Design Notes
July 20, 2011
Getting to know ArcAttack's Bassist!
The Countdown continues - only TWO more days until the Arc Attack Musical Event this Friday! There's a little bit of Mad Scientist in most artists, and in anyone who has a passion for creation, really. We share that trait with the members of ArcAttack, and we've all been hard at work creating the various parts of this weekend's musical event!
Today we'd like to continue our introduction of the ArcAttack band members with the most bass-ic member of them all - John! As ArcAttack's bass guitarist, you'd expect him to be strong, powerful, and a driving force in the band, much like the bass line in a rockin' song.
As a mad scientist driven by frequencies beyond the range of normal human hearing, he embraces his ability and puts it to work manipulating magic through music. Already possessing a double-Doctorate in Dissonance and Direct Current, he's aiming for a third degree in Dead-icated Necrotics. This weekend's experiment will be used in his dissertation.
AC and Member Event Rare items for this weekend's event!
We mentioned yesterday that there will be some EPIC items coming to the ArcAttack event, and today we want to show some of them off! We want to whet your appetite before we ROCK it!
High-voltage AC gear pictured above:
- Faraday Suit Armor
- Ride the Lightning Cape
- Ionic Discharge Staff
AC items for SCIENCE!:
- Mad Scientist Armor
- High-Voltage Conductor Mace
- Experimentation #7 Staff
- Toxis Resistor Axe
- And more!
Member-only Helms:
- Augmented Vision Helm (top right)
- Toxic Vision Helm (bottom right)
AC Helms:
- Mad-Eye Scientist Helm (top left)
- Hypochondriacal Scientist Helm (bottom left)
There will also be non-member items, but we do not have the art for them yet. No art, no preview pictures!
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Preimere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!