Design Notes
March 18, 2015
Front and Centaur!
1st-of-its-kind: 4-legged Centaur Morph arrives Friday
WOAH Nellie! That up there… that’s not a typo, is it? ‘Cuz like… AQWorlds has NEVER had an entire armor MORPH before… *looks over to Memet* Is a Centaur Armor Morph REALLY arriving this Friday, March 20th!?
Yeehaw!! It sure is!!!! But hold your horses heroes, because one does not simply rock the Centaur morph. Here’s the lowdown on how you can giddy up as Lore’s first-ever four-legged legend!
Centaur Tier Package Details
Starting this Friday, March 20, 2015, at 6:00pm EST (server time), when you upgrade with ANY Legend membership package, you will unlock an assortment of Centaur Armors, Helms, Capes, Weapons, and/or Pets.
The more months you upgrade, the more goodies you get—and the more money you save!
12 month upgrade package: 12 items
Our best offer is your best bet for becoming the best Centaur in all of Lore! Note that the names below are subject to change (because ‘Weapon 2 with Mega Bonus’ just doesn’t do it enough justice!).
- Centaur Lord Armor
- Centaur Barbarian Guard armor
- 2 Centaur Helms
- 2 Barbarian Guard Helms
- 2 Capes
- 1 Weapon
- Centaur Kin Pet
- Weapon 2 (with mega bonus)*
- Weapon 3 (dual wield version)*
- Centaur Kin Battle Pet*
* Exclusively exclusive to the 12 month package only
6 month upgrade package: 10 items
- Centaur Lord Armor
- Centaur Barbarian Guard armor
- 2 Centaur Helms
- 2 Barbarian Guard Helms
- 2 Capes
- 1 Weapon
- Centaur Kin Pet
3 month upgrade package: 7 items
- Centaur Lord Armor
- 2 Centaur Helms
- 2 Capes
- 1 Weapon
- Centaur Kin Pet
1 month upgrade package: 4 items
- Centaur Lord Armor
- 1 Helm Centaur Helm
- 1 Cape
- 1 Weapon
I certainly hope these spoilers tickled your fancy (um, are Centaurs ticklish?), and everyone here at Artix Entertainment cannot wait to see screenshots of you and your friends galloping throughout Lore this Friday night!
Giddy Up and Battle On!
xoxo Beleen =D

November 04, 2014
Best RPG Armor Set Going Rare
Last Chance to become the Warlock Grand Master!
On the fateful day of Friday, November 7, 2014, the exclusive Warlock Grand Master set will go permanently rare from everyone’s favorite adventure MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds!
Click the pic above to watch the video where I show all the awesomeness that this Rare set contains, and—most importantly—how to become the Warlock Grand Master!
Here’s the direct link too: .
For all those Warlocks out there—thank you SO MUCH for supporting AQ Worlds! All your friends here take so much pride in creating the best online MMORPG for you, and without your kind donations, we could never have accomplished any of this. Thanks again for supporting AdventureQuest Worlds! xoxoxoxooxooxoxo!!
Want to become the Warlock Grand Master? Click here and Upgrade with the 12 Month Membership Package!
xoxo Beleen =D

September 02, 2014
Win $100 with Rixty!
Wanna get Rich with Rixty?
This is the September to remember! Rixty has teamed up with AQWorlds, and when you Upgrade and/or buy AdventureCoins using Rixty, you’ll automatically be entered to win $100!
This special Rixty offer begins now until Tuesday, September 30, so find the nearest Rixty retailer to upgrade in AQWorlds AND have a chance to win $100 in Rixty credits =D
Rixty is also tripling your chances to win—because Rixty will choose 3 Artix winners!
What is Rixty?
You can buy a Rixty prepaid card at a nearby convenience store and transfer your cash online with no fees. Rixty currently has over 18,000 convenience store locations nationwide. You can also use MOL Point cards and Green DOT MoneyPak.
How to Upgrade with Rixty
- Click here to find the Rixty prepaid card retailer nearest you, and purchase a Rixty Game Card!
- Visit and login or create an Artix Entertainment account.
- Click Shop from the menu, and choose Buy Points.
- Choose Rixty as your payment option.
- Enter your Rixty Code (or login to your Rixty account) and follow the instructions to complete your Artix Points purchase.
- Click Dashboard, and select the game user account you want to upgrade with your Points (in this case, AQWorlds!)
- Unlock your upgrade for AQWorlds, and you’ll automatically be entered to win $100 from Rixty!
Could it get any better?
Why yes—yes it can! Since Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19, we want to give you an exclusive pirate weapon when you upgrade with Rixty!
Rixty Render Cutlass
If you purchase a Membership or buy AdventureCoins using Rixty, you will receive the Rixty Render Cutlass automatically. The only way to get the Rixty Render Cutlass is by upgrading via Artix Points bought with Rixty anytime between September 1st and Tuesday, September 30, 2014.
And you just might win the $100 grand prize, too. Yaar, that would be the motherload of all pirate booty!
Set sail to the nearest Rixty location near ye!
Battle on!
xoxo Beleen

May 31, 2013
The Golden Fury is Here!
Exclusive Armor Set for 12 Month Membership
Legend foretells all that glitters is gold… but the Golden Fury Armor Set has that beat tenfold!
Inspired by Norse Mythology, the Golden Fury Armor Set pays homage to Odin, ruler of Asgard. Ragnar of Battleon and his fellow Asgardians bow to the might of the Golden Fury, recognizing its great power and detailed craftsmanship.
Thou wish to become imbued with Odin’s might? Starting Friday, May 31, when you upgrade with a 12 Month Membership, not only will you receive all the epic perks of becoming a Member, you will also be granted with the:
- Golden Fury Armor
- Golden Fury Helm
- Golden Fury Cape
- Golden Fury Weapon
- Golden Fury Character Page Badge
Saving Money Rules!
Everyone likes to save money. And everyone loves a good deal. And when you purchase your 12 Month Membership package, you’re getting a GREAT deal AND saving the MOST money!
Let me break it down for you: a 12 Month Membership costs $57.95. So when you break that down, you’re only spending
$4.83 a month!
Dude. I spend MORE than that on my Frappichinos. Everyday. Why can’t Starbucks offer a sweet membership deal like AQWorlds?
But it gets even better. Your 12 Month AQW Membership includes:
- A whole year of Membership access
- 7,000 bonus AdventureCoins (valued at $28.00)
- Exclusive Golden Fury Armor set (priceless!)
- Option for an addition 5,000 ACs for only $5.00 more (valued at $19.95)
So when you take ALL that into account, you’re really only spending
$1.25 a month!
Are. You. SERIOUS?! Oh yes. Very serious indeed. Check my math if you don’t believe me… even though I triple checked just to make sure =D
Obtaining your 12 Month Membership is by far the best deal in the whole world(wideweb). So if you wanna become epic, get epic items, score epic bragging rights, and obtain the most epic deal,
Upgrade your AQWorlds Account!
Battle on!