Design Notes
September 16, 2015
This Friday: Talk Like a Pirate Day
Battle to Take Down the Dread Pirate Mage Blazebeard!
Avast! As Talk Like a Pirate Day nears, Quibble Coinbiter's ship is approaching Battleon Bay, me hearties! This Friday, check out his chests full o' th' newest nautical gear ... then head out t' sea to stop th' Dread Pirate Mage Blazebeard... an' get ALL his loot! Slam the lorepedos and BLAST the Mana Cannons this Friday!
This year's Quibble Shop will feature:
- Paragon Naval Commander set
- Arcane Pirate Captain set
- Mechanical Naval Commander set
- Explorer Naval Commander Class and Armor (returns each year)
- Horc Pirate and Paragon Pirate Pets
- Blazin' Quibble Bank Pet
- And more!
PLUS... Th' Lorepedia crew have crafted a Talk Like a Pirate Day guide fer ye... read on to see a preview of what they've hauled in!
Arrrr Matey's here be ye Guide Preview for TLAPD.
Quibble's has plundered some loot if ye be finishin' his quests. This map and quests are only avaliable during the Talk Like A Pirate event.
Begin in Lolosia
Where to go: join /pirates
Who to talk to: Quibble Coinbitter
What to do: Complete all of Quibble's quests for the "Avast" character page badge. (Must be an active Legend to get the badge).
Captain Rhubarb has a pirate quiz for you. If ye answer incorrectly ye be sent to Davy Jones' locker to fight a sea beast.
Click HERE to read the full guide!

July 18, 2013
Legendary Hero Class
We need a (Legendary) Hero!
So. You say you’re a Legend in Lore. But can you prove it? Starting this Friday, if you upgrade your account, you'll unlock the Legendary Hero Class, then you absolutely ARE a Legend!
Legendary Heroes stand for all that is good, just, and righteous, protecting the entire world of Lore from Chaos Lords, ferocious beasts, and… bankruptcy!
This unique Class was a special gift to ALL upgraded Legends (formerly known as “Members”) who support—or have supported—AQWorlds. If you are a Legend, or upgraded your Membership at least once, check your email inbox for a special thank-you letter from Artix himself. Then, log into AQWorlds for your free boosts and Adventure Coins. Return tomorrow and begin to master the Legendary Hero Class!
You know, it’s because of our wonderful Legends that the AQWorlds team can continue delivering brand-new releases for you and your friends to enjoy. You guys and gals totally rule =D
The Legendary Hero Class can now be found on the Lorepedia. Learn all about the Legendary Hero’s Base Stats, Skills, and Passive Abilities! Just click the pic above.
How To Get the Legendary Hero Class!
Starting tomorrow, talk to Ragnar in Battleon (he'll be back!) to open the Legend-Only Legendary Hero Shop! NEXT week, anyone who has EVER upgraded their account will find the Legendary Hero badge in their Book of Lore and can access the 0AC Class AND armor from that shop!
Testers will continue balancing the Class until release tomorrow. Any stat numbers you see are subject to change!
Now take flight into the fight as the Legendary Hero Class!
xoxo Beleen

April 20, 2012
Assault of the Banished One
Knave1's Undead Minion rebellion!
Be on your guard this weekend, because it looks like not ALL of Lore’s necromantic servants are under control. They’ve called down the wrath of the Desterrat Moya – the Banished One – upon us all! Help Knave1, King Alteon’s Royal UndeadSlayer, face down this eons-old entity and send it back to the dimension from which It escaped!
The Desterrat Moya is in the Void, waiting to begin its attack on Lore!
The Desterrat Moya – called the Banished One – is an entity which inhabited this plane long before Lore’s current pantheon. It is an Elder One which clashed with gods… and lost. Not a god itself, the Desterrat Moya is a creature from the time when our stars were dark, but undead minions have called on it for generations to free them from their Masters. And now it has listened!
Send the Desterrat Moya back to Its dimension and you'll have a chance to receive epic reward equips like:
- Armor of War!
- Boom That Went Dynamite Gun!
- Ascent to Arms Blade!
- Infector Deorum Helm!
- And more!
Knave1 has a bevy of battle-ready gear to offer you, too! Check his Royal UndeadSlayer and AC Rares shops to see everything in stock! The AC Rares shop leaves on Monday, April 30!
AC Rares Shop items include:
- Undead Minion Rebel Armor!
- Ascent to Protect Armor!
- Ascent of Long and Short Hair helms!
- Muted Helm!
- Ascent to Conquer Blade!
Undead Minion Rebel Armor!
The Royal Undeadslayer Shop will be in-game forever and includes:
- Purifier Armor!
- Mask of the Infiltrator Helm!
- Scarfie! and Golden Cape of Twirling!
- The Epic Blades!
Purifier Armor and Epic Blades
Who is Knave1?
From Monday's Design Notes: Knave1 is the winner of the final I Can Has Mod contest! His wish was for his own storyline, an armor, and his own NPC. He asked to be King Alteon's personal UndeadSlayer and wanted your help to slay an Undead god. We thought that was a REALLY cool wish and immediately started planning out how to realize his dream.
Dage's Dark Caster X shop!
Some of you got a taste of what it's like to be a Dark Caster. But why pretend when you can be the real thing? Dage is gathering his forces and he needs souls... I mean SOLDIERS for his Legion. Join him, embrace your power and become a Dark Caster X! Together you will march on Dage's ultimate opponent, NULGATH! Be prepared; the extermination begins this Summer!
Dark Caster X armor can be yours!
Everyone who has the ORIGINAL Dark Caster armor will gain access to the Dark Caster CLASS (to be released in the future)!
Dage vs Nulgath Summer War!
If you skipped over the paragraph above, make sure to read THIS one, because we are officially announcing this Summer's WAR! Dage vs Nulgath! Choose a side, join an army, and prepare to slay, slaughter, and battle the forces in a war of Evil vs Evil!
Earth Day 2012 event and Limited Time Shop!
After you've saved Lore from the Desterrat Moya, save the world from the evils of pollution! /join pollution to help Captain Lore, battle General Pollution, and gain access to the greenest gear in the game!
Season rares include:
- Potato Powered Lightning Rod!
- Bucket Head Helm!
- Recycle Bin Turtle Pet!
- And more!
Punch through the pollution!
Earth Day Limited Time Shop!
You've got the whole world on your face! /sing Carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and look environmentally-conscious while doing it when you purchase the member-only Terra Topper Helm! The shop leaves on Wednesday!
Surprisingly lightweight!
Warning: Shop Loaders are Bad!
Shop-loading is bad, mmmkay? When you download ANY program to play AQWorlds, you run the risk of infecting your computers with viruses, keyloggers, and other malicious code that could crash your computer. Besides that, it's against the Terms of Service you agreed to when you made your account. If you have been shop-loading, you'll know it, and so do we. Play right, play fair, and Battle On!
Beleen and Jemini have been working very hard on a secret project, and today we unveiled the first phase of it! Head to and look for the Lorepedia button:
This link to our on-site encyclopedia will take you to a page giving you the option to read about Lore's Classes, Badges, or Moglins! With all-new art and a collection of crazy-useful info, this page will continue to be updated in stages. Coming next: information on the Chaos Lords, Chaos Zones, and AQW NPCs!
The Lorepedia is not meant to replace the wiki; it's meant to enhance your knowledge of Lore and AQWorlds. It will not include information on info like monster drops or quest-givers, but it WILL give you all sorts of details about the characters and stories that make up our world!
Have a great weekend, everyone! We're going to get our game on, get to relaxing, and hopefully have a blast before returning to the Lab on Monday to begin Doomwood Part 2: Whispers of the Dark Lord!