Design Notes

April 12, 2014

AQW: Chaos in a Comic 2

13 Lords of Chaos comic: Alteon Vs Sepulchure!

Blade's been hard at work on this comic series and part 2 is done! If you missed part 1 don't worry, you can find it right here!

Click to view larger image!

The 13 Lords of Chaos storyline all started with an invasion, so that is where our comic begins! Created by one of AQWorlds' newest - and funniest - artists, Blade  will be recreating the 13 Lords of Chaos in comic form one panel at a time! Wish him well, and enjoy!

Tags: Comic,

February 04, 2014

AQW: Chaos in a Comic 1

Our Story Begins as Undead Attack Swordhaven 

As I was scrolling through the Design Notes a few weeks ago, seeing just HOW MUCH we write about, I thought, "This is the internet, and we need WAY MORE FUNNY PICTURES on here!" And so the AQW: Chaos in a Comic series was born!

Click to see larger image

The 13 Lords of Chaos storyline all started with an invasion, so that is where our comic begins! Created by one of AQWorlds' newest - and funniest - artists, Blade* will be recreating the 13 Lords of Chaos in comic form one panel at a time! Wish him well, and enjoy!

Artix has graciously agreed to write the core of the 13 Lords of Chaos Saga finale as soon as he is finished with Battle Gems. He's known the ending since before AQWorlds began, and he is without a doubt the BEST person to outline the ending! I will fill in all the bits and pieces to tie up loose ends so we do not leave anyone hanging! 

** Also known as "Bladehilt Swordface," "The Fire-forged," and "GO TO YOUR SHEATHE"

Tags: Comic, Alina,

March 18, 2011



Friday! Friday! Oh Rebecca Black.... what have you done.



No, the Chaos Beast is not Rebecca Black. ... dramatic pause for 5 seconds... In tonight's brand new release we will face the Sandsea desert's Chaos Beast. Did you ever wonder what they Chaos Beasts really are? And why a new rune lights up behind Drakath in each cutscene that follows it? Um. Probably just a coincidence. If you are just joining us, or have not completed the Sandsea quests yet... play all of the quests and get ready... for the GRAND FINALE!

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