Design Notes
January 27, 2012
Etherstorm's Water Realm...
Where Galanoth's Future is Decided!
Under a blood-red sky, a dragon is about to die! All dragons do, when facing Galanoth, right? He is not in any Etherstorm Realm you've seen yet, and there is no way for YOU to get to him. You will be too busy working to save the dragons and elements of Lore. No time to...
...find out just where Galanoth went! Or what he plans to do now that he's there! But the way he's holding that sword indicates that he's NOT on a mission of peace! Which dragon is about to feel the wrath of Galanoth the DragonSlayer? (We all know he is not very fond of fire dragons...)
MEANWHILE, IN THE WATER REALM: you have learned the location of the new Prime Dragons! Now your task is to unravel the complexly woven protection spell that is guarding them! (Wait... the Priests knew where they were all along? What?!)
Quest through a marsh that flows into the open ocean! Battle Marsh Lurkers, fishy foes, and wipe out water monsters as you race to an undersea finish! And don't forget:
The Deep Dweller waits!
Oh, and keep an eye out for anything fishy on the beach. Something that prooooobably shouldn't be there. Once you find it, run away. Fast.
Suggestion Shop Update!
Dage, Solrac and Jemini have whipped up some wildly awesome Suggestion Shop items based on the work of Impactor, Ayuzu, and disturbed indestructible!
Fantasy Warrior and Disturbed Blade!
- Fantasy Armor - Impactor
- Valkyrie Blade - Ayuzu
- Disturbed Blade - distrubed indestructible
- Seaweed Hat/Hairstyle - Ganloth
Fantasy Warrior and Valkyrie Blade!
Mid week release reminder!
Hey MEMBERS! Make sure you /join tower to check out the newest mid-week member-only release! Learn about the shadowy Silent Sentinels, an organization within the Guardian Order itself!
Coming next week!
Get ready for:
- Etherstorm Earth Realm!
- Member-only Mid-week release in Cornelis!
- Quibble arrives in Battleon with an Etherstorm-themed shop!
- New weapons in Chinese New Year shop!
Have a GREAT weekend, guys! Enjoy the release, stay dry, and make sure you keep an eye on the calendar, because the arrival of the next Chaos Lord draws ever closer...

January 23, 2012
Etherstorm's Water Realm
Galanoth has disappeared!
Water, Air, Earth - all of the Proto-Prime Dragons have been located! The Fire Proto-Prime Dragon has been free the whole time, and you've already met. (He's not too fond of you since his defeat!) The only problem NOW is getting them free of the sanctuary they've been confined in for their own protection! (... wait, so the Priests knew where they were all along? What?!)
Of COURSE they're guarded by a DeepDweller!
If you're going to loose the new Prime Dragons upon Lore, subdue Desoloth, calm the elements, and free the world... you're going to have to break an almost-unbreakable spell! That will be YOUR task this week, Hero! As for what our favorite DragonSlayer has been up to...
Etherstorm's Water Realm is comprised of marshy areas spilling into the ocean!
Let me wet your appetite* for news of Galanoth's whereabouts with the following -
There are two possible outcomes this week:
Disarmed or Unharmed.
When the unthinkable happens, lives will be changed, but you'll have to wait for this Friday to find out whether it's for the better... or worse!
Re-enactment of Monday morning's meeting:
Alina: Hey, Artix? We're REALLY going to do this. Just like we said we would. Fair warning.
Galanoth: They'll NEVER see it coming! Just make sure the DRAGON is there!
Alina: Don't worry, we'll make sure you get to battle the dragon. But... If you're SURE...
Artix + Cysero: Let's DO this! /thumbs up
* We know it's "whet your appetite." It's a pun. We make those a lot.
In the Guardian Tower, who watches the watchers?
You don't know much about the internal workings of the Guardians in BattleOn's Guardian Tower, but this Wednesday, members are about to get a MUCH closer look at what goes on behind locked doors and inside fortified towers!
Seems like they're up for watching YOU, if not a secretive Guardian organization!
Get ready to go on the inside of one of the most powerful - and secretive - groups that control the Guardian organization from behind the scenes. Are YOU up to the challenge of helping them? You'll have to be a member to find out!
Updates from Beleen!
Beleen is SUPER-excited and wants to make sure you know that you can get a PINK version of the Chinese New Year dragon armor in her secret shop (where, oh where, could Beleen be? Gee, I don't know! But I bet somewhere in this Design Notes there's a hint!) AND in the Chinese New Year merge shop!
Gong Xi Fa Cai! (PINK-style!)
She also asked me to remind you of the following bug fixes:
- The Chinese New Year non-member helm no longer requires a member helm.
(Celebrate!) - The inability to /join castle on the Alina server is being looked into.
(For now, please /join castle on a different server.) - The Living Air monster's disappearing/re-appearing head issue has been fixed.
(Guess his head was just in the clouds!)
Have a great Monday night and an awesome rest of the week! We'll see you Friday for the most INTENSE battle cutscene we've ever produced! Seriously.