Design Notes
December 26, 2014
Frostval 2014 Gift Weekend
Take Down the Frostspawn General for a Rare Prize!
Starting tonight and through Monday, December 29th, head to the Frozen Ruins (/join Frozenruins) and defeat the FrostSpawn General for a 5% chance to get the limited-time rare Evergreen Frost Blade!
He's not cool enough to beat you... right?
This is the BEST weekend for an item hunt, because while you're battling through the ruins to get the blade, you'll ALSO be getting a...
DOUBLE Server Boost Until Monday!
SO many heroes are off school and work this weekend for the holidays that we've got another Frostval gift for you! More Rep, Class Points, XP, and Gold! Log into ANY regular server to get 2X more boosts. Log into Sir Ver or Evil Sir Ver to get 2.25X more!
The Frostval Fiend gear is available in Quibble's shop!
Quibble, Tinsel and Dage Gifts Update
Talk to Quibble in Battleon, because his bountiful chest now has MORE cool gear... including the Icy Claws armor, Frostval Fiend gear, Nully Claws pets, and more!
Then check your inventory, because Tinsel's giftboxes have opened! You'll find the Northlands Guardian armor, helm, swords, cape, and pet. Merry Frostval, heroes!
And last, but certainly not least, Dage the Evil's giftboxes for the Undead Legion have ALSO opened!
Turn in your Legion Tokens to get your gloves on the Black Death of the Legion and Death's Head pet from the Undead Legion Merge shop now!
Next Week: Future of Fear
The third part of our WorldBreaker Rising holiday event begins next week! Confront Karok the Fallen in battle and see what happens when the Queen of Monsters sees just how destructive her future on Lore could be!
The New Year's map and seasonal rares will ALSO return next week, along with a rares shop and another holiday server boost! 'Tis the season to be battling in AQWorlds!