Design Notes
November 02, 2010
The Last Day!
You Only Have A Few Hours Left!
Today is the very last day you will EVER be able to become a 2nd Upholder by supporting the game buy upgrading to a member!
You have heard us going on and on about this for weeks now but maybe you were in outter mongolia and didn't have any internet until today or maybe you just found out about AQ Worlds so here it is one more time!
If you are a member by tonight at 11:59 PM EST (server time) you earn the right to call yourself a 2nd Upholder which grants you a special 2nd Upholder Achievement Badge on your Character Page so the whole world knows that you decided to help keep AQW going strong by supporting it with your membership, AND you get the very awesome rare item.. the Onyx Star Sword.
This will be the ONLY time that the Onyx Star Sword is given out and it ONLY goes to 2nd Upholders.
For those of you who have chosen to support AQW with your memberships, we really hope you find that being a member is worth a lot more than you paid. Thank you for supporting us, thanks for playing and thanks for sharing the game's 2nd birthday with us!
Birthday Event Closes Today!
Today is also the last day to take part in the AQW 2nd Birthday Event hosted by Paul and Storm, featuring Jonathan Coulton! That means today is the last day to play through the Mirror Realm adventure and grab all of the super-swoop rare items from the event!
The AQW Founders will also recieve their free non-member Onyx Platinum Dragon pets will be delivered with the 2nd Upholder full color badges and Onyx Star Swords tomorrow.
Once again, we want to say thanks to the Founders for having faith in us and faith that AQW would become a great game way back in the day. We hope that we have lived up to your expectations when you decided to get into AQW on the ground floor before anyone else.
If you happened to discover AQW after the ball was already rolling then don't miss your chance to become a Founder in the NEW web MMORPG that we are developing: SuperheroQuest! Coming SOON!
Sooner than we would like. Eeep!
Incubus Is Nearly HERE!
You guys have ripped through the current war, and as I write this the war is hovering at around 93% complete. By this evening you will be able to face down Vampire Lord Incubus! Kimberly from One-Eyed Doll is waiting for you in the war camp urging you forward with One-Eyed Doll's newest Single "You're a Vampire"!
You can also catch One-Eyed Doll's spcial AQW version of their music video for "You're a Vampire" by clicking the One-Eyed Doll button in Battleon! If you haven't yet, you really need to check it out.
Your fellow AQW adventurer, Xyo did am amazing job editing AQW in-game art into the real video. We're really excited that One-Eyed Doll decided to let AQ Worlds be the stage for the world premiere of their video.
You might be saying "Cysero, it's so cool to see a real music video right in the game. HOW DID YOU DO IT?!"
The answer is an easy one: I didn't. Zhoom, llussion and our new coder Yorumi did all that. I'm just as impressed as you are.
Pumpkin Princesses and Princes!
The Pumpkin Carving contest is done and we are in the process of marrowing down the winner or winners from all of the great entries that we got! The Grand Prize winner or winners each get 5000 AdventureCoins! I have also made a special pumpkin themed sword for the winner or winners which I have named "For the Gourd". This will be one of the rarest items in the entire game!
I always love having contests like this. It's really great to see how creative you guys can be with something as simple as a veggie.
If you've ever had one of your suggestions make it into one of Artix Entertainment's games and watched it come to live right on the screen then you know how we feel when we see ideas from the games we make come to life in the real world through your creativity! You guys are really amazing!
The winner or winners will be announced, and the sword will be hand delivered this Friday! If you're in game when I'm delivering the swords I'll goto you and say gratz personally.
Chaos Lord Fight: MEMBERS ONLY
This Friday is also the Arcangrove Finale member only preview! It's been a long and fun zone and I'm pretty sorry to see it come to a close. This zone has become my favorite in the entire game with it's beautiful areas, fantastic original music, impressive magic-themed items, interesting NPCs, and extremely fun-to-write plotline. Minimal and I have cooked up a new boss mechanic for Chaos Lord Ledgermayne which will require you to pay attention during the fight. I'm not going to say anything else about it but you members get to figure it out before anyone else. Have fun!
Stratos, Beleen and I have been combing the suggestion threads and we will be updating the Player Suggestion shop in Yulgar's Inn this weeked as well!
Forum Question
A lot of you have already tied your AE game accounts to the Battleon Master Account System but even more of you haven't yet. What little bonus would it take to get you to start a Master Account and attach your accounts to it? A free inventory space? An achievement both in AQW and on your Master Account? A handful of free ACs?

October 15, 2010
Chaos Beast and Mogloween!
This weekend we have the Birthday Event still going strong, the re-opening of the last 2 years worth of Mogloween and lots of great Seasonal Rares and a brand new chapter in Arcangrove, with a deadly Chaos Beast to fight and tons of GREAT NEW items to grab!
You'll be happy to note that there is no puzzle in this week's Arcangrove saga but a CRAZY hard quest that may take you a while. Get some snacks!
Time Grows Short!
We may have extended the Birthday Event but the deadline for 2nd Upholder hasn't changed. If you want to become a 2nd Upholder you only have 18 days left!
Next Week - Mogloween 2010
Don't forget that next week is our all new Mogloween adventure, but you will only be able to play it if you have finished the last 2 years worth of adventures. You only have one week to help the Cauldron Sisters regain their Candy Shoppe before next week's all new event!
Next week we will have lots of NEW seasonal rare drops, we're bringing back the seasonal rare shop in a new and interesting way and this year's boss will drop the Pumpkinlord Class! ALL NEXT WEEK!
Bladehaven Needs Beta Testing!
Out laterst game, BladeHaven is now open for beta testing and we need YOUR help to find all the little (and much larger) bugs before the full release! If you qualify to be a beta tester for BladeHaven then you will also recieve the Beta Tester achievement in that game!
If you happen to purchase Mercernary Contract in BladeHaven, you will recieve the exclusive non-member Mercernary Gnome pet in AQW!
Remember: you need a Baltteon Master Account linked to your other accounts to possibly qualify!
There's a lot going on guys, so I won't waste any more of your time. HAVE FUN!
Or else.

October 13, 2010
The BladeHaven BETA
Happening NOW!
BladeHaven is a first person sword fighting game. Watch the trailer at BattleOn games! The game uses the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL" to save your progress, earch achievements... and even EXP for your master account. The BETA is starting Thursday for AQWorlds Members, Guardians, DragonLords, Star Captains, etc. Learn more and see if your account qualifies for BETA testing.
BladeHaven Beta Starts this Thursday
- Get Bladehaven Wallpapers at
- Get a BattleOn Games account to play, save your progress, earn achievements, and XP