Design Notes
June 02, 2015
Ask Beleen Anything!
Now accepting all kinds of questions
Hiya! I know you’ve always wanted to know more about me. So here’s your chance to ask your question and get an answer*!
Ask me:
- Personal questions
- Questing questions
- Silly questions
- Artix-related questions
- Creepy questions (although you might not get a response)
- Funny questions
- Favorite color questions (HA! Just kidding!)
- Random/odd questions
- Any kind of question!**
Be sure to include your AQW Character Name when asking your question on the Facebook Post so I can give you proper credit (and a shout out!) when I answer your question on YouTube! (Maybe I could do the first video next week? Yeah?? Wheee!)
I look forward to hearing from you and answering your question!
xoxo Beleen =D
* I will not be able to answer everyone’s questions, but I’ll try my best =)
** I have the right to refuse any question that’s not appropriate. If you have to ask yourself “is this an all-ages appropriate thing I’m about to say?”, then you probably shouldn’t post it.