Design Notes
October 11, 2010
Chaos Beast / Mogloween!
Coming Friday!
Coming this Friday, you will fianlly enter the Magic Portal at the top of Arcangrove Tower and fight your way through the para-elemental plane of magic to face Chaos Lord Ledgermayne's Chaos beast... the Mana Golem!
This legendary creature, like Ledgermayne itself, is a being made of pure magic. The difference is that the Mana Golem was crafted by mages long ago as a magic weapon of last resort but prooved too dangerous to control or even allow to exist, and too powerful to fully destroy.
The Mana Golem was moved to the para-elemental plane of magic where it could harm do no harm if it were ever to be awoken from it's unnatural slumber.
This week we are also re-releasing AQW's MOGLOWEEN EVENTS from the past two years! You'll head back to the spooky town of Mystcroft which only appears during this spooky time of year and meet up with your friends Bubble (Bubble), Toil and Trouble, The Cauldron Sisters!
This will give you a chance to catch up on last year's insanity before we release THIS year's exclusive Mogloween content NEXT week (The Children of the Candy Corn!)! It will also give you a chance to get this year's 2010 tegged season rares, season rare house items and the ever popular Pumpkinlord Class (which cannot be tagged)!
Level 31-35 Enhancements Coming!
Now that we've raised the level cap to 35 you're going to need some new Enhancements to get your gear up to spec! We're currently working on adding these new Enh to every shop and we should be ready to release them later today or tomorrow at the latest! Keep your eyes on the DN's for announcements!
Canadian Thanksgiving!
As Beleen noted below, today is the day that Candians give thanks for all of their Canadian blessings. As we did last year, we have opened the Canadian Thanksgiving Shop and we will keep it open until Friday, when the AQW 2nd Birthday Event also (maple) leaves!
BladeHaven Beta Release
Beta for BladeHaven is scheduled to begin on Thursday. The Beta will use the ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL and will be open to Guardians, DragonLords, Star Captains, AQWorlds Members and... um... we have no idea what Epic Duel players that upgraded are called... but yup, them too. Bladehaven is a first person sword fighting game. It features achievements that will earn your master account EXP.
Time Is Running Out!
Remember, you only have until November 2nd to become a 2nd Upholder. We deliver the Onyx Star Sword and your 2nd Upholder full color badges on November 3rd (as well as the founder pet). After that... you're out of luck. You'll have to wait an entire year before we offer you the chance to become a 3rd Upholder, but this is your ONLY chance to become a 2nd upholder.

October 11, 2010
Canadian Thanksgiving!
Gobble On!
In honor of Canadian Thanksgiving (which is today) you can get the Lumberjack Turley Armor and Helm in Battleon, and we are re-releasing the Iron Maple Leaf Axe!
He looks good enough to eat!
These items will be available TODAY (and probably part of tomorrow, since we kinda got to a late start…) and willl be leaf-ing Friday. These Items are Seasonal Rares, so they will probably be back next year. If we remember =P
So join us in wishing our northern neighbors a wonderful Thanksgiving! Enjoy your Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Pumpkin Pie, Moose Ribs… and whatever you guys eat on Thanksgiving.
To access these items, just click the new button in BattleOn! If you don't see it, clear your browser's cache and try again!
Toodle-loo my friends; I have to go to class now. They say that knowledge is power… soooo why am I not Lvl 35 yet? Hmm….