Design Notes
July 02, 2015
This Friday: Chaos Queen Beleen Release!
AQWorlds Weekly News for July 3, 2015
Hiya hero! I am SUPER excited to announce this week’s newest release:
Chaos Queen Beleen Art Print Now in HeroMart!
Make your way to, our online, real-life merchandise store to find the new Chaos Queen Beleen Arti Print! Inspired by Beleen, marketing writer for Artix Entertainment, and created by Nulgath, master artist, this 8.5x11" limited edition print will bring chaos and craziness to your room, dorm, office, or castle!

February 13, 2013
Love is in the Air
And on the Internet!
My most favorite Pink-a-licious holiday arrives tomorrow: Heroes Heart Day! And with it comes SUPER adorable Chibi Valentine’s Day cards to give to your friends, family, battle puppies, and secret admirers.
Everyone’s favorite archfiend Nulgath teamed up with the extreme lunchlady Oishii to create these chibi character cards just for you! Spread the love (and doom!) this Heroes Heart Day with the collection of AQWorlds Valentine’s Day Cards. Get the full sized images on the AdventureQuest Worlds Facebook page!
Ooooohhh they are all so precious!! Which one is your favorite?
…all of them, you say?! I TOTALLY AGREE!
Love on! =D