Design Notes
October 02, 2015
Mogloween Returns This Weekend
October Begins with a Return to MystCroft!
Candy, costumes, & craziness are in season this Mogloween! If you haven't joined us for this event before, Mogloween is the fall seasonal event where you Trick or BEAT your way through the spookiest, creepiest releases we've put out over the last five years! Just /join mogloween and get ready for bats, brawls, and LOTS of hallow-SCREAMS!
Welcome to MystCroft!
It is a dark and stormy night, fog creeps through the trees and into the houses of Battleon. When you step outside, a beacon pulses in the darkness. As you walk towards it, ghostly moans grow louder. When you enter a clearing you KNOW wasn't there before, you see a portal that takes you to... MystCroft, realm of spookily-delicious Mogloween adventures!
Find the Cauldron sisters, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble, when you /join mogloween and help them play their tricks to save Mogloween... and all the delicious treats that come with it! You'll also have a chance to unlock some of our most awesomely spooky (and most popular gear) of the year!
NEW in MystCroft: the NecroNaut!
If this isn't your first time battling through our Mogloween event, we've got NEW quests and a boss monster for you to tackle - starting today, replay everyone's favorite spooky holiday from years ago & get 2015 Seasonal Rare items. Then, SQUASH the Gatekeeper’s quests and take down the Necronaut in the new Mystcroft challenge area!

This being hails from the Afterlife area of Delta V (also known as the world of Epic Duel, Artix Entertainment's multi-player PVP game), and in AQWorlds, you can talk to the GateKeeper to complete his quests. The new map frames were created by volunteer Epic Duel artist Bido, who has also begun working with AQW background artist J6 to assemble NEW maps from existing art!
The Necronaut and Ultra Necronaut both have a chance to drop the following house item rewards:
- Happy and Sad Tryx Cauldrons
- Green Pumpkin Patch
- Sad and Sadder Pumpkin
And you'll be able to find the Necronaut Limited time Shop in your Game Menu with the:
- Necronaut Armor and Helm
- Doom Necronaut Armor and Helm
- Necronaut and Doom Necronaut Pets
This shop will leave on October 16th, so get your necro gear while it's still here!
Unlock 7th Upholder When You Buy Any Membership
AQW is coming up on another birthday! That's means we are once again offering the chance to become an AQW Upholder!
What does a 7th Upholder get?
As a 7th Upholder, you shall receive:
Exclusive Upholder Class: Sentinel Class!*
Rare: Paragon Star Sword
Rare: Mechanical Star Sword
7th Upholder Character Page Badge
Infinite bragging rights
Access to the exclusive Star Sword: Origins zone
Once you become a 7th Upholder, you can easily access these Items in your Book of Lore by clicking your 7th Upholder Badge icon in the Badges tab.
How do I become a 7th Upholder?
All that we ask is that you help support AQW the game undergoes its exciting rebirth!
When you Upgrade your AQW Membership ANYTIME in the month of October, you will automatically become a legendary 7th Upholder.
If you are ALREADY an upgraded Legend, and your Membership expires AFTER November 1st, 2015, then you are already a 7th Upholder. Congratulations!
Check to see when your AQW Membership expires by logging in here.
Please note that only Upgraded Legend Memberships count toward 7th Upholder.
Mark your calendars: October of OMG-AWESOME!
This is not the only new holiday event happening this month! Not by a LONG shot!
- Thursday, October 1: 7th Upholder begins
- Friday, October 2: Mogloween Hub Town returns, Mirror Realm Rares leave
- Friday, October 9: BattleCon returns for the 7th AQWorlds birthday event!
- Friday, October 16: Artix Entertainment 13th anniversary event in AQWorlds
- Friday, October 23: New Brightoak Grove release - Battle for Rivensylth
- Friday, October 30: NEW holiday event begins!

June 09, 2015
BioBeasts Breach Battleon!
Unlock exclusive BioBeasts Armor Sets in AQWorlds
Are you as excited about BioBeasts as we are?!? The creative minds behind EpicDuel are proud to announce BioBeasts, a free single-player arcade-survival game coming soon to iOS and Android. Your mission: escape, mutate, DESTROY!
Play as a mutating monster fighting its way through a robot-controlled laboratory. But you’re not just some ordinary monster… you’re a BioBeast, and as you grow stronger and more powerful, you evolve and mutate! Wicked.
Use simple tap controls to unleash devastating damage upon the onslaught of bad guys trying to capture you. It’s a fast-paced fun game that’s simple to pick up but hard to put down.
“We cannot wait for you to unleash the BioBeast within you(r phone)!” – the EpicDuel Team
Exclusive Items, aww yeah!
We know that you and all your friends are going to LOVE this game. And that’s why we need YOUR help telling everyone about BioBeasts!
This is kind of like a contest…except everyone will win prizes if we all team up and work together! All you need to do is Like the BioBeasts Facebook page, and the more Likes we get, the closer we will be at unlocking exclusive BioBeasts-themed Armors, Helms, Weapons, and more in AQWorlds.
Here's what you have to do:
- Like the BioBeasts Facebook Page
- Tell your friends to Like the BioBeasts FB Page
- New Items will unlock in-game at Battleon when each milestone is reached:
- Helms unlock at 7,000 Facebook Like
- Back Items unlock at 15,000 Facebook Likes
- Swords unlock at 25,000 Facebook Likes
- Armors unlock at 50,000 Facebook Likes
- BioBeasts Pet unlocks at 100,000 Facebook Likes!
The Electro BioBeast gear is free for ALL players. The Hazardous BioBeast gear is available for Legends. Every item is 0 ACs for free storage!
Click here to Like the BioBeasts Facebook page, and we will be one step closer at obtaining these exclusive BioBeasts-themed items for AQW!
Thanks so much for supporting BioBeasts, EpicDuel, AdventureQuest Worlds, and all your favorite Artix Entertainment games.
You’re the best!!
xoxo Beleen =D
BioBeasts Facebook:
BioBeasts Homepage:
BioBeasts Twitter:
EpicDuel Homepage:

April 14, 2015
New Mobile Game Announced!
A free single-player arcade-survival game coming soon
The creative minds behind the PvP MMO EpicDuel have teased about a "big, exciting announcement" for the past few weeks. But today is a very special day, because that well-kept secret is finally being revealed…
Titan, Nightwraith, Charfade and Rabblefroth have been secretly developing a new mobile game entitled “BioBeasts” while also working on EpicDuel (woah, they must drink A LOT of coffee!). Today we’re excited to showcase the progress the EpicDuel team has made so far!
BioBeasts Bio
BioBeasts will be a free, single-player arcade-survival game for mobile devices (Android and iOS) where you control a mutating beast fighting to escape from a robot-controlled laboratory. You will control a variety of beasts as they try to escape from a lab run by the sadistic Alydriah. Defend yourself against a horde of robot guards, laboratory defenses, and hulking bosses as you claw, bite, blast, and bash your way to freedom! Unlock new beasts with special powers and obtain potent mutations to experiment with as the game progresses.
The team is already well into development and have a number of screenshots posted on their shiny new website:!
Be sure to post your questions and suggestions on the new site! The team will respond to your questions in a post on Friday (April 17). You can also follow all the exciting new announcements for BioBeasts on Twitter, Facebook.
Bring on the BioBeasts!

February 14, 2013
Alpha Omega Class
Tomorrow We Honor EpicDuel's OMEGA!
It's been months in development but the long wait is over and EpicDuel has launched their OMEGA release! They re-wrote more than half of their battle engine and turning the game on it's head. They have revamped everything from character creation to the very battle system that forms the core of the game.
Titan says it's been a roller coaster ride. People were excited at the announcement but it took far longer than expected so people got anxious and cranky, then it was released and people were FLIPPING OUT then started to notice a few bugs that were missed in testing. Soon ED plans to release it's second balancing patch and people are again excited to see what changes are coming to this game of blades, blood and bones.
In honor of their achievement, we are releasing the Alpha Omega Class tomorrow! The art was designed by ED's own Nightwraith and if you ask me it's one of the most impressive armors that we've seen in AQW.
Where Do I get It?
There will be a few ways that you will be able to get the class when we release it tomorrow.
- Members can earn the class by trading in 300 Combat Trophies from Bludrut Brawl to Ragnar in Battleon. He will have a new merge shop for classes as of tomorrow.
- Anyone can simply purchase the class for 1000 ACs (half-price from our normal classes) from Ragnar in Battleon, or from the Class Shop in your Book of Lore.
Now, let's get our hands dirty.
First, don't let the name Alpha Omega mislead you. This is NOT a re-release of Alpha Pirate (as some people seem to think) and has nothing to do with the Alpha Testing Phase of any of AE's games. Alpha is the beginning. Omega is the ultimate end. This class was designed to finish any battle that it starts and it's as simple as that.
The skills for this class were originally inspired by the skills of the Mercenary from Epic Duel, and evolved from there. Our balance testers have said that it can take a lot of punishment but have no problem dishing it out in one-on-one battles. They have also said that it feels like one of the most well-rounded and multi-purpose classes we've released in a while.
The balance testers also say that LUCK Enhancements work best with this class, even though it's built on the Warrior mana regen model and does physical damage. Got a better build? Let us know on the forums!
2 second cooldown
A strong attack known only to disciplined fighters.
15 mana, 1 second cooldown
Instantly attack twice, dealing extra damage.
Very simple. Anything you punch in the face get a bonus punch in the face ABSOLUTELY FREE!
30 mana, 6 second cooldown
Heals a friendly target for a large amount immediately, and up to 3 additional nearby targets for a smaller amount. Applies Radiance to the first target, healing for an additional amount over 16 seconds, and restoring some mana to the caster when the target takes damage..
It's not a HUGE heal but it's a nice life-saver and you CAN cast it on yourself. It also buffs your mana for as long as the heal's effect, Glow, stays on you.
30 mana, 10 second cooldown
Strike and weaken an enemy by stunning them for 4 seconds.
Does damage and carries a guaranteed stun, which is always nice. Especially in PvP.
Rank 4 passives
Damage Output Increased by 10%
Damage Resist increased by 10%
Hit harder and take less damage. Warrior based combat at its finest.
30 mana, 15 second cooldown
1 hit guaranteed to crit.
A guaranteed crit, every time. This skill is why I liked to play around with the ENH. If you already have one guarentted crit then ideally you want to make it stronger with STR but it's not the only skill that can crit and critical heals are REALLY NICE. Depends on your play style.
Rank 10 passive
Increases Haste by a 10%
I think this is the first time that we've had a rank 10 passive that was a flat stat boost like the rank 4's usually are, but rather than waiting for a 1/500 chance for a massive damage to go off, spead up all attacks and reduce all cooldowns making you do more damage overall. Again, you'll have to let us know what you think.
So there you have it. The class comes tomorrow along with ED's Valentines Event which features, amongst other things, 2 BRAND NEW CORES to play with so you probably want to check that one once you're done with AQW's release!

June 24, 2011
Summer School
Big Brains, Smarty Pants and Graduation Caps: SURF'S UP?
We've been getting a lot lot of questions about when the Summer Seasonal Shop was returning to Battleon. Sicne Summer has finally arrived here in Earth's Northern Hemisphere we have finally re-opened it!
Inside you will find a number of returning Summer Shop Seasonal Rare favorites like the Battle Swimwear Armors, the Class of 11 Banner, Robe of Knowledge and the Wild Shades.
This year we've added 3 new Seasonal Rare pets. The Graduate Moglin, Smartypants Pony and the vastly overpriced (at 2 MILLION GOLD) Evil Professor Dolfo... the worlds only evil super-genius dolphin.
But that's not all. We have also added 2 new Seasonal Rare Helms. The non-member Sleeping Tiki Head and the member-only Awoken Tiki Head!
We have also added 5 new RARE weapons to the shop that ARE NOT seasonal rares. Presenting the 2011 Limited Edition AE Surfboard collection!
Each of these RARE Surfboard weapons costs 350 AdventureCoins and WILL NOT be returning next year... or ever again. If people like them, we will do another series for the 2012 Summer Shop but you will never see the 2011 series ever again once the Summer Shop leaves Battleon!
Now that you have obtained your Necropolis Student ID from the Tower of Necromancy (you don't need to complete the tower, just do the quests at the bottom) you are able to continue your investigation into Vordreds Light-proof evilness inside the Necropolis.
This highly esteemed institute of higher learning has been churning out necromancers as well as hordes of undead for centuries and NOW... YOU CAN ATTEND CLASSES!
In fact you'll need to attend classes to find the answers to the questions of Vordred's origin and possible ways to stop him, but i promise you... there are more secrets in DoomWood than anyone knows what to do with.
Visit each classroom and complete your courseload to find out more!
A big congratulations to Titan, Nightwraith, Charfade and the rest of the EpicDuel team for concluding EpicDuel's Gamma stage and moving on to Delta!
As Cinderella pointed out in her Design Notes, Delta means “change” or “evolution” or “the fourth in a series”- which all describe the way EpicDuel is coming into its own. It’s really incredible to see such a small team make such great strides, and we’d like to invite you to join us and the EpicDuel team on June 29, 2011 (what time? When it’s ready o’clock... just like everything else in AE) to experience a new and improved EpicDuel!
Some of the key features include: 3 NEW Class Evolutions- the Tactical Mercenary, Blood Mage, and Cyber Hunter- a revamp of Fortune City, new characters like the cruel and calculating Alydriah Descarl, the fierce Imperial Tech Mage, and improved versions of some of the original NPCs. Plus, EpicDuel is adding a new mode supporting 2vs1 Boss Fights! When Delta launches you’ll be able to select a friend as your ally and battle against bigger and more powerful bosses than ever before! Can you form a team to defeat these monstrosities?
Finally, EpicDuel is introducing the unique and powerful new Delta Destroyer Sword for players that support the movement by purchasing an Epic Varium package on or after the 29th! Plus, everyone who plays during the Delta phase will be have the opportunity to pick up the exclusive Delta Knight achievement for FREE from any achievement vendor.
Don't miss out on this Epic event! Join us June 29, 2011 for the evolution!
A big congratulations to Titan, Nightwraith, Charfade and the rest of the EpicDuel team for concluding EpicDuel's Gamma stage and moving on to Delta! As Cinderella pointed out in her Design Notes, Delta means “change” or “evolution” or “the fourth in a series”- which all describe the way EpicDuel is coming into its own. It’s really incredible to see such a small team make such great strides, and we’d like to invite you to join us and the EpicDuel team on June 29, 2011 (what time? When it’s ready o’clock... just like everything else in AE) to experience a new and improved EpicDuel!
Some of the key features include: 3 NEW Class Evolutions- the Tactical Mercenary, Blood Mage, and Cyber Hunter- a revamp of Fortune City, new characters like the cruel and calculating Alydriah Descarl, the fierce Imperial Tech Mage, and improved versions of some of the original NPCs. Plus, EpicDuel is adding a new mode supporting 2vs1 Boss Fights! When Delta launches you’ll be able to select a friend as your ally and battle against bigger and more powerful bosses than ever before! Can you form a team to defeat these monstrosities?
Finally, EpicDuel is introducing the unique and powerful new Delta Destroyer Sword for players that support the movement by purchasing an Epic Varium package! Plus, everyone who plays during the Delta phase will be have the opportunity to pick up the exclusive Delta Knight achievement for FREE from any achievement vendor.
Don't miss out on this Epic event! Join us June 29, 2011 for the evolution!

May 06, 2011
Alina's Tale: The Poisoners Puzzle
Alina Finally Arrives In AQW
Someone has poisoned King Alteon and it look like our own Alina might be the culprit.
Just click the Alina's Tale button in Battleon to help her prove that she is innocent of this crime against the throne!
This is the first part of a continuing storyline for Alina. Just our way of saying Welcome to the game! She wrote the story and Samba got to really earn her stripes as an AE animator, with pumping out 2 cutscenes and a brand new monster in less than 3 days!
Just because you guys get to miss all the fun errors that we fix BEFORE we release the event I thought I would show you a little picture of Alina from earler this week. We call her DERPlina.
This adventure features a TON of new drops and shop items available from Alina, including Mennace's Opalescent Blades!
That's me wearing the Stained Aurus Wings (CC) and Alina is also modeling the Aurus Via armor from tomorrow's Limited Quantity Shop.
Limited Quantity Shop, Tomorrow 10 AM Server Time (EST)
Tomorrow at 10 AM the next LQS goes live. Here is a full list of items that can be found there.
- Aurus Via Armor (Qty 6000) - 900 AC
- Aurus Via Accoutrements (Qty 6000) - 400 AC
- Aurus Via Helm (Qty 6000) - 300 AC
- Stained Aurus Wings (Qty 6000) - 400 AC
- Dirge Armor (Qty 3000) - 900 AC
- Dirge Demon Helm (Qty 3000) - 300 AC
- Male Dirge Helm (Qty 1000) - 300 AC
- Female Dirge Helm (Qty 1000) - 300 AC
- Sword Of Sorrow (Qty 3000) - 200 AC
- Energy Disc (Qty 3000) - 150 AC
- Earth Piercer (Qty 20000) - 20,000 G
- Electric Thunder (Qty 9000) - 15,000 G
Plus all of the stuff left over from previous LQS runs.
REMEMBER: This still goes live TOMORROW at 10 AM SERVER TIME (EST). These LQS's items have been going faster and faster so i highly recommend that you be there early and warm up your clicking finger if you want to get any of these.
So long, Farewell... To A Bunch Of Stuff.
Fear Chaser is now GONE, the rare items from the event shop are now rare. The rest of the event is now member only. Grenwog is gone for another year. The HeroSmash Launch shop is gone. Those items are now rare. The Panda Launcher has been moved to a random monster in AQW.
Tomorrow when the LQS goes live, MOTHER'S DAY also goes live (I hope you guys have done something nice for your mom's. I got my mom a tree). Randor's Birthday shop and the Cinco De Mayo shop will also be gone.
Voltaire and Deady return to AQWorlds for another musical event. He was out 1st Musical Gurst Star and continues to be a very good friend to AQW. He co-wrote this event with me and hopefully you will have a LOT of fun!
We get to reveal Deady's TRUE terrifying extra-terrestrial form! Should be a lot of fun.
There WILL, as usual, be an event rare shop filled with lots of Deady, Voltaire and unlucky items and the event will give the Friday the 13th Bdage if you have somehow failed to get it so far.
HeroMart has JUST gotten the first round of EpicDuel posters in!
In addition to getthing this awesome wall poster you also get a HUGE load of credits, and as if that wasn't enough you ALSO get the Bionic Bear Bike which increases your move speed by 50% and increases your bearitude by 100%. That's assuming you're not a bear.
Anyway, head over to HEROMART and grab one OR if you're an extra special kind of person, get the extra special SIGNED poster. (They let me hide my signature on one of the posters randomly. It's tiny and hard to find but if you get that one, let me know!)

January 25, 2011
Epic Win!
Ready for your daily dose of awesomsauce?
Hi everyone! It’s only Tuesday and already soooo much is going on that I just HAD to share with someone. And that someone is you!
So join me! Bask in the pink glow of these Design Notes as I reveal everything that’s going on this week… and maybe some spoilers that are coming in the near future =D
TWO Birthday’s Today? Two Captains, too?!
Ding! Stratos of the Skyguard and Captain Rhubarb have both leveled up today! Gratz, guys!
Got my goggles!
Stratos landed his airship in Battleon for his special day. Talk to the captain to get your hands on some super awesome Stratos-approved goggles and TWO of his own custom swords! I’m not sure how long Stratos will be in town… so make sure you wish him a Happy Birthday before he takes flight!
EpicDuel T-shirts—On Sale Now!
Wanna score some epic threads in real life? Head to HeroMart now and be the first to equip the super epic EpicDuel T-Shirt!
A +10 Defense buff comes standard when putting on this shirt. But as an added bonus, the Color Custom Cyber Hunter Armor in AQWorlds is yours when you enter the special code that comes with the shirt!
Ctrl+Alt+Del Event Details
It’s the moment we have all been waiting for…for the past week and a half. Cysero worked his magic with the creator of the webcomic Ctrl + Alt + Del and we will be hosting the in-game event this Friday!
The last week of January is a very special time of year for CAD fans... it's Winter-een-mas, a holiday just for gamers! But this Winter-een-mas… something is not quite right (other than the whole holiday not bring quite right). The Winter-een-mas Crown has been stolen and Ethan, Lucas, Lilah, and Zeke need your help getting it back!
There will be Winter-een-mas rare items pulled directly from the pages (web pages) of Ctrl + Alt + Del plus some stuff you've never seen before… like the 16-bit Item Sets in the AC Event Rare Shop!
Digital DOOMknight Armor and Helm, Blade of 16-Bit Awe, and the Light of Digital Destiny!
All these 16-bit digital items (and more!) will be in the AC event rare shop along with a 16 bit pet. Nearly all of the DROPS from the event will be non-member. BUT! After this week, the event goes Member Only so only members will have access to those drops. And when the event goes Member, the AC shop is GONE. Just a fair heads-up for everyone who is reading this now =D
Completely Color Customizable CardCaster Class?!
If you happen to follow me, Dage the Evil, or Cysero on Twitter, then you probably caught a sneak-peek at the newest Class making its way to our Inventory Bags.
CardCaster Class preview!
This completely color custom Class—based off Base, Accessory, Trim, and Eye Color—is still in the making and has no scheduled release date yet. But this Class is special. Very special. The only way to get this Class is by getting your hands on the not-yet-released BattleOn Game Cards set!
Artix, Mido, Cy, Dumoose, and the entire Team have been hard at work on a physical card game that will hit store shelves in the next few months (if everything works out like we hope it will).The card game is SUPER INCREDIBLY fun and I cannot wait until it is actually finished!
I’m sure Artix will give you some more spoilers as the card game nears its final stage. But for now… that’s all I can say. If I haven’t already said too much. Yipes!
And, um, as for the Inventory/Bank Space improvements…. Zhoom? …Minimal? Where are you guys?!
Alright! Time for me to get back to working on the Ctrl + Alt + Del event. As our first HUGE event of the new year… we gatta make sure it’s as epic as it can be!
Battle On!

January 19, 2011
Battle On…..der!
Heh, get it, 'cuz ‘Battle Onder’ sounds like Battle Under… It’s a… uhhhhgg…..
Third week of the year. Yes, it’s hard to believe. Just 19 days into 2011 and already I am losing my mind.
And that’s a good thing for YOU!
The AQWorlds team has soooo many new things in store for you that a few lost minds is a necessary sacrifice to achieve our totally epic plans. Wanna see what we’re doing this week? You’ve come to the right place.
Third Level of BattleUnder
It wasn’t too long ago that a series of deep underground tunnels was discovered beneath our hometown of Battleon. A few secret passageways can be found around Battleon that will take you into these dangerous caverns flooded with Undead minions.
Two levels of BattleUnder have already been uncovered. Warlic in the Battleon Magic Shoppe is hard at work figuring out how to activate the Portal in the 2nd level of BattleUnder. From his reports, he should figure out a way come Friday evening. A way that involves a minigame of sorts.
That mage really knows his stuff!
Head to Warlic’s Shop and read some of the books on his shelves. *hint hint wink wink* Maybe you’ll uncover where a path to BattleUnder resides!
Yara the Paladin has informed us that the next level of BattleUnder is unlike any place we’ve ever seen. If you wish to journey there during this week’s release, you had better help her complete all her quests first!
Even though no one has seen what lies beyond the 2nd level of BattleUnder, Yara found this screenshot after it dropped off the Undead Berserker:
Is this what lies beyond BattleUnder’s portal? …Oooohhh, I dunno… I guess we’ll just have to wait until Friday to find out! ^_____^
Say CHEESE…day!
Yes. Yes. I am serious. Tomorrow, January 20th, is Cheese Day. No, I didn’t make it up. I heard about Cheese Day from a very reliable source: the interwebs!
And the internet never lies. So tomorrow, the Black Market Dealer in Battleon will receive a shipment of Cheese Day items to celebrate this delicious holiday!
Uhhmm… what kind of items can you make out of cheese, anyway?
Color Custom Cyber Hunter Armor
Some of you guys who relentlessly stalk my Character Page have been wondering what the Cyber Hunter armor is. Cyber Hunters of Delta V are highly skilled and trained warriors that live for the thrill of battle. Their color-custom robotic armor strikes more than just fear into the eyes of their opponent.
Delta V, huh? As in… the Delta V from EpicDuel?
Yuppers! The Cyber Hunter armor was forged specifically for the soon-to-be-released EpicDuel Tshirt!
In a couple of days, the EpicDuel Tshirts will go on sale at HeroMart. The only way to get the Cyber Hunter armor in AQWorlds is by equipping these epic threads IRL!
Once we receive word from Faith… and receive the shipment of Tshirts… we will announce it on the Design Notes, Homepage, and probably flood our Twitters with OMGOMGOMG EpicDuel Tshirts are IN! Or you can keep checking the HeroMart homepage and see if you can beat us to the punch =D
Fixed Stacking Bug
Zhoom is much more than just a Sandsea Ranger… he’s also an amazing programmer capable of squashing all sorts of bugs. For some strange reason, stackable items (aka items you collect more than 1 of) stopped working today. I had no idea why, and still have no idea why, but this is why I am not a programmer =p
Zhoom has since fixed the issue so you can continue to farm those stackable items… like from Miltonius’ and Dage’s crazy insane quests. That are hidden somewhere in game. If you haven’t found them yet… try asking your fellow players!
Update on Unlimited Item Collections!?!
Zhoom and Minimal have been working nonstop on the unlimited Inventory/Bank Space mission. Nothing is yet set in stone… but I can tell you that things are looking MIGHTY GOOD!
Here is the recap of it in Artix’s DN post.
If (and hopefully when!) we are able to offer a massive increase in Inventory slots and Bank Space, we can begin implementing something known as a Limited Quantity Shop.
(Uh oh… am I allowed to be saying this? Or am I supposed to keep this a secret…?)
Oh well—no use going back now! Like the name suggests, a Limited Quantity Shop only has a limited number of a certain item. So let’s say there are only 50 of an item available. When 50 players get that item… it will vanish from the shop and NEVER be offered again!
This is going to make for some VERY interesting rare-item collections.
…Okeeeey, I’ve said waaaay too much. I better go now before Artix equips his Anti-Pink glasses and reads what I have just said and revokes my coffee privileges!
Toodles! =D