Design Notes
May 29, 2012
Final Week of Doomwood!
Grrrrr arrrr argh nnnnng *gurgle* grrl nnnnd rrrrrAH! Nurrrrr hurrr grrr.
Hurrrr grrrr harooo grrrrl groooooowl gmmmml nnnngl arrrgl glrrrrrr haaaar hur shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra haaaar hur shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra.
Hur hur hllllah rawf shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra nnnngl arrrgl glrrrrrr haaaar hur shhhha haaaar hur shhhha.
Grrrrl groooooowl gmmmml argh aaaargh hrrrrra nnnngl arrrgl Grrrrr arrrr argh hur shhhha argh nnnnng *gurgle* grrl nnnnd rrrrrAH! Nurrrrr hurrr grrr.
Nnnngl arrrgl glrrrrrr haaaar hur shhhha argh aaaargh Hurrrr grrrr harooo grrrrl groooooowl gmmmml hrrrrra haaaar hur shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra Hurrrr grrrr harooo grrrrl groooooowl gmmmml
Argh aaaargh hrrrrra nnnngl arrrgl glrrrrrr llleh hur hllllah rawf shhhha haaaar hur shhhha haaaar hur shhhha murrrrrr.
Hurrrr haww graw rawl!
Ffroooo areh haaaar hur shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra glrrrrrr haaaar hur.
Shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra gmmmml gnnnnn froooo areh RAWR gurgle feh
Grrrrral hurgl hurrrr grrrr harooo grrrrl groooooowl haaaar hur shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra gmmmml nnnngl arrrgl glrrrrrr haaaar hur shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra.
Grrrrl groooooowl haaaar hur hurgl hurrrr grrrr harooo grrrrl
Grrrrral hurgl hurrrr grrrr harooo grrrrl groooooowl haaaar hur shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra gmmmml nnnngl arrrgl glrrrrrr haaaar hur shhhha argh aaaargh hrrrrra.
Grrr arg hurrrrr
(The Above Translate from Zombie)
The Road Is Almost At An End
This week will be the final Doomwood release so if you are not up to date yet, you still have a few days to catch up.
For those of you who ARE caught up you know who the Champions of Darkness and Light are, you know who Gravelyn's mother is and you know that Sepulchure is coming for you. Everyone else on the entire planet except for you, Artix and Gravelyn (including myself) have been transformed into the walking dead and this week is the final fight to save the last of Lore.
Zombie Quibble will also be getting a buff of new items including the guaranteed rare Zombie Quibble Bank Pet, and thanks to Alina's super-secret-don't-tell-Artix poll, Derp and Pink zombie armors as well.
Once Quibble leaves, the investment trinkets take a few days to gather interest before their sell-back rates suddenly skyrocket and you will be able to sell them back for MORE than you originally bought them. Remember that you will only get the benefit of the investment trinkets if you buy them and hang onto them until their prices change. If you buy them and sell them back before their prices change then you're just cheating yourself.
This Friday Members with rank 10 Doomwood Reputation will get access to the Member only DeathKnight Class with all new class art by recent addition to the art team Aranx. For those Members who would rather take the shortcut instead of reaching rank 10 Doomwood rep... Itzachi will also be selling a 2000 AC shortcut version as usual.
Finally, The Zombie Caesar shop will be leaving this Wednesday for those of you who are really big fan of undead versions of ancient roman leaders and we know there are a lot of you. Like, a ton.
Coming Friday to HeroMart!
The Shadowscythe Mousepads are heading to the lab and will be live for sale on on Friday.
These are semi-gloss hardtop (as opposed to cloth-top) gaming quality mouse pads and each one comes with the Shadow Steel Character Page Achievement as well as access to the Shadow Steel Armor set.
This armor set is the Shadowscythe version of the Imperial Steel set that may be released in the future if we also do an Artix Entertainment Mousepad.
The Action Figures are doing better than we ever could have hoped and we are happy to see that people are having a lot of fun setting them up in various poses and scenes and sending us the pics and movies!
They are virtually flying off the shelves and Faith and the HeroMart crew have been putting their noses to the proverbial grindstone to keep up with the orders.
Reports say that Toys R Us stores from around the U.S.A. are selling out faster than anyone expected (especially us). We Still have plenty at HeroMart but it looks like we won't be sitting on a huge stack of them for years like we expected so orders yours while you still can.
Important Reminders!
- Reens and Stratos are still looking for a few good players to be MODS.
- Zhimaira’s "Artix vs Sepulchure" / "Zombies!" Art Contest ends this Thursday, May 31st! Make sure to post your entries here.
- The Zombie Caesar armor limited time shop leaves tomorrow!
205 days until Just Another Day