Design Notes
April 25, 2013
Changes to the Dragon Menu
You said the Astral Guardian Shop Would Still be Here!
You are correct, Hero! It IS still available in-game, but the shop has been moved. To where? Into your Dragon Menu, so you can access it from anywhere inside AQWorlds. If you've logged in since yesterday, you'll see we made some changes to the menu.
What All is on the NEW Dragon Menu?
Good question! Scan your eyes about an inch down the site to see screenshots of the new menu! But if you prefer bullet points to pictures, here's a handy list:
- Shops tab
- Adventures tab
- News of our weekly releases
- Your map of Lore
- A link to Ballyhoo
- The In-game Payment button
(Shows "Get Membership" if you are not upgrade or Get ACs if you have")
How Do I Find the Shop?
And here's a pictoral guide for those of you who hate words. (They say "A picture's worth a thousand words," after all.) So for you, graphic illustrations of how the Astral Guardian gear is only 3 clicks away!
Step 1. Click the Shops button on your Dragon Menu.
Step 2. Click the Astral Guardian shop button on the Shops tab.
Step 3. Choose the items from the Astral Guardian or Astral Wanderer sets from the shop before it leaves May 1st!
Will All Shops Be On That Tab?
It depends. One of the things we want to avoid now is cluttering up Battleon. With so many people in the map, having too many NPCs along the side makes things VERY confusing! (One time we had EIGHT of them... NPC OVERLOAD!!!)
So now, if you're looking for a shop that used to be in the main Battleon map and you don't see it, check the Shops tab on your Dragon Menu first! If it's not there, it's gone for good. Some of the shops you'll see there are:
- Featured Artist shops
- Rare shops (until they leave the game)
- Limited Time shops
- Ways to get to Special shops like the Seasonal or Treasure map shops