Design Notes
May 22, 2015
Face the Wrath of the FlameLord
Can you Withstand the Wrath of the Flamelord?
The Fire Titan has risen, summoned by the might of an army of fire mages and warriors. The Firestorm Onslaught rules in Embersea now and after demolishing the Forege last week, there's only one thing left to do - defeat their leader at the Lavarun Altar and take over the entire army!
If you haven't played through the Firestorm Onslaught storyline yet, you're missing out on one of the hottest zones in AQWorlds! Find out what you've missed, and how you begin your adventures to save the people of Embersea from the Queen of Monster's fieriest general in our Saga Summary Design Notes post!
Flamelord Rares Shop
Things are heating up in AQWorlds, and the Flamelord Finale rare gear is proof! Find these hot items in your game menu until June 22nd!
But tonight's reward gear is not JUST in the rares shop - each of the boss monsters tonight has drops for you to farm for (and some of them are also available in the merge shop)!
Take on the Phedra and Mega Tyndarius to unlock all the cutscenes in tonight's release and complete the Firestorn Onslaught storyline! THEN unlock the Ultra Phedra battle (with its own drops) and if you're a Legend, take on ULTRA Tyndarius (also with his own rewards)!

May 18, 2015
Friday: Firestorm Saga Finale
Can you Withstand the Wrath of the Flamelord?
The Phedra - a giant phoenix-like titan - has risen, summoned by the might of the an army of fire mages and warriors. The Firestorm Onslaught rules in Embersea now, and after you traded your freedom to save the innocent villagers, there is only one thing left to do - defeat their leader at the Lavarun Altar and take over the entire army!
If you haven't played through the Firestorm Onslaught storyline yet, you're missing out on one of the hottest zones in AQWorlds! Find out what you've missed, and how you begin your adventures to save the people of Embersea from the Queen of Monster's fieriest general in our Saga Summary Design Notes post!
Burning Challenger Rares and Lavarun Rewards
The battle's have gotten heated, but the rewards this week are on FIRE! Laken's Burning challenger armor will arrive in the rares shop this Friday along with weapons, capes, helms, and pets.
If you want to get your gauntlets on the hottest gear, though, you'll have to take on the Phedra, Mega Tyndarius, or Ultra Tyndarius battles!
The drops from Ultra Tyndarius are Legend-only, but all heroes can face off against the Phedra and Mega Tyndarius for a chance to get his gear!

May 13, 2015
AQWeekly Newsletter: New Releases on May 15
Thanks for playing AdventureQuest Worlds, and a special Thank You to all our wonderful Legends and AdventureCoin buyers for supporting the game! You. Rule.
Alina, Dage & the AQWorlds Team

May 11, 2015
Survive the Firestorm Forge
If you can't stand the heat, destroy the FIRESTORM!
Prove your worth as you battle through The Forge - a gauntlet of the Firestorm Onslaught's greatest warriors. If you survive, you'll earn the right to face Tyndarius, Lord of the Firestorm, in head-to-head combat! Winner. Takes. ALL!
If you haven't played through the Firestorm Onslaught storyline yet, you're missing out on one of the hottest zones in AQWorlds! Read on to find out what you've missed, and how you begin your adventures to save the people of Embersea from the Queen of Monster's fieriest general! In the last release, heroes had to battle through the Fyreborn Caverns and take down Cinderclaw the Ravenous... but so much happened before that!
The Firestorm Onslaught story so far...
Embersea Isle: Talk to Warlord Kyron in Embersea Islae as he and the townspeople of Embersea prepare for war against the Firestorm Onslaught and struggle to survive the deadly plague they've unleashed! /Join embersea to begin the adventure!
Pyrewatch Peak: Battle to reach Pyrewatch Peak, where the sick have gathered for protection. With attacks on the rise, your skill and courage are needed to help defend the weak and innocent! /Join pyrewatch to begin the adventure once you've completed quests in Embersea!
Mount ShadowFlame: Join Empress Gravelyn, ruler of the Shadowscythe, her newly-resurrected father, Sepulchure the DoomKnight, and Akriloth the Fire Dragon as they move to take Tyndarius and the Queen of Monsters down! /Join Shadowflame to take part in the ShadowDragon War!
Feverfew Falls: Fight to escape the Blazebinder’s trap in Feverfew Falls! Attacks by the Firestorm Onslaught are increasing, and when the temple is destroyed, a horrible fate befalls many of those who had escaped Tyndarius' army! /Join feverfew to begin the adventure once you've completed quests in Pyrewatch!
Phoenixrise: Pass through the Pheonixrise Gates and battle to save those taken by the Onslaught. Defeat the dread beast Cinderclaw the Ravenous before it's too late to save them! /Join phoenixrise to begin the adventure once you've completed quests in Feverfew!

April 16, 2015
Feed Your Fear This Weekend
Upgrade to Battle Through the Nightmare Realm!
Battle through the Land of Dreams and Nightmares in the ultimate test of courage! Face your fears, fight to stay alive, and learn who sent you on this deadly - and mysterious - quest. JUST as you arrive at the Phoenixrise Gate... Memet the Nightmare Moglin appears! She's got a terrifying test for Legends this weekend... all to satisfy a mysterious stranger and their need to know more about YOU!
Legends can /join nightmare to begin the Nightmare Gauntlet. Face some of the most horrifying fears Memet can through at you:
- Clowns
- Snakes
- Spiders
- Needles
- Heights
- and more!
Note: you'll need to have completed the Legend-only Brimstone release to begin Memet's trials. If you're all up to date, /join nightmare and talk to Memet, then watch the first cutscene to begin!
Find horrifyingly-cool gear in Memet's shop, plus some nightmarish item drops from monsters inside the Gauntlet!
The Vaderix Have Attacked the Guardiant Tower!
ALL heroes can /join comet tonight and battle the Vaderix! This invader (and its spawn) rode the comet that struck Battleon's Guardian Tower on Monday. Take on the Vaderix in this first encounter with a nightmarish new species of monster!
The Vaderix has a chance to drop its armor, helm, and cape for heroes brave enough to battle it!
Don't miss any of this weekend's other exciting releases:
- Happening now: Aria's Free Player Pet Daily Quest!
- Begin the quests for the Armor of Awe later tonight!
- Discover what lurked inside the comet that hit Battleon's Guardian Tower on Monday!
- The Earth Day seasonal event and rares shop returns!
- Buy the Twilight's Arcana dirk for a chance to win 1 of 100 exclusive Arcana weapons!
What are YOU most afraid to face in this weekend's release? Tell us on Facebook, on Twitter, on Reddit, and the forums!

April 10, 2015
Defeat the Blazebinder
Battle through Feverfew Falls to save the Temple!
This weekend, battle to escape the Blazebinder’s trap in Feverfew Falls! /Join Feverfew then try to escape the Deadsea Caverns, defeat Major Thermas, and discover the reason for the Onslaught's attack! What DOES Tyndarius want to do with those his warriors stole?!
Battle the Blazebinder and Major Thermas to get Feverfew Temple Sigils, then use them to create reward gear in the Feverfew Merge Shop!
- Memet's AquaPyrrus Mage-Priest Armor
- Seaside Helms
- Sea Fury Staff and the Aqua Rage Trident
- Ring of Bubbles Cape
- Laken's Firestorm Corporal Armor and Helm
Major Thermas, the Twisted Undine, and the Blazebinder each have a chance to drop a reward, as well!
Gear Going Rare: Grenwog and Friday the 13th
All of the rare gear released with the Dark Carnival (Lucky Day / Friday the 13th) and Grenwog seasonal events will leave the game on Monday, April 13th.
Releases: This weekend and next week
We've got a LOT to do this weekend and next week, so /unsheath your sharpest blade and prepare to battle on!
- Help get Artix into the new Super Smash Bros video game!
- Battle the Grenwog for the color-custom Fluffy Bunny Set!
- Upgrade to unlock all 14 new Blazerun and Vodarage items in the Legend-only Shop!
Join us NEXT Friday for the return of the seasonal Earth Day event, plus Memet's Test: The Nightmare Gauntlet, in which Memet tests just exactly what you do - and don't fear - at the behest of a VERY mysterious, very dark, and very masked stranger! (But not THE Mysterious Stranger, for all you Lorian conspiracy theorists.)

April 06, 2015
Battle through Feverfew Falls
Escape the Blazebinder's Trap in the Temple!
This Friday, battle to escape the Blazebinder’s trap in Feverfew Falls! The Firestorm Onslaught has attacked, the temple has been destroyed, and many of the refugees and the sick have been taken... but WHY?! Discover Tyndarius’ fiendish plans for the kidnapped children, then fight your way out of the temple to rescue them before YOU become the next to fall!
After last week's Shadowflame War finale, all 3 sides have called a ceasefire until we learn more of what happened to Akriloth and the host of Fire Dragons. That means YOU need to investigate the explosions you saw from Pyrewatch Peak!
Word has come from a survivor of the attack: the sick were slaughtered, the temple destroyed, and most of the refugees and their children have been taken. Only the elderly, a few of the temple priests, and those too weak to travel were left behind.
The traveler warned: the area surrounding the temple has begun to... twist. Creatures of the Falls have begun appearing, but in a much, MUCH more nightmarish form! He advises caution when journeying through the area, as no one can predict what the twisted undines, salamanders and coral creepers will do.
Blazerun and Vodarage Legend-only Gear
Become a member in AQWorlds to unlock the Legend-only shop and get your gauntlets on our newest gear! The Blazerun and Vodarage tank armor sets each contain an armor, 2 helms, 2 capes, and 2 weapons.
If you're ALREADY a member, then GOOD NEWS! You can get the gear as soon you log in on Friday! Talk to Ragnar in Battleon to access the shop, or find it in your game menu!
Don't miss this week's other releases:
- Win free ACs in the ShadowFlame Burst Contest!
- Help get Artix into the new Super Smash Bros videogame!
- Battle the Grenwog for the color-custom Fluffy Bunny Set!
- Upgrade to unlock all 14 new Blazerun and Vodarage items in the Legend-only Shop!