Design Notes
February 04, 2015
Valentine’s Day Presents
Fellow AQW Player Submeobi Sends Lots of Love… and Lots of Pink!
Ok ok ok… I know Valentine’s Day is, like, 10 days away… but when I saw THIS

waiting for me when I walked into the Secret Underground Lab this morning, I knew it to be a Submeobi delivery, and had no choice but to open it right then and there =)
But first, let me take a #selfie. Or like 20.

All of these presents are so super sweet—thank you so much Subemobi!
And, since Valentine’s Day is next week, I’m wondering what kind of Seasonal Rare Items that YOU would like to unwrap in AdventureQuest Worlds?
Let me know on my Twitter what items you would like to see during next week’s Valentine’s Day event!
xoxo Beleen =D

December 18, 2014
Unwrapping Holiday Cheer
Fellow AQW player Submeobi sent me pink presents!
Hiya heroes! Today is a very special… and very PINK… day! Our fellow AQW player and dear friend, Submeobi, sent this HUGE PINK BOX to the Secret Underground Lab. Artix fled the scene before I unwrapped all this awesomeness… MEGA PHOTO COLLAGE below!
(click here for an even BIGGER pic omg!)
Oh Submeobi, you always bring me so much joy AND bring me the best gifts ever! You never cease to amaze me, and your sweet birthday card and warm holiday wishes (plus cozy Santa hats) have made this the greatest December to remember! Thank you. Thank you! THANK YOU!!!!
And this is why I love everyone here at Artix Entertainment—and that includes players like you, too! We are all one big happy family, and I couldn’t ask for more love and merriment from the best extended family known to mankind. Thank you Submeobi for showering me with so much pink and making Artix’s eyes bleed rainbows—that is perhaps the greatest gift of all >:D
And thank YOU for being a part of the Artix Entertainment family <3 We could not have achieved all of this without the support from our magnificent Members and devoted AdventureCoins buyers, and everyone here at the Secret Underground Lab is blessed to have you by our side. You guys and gals are amazing. True story.
On behalf of the AdventureQuest Worlds team, we wish you sincere holiday wishes and look forward to battling alongside you into the New Year 2015!
Stay warm. Stay pink. Stay positive. And stay epic, my lovely heroes!
Battle ON!
xoxo Beleen =D

December 17, 2014
New Game Updates for Dec. 19
Game Changing Release: WorldBreaker Rising
A whole new AQ Worlds begins! The Queen of Monsters obliterates an entire continent to build her fortress. Rally your friends & BATTLE ON! Read more here.
Lineup of Frostval Shops in December 2014
Jingle bells, Quibble sells rare items in the game; 12/19 & 12/30 there’ll be new items for you to claim! 12/23 begins Limited Quantity Shop, too!
12 Days of Gifts & Holiday Boosts
Log in each day for a new FREE gift when you talk to Tinsel in Battleon! Earn double Gold, XP, Rep, and CP boosts over the holiday weekends. More info can be found here.
Play our New Mobile Game, AQ: DRAGONS!
How do you train your dragon? Raise 12 dragons in our new free game. AQ: DRAGONS is available on Google Play and iOS; coming soon to web! GET IT HERE, DRAGON MASTER!
New Holiday Art Contest: Enter Today!
Happy Holidays and Seasons Beatings! A new holiday contest has begun and we want YOU to create AQW-themed art. Click here for full details.
Bundle up and Battle ON!
xoxo Beleen =D

December 21, 2014
12 Days of Frostval Gifts: Day 10
On the 10th Day of Frostval, Tinsel Gives to You...
... J6's Ice-Ten Helmet Pet! Log in every day from now until Christmas Eve and talk to Tinsel in Battleon to get a FREE GIFT! All you need to do is accept her daily quest, then turn it in to get a free boost, treasure chest key, or item!
Today's gift is: J6's Ice-Ten Helmet Pet
Frostval Gift Calendar
Don't miss the AQW team's Frostval gift to you! The free present will change each day:
- Monday, Dec 22: Levitating Space Helmet Pet
- Tuesday, Dec 23: J6's IceTen Space Armor
- Wednesday, Dec 24: 4 1 Hr Boosts: 1 XP, 1 Rep, 1 Gold, 1 CP
Frostval Gift Mulligan Days
Good news! Because these ARE the holidays, and we know many of you are busy with friends and family and celebrating (and can't log in EVERY day), if you DO log in and talk to Tinsel on December 24th and 25th, you'll haev a chance to CHOOSE one gift from among any of the 12 daily Frostval gifts!
That means that, as long as you log in on December 23rd or 24th, you can get one of the gifts you missed. Log in and talk to Tinsel BOTH days? You can get TWO gifts you might have missed.

December 11, 2014
Unwrapping Excitement
Watch Beleen Unwrap Her Birthday Presents
OMG EEEEEE! I AM SOOO HAPPY!!! I just filmed myself unwrapping my in-game birthday presents on YouTube!
Click to watch the full video!
All of these items are arriving this Friday, December 12, at .
Thank you everyone who suggested these items on my Twitter and on the AQW Facebook page – we couldn’t have made sooooo much PINK possible without your genius ideas! Keep up the great work, and stay super pink my loves!
xoxo Beleen the Birthday Girl

December 08, 2014
Browser Based Birthday!
Watch Beleen unwrap her presents this Thursday
Hiya hero! Did you know that my birthday is THIS WEEK!? And you know what that means… a glorious onslaught of PINK ITEMS is headed YOUR way!
The AQW team has done a fabulous job of keeping my presents under wraps. But come this Thursday afternoon, they are letting me unwrap my gifts—on YouTube!
Be sure to subscribe to the Artix Entertainment YouTube channel and be the first to watch my real-life excitement as I showcase all the new pink items arriving Friday, December 12, in Beleen’s Birthday Shop at!
xoxo Beleen =D

February 25, 2014
Spoiled Alert!
Pink presents from fellow friends Princess Rissa, Diane Swiftfingers, Jkg082201hero, and Submeobi!
Happy Tuesday! And what a glorious day it is! When I arrived to the Secret Underground Lab, two gift boxes greeted me from our fellow AQW heroes!
Ooooh! How exciting! I quickly opened the smallest present and an explosion of glitz and glamor filled my eyes:
OMG OMG OMG! A Bedazzled Pink Computer Mouse from the 3 sisters, Princess Rissa, Diane Swiftfingers, and Jkg082201hero! Eeeeeee I love it soooo much! Thank you pretty ladies =D
Your kindness (and pinkness!) has touched my heart, and for that, I am creating 2 in-game Sparkling Mouse Pets to show the AQWorld how much you mean to me. Princess Rissa, Diane Swiftfingers, and Jkg082201hero will get these pets free of charge while everyone else can obtain these shimmering squeakies from my shop in Beleen’s Dream Island this Friday =D
Now, on to Submeobi’s gifts!
Oh Submeobi, I love-love-LOVE all my gifts! Thank you so much!!! You really know how to brighten my day everyday…and, consequently, doom Artix and Dage the Evil to a life of pink madness =D
That huggable adorable pink squid plushie totally belongs in game. I’ll get to work making an in-game pet for you and put it in your inventory =) Everyone else can get the Pink Squid Plushie pet from my shop in Beleen’s Dream Island come Friday. Do you like its eyes, or should I make them button eyes? Let me know on my Twitter!
Additionally, I am bestowing a Pink Goblet of Love just for you, Submeobi! It’ll magically appear in your inventory once it has finished being forged =D
Oh happy day! The greatest part about working for Artix Entertainment is having amazing friends like you all. I am so blessed to have such caring friends who bring a smile to my face (and pink things for me to snuggle)!
You guys and girls are the best, and I cannot wait to defeat the forces of Chaos alongside you!
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen