Design Notes
January 12, 2012
Friday the 13th Event Rares!
o you feel lucky?
With Voltaire and Deady to inspire all of these EPIC items for tomorrow's event, we sure do! The weapons featured in this Design Notes are all Event Rares* and will be sold for ACs, but there's a whole host of Member-only and free player weapons, pets, and armors that will be released tomorrow!
If you're looking to spend your weekend battling fiery foes and are ready to take on a GIANT ROBOT QUEEN, then this is your lucky Friday the 13th!
Tomorrow's event (Part 1 of 3 Friday the 13th events in 2012) will feature such event rares.
Voltaire's Chalice, Voltaire's Flaming Tophat, and Voltaire's Black Unicorn !**
The AC Event Rare house shop items will include:
- Voltaire's Black Unicorn (yard item)
- Burning Tree Trunk (yard item)
- Friday the 13th Event Poster (wall item)
Event Rare armors will feature:
- SteamKnight Armor
- Unicorn Crooner Armor
- Steamed Punk Armor
* That means they'll only be available for a limited time!
** Voltaire's Armor will NOT be sold, sorry! There can only be ONE goth-pirate musician!
Unicorn Crooner Armor, Steamed Punk Armor, Obsidian Axe, Mini Magma Dragon!
Among the Event Rare pets, you'll find:
- Voltaire's Black Unicorn Pet
- Miniature Magma Dragon (member-only)
- Amethyst Flame Unicorn
Event Rare weapons will showcase:
- Voltaire's Chalice
- Obsidian Axe
- SteamSaw Blade
- Chained Magma Sword
- ClockWork gun
- Molten Destruction Blade (color custom)
- And more!
If you've read Artix's AQ3D Design Notes today, you'll see that many of the people in the Secret Underground Lab have caught the Lab Plague. Cysero and Samba were out today recuperating, though Samba sick-swayed through animating half of the cutscenes! Cysero cranked out some of the event's NPCs while on the road to recovery, and I was down for the count earlier in the week.
I guess you could say we've been working "feverishly" on this event! /gong
PS: Believe it or not, one of the most time-consuming parts about writing the Design Notes is not the writing itself. It's gathering art assets and making up the graphics. Sorry for the late Notes.