Design Notes
October 22, 2010
Pink Takeover!
You have no other choice. You must survive through this monsoon of PINK in order to discover all the tricks and treats waiting for you in tonight’s release. Make the necessary preparations now. You have been warned.
What a crazy awesome week! The madness all started when Cysero left me in charge. He’s on vacation right now and has NO idea what I’ve done to the place. I thought AQWorlds needed more of a pink touch anyway. And I think I did a pretty good job ^___^
I guess we’ll see what Cy thinks when he comes back. Poor Artix, though. His vision bill might be coming out of my paycheck. Oh well. TOTALLY WORTH IT >:D
Limited Time Full Moon Shop
So there’s a full moon out tonight! And what better time to re-release the Limited Time Full Moon Shop in Battleon! I asked you all if you would like the return of this 24-Hour shop; 90% of the responses all wanted the shop to come back, but the other 10% who got the Dire Wolves from the last full moon really wanted to keep their unique pets. So I haz an idea!
The Metallic Crescent Staff has returned along with two all new wolf pets: Fenrir and the Direly Adorable Wolf! Okay so I *might* have abused my boss-like privileges on that last one. But can you blame me? She’s too cute AND has pink painted toenails.
Remember, as the name suggests, this shop WILL ONLY be available for 24 hours. Just like the Full Moon & Midnight Dire Wolves, no one knows if these items will ever return. So make sure you get them while you can! The Countdown is already underway!
Mogloween 2010: Children of the Candy Corn
The Cauldron Sisters can make some seriously sweet candy, but they are pretty much helpless otherwise. (Aren’t they supposed to be witches? Whatever.) The Sisters need your help again! Their candy corn suppliers have suddenly disappeared and it is up to you and your friends to travel to the candy corn fields and find the cause.
Beating up chaos kids on Mogloween? Classic.
We are pretty sure no 80’s movie has ever been made about this, so it looks like you are on your own. Good luck!
Mogloween Seasonal Rares
Who needs to spend Gold this Mogloween? Pffffttt. The Cauldron Sisters have that all NEW Merge Shop that I was talking about earlier. So instead of forking over loads of Gold, you get to collect Candy from Mogloween baddies and TRADE it in for wickedly amazing Mogloween Seasonal Rares! Click the "Mogloween Shop" in their text bubble and get shoppin'!
There are 25 Mogloween items waiting for you in this shop. 4 Weapons, 6 Armors, 11 Helms, 2 Capes, and 2 Pets. Some other items may be required to get some of the best Seasonal Rares offered in this shop.
This will be a trick-or-treat adventure unlike any other! Seriously…it’s the FIRST time we have done something like this.
Oh and yea, there’s a SECRET shop hidden somewhere in this new map. *hint* Make sure you have a Great Mogloween Pumpkin helm or else you can’t get this secret rare item…if you can even find it, that is.
OH and double yea, the Pumpkinlord Class (along with some other sweet item drops) can be found in this new map. Hack n slash your way through those baddies and get what you want! And possibly get something that you never know even existed.
More items throughout Lore
One of Skyline’s friends, Razgriz, requested dual-wielding versions of the Iryerris Blade that is currently found in Valencia’s AC Shop in Battleon Town. So we decided to make one! Erm, well I guess 2, since there are 2 of them now… But yeah! Head to Valencia and get the Dual Iryerris!
Also, 2 new items have been added into Dage’s Shop. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Good… it’s supposed to be a secret anyway =p BUT! If you know what I’m talking about, go find Dage somewhere in Lore and check out his shop. There are 2 Ultra Rare items in there that will ONLY be available for a limited time!
Thank you everyone!
Mogloween is one of the most fun times of year. And you guys and gals make it even more fun! Because of the support from our fellow Members and 2nd Upholders, we can continue making these releases bigger and better and totally more epic!
…and maybe even more pink in the near future =p
Hahahha! I’m joking! (maybe)
Thanks everyone, and enjoy tonight’s spooktastical release!
Battle On ^____^