Design Notes
July 19, 2024
Cold Thunder: Heart of the Storm
Our Main Story Continues This Weekend
Greenguard's forces have escaped certain death... but at what cost? Log in this weekend and battle alongside Queen Victoria. Your goal: claim the Skye throne and overthrow Queen Iona. Victory is close at hand, but before you can claim the ultimate prize, you'll need to meet the real mastermind behind the war, and the origin of Cold Thunder.
New Game Update
- Main Story: new update in the Cold Thunder Saga
- New Rewards: Courtly Mage set in Castle Gaheris
- Summer Limited Quantity Sets: restocks arrive every 4 hours
- Balemorale AC Shop: color-custom Skye Mage set
- Beachin' Gear: 4 new new seasonal Gothic Beach drops on Gravefang
- Summer Collection: 3 capes, 3 helms, 1 sword, 1 dagger
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double Gold
- Saturday drops: Comet Moth Gifts from Death on Wings in /terrarium
- Sunday drops: Great Shark Bite house item from the Shark in /eventhub
Majestic New Rewards
You've come so far, fought so hard, and lost so very much as you battled through the Cold Thunder Saga. But if you survive the ice and energy enemies of Castle Gaheris, your rewards will be majestic!
Castle Gaheris monster drops:
- Courtly Mana Scholar Hair + Locks
- Mana Scholar's Tassels cape
- Delicate Snowflake Rapier (single + dual-wield)
- Militis Snowflake Rapier (single + dual-wield)
- Grimoire of Abra-Melin mace
Merge Shop Items:
- Courtly Mana Scholar armor
- Mana Scholar's Warlock + Witch's Hats
- Golden Snowflake Rapier (single + dual-wield)
- Hoarfrost Snowflake Rapier (single + dual-wield)
- Winter Solstice Staff
- Mana Scholar's Arcane Craft
Gravefang drops in Lunacove:
- Dressy Gothic Beachwear armor
- Retro Gothic Beachwear armor
- Dyed Gothic Locks + Striped Hat
- Dyed Gothic Locks + Hat
Rainbrutal Corn drops in Pastelia:
- Midnight Unicorn Puppet
- Phantasie Unicorn Puppet
Quibble's Summer Collection Update
Whether you head to the beach to cool down or get your surf on... beat the heat this weekend with the super-cool gear in our Scorching Summer 2024 Collection! Unlock over 125 rare and seasonal event items when you get the chest for 10,000 AdventureCoins or buy individual items from Quibble in Battleon.
New items added this weekend:
- Chaos Eye Revolution
- Gold Dragon Revolution
- Blindfolded Lunar Lounger Morph (male + female)
- Summer Night Clouds cape
- Blade of MoonLight (single + dual-wield)
- Sleek Gothic Locks Visage
Star Light of Destiny Update
Reduced the amount of Star of the Empyrean required for the Star Lights of Destiny weapon (dagger version) from x14 to x7
Star Light of the Empyrean
- Available in the Nova Shrine Gift Shop
- deals 51% more damage to all monsters when equipped
- Costs: Star Light of Destiny x1, Star of the Empyrean x7, Star Piece x250
Star Lights of the Empyrean
- Available in the Nova Shrine Gift Shop
- deals 51% more damage to all monsters when equipped
- Costs: Star Lights of Destiny x1, Star of the Empyrean x7, Star Piece x250
Age of Ruin Saga: the Story So Far...
After the threat Malgor and his ShadowFlame army posed had been put to rest, you were left to address the scars he inflicted... and process the knowledge you gained. The Gods and Greater Beings of the Old Worlds Order have been revealed, and now you must complete the task they've set: to neutralize three dire threats before they awaken.
Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea Chapter 1 of the begins in the /TerminaTemple map. If you have not completed it, journey there now! You'll need to finish the entire saga before you can begin next week's adventure.
Events + Gear Leaving Soon
Summer's heating up, and so are our weekly game releases! Check out the June release calendar to see what's happening and when things leave so you don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
July 22: Radical Kidz Sticker items from Sneeviltron in /boxes
July 24: Sweatshirt Daimyo, Black + Pink Battle Puppies from Undead Artix in /Overworld
July 30: Sepulchure's MEGA Doom Maces from GleebleGlarble in /Nursery
July 31:
- Dreambound Unicorn Toys from Rainbrutalcorn in /Pastelia
- Rose Bush + Friends Pet and House Item from the Rose Bush in /Balemorale
- Lae's seasonal birthday drops on the Shadow Lord in /shadowrealm

July 19, 2024
Celestial Summer Limited Quantity Sets
Set your alarms! The sets go on sale Friday, July 19th at 6 PM EST!
All Summer long, we've been shining a spotlight on Lore's favorite Hero (you!) with a host of epic, astral gear. And this Summer's Limited Quantity Packs are stay true to the theme; log in tomorrow as we launch our Celestial Summer LQS series. Head to the Account Manager site starting Friday, July 19th, at 6 PM EST, to find all-new limited quantity packs!
To get the gear:
- Go to your AQW Account Manage site
- Find the Limited Quantity Shop section (visible shortly before 6 PM EST)
- Once the items are available, grab yours before they're gone!
Name | Price | Total Qty | 1st Stock | Restock |
Sol Invictus Champion. | 1,500 AC | 15,000 | 3,000 | 1,200 |
Celestial Mystic | 1,000 AC | 15,000 | 3,000 | 1,200 |
Beach Houses (AC) | 1,000 AC | 10,000 | 2,000 | 800 |
Beach Houses (Mem) | 100,000g* | 20,000 | 6,000 | 1,400 |
Celestial Weapons | 100,000g | 45,000 | 10,000 | 3,000 |
Each package comes with a unique set of gear and a badge in your Book of Lore and on your character page.
* Available for current and former members
Sol Invictus Champion Pack
Price: 1,500 AC
Pack includes: 16 items
- Sol Invictus Champion: 1 armor, 3 capes, 2 helms, 1 staff
- Prismatic Sol Invictus: 1 armor, 3 capes, 2 helms, 1 staff (color-customizable)
- Character page badge
Trivia: Sol Invictus was the official Sun God of the late Roman Empire.
Celestial Mystic Pack
Price: 1,000 AC
Pack includes: 16 items
- Solarflare Mystic: 1 armor, 1 cape, 2 helms, 1 staff
- Thundermoon Mystic: 1 armor, 1 cape, 2 helms, 1 staff
- Character page badge
Trivia: July's Full Moon is called the "Thunder Moon" and (quasi-coincidentally) will see the penultimate update to our current main story chapter, the Rumbling of Cold Thunder!
Day & Night Beach Houses Pack
AC Price: 1,000 AC OR
Member Price: 100,000 gold (for current and past members)
Pack includes: 2 items
- Bright Sun Beach House (with armor customizer room)
- Luminous Lunar Beach House (with armor customizer room)
- Character page badge
Celestial Gear Pack
Price: 100,000 gold
Pack includes: 5 items
- Stella Empyrean Katana (single and dual-wield)
- Stella Empyrean Gauntlet (single and dual-wield)
- Floating Empyrean Katana Blade pet
- Character page badge
Restock Schedule
Initial stock: 6:00 PM EST Friday night, July 19
- Friday restock: 10:00 PM EST
- Saturday restock: 2:00 AM, 6:00 AM 10:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 6:00 PM, 10:00 PM
- Sunday restock: 2:00 AM, 6:00 AM
Final restock: 10:00 AM EST Sunday, July 21
Note: restocks occur every 4 hours, based on server time
Restock Schedule
Friday, July 19 |
6:00 PM EST |
Saturday, July 20 |
2:00 AM EST |
Sunday, July 21 |
2:00 AM EST |
Note: restocks occur every 4 hours, based on server time
What is a Limited Quantity Set?
The Limited Quantity Sets are just what they sounds like... each set has a certain quantity and once that number has sold out then that's it. The total number of sets is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 items left on the web page, that's what we've got left in stock.
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
- Log into your account manager on (not into the game!)
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore
- Get all the items in the badge shop for 0 ACs (yay free storage!)
What is a Limited Quantity Set?
The Limited Quantity Sets are just what they sounds like... each set has a certain quantity and once that number has sold out then that's it. The total number of sets is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 items left on the web page, that's what we've got left in stock.
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
- Log into your account manager on (not into the game!)
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore
- Get all the items in the badge shop for 0 ACs (yay free storage!)
- Restocks are scheduled every four hours to help players around the world get a chance to get gear. Quantities will update on the website.
- Player Support cannot give out packs / badges because a pack is sold out or give refunds once a pack is purchased.
- Limited-time shop badges can not be sold back or refunded.
Note: Earlier this month, we announced that the Crystallis Adjudicator set would release this week as one of our LQS packs. Scheduling issues arose and that set needed to be moved to next month. It will arrive in the Featured Gear Shop as a rare set available for AdventureCoins.

June 30, 2014
Chaos Limited Quantity Sets
Rare Collectors... Start Your Engine!
If you were with us back in April, you saw the introduction of Limited Quantity sets. Some people love them, some people (the ones who forget to set their alarms) hate them, but they give those who like collecting rare gear a chance to grab a shining trophy that only a select few will possess!
Starting this Friday, July 4th, at 12:30 PM server time, head to our Limited Quantity Set page to grab one of these
Set comes with: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape
Chaos Paragon Set
Price: 2000 ACs
Quantity: 10000 sets
Initial stock: 5000 sets
Restock amount: 1000 sets (per restock)
The Legion-only Evolved Paragon armor set will be available in-game for Legion Tokens.
Set comes with: 1 armor, 4 helms, 1 cape, 2 weapons
Eternal Warrior Set
Price: 1000 ACs
Quantity: 5000 sets
Initial stock: 3500 sets
Restock amount: 300 sets
Set comes with: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape, 1 weapon
Chaos Conqueror Set (Legend Only*)
Price: 100,000 gold
Quantity: 15000 sets
Initial stock: 10000 sets
Restock amount: 1000 sets
*you do not have to currently be a Legend as long as you've bought a membership in the past
Set comes with: 1 pet
Blazing Chaos Pet (Legend Only*)
Price: 50,000 gold
Quantity: 15000 sets
Initial stock: 10000 sets
Restock amount: 1000 sets
*you do not have to currently be a Legend as long as you've bought a membership in the past
Set comes with: 1 pet, 1 cape
Nine TentaTails Fox Pet and Cape
Price: 75,000 gold
Quantity: 30000 sets
Initial stock: 15000 sets
Restock amount: 3000 sets
Each set also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore!
Limited Quantity Set Restock Schedule
The Chaos LQS opens at 12:30 PM this Friday, July 4th! (That is early afternoon, server time, not in the middle of the night.) Not sure when that is in your part of the world? Here's a timezone converter to make setting your alarm easier!
- 12:30 PM Friday
- 10:30 PM Friday
- 8:30 AM Saturday
- 6:30 PM Saturday
- 4:30 AM Sunday
- 2:30 AM Sunday
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
- Log into a special LQS webpage on
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold (if you have EVER upgraded your account, you can purchase the Legend sets for gold!)
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore (no character page badge attached.)
Note: Item quantities will restock throughout the weekend so that everyone gets a fair chance at the gear.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will there be enough items for everyone? No, but with multiple restocks your changes of getting an item are pretty good... as long as you keep an eye on your clock and don't miss the restock!
- Will item quantities update automatically? No, but once you purchase an item from the shop or revisit the page, you'll see an updated amount.
- If a set doesn't sell out right away, will the restock amount roll over? Yes. The next restock amount will always be added to the previous amount of gear. Gear not sold before a restock will remain in the shop.
- Will the items be 0 ACs? All items sold in the LQSets will be 0 ACs, so you can keep them in your bank for free, forever!
- Do I have to be a Legend to buy the Legend-only sets? You do not need to have an active upgrade to purchase the Legend sets, as long as you have upgraded your account at any time in the past!
Find examples of the web page's layout on our Limited Quantity Set FAQ page.

April 29, 2014
Limited Quantity Set Amounts
Sets Go Rare This Friday, May 9th!
The first-ever Limited Quantity Sets are almost all gone - only one set remains! Check out the Lavastorm Lord Limited Quantity Set on the LQS webpage HERE, but do not wait too long, because it will only be available for a few more days!
The Glacier Lord is a pretty cool guy.
When and Where to Get the Gear.
Not sure what time the shop opens or restocks? Use this timezone converter to find out what time it is in YOUR area!
Once 6:30 PM server time hits, head to this webpage and log in with your AQW account (this page is on the site, but will NOT be available until 6:30 PM)
Shop Update/Restock Times
- 6:30 PM Friday, May 2nd
- 4:30 AM Saturday, May 3rd
- 2:30 PM Saturday, May 3rd
- 12:30 AM Sunday, May 4th
- 10:30 AM Sunday, May 4th
- 8:30 AM, May 5th
- 6:30 PM, May 5th
Note 1: Based on player feedback and overwhelming demand, both May 5th restocks will take place as scheduled.
Note 2: The restock amount will always be added to the previous amount of gear. Gear not sold before a restock will remain in the shop.
Glacier Lord Set
Price: 1250 ACs, Quantity: 5000
- Glacier Lord Armor
- Glacial Horns
- Glacial Lord Hood
- Wrap of the Frostwyrm
- Fridge Edge Blade
- Great Blade of Frostclaw
- Glacial Daggers of Freezing
- Glacier Lord Cowl
- Initial quantity: 1000
- Restock amount: 1000
Lavastorm Lord Set
Price: 1250 ACs, Quantity: 5000
- Lavastorm Lord Armor
- Lavastorm Horns
- Lavastorm Hood
- Lavastorm Cowl
- Volcano's Embrace Cloak
- Molten Heartpiercer Scythe
- Dual Molten Heartpiercer Scythes
- Lavastorm's Reach Polearm
- Initial quantity: 1000
- Restock amount: 1000
Dragon's Salvation Set (Legend-Only)
Price: 50000 gold, Quantity: 15000
The Legend perks just keep coming: if you've EVER upgraded your account, you can buy this set for gold... then go in-game and unlock the 0 AC items. (The items will not require an upgrade to equip.)
Armor set is color-customizable!*
- Dragon's Salvation Armor
- Dragon's Guard
- Silken Cloak of Loyalty
- Flared Loyalty Wrap
- Bright Dragon Battlepet
- Initial quantity: 3000
- Restock amount: 3000
* A Dark version of this set will be available in next week's Rare shop.
ShadowDragon Gear (All Players)
Price: 75000 gold, Quantity: 30000
- Shadow Dragon Pet
- ShadowDragon Axe
- ShadowDragon Blade
- ShadowDragon Polearm
- Initial quantity: 6000
- Restock amount: 6000
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
Limited Quantity Sets will work VERY differently from the way Limited Quantity Shops did in the past, though the core idea - a limited quantity of gear - will remain the same.
- Log into a special LQS webpage on (not into the game!)
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore (no character page badge attached.)
- Get all the items in the badge shop for 0 ACs (yay free storage!)
Actual prices and quantities are listed above.
Amounts will restock throughout the weekend so that everyone gets a fair chance at the gear. (That means we will only release a fraction of the total amount at first.)
Where to Find the Sets
Check the Design Notes, hompage, and upgrade page for the webpage where you can buy the sets! You'll also be able to log into AQW and talk to Khuddar Khamundi, the Black Market Vendor, will return to Battleon with a link to the webpage.

December 27, 2012
Winter Wrap-Up!
The Year Ends But The Fun Continues!
Even though the new years starts early next week, tomorrow is when we are releasing our seasonal New Year's Event, complete with countdown clock and festive New Year Globe!
Alina has whipped up an expansion to the event where you have to help a pair of shunned creatures of the night find a new home and save the world from eternal darkness. As usual, our artists have outdone themselves making rewards that will blow your mind and leave you a drooling heap, flopping mindlessly into the near year like a pudding rolling down the stairs!
We have also just made a small adjustment to the Battlefield map. You can now replay the Quetzal Quests (or Questzals as I call them) as many times as you like, in case you missed some of the great seasonal rares that drop off of the quests.
If you have already completed the Questzals, just /join Battlefiend and his the Replay Quests button. If you have NOT yet completed the Questzals then you're making a big mistake. People will be talking about this Frostval event for years to come and you will want to say "I was there when they released that. I saved the world in 2012."
Time Marches On
We have been doing a LOT in recent weeks to completely restructure the game, the way the database calls happen and re-arranging and even adding new threads for more efficient data flow. We still have a LOT of work to do in the weeks to come but rest assured that we are on the frontlines of the War On Lag.
The Limited Quantity Shops have been a lot of fun for our collectiors who like to know that they have one of only 9,000 items of that kind in the game but after trying new ways of handling it every time, we've come to the conclusion that (unless we make some REALLY dramatic changes) we just can't keep them up. The currently availible LQS will be the last one.
As soon as next year begins, we are planning on kicking off the new Chaos Story Zone.... Thunderforge. In this area you will learn a lot more about Chaos and those who wield it for their own gains and the next of Drakath's Lords of Chaos has a farmiliar face.
Happy Holidays
This season is a time for giving but that means more than just presents. Sometimes it means just giving a little bit of your time to the people who wish we all had more time to spend together. We loved making the Frostval event for you but we also loved taking a few days off and spending them with out friends and families. We hope that no matter where you are, who you are or what you believe... you got to take a bit of the Frostval Spirit with you into the real world and share it with the people that you care about.
Heres to you having a great holiday season and an even better new year!
...or else.

December 21, 2012
The End Of All Things
The Beast Quetzal is Free.
Last week, you saw the fate of Elim, the last hero to try and face Kezeroth The World Ender. You ventured to the very bottom of FrostDeep Dungeon and recovered the Sword of Hope... and you saw the beginning of the end.
Now Quetzal is free, flying across the face of Lore and freezing everything in its path. It is up to you and your friends to weaken The Beast enough to use the Sword of Hope on it and put a stop to kezeroth's devastation.
This features battles unlike anything you have ever seen in AQW before. You will be providing a very necessary lifeline to your army as they try to weaken The Beast Quetzal. Keep in mind that it is a monster powerful enough to devour worlds so IT WILL TAKE TIME to even weaken it.
It will take courage and strength and above all a tireless spirit!
If you have these qualities and manage to bring the beast Quetzal down, then you will still have Kezeroth to face. He is AMAZINGLY powerful and you WILL NEED FRIENDS to defeat him.
As Promised, Kezeroth The World Ender's Armor Set (Armor, Helm and Cape) is a Member drop from Kezeroth himself (and Ultra Kezeroth), but ANYONE can BUY Kez's set from Athon's Frostval Shop for ACs. You will also find a number of random holiday rare drops from each of the Quetzal quests for all players.
Happy Frostval!
Limited Qty Shop AND MORE!
Don't forget that we have the last LQS of the year coming tomorrow at 2:00 PM Server Time (Check your Options for the server time). You can check out a list of the new LQS Items coming tomorrow in Alina's Design Notes Post.
Later this month we also have Dage's Sword Of The Legion shop, The revamps to the Verification Shop armors and our New Year's Eve Release! The world did not end today so we will still be updating the game through the end of the year and beyond!
Thanks for being a part of our holiday event and Happy Frostval!
Today is Just Another Day

December 22, 2012
Broken Prophecy LQS is Live
Log in now to get this rare gear!
The world will be here for a long time to come... but this gear won't! Because you defeated Kezeroth in yesterday's 12-21-12 Frostval event, we are here to launch the last Limited Quantity Shop of 2012! This time around, Khuddar has epically-awesome post-apocalyptic AND Frostval armors and items! Quantities are limited, so make your deals with Khuddar quick!
Apocalyptic Warrior Sets
If you haven't been with us for a Limited Quantity Shop before, here's what's going to happen:
This Saturday, December 22nd, at 2PM we will open up a Limited Quantity Shop in Battleon. The items listed below will all be in the shop with the stated prices and quantities. Once that item is sold out, it is never coming back. Ever.
If you see something you like, then you're going to want to make sure you're awake and have the gold or ACs on hand to buy your chosen equips!
Here's a handy online time zone converter to make logging in at just the right moment a little easier!
Apocalyptic Warlord Set
Apocalyptic Warlord – 700 AC – 4,500 quantity
Apocalyptic DeathBringer – 700 AC – 4,000 quantity
Apocalyptic Conquerer – 700 AC – 3,500 quantity
Apocalyptic Plunderer – 700 AC – 3,000 quantity
ShadowSnow Warrior – 650 AC – 2,500 quantity
Prismatic SnowStalker – 600 AC – 2,000 quantity
Apocalyptic Plunderer Set *
Apocalyptic Warlord Helm – 85 AC – 4,500 quantity
Apocalyptic Warlord Full Helm – 85 AC – 4,500 quantity
Apocalyptic DeathBringer Helm – 85 AC – 4,000 quantity
Apocalyptic Conqueror’s Mask – 65 AC – 3,500 quantity
Apocalyptic Conqueror’s Hood – 65 AC – 3,000 quantity
Apocalyptic Plunderer’s Mask – 75 AC – 3,000 quantity
ShadowSnow Helm – 65 AC – 2,500 quantity
Horned Krampus Witch Helm – 75 AC – 2,000 quantity
Horned Krampus Helm – 75 AC – 2,000 quantity
Prismatic Furred Hood – 65 AC – 2,000 quantity
Prismatic Furred Locks – 65 AC – 2,000 quantity
* Stealing the food from heroes' mouths, Apocalyptic Plunderers makes sure there is little for no one but themselves.
Post-Apocalyptic Bunker House
Prismatic Furred Cape – 85 AC – 2,000 quantity
Silent Knight Blade – 200 AC – 3,500 quantity
Bunker House Merge Item – 1,500 AC – 2,000 quantity **
** Talk to Khuddar in Battleon to merge your Post-Apocalpytic Bunker House Item into the full Post-Apocalyptic Bunker House!
Apocalyptic DeathBringer Set
Ice Warrior Armor – 33,500 gold – member – 8,500 quantity
Licorice Twist Armor – 23,500 gold – member – 6,000 quantity
Jolly SnowStalker Armor – 26,000 gold – member – 8,000 quantity
Licorice Fascinator Helm – 13,000 gold – member – 6,000 quantity
Licorice FlopHat – 13,000 gold – member – 6,000 quantity
Festive Furred Hood – 10,000 gold – member – 6,000 quantity
Jolly SnowStalker Hood – 10,000 gold – member – 6,000 quantity
12-21-12 Alpacalypse Survivor ***
Short Holly Cloak – 15,000 gold – member – 6,000 quantity
Long Holly Cloak – 17,500 gold – member – 7,500 quantity
Jolly Furred Cape – 20,000 gold – member – 6,000 quantity
Furred Cape – 20,000 gold – member – 6,000 quantity
Alpacalypse Survivor Pet – 35,000 gold – member – 9,000 quantity
*** Not to be confused with Alpaca Lips Survivor. That's MUCH messier!
Licorice Twist Armor
Sassafras Armor – 45,000 gold – non-member – 20,000 quantity
Sassafras Mask – 25,000 gold – non-member – 20,000 quantity
Royal Frost Scepter – 32,500 gold – non-member – 30,000 quantity
A Few Words of Gratitude for the Holidays
Before I fly home for the holidays to spend time with family, I just want to thank you on behalf of the AQWorlds team for supporting this game and the rest of our Artix Entertainment family. Without you, we couldn't do what we love to do. As I look around the other people at the Lab, and talk to you guys on Twitter, the forums, Facebook, and in-game, I realize that there's nowhere else I'd rather be and nothing else I'd rather be doing each day. I get to do that thanks to all of you.
Happy holidays to all, and Battle On!

September 28, 2012
The Marriage of J6
A Wedding In Three Acts.
J6, AQW's Lead Artist, has worked on just about every game we have ever made or currently have in production. He's got his own faction of rabid followers, his own t-shirt on HeroMart and has drawn many of the items and almost ALL of the maps that you walk around during every new release. He is an amazingly talented artist and craftsman who has also made real life sculptures of Artix, Galanoth's Dragonslayer Helm and his own J6 Helm.
He is capable, versatile and best of all very, very fast. This dude is a machine who has never failed to meet or best any task that we've thrown at him no matter how busy he is.
J6 lives and works from Canada so we don't get to see him as often as we'd like but when he does visit, Cinazool always comes with him. She is a kind, bubbly, fun, friendly and stunningly beautiful woman and after years of dating, they have finally decided to tie the knot and you're invited!
Artix was actually able to fly up to the great white north to attend the real wedding earlier this month, but for those of us who couldn't make it we have crafted this special in-game event for you. J6 honored me by asking me to write the event and keep all details about it from him. He wanted to be surprised.
I was so stressed about making it funny that I got writers block and went through four complete re-writes. Everyone on the AQW team chipped in on this one and I even managed to trick J6 into doing the art for Captain Stubbing and the Love Goat map.
If you complete the event, you will be awarded the J6 Wedding Badge in your Book of Lore (not a character page badge) and you will also unlock all of the Member, Non-Member and AC items in J6's Wedding Shop. You will also find a lot of new drops on the various goats found in the release and on Filthy McGee.
As usual there are the stock wedding items like the Bounty Hunter's Berry Mug, the Silver Eternal Flame, Cinazool's Wedding Bouquet and some others but we also have some brand new armors, helms, back items, weapons and pets in this special event.
Congrats, J6 and Cinazool. May you have the best of all possible lives together.
Four NEW Rare Houses in J6's House Shop!
Click the "Rare House Shop" button in Battleon to check out J6's four NEW rare houses! These aren't just ANY new houses, either. They have a secret, owner-only entrance, so that no one can enter unless YOU are home! If you want your friends to gain entrance, you'll need to go to your /house and then they will need to /goto YOU!
Guild Renaming is LIVE and FREE this weekend!
Check your Guild menu to see how to re-name it! This weekend only, Guild re-naming is FREE! On Monday it will begin costing AdventureCoins. Be warned, if your client is cached, your name change may not appear immediately.
Vindicator of They Leaves Oct 12th!
It's been almost one year since we did our special They Might Be Giants AQW Birthday event and as we mentioned when we released it... we only have the rights to use this stuff in AQW for a year. Our contract with TMBG expires on October 12th, so on that day the event will be locked forever. No more rep farming quests, no more special songs that they wrote and performed just for AQW and no more Vindicator of They Class.
Time is growing short. If you haven't had the chance to earn the Vindicator class and items, remember that you still have a few weeks to buy it from Itzachi in Battleon.
83 days until Just Another Day

September 14, 2012
Limited Quantity Shop Prices
The shop opens THIS Saturday at 1PM EST!
We've got a Good-themed Limited Quantity Shop stocked with a bounty of GREAT gear... PLUS all of the items that didn't sell out from the last LQS!
Get ready to have your greaves knocked off, because this art will prove you're one of the Good guys... or just want people to THINK you are!
- Plate of The Fallen Armor (CC)* - 800 ACs- 8,000 qty
- Mail of The Fallen Armor (CC)* - 800 ACs- 8,000 qty
- Stronger Armor - 700 ACs - 7,000 qty
- Golden Defiance Armor - 725 ACs- 6,000 qty
- Valkyric Glory (CC)* - 45,000 member gold- 10,000 qty
* This item is color-customizable
- Bright Hood of The Fallen - 90 ACs- 8,000 qty
- Dark Hood of The Fallen - 90 ACs- 8,000 qty
- Wings of Strength Helm - 75 ACs- 8,000 qty
- Viking Beard Helm (CC)* - 75 ACs- 6,000 qty
- Valkyrie Locks Helm (CC)* - 15,000 member gold- 10,000 qty
- Viking Chop Helm (CC)* - 15,000 member gold- 10,000 qty
- Wings of Fury Mask - 17,500 member gold- 8,000 qty
- Prismatic Runic Wings - 100 ACs- 6,000 qty
- Runic Wings - 25,000 member gold- 5,000 qty
- Valkress Cape - 25,500 non-member gold- 20,000 qty
- Blade of The Fallen (CC)* - 300 ACs- 6,000 qty
(Dmg range: 100! Same range as Overfiend Blade of Nulgath.) - Ashaan Arch Axe - 175 ACs- 5,000 qty
- SilverStag Longbow - 200 ACs- 5,000 qty
- QuickSpark Polearm - 200 ACs- 4,000 qty
- Orvanna's Song Blade - 150 ACs- 4,000 qty
- Mana Manipulator - 150 ACs- 3,000 qty
- Valkress Blade - 23,500 member gold- 9,000 qty
- Light in the Mist Daggers - 25,500 member gold- 9,000 qty
- Bright Nymph's Honor - 20,000 non-member gold- 30,000 qty
Take a look at this online time zone converter and set your alarm, because you're not going to want to miss this!

April 13, 2012
Voltaire vs the Sleezter Bunny on Friday the 13th
Battles, bunnies, and BOMBS! Be prepared, because THIS time Voltaire and Deady return to face down an inter-dimensional evil bunny hoppin’ into Lore… with an army of Bunny Clone minions! In this explosive event, you’ll need to crack some eggs and break some heads if you want to stop the Secret Weapon’s timer and save Lore from the Bunnypocalypse!
Don't forget to visit our the epic Event Page!
Featuring instrumental versions of tracks from Voltaire's last album and his latest song "BUNNYPOCALYPSE", voiceacting by Voltaire and Art, this event has quests that will keep you hoppin', a story crazier than any we've yet done, and egg-streme event rewards!
Event Rares!
These epic event rares leave on April 30th, so if you don't want to count your rewards before they're /equipped, make sure to grab them from the shop and battle until they drop!
You know you want to /equip this DoomBunny armor and /stepdance.
With a shop full of rabid rabbit-themed gear and even MORE rockin' rewards dropping off of Sleezter Bunny, this Friday the 13th could be your luckiest yet in terms of loot!
Sleezter Bunny Armor and Head (drops from Sleezter Bunny)
Voltaire's Horned Hat
Voltaire's Horned Hat and Beard
Miss Fortune Blade
The Woe
Gluttony Flower
Jack Rabbit Armor
Lucky Rabbit Armor
- And more!
Top of the horning to you!
The Rare Shop will go rare but the event is a part of the game forever!
Take your own Sleezter Bunee Home!
HeroMart is now selling a selection of Voltaire's new 5' vinyl toys based on Deady Bunny and Sleezter Bunny seen in THIS EVENT!
Each of the toys comes with a code that will unlock SIX NON-MEMBER PETS in AdventureQuest Worlds!
Every time Voltaire has given us a limited amout of his toys to sell, we always sell out of them and we sell out faster and faster each time. At this time HALF of our supply of these toys is already gone. If you want one, ACT NOW!
Going, going, GONE!
The Limited Quantity Shop is GONE! But if you act fast, you can still get your Grenwog and Lucky Day Fair gear including the Evolved Leprechaun Class in Itzachi! Hurry, though, they leave on Monday!
Jack Rabbit uses Soul Crusher on Sleezter Bunny.
The Final Golden Cheezburger is NOT the Golden Cheezburger Deluxe!
We've had a lot of confusion about which Cheezburger turned into Knave1's Interfector Deorum armor. Many of you have the GOLDEN Cheezburger in your armor, but that was for the Aussie Opera House (which is now rare). If you bought a FINAL Cheezburger, then you NOW have the Interfector Deorum armor! Hope that helps clear things up.
Mido Livedraw Weapons live!
Suggested by YOU guys, designed by Mido, AE's graphic designer, and remade in Flash by Solrac, we hope you enjoy the weapons Mido drew in Wednesday's in-game Livedraw event! Join us next Wednesday for Thyton's in-game drawing event!
The Tentacle Staff and the Dual Flaming Dragon Scythes.
Grenwog's Grenlich Pet is live!
From a Diamond Grenwog Tooth, an undead GrenLICH hatches! What pet will the Grenwog drop NEXT year? Give us your ideas on Twitter and the Suggestion forum!
Make no bones about it, this is an awesome Grenlich pet!
We're at Khaotic Kon this weekend!
If you want to come hang out with some of the members of the AE team, we'll be at the KhaoticKon in Tampa this weekend! We have an Artix Entertainment panel at 1PM... and that nefarious Chairman Platinum has booked the panel RIGHT AFTER ours! Devious!
Have a GREAT Friday the 13th (/knock on wood), don't break any mirrors (/throw salt over your shoulder) and if you have a black cat at home, definitely don't put its cat-bed under a ladder. See you on Monday!

March 30, 2012
When Good Becomes Evil
The time has come for BATTLE!
Blood in the air and lions on the prowl! When both Rolith the Knight-Captain and many of the Pactoganol Knights go missing, Alina decides that the time to sit back and watch others fight has passed; it's time to decide whether being Evil in the service of saving lives is worth it. Enter the Battle PoisonMistress!
He'll want to take the Knight off after that.
Battle through a /poisonforest full of loyal knights put to the flame and traitorous deserters to reach the Lionfort! Let the battlerage consume you as Alina poisons her way through a forest of enemies to reach the captives!
Things are heating up now!
As Alina comes to terms with what she is willing to do in the name of Good, YOU will need to make your own choice to determine the fate of this week's villain. Be careful, because once you learn his identity, you'll understand the far-reaching consequences of this decision!
Thanks to Hizu for his work on the Traitorous Lieutenant monster and to Samba for pushing through a crashing Flash (9 crashes in one day) to rock out the cutscenes! Check out Alina's Armory shop, it's got some great new gear from Jemini for members and free player gold!
Limited Quantity Shop: Saturday at 10AM EST
Don't forget, tomorrow morning at 10AM server time - the first Limited Quantity Shop of 2012 releases! With epic equips like Zard Rider, Dragon Rider, and the Toxica set, you'll want to make sure to get in line before they're gone! To find out what time 10AM is in YOUR region of earth, check out this timezone converter!
Who knew Zard Riders could /samba in sync?
For pictures of the items, check out yesterday's Design Notes! Here's a reminder of the shop's items and their prices/quantities:
- Zard Rider - 1,000 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- Dragon Rider - 1,000 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- WyrmTamer - 800 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- Toxica Armor - 725 ACs - 6,000 quantity
- Solrac Legacy - 38,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Zard Rider Hat - 85 ACs - 9,000 quantity
- Toxic Horns - 85 ACs - 6,000 quantity
- WyrmTamer Hood - 75 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- WyrmTamer Helm - 75 ACs - 7,500 quantity
- Legacy Locks - 16,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Shorn Legacy Hair - 16,500 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Toxica Scythe - 200 ACs - 5,000 quantity
- SolarEdge Armblades - 35,000 member gold - 10,000 quantity
- Toxic Smasher - 35,000 free gold - 20,000 quantity
I herd u like dragons, so I put a dragon on your dragon.
- Dragon-back Cape - 500 ACs - 8,000 quantity
- Sol-Wrap Cape - 10,000 free gold - 12,000 quantity
Coming Next Week:
- Grenwog!
- Player Suggestion Shop update!
- Treasure Chest loot update!
- Update on the winner of I Can Has Mod winner IF they reply!
That's it for this weekend, guys, but we think that's quite a lot for one weekend! Enjoy the releases!

December 30, 2011
Time For New Year's
Chronomancy and Chaos!
Time is so predictable. It always goes from past to present to future. But when Drakath converts a Chronomancer to his cause, Chaos is going to disrupt the TimeStream!
Professor Iadoa - a renowned Chronomancer who has been flitting from between lines in the TimeStream for decades - has returned to his home era and is ready to turn Time upside-down and inside-out! To do that, he's got to stop it first, and the countdown ends this New Year's!
His SHUTDOWN sequence has been initiated. If you can't halt it and defeat Iadoa before the last seconds of the apparatus' countdown run out, Time as we know it will be destroyed!
And check out the totally timely rares in Lim's New Year's Shop and the New Year's House Shop for sweet seasonal and permanent rares which will show all your friends what an epic time you had!
Last Limited Quantity Shop of 2011 - 10AM Saturday!
Get your rear in gear, because Khuddar is here! That's right, it's the last LQS of 2011 and the goods he's got in store are going to go FAST! Featuring some of the most excellent equips and amazing accessories that we've produced yet, Khuddar's got items for every adventurer sold for gold or ACs.
We've got all the vital stats and critical info outlined in THIS post! And to make doubly, triply sure that you don't miss this super shop, here's a timezone converter so you know when YOUR time is OUR time!
Notes to Know!
Shift your eyeballs up a few lines and make sure you know what time the last Limited Quantity Shop of 2011 is. Frostvale, the Song of the Frozen Heart event, Beleen and Quibble are leaving NEXT Friday! We've also got the first Etherstorm Wastes release (they're going to be HOT!), the first new mid-week release of the Yaaaaarrr!, Frostval gifts will open and a not-so-surprise announcement all arriving at various points throughout next week!

December 12, 2011
Song Of The Frozen Heart
Frostvall 2011: Part 1
This Friday we will be releasing PART 1 of our new Frostval adventure: Song Of The Frozen Heart, Quibble will be arriving with his first week of Frostval Items and Rares and next week he will be getting a buff, and selling even MORE great Frostval themed items!
Coming on Wednesday: We will be releasing the second mid-week member mini-adventure! This week we will be buffing the LAIR area, adding a new Dragonhunter (A fallen Dragonslayer) NPC as well as a bunch of great member-only Dragon themed items. This will be the last Mid-week release of 2011 but you can expect more in in January of 2012, the Year of Chaos!
We're happy to announce that, as of this Wednesday, you will be able to expand your backpack to a maximum of 120 Inventory Spaces! That's 20 more spaces for all your favorite gear! Artix and Zhoom have been moving things in the game engine around and found a way to make the impossible possible.
As usual, you will be able to purchase these new inventory spaces from Valencia in Battleon or by hitting the Add Spaces button at the bottom of your backpack!
Zhoom says that this is the very limits of how far we can expand the inventory right now due to the limits of technology so this will be IT, but we make a habit of making the impossible possible around here so you never know...
Finally, Wednesday is Beleen's Birthday and she will be returning to Battleon with her OWN sack full of goodies as well as a new scavenger hunt all over Lore for some of Beleen's favorite things!
Even More Holiday Fun!
December is a VERY busy month for AQW. Later this month you can expect Part 2 of our new Frostval Event, Quibble will be getting even more new items, An Expanded New Year's event and on the 30th, back by popular demand, we're planning the last Limited Quantity Shop of 2011!
The new I CAN HAS MOD contest is now running and we will be picking a winner first thing next year on January 3rd! If you don't already have it, better go get your Cysero's Golden Cheezburger from Cleric Joy in Battleon! Don't forget that every month left on your Membership and every AEXtra that you complete gives you one more chance in the drawing! Good luck!
This year's annual AE Creative Cookie Contest is in full swing, so bake yourself a tasty entry, take a sweet pic and drop it HERE!
AQW will hit the ground running, full steam into the Year of Chaos! We've got a LOT of great surprises, stories, toys, rare items, classes, and new gameplay expansions in store but we don't want to ruin the new year's surpises! Let's just say you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Come back to the Design Notes TOMORROW for some pretty big news that we think everyone will be excited about!

August 12, 2011
Bloodtusk Ravine: Horcs/Trolls
An uneasy peace holds... but for how long?
In Bloodtusk Ravine, two races live in one place, separated only by a narrow gorge... and centuries of distrust. Enter a land of deceptive beauty and imminent violence, the air thick with tension and the smell of unshed blood.
Your services are sorely needed, Hero, by both the Horcs and the Trolls... because Chaos is rising, and will soon consume this shared land!
Superior warriors, steadfast and stalwart, do not underestimate the Horcs: their speech may be simple, but their minds are quick and their hearts are true, both to their tribe and the earth which sustains them.
Discover the Horcs of K'thurr; get to know them and you will soon begin to appreciate both their skill at war and their loyal natures.
- Kagg - Horc LoreKeeper, Rep Vendor
- Zot - Horc Spirit Master, Musician
- Tlax - Horc War Chief
- Ghaz - Horc Weaponsmith
- Sput - Horc Butch... Pet Vendor
Life is an Art, and the Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine are adept performers! Brilliant and creative, the Trolls value learning, history, and cultural pursuits above all else. Except maybe a good story or two!
Meet the Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine; they are quick to welcome strangers, as long as you aren't a Horc. They have tried to forget the unpleasant violence which happened so long ago. They are focused on living a bright future, and a joyous present.
- Sokrakiis - Troll Elder, Historian, Rep Vendor
- Samba - Troll Dance Adept, Hair Vendor
- Oishii - Troll Culinary Adept, Food Vendor
- Dregas - Troll Art Adept, House Vendor
- Bachius - Troll Musical Adept, Warrior, Weapons Vendor
- Krellenos - Troll Prophet
- Khasaanda - Troll Prophetess
Limited Quantity Shop at 3AM
Remember, the LQS goes live at 3 AM Eastern US time on SATURDAY! You can find a timezone converter here. We hope to see you there for this EPIC Omega shop! With six armors, FOURTEEN helms, and a variety of guns, daggers, and a cape, this is one of the most well-stocked Limited Quantity Shops we've ever offered!
Scroll down to see screenshots of all the epic Omega Mercenary Guild armors and items, made by Mennace!
Gender Change
Life feeling a bit too routine? Feel the need to look at the world through from a fresh perspective? Then Yulgar has just what you need! Go on a life-long vacation, by getting a gender modification!
Gender changes will cost 1,000 ACs every time you switch
That's right, you can now get a gender change in Yulgar's changing room. But be SURE you know what you want, because it will cost 1,000 ACs EVERY time you switch!
Member Emotes
Introducing EIGHT all-new MEMBER-ONLY emotes! /cheer for /spar with your friends when they get a Crit or /Headbang through our next musical event!
Cysero enjoying /stepdance while Bachius watches
- /Powerup
- /Cheer
- /Jumpcheer
- /Salute2
- /Cry2
- /Spar
- /Headbang
- /Dazed
The /samba emote that some of you saw previewed earlier today will be unlocked later on in the Bloodtusk Ravine. You won't be able to /samba until Samba starts giving dance lessons!
For our Brazillian players, we are now accepting Paymentez Credits on the master account page! Over 120,000 retail stores and 25,000 internet cafes in Latin America offer Paymentez Credits making it VERY easy to purchase Memberships or ACs!

August 11, 2011
Limity Quantity Shop: Saturday 3 AM
Check your timezones and set your alarms!
I don't always roll a Mercenary character, but when I do, it's an Omega! And now you, too, can join the Omega Mercenary Group, designed entirely by Mennace. With six armors, FOURTEEN helms, and a variety of guns, daggers, and a cape, this is one of the most well-stocked Limited Quantity Shops we've ever offered!
And don't forget, you'll still have a chance to pick up all of the past LQS items that haven't sold out yet! So if you were asleep, or at the dentist, or in the middle of ballet practice, now's the time to pick up those prized equips that you missed last time!
Omega Alchemist Armor
- Omega Alchemist: 10,000 qty 800 ACs
- Mecha Defender: 4,000 qty 800 ACs
- Infiltrator: 3,000 qty 700 ACs
- Death Dealer: 3,000 qty 700 ACs
- Hunter: 9,000 qty 90,000 gold (Member)
- Assault Gear: 32,000 qty 90,000 gold (Non-Member)
Mecha Defender Armor
- Omega Alchemist Male: 7,500 qty 250 ACs
- Omega Alchemist Female: 2,500 qty 250 ACs
- Male Beret: 1,500 qty 150 ACs
- Female Beret: 500 qty 150 ACs
- Male Beret + Mask: 1,500 qty 150 ACs
- Female Beret + Mask: 500 qty 150 ACs
- Aerosol Protector Male: 1,500 qty 150 ACs
- Aerosol Protector Female: 500 qty 150 ACs
- DeathDealer Fauxhawk: 2,500 qty 150 ACs
- DeathDealer Pigtails: 500 qty 150 ACs
- Infiltrator Mask: 3,000 qty 150 ACs
- Mecha Defender Mask: 4,000 qty 250 ACs
- Hunter Mask: 9,000 qty 25,000 gold (Member)
- Assault Mask: 32,000 qty 25,000 gold (Non-Member)
Assault Gear Armor
- Omega Shot: 3,000 qty 200 ACs
- Omega M19: 4,000 qty 300 ACs
- Omega ManaBurster: 9,000 qty 10,000 gold (Member)
- Omega Clappers: 32,000 qty 10,000 gold (Non-Member)
Infiltrator Armor
- Omega Dotanuki: 2,000 qty 200 ACs
- Omega Cutters: 2,000 qty 200 ACs
- Omega Tonfa: 2,000 qty 200 ACs
DeathDealer Armor
- Omega Stealth Pack: 1,000 qty 300 ACs
Hunter Armor
Remember, the LQS goes live at 3 AM Eastern US time on SATURDAY (that means that we won't be sleeping Friday night or we'll miss the release)! You can find a timezone converter here. We hope to see you there for this EPIC Omega shop!
And check back later tonight for a sneak peek at the Troll and Horc NPCs from Bloodtusk Ravine!
Artix's Memories of Game Development
It's a blast from Artix Entertainment's past as Artix shares on the DragonFable Design Notes his memories and stories about the last 10 years of the team's fun and frenzied time bringing all our games to life!
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Premiere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!