Design Notes
April 22, 2011
Two Events to Get You Hoppin'!
Spring into fun- Grenwog and Earth Day Seasonal Rares!
That's right, we've got two egg-citing events- Grenwog and Earth Day- returning, and they're chock-full of cheap Marshmallow Cheep pets, Evolved and Regular Berserker Bunny Armors that will drive you bananas, and a pastel basketful of all your favorite gear from last year's events!
Grenwog is an egg-cellent time to go hunting!
Talk to Cabdury (the friendliest, most inedible bunny in town) to access this year's Egg Hunt quests! Collect the eggs hidden around BattleOn and the rest of the town to unlock the Backpack of Eggs and the Vorpal Bunny pet! (Note: Any Vorpal Bunny will be able to access the quests to get this year's regular Berserker Bunny items. Enjoy!)
And once you've collected all those, why not try Cabdury's Treat Hunt to unlock the Evolved Berserker Bunny set? The merge items will drop from the bosses in Greenguard Forest. With an Armor, a Helm, a Spear, and a Long-sword, you'll have a bun-tiful amount of items to choose from! The Evolved Berserker Bunny Armor also requires the drop from the final Vorpal Bunny quest.
Grenwog gear, collect it all! (Or as much as you can carry):
- Evolved Berserker Bunny set!
- Berserker Bunny 11 armor, helm, and longsword!
- Daisy on your back cape!
- Mayflower and Marshmallow Cheep pets!
- Fire Egg Staff, Carrotine Cutter, ChickenCow Club!
- And much more!
Help the scene become more green this Earth Day!
Captain Lore is back again, and it looks like the area is still polluted! Be a hero, join the clean-up crew! With two new quests and a shop FULL of awesome new items, you'll want to reduce, reuse, and recycle as many elementals as you can! Captain Lore's shop will unlock after you do the two new quests.
Green gear to grab up:
- Elemental Orbs Cape
- Earthen Staff!
- Compact Fluorescent Stick!
- Arbor Armor!
- Bucket Head Helm!
- Cardboard Sword!
- And so much more!
The Fear Chaser event is still available!
In the fearsome Fear Chaser event, Ayi Jihu chases down Fears and has asked you to face down Fear Manifestations to save Lore from a terrifying fate! Due to requests made by many enthusiastic fans, the our latest musical event (full of C-major mayhem and frightful foes) will be available to ALL players until next Friday!
An all-new, all-game art contest!
You guys keep asking for more, so we're starting up a brand-new art contest. Get ready to draw on those art skills and paint the contest thread red! You can submit a piece of artwork in ANY medium and based on ANY of Artix Entertainment's games! (Just make sure your work is original.) More details about the contest can be found on our forum. Be sure to read and follow the rules carefully!
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE ARTIX POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Premiere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free Artix Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

April 15, 2011
Fear Chaser Event & Event Rare Shop are now open!
The Fear Chaser event featuring the music and voice talents of Ayi Jihu, is now LIVE! As usual we Event Rare Shop with TONS of items, several voice-acted cutscenes, an achievement and a bunch of great drops!
I should warn you that the Fear Garb is one of the laggiest armors that we've ever created but that is the price for having animated spiders crawling all over your body and in and out of your rib-cage and having animated lava pouring out of your eye sockets!
By request, we've increased the room size to 10 to hold more of you and your friends. Ayi asked me to pass on her thanks to everyon who logged in and asked her all of those fantastic questions! You really made her day by just showing up to the event!
Remember, once the event closes, it will become Member Only! Members will still be able to get the monster drops and the achievement anytime they like by accessing the event re-run in their Book of Lore but the Event Rare shop closes with the event and takes all of these items with it!
To learn more about Ayi Jihu or the Fear Chaser project, check the Fear Chaser event page!
CardClasher Arrives MONDAY!
Monday, Arpil 18th, the AQW Anything Goes BattleOn Battle Card Game arrives in U.S. Toys R' Us Stores! it comes with the Color Custom CardClasher Class, Card Cape, Card Blades and we're working on a special bonus item!
It also comes with a special achievement badge on your Character Page and inside your Book of Lore!
If you live outside the USA, have no fear... the AQW QW Anything Goes BattleOn Battle Card Game will come to HeroMart early next month! Keep your eyes on the Design Notes and we'll give you a date very soon!
HeroSmash Founder Coming April 28th!
Finally, your chance to become a Founder in HeroSmash!
As AQW has AdventureCoins, HeroSmash will have a micro-currency called SmashCoins! To become a founder all you have to do is buy $20 worth of SmashCoins in the first month and bingo... you are a HS Founder!
We will be making an announcement about HS Memberships later this month, but for right now all you need to know is $20 or more of SmashCoins ensures that you are a Founder in HS. If you missed out on being an AQW founder, please don't miss this!
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Preimere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

April 14, 2011
Tomorrow meet... the Fear Chaser!
Ayi Jihu chases fear; she’ll need your help to face the Fears!
You fought valiantly (and much faster than we anticipated) in last week’s war against the TerrorKind. But all is not well for the citizens of Lore because tomorrow their masters, the Manifestations of Fear, are out for more than just blood. They want to feed on… your TERROR! But Ayi is here in BattleOn to stop them and she needs your help, Hero!
With a story that will startle, a massive quantity of new quests, amazing AC gear in the pre-show shop, a host of nasties that will give you nightmares (but will also drop some awesome loot), and a member-only area with crazy extra cutscenes and out-takes, this week’s event will leave you speechless! (Or screaming. But just remember, YOU control your fear!)
In this week’s all-new musical event starring international pop sensation Ayi Jihu, known to creepy-crawlies, ghosts, and all manner of frightening ghoulies as the Fear Chaser, she will ask you to team up and take on the worst the Manifestations have to offer- themselves! You’ll need to battle through battalions of terrifying TerrorKind (what, you thought you got rid of them all last week? No way!) before you can face off against each of the scarily-ugly and demonically-depraved Fear Manifestations.
Vertigo, the Fear of Heights. Nyctox, the Fear of Darkness. Thanatops, the Fear of Death. When we asked you on the forum and Twitter what some of your worst fears were, these three fears kept coming up. So naturally we drew the most boo-tiful art we could think of for them (though it might make you quiver) and placed them in landscapes that will give you the shivers! But if you thought the Creepy Doll head from last week was bad, just wait until you see the big, bad, bogey-boss of THIS week’s event!
But you won’t even have to brave the boss battle to access the pre-show shop full of epic AdventureCoin items and gear! Armors, helms, swords and shields, all for the heroes courageous enough to face their fears!
Courage Armor and helm, DeadWood polearm, and Witching Armaments
That shop will be open to everyone before and during the show, but those items will go rare once the Event is locked for non-members (members will be able to play replay the event and earn the Achievement badge whenever they like)!
Get your Game On next Monday!
The BattleOn BattleCards are coming to a Toys R Us near you on Monday, April 18th! (That's next week!) With 110 killer cards, you can count on making clever moves to cut your opponent down, but you'd better make your move before they thwart your strategy! In Artix Entertainment's very first card game, anything can happen and if the situation calls for it, your friends can trap you, steal your armor, toss out your pet, or put skulls on your skulls. (And on fire!) There's even a card for you to draw yourself! Costing $19.95, this massively fun card game will be in Toys R Us stores throughout the nation and will be coming soon to HeroMart (so all you players outside the US can carve out a battle-card empire)!
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Preimere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!
Get all the latest information on the Fear Chaser event page!

April 08, 2011
Strange Monsters Sighted Marching Toward Battleon!
It's that time again! I was out collecting dirt for my dirt collection and I noticed some creatures that look like they've escaped from someone's nightmares. Needless to say I went back to collecting dirt for a few more days then immediatly headed back to Battleon to let everyone know that an army was marching on town.
While i was out there I counted heads. It looks like there are about 3 MILLION waves headed this way. Artix naturally assumed that they were undead. He was so excited that I didn't have the heart to correct him.
You will find War Rares in the War Chest, but you will need to defend Battleon and earn Fear Trinkets to obtain them. The war will be over next Friday, whether we win or lose it and when the war is over, the items go rare. Items like Dage's Knight Terror set.
All of this is just a prelude to the Fear Chaser musical Event NEXT FRIDAY.
There will be AC Event Rares in the pre-show swag shop during the Event but those items will also go rare once the Event is locked for non-members (members will be able to play replay the event and earn the Achievement badge whenever they like).
Rather Massive Suggestion Shop Boost!
Another TEN items have been pulled from the pages of our Suggestion Threads on the AQW Forums and added to Yulgar's Player Suggestion Shop!
You have probably noticed that we have been getting CRAZY with the Player Suggestion cheeze-whiz lately. I want to thank all of the contributing AQW Artists for helping make some of the players ideas come to life on the screen. Want to see your creation in AQW? Head to the AQW Forums and make a suggestion.
AQWorlds Battleon Battle Card Game Comign April 18th!
This week we recieved a TRUCK full of boxes of our Card Game! We had to move all the Ebil Corp Board-Room Skeletons out of the board room to make room for card game storage.
I'm totally serious about that last sentence.
You guys should pop over to the Battle Card Page and check out the web commercials that Artix and Xyo built while Xyo was visiting the Underground Lab!
- April 18th - AQW Battle Cards released to EVERY U.S. Toys R Us store. Only stores in the United States will recieve the card game.
- Early May - HeroMart begins selling AQW Battle Cards to the rest of the world. Check to see if we deliver to YOUR country!
The Card game will cost $19.95 USD (Plus Shipping which depends on where you live) from HeroMart. Toys R Us stores will probably be selling them for close to the same price, but they may mark it up some. We do not control their pricing of the game.
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Primere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

April 05, 2011
The War of Fear!
WAR is coming to Battleon!
It's been quite a while since we've had a war in AQW and it's long past time. If you have never participated in a war on AQW then here's what you need to know: Everyone fights. Noone quits. If you quit I'll kill you myself.
Actually I won't kill you. I won't even toss a clever remark your way and i LOVE doing that. It's just a quote from a movie.
There are a set number of foes (which sometimes changes depending on the storyline) and you try to defeat all the waves. As you progress you will venture further and further into enemy territory until you reach the War General who has been sending his troops at you, and usually the reason for the attacks is revealed.
This time we will alsi be dropping stackable items that you be able to use in a merge shop to acquire some War Rares, and when you reach the boss there will be MORE rares for you to obtain if you have th guts and stamina.
Some people weren't made for war. Some people were born to be farmers. Coincidentally, you warriors will spend a lot of your time farming the war.
This war will all be building up to NEXT week's Fear Chaser event!
We will also be adding a few new Player Suggestion items to the Player Suggestion shop in Yulgar. Remember that the ONLY way to see your ideas get into game is adding them to the Suggestion Threads on the AQW Forums!
Here's a taste of what's to come. This is the Royal Fang Armor and helm suggested by Royal Knight and crafted for AQW by Polistar. The loincloth is color custom to your armor color and the eys match your Accessory color!
AQW Anything Goes Battleon Battle Cards!
You've already heard all of this if you follow me on Twitter, but this weekend I played took my advance deck of AQW Battle Cards home this weekend to play-test it with Nursey (my wife) and Alces (my best friend). I wanted to know how easy it was to understand for someone who had never seen it before and really didn't have much or any experience with card games.
I slaughtered Alces but Nursey took me down. It was her first game EVER and she beat me flat. I couldn't be more proud of my wife.
I also went to my local comic shop and purchased some card sleeves for the cards themselves and a deck box (These items do NOT come with the game, nor will we sell them on HeroMart). looks pretty professional if i say so myself.
The more I play this game the more fun I have with it. I can't wait to bring it to DragonCon and play some of you guys!
Remember, these go on sale APRIL 18th in U.S. Toys R Us stores around the country. If you live outside the US or your local store didn't get any of the game then you will have to way until early May for the cards to be available on HeroMart.