Design Notes
April 10, 2015
Upgrade to Get Exclusive Gear
NEW: Blazerun and Vodarage Tank sets!
Get the most out of AQWorlds when you upgrade your account with a membership, including Legendary Perks like exclusive storylines, challenge monsters, Classes, pets, and GEAR! Unlock more power, exclusive storylines, and super-charged rewards when you upgrade your account!
All 14 items in the Blazerun and Vodarage Tank armor sets join the 34 existing items in the Legendary Gear shop! Find it in your game menu or talk to Ragnar in Battleon!
Membership Packages: Brightfall and Centaur Lord
When you upgrade your account with a membership package, you unlock exclusive gear! These items rotate regularly, so keep an eye on the Design Notes to see what the next bonus items are! Upgrade packages can be purchased in-game, on our upgrades page, and through the Portal site.
Centaur Lord Mount Armor
Find all the details on the Centaur Lord membership package in this Design Notes post!
- 12 month membership: 13 items
- 6 month membership: 10 items
- 3 month membership: 7 items
- 1 month membership: 4 items
BrightFall Commander set
The BrightFall Commander set includes:
- 1 Armor
- 8 Helms
- 2 Weapons
- 4 Capes (including one color-customizable set of wings)
- a Character Page badge
You can find more details in this Design Notes post!

August 27, 2014
Free to Play Games
The real life scoop on how “free to play games” make money
Ever since Artix Entertainment was founded in 2002, we have embraced the Free to Play Games model. Artix always dreamed of making fun games that everyone could enjoy, and all our games are free to download and free to play.
But… how does a video game company make enough money to support their team of dedicated programmers, artists, writers, game designers, and coffee-deliverers, while at the same time paying for bandwidth, advertising, traffic, web domains, and ninjas?
The answer: Artix has to rely on YOU.
Memberships and Microcurrency bundles (in AQW’s case, Legend upgrades and AdventureCoins, respectively) are how Artix Entertainment stays afloat. Some players might think we’re just money-grubbing individuals, spending their hard-earned cash on expensive cars, fancy dinners, and lavish parties...
Cysero wrote this AMAZING Facebook post about where all the money goes from Membership and AC sales:
Please take a few moments and read that over—it’s well worth it. Here’s the TL;DR version:
“Making a game and keeping it alive is very expensive, and all the money that you pay AE goes back into the games. We're not getting rich off you guys—we're just making ends meet THANKS to you guys. AE is YOUR company; you built it and you keep it alive. Thank you. ”
With all that being said, everyone here at Artix Entertainment hopes you continue playing and enjoying all our games! And, should you wish to see Artix thrive for years to come, won’t you please consider supporting us by upgrading to a Legend and/or buying AdventureCoins?
How to Support AdventureQuest Worlds
There are a lot of ways to get an upgraded Legend Membership and AdventureCoins that will support the AQWorlds team and Artix family!
- Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express)
- PayPal
- Upgrade now by clicking here!
- Openbucks (Burger King “Crown Card”, SUBWAY, Circle K, Sports Authority,
CVS, Shell, and Dollar General cards) - Rixty/Coinstar
- Zeevex
- Visa Gift Card
- Amazon Cards
- Openbucks (SUBWAY)
- Rixty
- Visa Gift Card
- Rixty Card
- PaysafeCard
- Ukash
- Visa Gift Card
Middle East/North Africa:
- OneCard / Smart2Pay
- CashU
- Cherry Credits (Singapore, Philippines)
- MOLpoints
- Gudang Voucher (Indonesia)
Big hugs for everyone!
Thank you so much for being a part of the MMO AdventureQuest Worlds. You know, you are so much more than just a player—you’re family! In fact, everyone who plays Artix games and/or who are Artix team members are my family too.
You guys and gals make the BEST family ever!
And when you give back to AQWorlds by Upgrading and buying AdventureCoins, you are helping your Artix family support each other—staff members and players alike!
The entire Artix team looks forward to continuing our video game adventures alongside you. Thank you so much for everything thus far, and please contribute if you can, so that everyone who stumbles upon an Artix Entertainment game can forever heed the call of
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen! =D

March 22, 2013
Membership Extra Coin Special
Super Secret Special Bonus
Along with all the great deals going on this month, I thought I would mention a small deal that expires soon:
Get 100 extra AC for every Month of Membership you Purchase.
This deal is always added when you renew an existing membership before it expires, but for a limited time ALL membership purchases, for new members and old members, get the extra 100 coins per month purchased bonus.
Offer Expires March 31, 2013.

February 02, 2013
Special In-Game Offers
Limited-Time Offers and Items Popping Up!
Earlier this year, we introduced special pop-up offers which show to players with eligibile characters. We've been getting a lot of questions from you guys about why you're seeing them, so let's break down what's happening, why, and what it means for you!
What Is This Thing I'm Seeing?
These offers are for a limited-time and only appear if they are available to your character. Some offers will only be available if you've upgraded your account in the past, or if you've been upgraded for a certain amount of time. Some offers may have items attached to membership packages, or some may only offer exclusive item sets.
We are working on a way for you to disable these offers in your options menu, but each of them IS only available for a limited-time, so if you do not like them, they will eventually stop appearing. We have set them so they do not appear every time you log in until that functionality is working.
Why Do I Want to Support AQW?
Players who support AQWorlds by upgrading or buying AdventureCoins keep our game running and make it possible for other heroes to continue battling for free. They are the greatest heroes in Lore, and we want to make sure they know how much we appreciate their support of AQW!
That is why some release content is only available if you've upgraded your account. Upgrade and then head to /shattersword to unlock this week's adventure in Shattersword Cavern! Battle through an underground labrynth to defeat Graveclaw the Defiler, King Alteon's prisoner!*
Other member perks include:
- entire releases
- full storylines
- exclusive gear
- Some exp/rank/rep/gold boosts
- and challenge bosses
See more member-exclusives in the Lorepedia!
* And read about WHY our usually-epic cutscenes are DERPY versions this weekend!
What About AdventureCoins?
Some of these special offers will include larger amounts of AdventureCoins, or more of them with a certain membership package. Players who buy AdventureCoins, AQW's secondary currency, get access to some of the most awesome gear in the game!
Quibble Coinbiter is in Battleon now!
Different shops throughout the game contain AC gear, and some of our seasonal rare shops, like Quibble Coinbiter, are mostly stocked with AC items.
So... This Screen Doesn't Mean I Was Hacked?
Absolutely not. These screens were made by us for you! Never give away your username, password, or email address to anyone else, and you won't have to worry about being hacked. Protect your account!
Aqworlds and other Artix Entertainment team members will NEVER ask you for that information, because we do not need it to help you!
Will More of These Be Available in the Future?
Yes! But we don't know what, or when. We will base future offers on your feedback! We are considering moving these offers into the NEW news interface, once the design for that is finished. Look for more information about this in the coming weeks!

January 23, 2013
Upgrade to Get Bonus ACs
Getting Free Stuff is Awesome!
Especially when you get MORE of it than you normally would! Cysero and I found out yesterday* that if you renew your membership anytime during the membership OR up to 1 week** after it expires, you get 100 BONUS AdventureCoins for every month you re-upgrade!
* Captain Rhubarb, who does a lot of the back end for our Payment system, knew about this and thought we all did, too. Now we're making sure YOU do, as well!
** When we announced this earlier today, we thought the period was for 2 weeks. It has been updated to the correct length of time, 1 week.
That's been true for a long time now... but it sounds like we haven't let everyone know about it. It's never too late to share good news! Especially when we are releasing a new set with the 1 year upgrade package this week: the Jade Samurai set!
What this means is... if you buy a 1 year membership while your account is upgraded, you'll get 1200 extra AdventureCoins! OR if your membership just expired and you upgrade this week with a 3 month membership, you'll get 300 extra AdventureCoins!
Upgrade to Become One of Lore's Greatest Heroes!
AQWorlds members make it possible for our servers to run (and for the dev team to eat)! But besides those very vital things, every membership unlocks even MORE awesome bonuses and extras than the one above!
Click here to see more Member Perks!
- The ability to create and lead your own guild
- Battling alongside pet companions... and Battle Pets who will fight WITH you
- Exclusive storylines, challenge battles, and zones
- Member-only servers
New Idea for Membership Bonus!
We are working on ANOTHER Member Perk! Cysero had the brilliant idea of giving a 5% AC bonus to ANY of the 4 main AdventureCoin packages purchased for any upgraded character. So if you're buying 12K ACs for your upgraded account, you'll get 12,600 ACs instead! We don't have a set date for this, but we are working to see if it CAN happen!

November 07, 2012
Payment Issue Fix
Upgrades Now Work For All Players
Sometime over the weekend an error occured on our payment page for some of our payment options. Some people simply weren't able to upgrade or buy AdventureCoins. Everyone who was able to make a payment got what they paid for. Today, with your help, we were able to track the bug down and fix the errors and everyone should now be able to upgrade or buy AC's normally.
If you weren't able to buy an Membership or ACs in the past few days, that should be fixed and everything should work as intended. Sorry for the delay and thanks for supporting AQWorlds!
43 days until Just Another Day

June 30, 2011
Last Chance
Short time left to get the 1-Year Special Offer
If you are considering upgrading, this is your last chance to get the special offer on the 1-Year Membership for AQworlds. The offer was only intended to last a few months after launch, but we proudly offered it for quite a long time. We are letting everyone know so they can take advantage of the deal and get the full 1-Year Membership deal at only $49.95 before the offer ends and the price increases on July 14th.
Note: If you upgrade to Member in AQworlds, you will also receive a free, matching upgrade in our new MMO HeroSmash.