Design Notes

December 24, 2015

Happy Frostval!

Tis’ the season for Frost Dragons, SLAY-bells, and ridiculously-named monsters wearing furry hats-- like Santa Clawg, his 9 rein-dragons, and the unstoppable hero-eating Frosty the Snow Golem. (...must have been some magic in that old helm they found. They told us he would be coming back one day!) 

Our video game community is a big family, and are thinking warm thoughts about you. Surprisingly easy since it is so hot outside! Thankfully it is snowing in the town of Battleon. We have been celebrating Frostval together for 13 ice-monster filled years in our video games. Translating literally to “Frost Festival,” it is how we celebrate the season and bring everyone across the world together. We hope you enjoy the events we have created for you this year. Sincerely, thank you for being a part of it all.

Words cannot express how grateful we are for the opportunity to make these video games with you. We are now building something we never dreamed was possible. How crazy is it that you got us greenlit on Steam? AdventureQuest 3D IS GOING TO BE ON STEAM!!! Look how far we have come-- and it is all because of you. We will never forget that… we never do.

Wherever you are, have a fun, warm, safe and happy time this holiday season. Cannot wait until next year when we are celebrating our first Frostval event in AdventureQuest 3D together. Ideas on what our first abominable boss monster should be?

Battle on!
Artix & all of your friends at Artix Entertainment

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