Design Notes
November 04, 2010
Chaos Lord coming!
Battle MAGIC ITSELF* this Friday
Minimal created a new combat feature for the upcoming Chaos Lord Battle in Arcangrove. It is really fun experimenting with ways to make the battles more interesting. In this fight... were you stand will be critical to victory. The release will happen tomorrow around 6pm EST. Beleen will be running the show from the lab while Cysero, Zazul, Faith and I attempt to secure an internet connection and join you from our booth at the ShadoCon convention.
* Pretend we used a cool super deep voice with an echo when you read that.
Forum Question: How good are your marketing skills? We have not updated our AQWorlds ads in ages... I think the last one was the one of me wearing my Pally undershorts... do you have any ideas for funny and creative AQworld's ads? Use your character! Come up with a funny slogan or situation and let us know. Who knows... maybe your character will end up plastered all over the internet O_O (Of course do not click on aq ads when you see them, those things are crazy expensive! Always type in to visit the site and play the game.)