Design Notes
April 30, 2013
Blood Titan News and More
Read ALL the News so you Don't Miss Out!
"There is power in blood. Coming from a long line of titans, your blood is especially potent. You have mastered the ability of calling on the power running through your veins to bring devastation to your foes. "
- Scroll of Nine Deaths
Power and victory can be yours!
Blood Titan Class Details
Are you prepared to consume your OWN life to deal damage to your foes? Drain your own health to increase your defense? Tap the power of your fury to deal massive damage to your enemies? Yes? YES! Then it sounds like you're ready to become a Blood Titan!
- Members can farm the Blood Titan or Ultra Blood Titan boss monsters for the 450 merge tokens needed to create the Class.
- OR complete the member-only quest at Shi Mar (arrives Friday), which rewards stacks of 1,3,5 (or rarely. stacks of 15 or 25) tokens.
- The member version of the Class will cost 0ACs for free storage.
- All players can purchase the Blood Titan Class for 2,000 ACs.
- Cysero will have a skill breakdown for you tomorrow!
Shop News: Comings and Goings
- Hizu, AQW's assistant animator*, is our next featured artist. His shop will go live next Tuesday!**
- The Dunestalker Shop in Battleon leaves on Wednesday, April 30th!
- The Astral Guardian and Astral Wanderer shop leaves on Wednesday, May 8th! Find it under the Shops tab in your Dragon Menu!
The Astral Guardian and Astral Wanderer sets!
* He brought you the Ultra Blood Titan animation!
** Kezeroth the Worldsaver's Limited Time Shop took this Tuesday's slot.
Jade Samurai are known to strike faster than snakes!
- The Jade Samurai 12 month Membership package leaves May 17th...
- And the Elite Asgardian package arrives! More news on that soon.
PS: Have any of you heard the rumors? Artix called the team together this morning to let us know some dire news: ... Grimskull is coming! We are not sure what this means, but he was VERY serious. We will need to buff our defenses and post guards on the perimeters!