Design Notes
February 04, 2015
Valentine’s Day Presents
Fellow AQW Player Submeobi Sends Lots of Love… and Lots of Pink!
Ok ok ok… I know Valentine’s Day is, like, 10 days away… but when I saw THIS

waiting for me when I walked into the Secret Underground Lab this morning, I knew it to be a Submeobi delivery, and had no choice but to open it right then and there =)
But first, let me take a #selfie. Or like 20.

All of these presents are so super sweet—thank you so much Subemobi!
And, since Valentine’s Day is next week, I’m wondering what kind of Seasonal Rare Items that YOU would like to unwrap in AdventureQuest Worlds?
Let me know on my Twitter what items you would like to see during next week’s Valentine’s Day event!
xoxo Beleen =D

February 10, 2012
Love's Eternal Curse
This new... and unusual Valentines event is LIVE!
There is a story behind tonight's special release. When I announced that I was going to write a love story, Alina started chuckling. She did not seem to think love fit into my normal writing style of ghouls, vampires, undead and monsters. After a few months, and a dozen scrapped stories... I thought she might have been correct. But I was sitting with Galanoth and Aresion one night when a concept that HAD TO BE DONE appeared. I took it seriously. I wanted to change the ending of something that always weighed heavily upon me. I know that it will meet mixed reaction... so it will be up to you do decide if this was crazy or clever. Regardless, I really do hope you enjoy it -- it is not your normal "pink with hearts and filly lace"-type Valentines event!
Bug fix: If you are having a problem completing the quests, try going to /join lovescurse and watching the last cutscene again.
Featuring the music of Mia J. Park
As posted far below... I found Mia's music on YouTube completely by chance. Her voice was so beautiful that I was shocked when I noticed it only had 100 views! She is a new, indie artist from Australia with only a few fans and immense passion for her music. So I asked you and the other awesome players to give her a hand with that. Thank you, because that same video now has over 31,600 views! When I asked her if she would like to become part of this year's Valentines release, she graciously accepted. She even wrote a special song, "One way ticket" for it. Like many of you, this is not the type of music I normally listen to. But there is something about her deep, beautiful songs that touches my heart. So I actually bought her debut CD "Metamorphosis" and have become a serious fan. I hope that listening to the music in the event causes you to do the same.
Get Metamorphosis
(Mia's special link for AQW players)
I remember what it is like starting to follow your dreams. So, I am throwing my full support behind Mia, and hope you will support her also by buying one of her CDs. Mia surprised me by sending me a link to a special page for AQWorlds players. She made her album available to you guys for 20% off until the end of the month as a thank you for having her in the event. This was unexpected, generous, and a very classy thing to do.
Let me know what you think!
This was one of the craziest release days in the history of AE. I would love to know what you thought of the event, and the other announcements. I will be watching Twitter all weekend via my phone... please let me know if you liked it. Battle on!
P.S. I would like to make a special thank you to Alina, who gave me a warm smile and thumbs up on my script (and fixed A LOT of typos O_O) then lead the AQW team to actually create this event. She is the best.

February 07, 2012
Love is in the Ether
Artix's Love Story.... this FRIDAY!
Most of the things I write about are ghouls, gasts, and creatures of unspeakable darkness. So, the special love story I wrote for your Valentines Day release this Friday has me a little nervous. This is a unusual departure from the way we normally do things, and I suspect the ending will be controversial. There is something that I did not like in the real world... and I intend to change it in ours! Alina & Rolith read the script and occasionally burst out laughing. (But NOT at my boss monster.) I am VERY anxious to see what you think this Friday.
Mia J Park will be voicing her lines
I posted a poll on Facebook asking if you wanted this love story to be voice acted. 900 of you said Yes. 29 said No.... and 97 voted for "Chuck Norris." (If Chuck Norris had won, would we have had to have gotten him?) Thank you -- we promise to do our best best! Mia, who's music will be featured in our Valentines day event lives in Austrailia. She will be recording her lines there. I found this video of her performing "Ever After" for a children's charity telethon. I love this song.... (A secret just between us: I played this song on repeat non-stop for three days while writing the script for this Friday's release.)
EBILCORP - A Name you can (NOT) trust.
OMG! Have you been following this story!? As previously posted, AE has been building a 3D video game (AQWorlds/HeroSmash members are to be invited to the first phase of the Alpha and Beta.) Last Friday, EbilCorp drones broke into AE's Secret Underground Lab and stole all of the 3D files and the classified game-server super computer couch (USB powered). In an act of arrogance, Chairman Platinum, the head of EbilCorp, blatantly posted the entire AdventureQuest 3D website right on the homepage, and claimed it was theirs. They did not even bother to change the website url's on the graphics -- they just crossed Artix's name off of the posts. Today, Chairman Platinum made a shocking video post. See for yourself!
The AE team is not taking this lying down. Based on news in the newest video, Artix and all of his friends on Twitter are planning a course of action. Please do join in!