birthday the best one yet! ^_____^