Design Notes
December 20, 2018
Design Class: Frostval Barbarian
This year we’re bringing back the seasonal holiday class with a bang! Ever want to be a festive machine of death? Welcome to Frostval Barbarian!
All about the Class:
Frostval Barbarians are givers and takers, depending on how mad they are. While not Enraged, you’re a gift giving god and one of the best supports in the game. While Enraged, you are an AoE damaging beast, destroying any minion in your path.
There are two ways to get the Class:
- Buy it from Robina's Class Shop in /frostvale for 2,000 ACs
- Complete Robina's quest to unlock the 0 AC version
If you purchased the 10k Frostval Collection Chest, you'll find the 0 AC Class inside your chest after tonight's update.
Frostval Barbarian Quest
Earning this Class is a sign that you've completed the majority of our Frostval seasonal events, and requires you to revisit some of the quests and areas you've completed in the past to get new items.
Get a new drop from the Forest Guardian Gauntlet quest in /alpine
Get a new drop from the Holly and Ice quest in /coldwindvalley
Get the Sword of Hope from the shop in /icerisekeep
Get the Sassafras' War Helm from the Ballista Cables quest in /battlefield
Get a new drop from the Defeat Karok quest in /northstar
Get the Infernal Ice Heart from Vinara’s Odds Shop in /battleontown (Requires 5 Crypto Tokens and 5 Frozen Orbs from this year's event boss.)
The Barbarians of Frostvale are known for their Strength, Endurance, and Dexterity. Prove that you possess these traits, and you, too, can become a Frostvale Barbarian.
Description: Recommended enhancement: Fighter. During Frostval these nomadic wanderers from the north travel from town to town giving gifts and protecting those in need. You don't want to be on their naughty list though, else be on the receiving end of their most infamous gift - their pure rage.
Mana Regeneration: Frostvale Barbarians gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.
Barbaric Strike
Deals 100% of your weapon damage to up to 3 targets. Can't miss but can't crit.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 3 seconds
AOE: 1
Long Range
Dam: 100% weapon damage
Rank 1: Frostval Gifts
Frostval Gifts gives you and up to 4 allies a heal over time that lasts 10 seconds. If you’re Enraged, instead you get Frozen Beard. Frozen Beard reduces yours and up to 3 allies damage taken by 30% for 10 seconds.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 20
Cooldown: 5 seconds
AOE: 5
Long Range
Rank 2: Winter's Depress
Depress your foe with a non-damaging wintry blast. Reduces up to 3 opponent’s haste by 20% for 10 seconds. Stacks to 4.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 20
Cooldown: 8 seconds
AOE: 3
Long Range
Rank 3: Silver Thaw/Maw/Jaw
Heals 20 mana for yourself, and applies Silver Thaw, Silver Maw, and Silver Jaw to yourself and 4 allies. Silver Thaw reduces mana costs by 15%, Silver Maw increases crit chance by 10%, and Silver Jaw increases crit damage by 20%. All 3 effects last 10 seconds and stack to 4.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: -20
Cooldown: 8 seconds
AOE: 5
Long Range
Rank 4 Passive: Festive Suit
Reduces damage taken by 15%
Rank 4 Passive: Barbaric
Increases haste by 50%
Rank 5: Enrage
Deals 300% weapon damage to up to 3 targets and applies Enrage. Enrage lasts 10 seconds. While Enraged, your haste is reduced by 100% but your damage is increased by 100%. Also removes Frostval Gifts. Enrage can't crit but can't miss.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 10
Cooldown: 3 seconds
AOE: 3
Long Range
Dam: 300% weapon damage
Rank 10 Passive: Gifted
Increases Strength by 20%

November 21, 2018
2019 Calendar Class: Corrupted Chronomancer
The 2019 Calendar is ready - and it is forever EPIC!
Welcome to the Corrupted Chronomancer Design Notes! The design team -- after weeks of brainstorming, design, testing, and tweaking -- has outdone itself with the skill set for this new Chronomancer Class. With a crazy fun new mechanic and the potential to add in new updates in the future, for the first time ever, we are changing the course of space and time… and the rarity of the Calendar Class.
The Corrupted Chronomancer Class will return every year. This year, the base Corrupted Chronomancer Class is releasing. Next year, the Class will return plus a new item that (like the Hourglasses of Power, Paradise, and Transience) will affect the class’s gameplay.
Head over to Heromart to get your first glimpse of the 2019 Calendar!
So... this is the final Calendar Class?!
Not really. In keeping with our move away from releasing rare calendar classes, we've built this year's calendar class to be eternally useful. Each year, we will release the Corrupted Chronomancer Calendar Class with the new Calendar from HeroMart. Every year after this, we'll add a new Miscellaneous item that affects the class's gameplay.
2019: Corrupted Chronomancer Class
2020: Corrupted Chronomancer Class + a new item that affects skills
2020: Corrupted Chronomancer Class + another new item that affects skills
... and so on, and so forth.
The misc item that comes with the Corrupted Chronomancer is unique to that year. So the item for 2020 will be different from the one that releases in 2021. The AQW team and @HeroMart want to keep your rewards exclusive while not restricting functionality for the larger playerbase.
Each class will still have a new name and new art. The miscellaneous item will modify one or more of the base class's skills.
All about the Class:
We are trying something new again and have built a class around several unique class-only consumables*. There are 6 consumable items that act as a pseudo sixth skill you can use to customize the class to your needs. 3 of them are Hourglasses. Hourglasses provide a base to your class. They either flat out buff you in specific ways or provide complicated interactions. Then, there are 3 Corruptions. These corrupt your skills with different gameplay elements. You can prepare before a fight by equipping and using an Hourglass. Hourglasses last up to 2 hours (or until you log out or die). Then, switch to a Corruption to use during fights. The Hourglass aura will remain, meaning you can mix and match any one Hourglass with any one Corruption. Using a different Hourglass will remove all other Hourglass auras . Same goes for Corruption. You can only have one Hourglass and one Corruption on at a time. Also, did I mention this is all free and included with the class? You can also pick up a shop pet in the Book of Lore which will make it easy to top off your stacks of Hourglasses and Corruption.
*These items ONLY provide a benefit to Corrupted Chronomancer
Description: Recommended Enhancements: Lucky, Hybrid. Corrupted Chronomancers rely on Hourglasses and Corruption they create using their Hourglass Pet (equip-able items found in the Book of Lore) to manipulate and distort time itself.
Stats: Corrupted Chronomancers favor Strength, Dexterity and Intellect.
ManaRegen: Corrupted Chronomancers gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.
Corrupted Sand Strike
Deals damage based on your weapon damage. Each of your skills gets an additional benefit from hourglasses and corruption you equip in your consumables slot. Hourglasses and corruption can be obtained from the Hourglass pet in the Book of Lore.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 2 seconds
AOE: 1
Melee Range
Dam: 100% weapon damage
Rank 1: Sand Rift
Deals damage to your target and applies Temporal Rift to you. Temporal Rift stacks 4 times and is used by your other abilities.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 15
Cooldown: 4 seconds
AOE: 6
Melee range
Dam: 10% APSP2
Rank 2: Hourglass Inversion
Reverses time to heal you. Heal is increased by stacks of Temporal Rift and consumes those stacks.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 30
Cooldown: 16 seconds
AOE: 4
Full range
Rank 3: Corruption Through Time
Applies Corruption Through Time. Corruption Through Time increases all damage you do by 20% for 10 seconds. Doesn’t stack.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 20
Cooldown: 6 seconds
AOE: 6 (hostiles)
Melee range
Rank 4 Passive: Sandskin
Dodge chance increased by 10%
Rank 4 Passive: Corruption Master
Critical strike chance, Hit chance, and Haste increased by 7%
Rank 5: Temporal Collapse
Deals damage to your target based on the damage you've recently dealt while under the effects of Temporal Rift (in the past 10 seconds). Consumes Temporal Rift stacks.
Type: Magical
ManaCost: 35
Cooldown: 20 seconds
AOE: 1
Melee range
Rank 10 Passive: Timesmith
Starting from Rank 1, you can equip Hourglasses and Corruption as a consumable to enhance your other skills.
Hourglass of Power
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs your Hourglass Inversion skill now also increases most of your secondary stats a further 10% for 30 seconds. Doesn’t stack. This includes Damage Done, Haste, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Hit Chance, Dodge Chance and Damage Reduction.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: This one is as straight forward as you can get. It’s a broad buff on everything you want. It doesn’t complicate things or add strategy. You just smash it and go.
Hourglass of Paradise
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs, your Corruption Through Time skill now also toggles between several new buffs. You get a mana and heal over time, a reduction in damage taken by 40% and increased haste by 30%. Also, your crit chance and damage are reduced by 50%. These auras last 2hrs and toggle on and off each time you use Hourglass Inversion.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: Mix this with an offensive Corruption to mitigate some of the Corruption’s defensive weakness. Turn Paradise off right before your nuke for great sustain AND damage!
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs, Corruption Through Time makes you Transient for 20s. Applies a growing DoT to you. Using it again applies Ephemeral for 5s. Buffs dodge & damage by 50%. Using Hourglass Inversion while Transient gives you Incorporeal for 10s. Increases END & Haste by 50% & removes Transient & Ephemeral. While Transient, Sand Rift applies Flow. Increases enemy damage taken by 15% for 5s, stacks to 3. While Stable, it instead applies Ebb for 8s. Gives a growing DoT
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Infinite Corruption
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 30 seconds your Corrupted Sand Strike applies a DoT that stacks 15 times and lasts 40 seconds. Your Hourglass Inversion now applies a Heal over Time that lasts for 20 seconds and doesn’t stack.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: Throwback to Infinity Knight/Chrono DragonKnight where DoT/HoTs were the highlight of Chrono classes. Provides great synergy if an Arachnomancer is being used to further increase their DoTs which Temporal Rift records for an even more powerful nuke.
Entropic Corruption
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 30 seconds your Corruption Through Time skill now also reduces mana costs by 50% and increases Haste by 30% for 7 second. It also increases damage done by 100% for 4 seconds, and increases damage taken by 150% for 10 seconds. Finally, it gives up to 6 enemies Focus, forcing them to attack you for 3 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: This Corruption grants massive power boosts, but severely increases the amount of damage you take. In addition, Sand Rift starts applying Focus to monsters, forcing them to target you and making parties less of a safety net. You may have to combine this with a defensive Corruption or something like Archpaladin in order to get the rewards from this risky Corruption.
Foresee Corruption
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 10s your Corruption Through Time skill now also applies Foresee for 150s. Using this hourglass while Foresee is active will consume it and apply Seer for 20s. Using Corruption Through Time while Seer is active removes it and applies Change the Future which applies Focus, reduces damage taken by 80%, increases Dodge Chance, Haste, Hit Chance, Critical Strike Damage, and Outgoing Damage by 100% for 5s. 40s cooldown.
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Note: This is the slow burn of Corruption in its slowest of slow forms. The damage boost is one of the highest in the game, the defense fits the cap and that’s not even half of what you get! Patience is power here.

October 30, 2018
Design Class: Corrupted Chronomancer
The 2019 Calendar is ready - and it is forever EPIC!
Welcome to the Corrupted Chronomancer Design Notes! The design team -- after weeks of brainstorming, design, testing, and tweaking -- has outdone itself with the skill set for this new Chronomancer Class. With a crazy fun new mechanic and the potential to add in new updates in the future, for the first time ever, we are changing the course of space and time… and the rarity of the Calendar Class.
The Corrupted Chronomancer Class will return every year. This year, the base Corrupted Chronomancer Class is releasing. Next year, the Class will return plus a new item that (like the Hourglasses of Power, Paradise, and Transience) will affect the class’s gameplay.
Head over to Heromart to get your first glimpse of the 2019 Calendar!
All about the Class:
We are trying something new again and have built a class around several unique class-only consumables*. There are 6 consumable items that act as a pseudo sixth skill you can use to customize the class to your needs. 3 of them are Hourglasses. Hourglasses provide a base to your class. They either flat out buff you in specific ways or provide complicated interactions. Then, there are 3 Corruptions. These corrupt your skills with different gameplay elements. You can prepare before a fight by equipping and using an Hourglass. Hourglasses last up to 2 hours (or until you log out or die). Then, switch to a Corruption to use during fights. The Hourglass aura will remain, meaning you can mix and match any one Hourglass with any one Corruption. Using a different Hourglass will remove all other Hourglass auras . Same goes for Corruption. You can only have one Hourglass and one Corruption on at a time. Also, did I mention this is all free and included with the class? You can also pick up a shop pet in the Book of Lore which will make it easy to top off your stacks of Hourglasses and Corruption.
*These items ONLY provide a benefit to Corrupted Chronomancer
Description: Recommended Enhancements: Lucky, Hybrid. Corrupted Chronomancers rely on Hourglasses and Corruption they create using their Hourglass Pet (equip-able items found in the Book of Lore) to manipulate and distort time itself.
Stats: Corrupted Chronomancers favor Strength, Dexterity and Intellect.
ManaRegen: Corrupted Chronomancers gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.
Corrupted Sand Strike
Deals damage based on your weapon damage. Each of your skills gets an additional benefit from hourglasses and corruption you equip in your consumables slot. Hourglasses and corruption can be obtained from the Hourglass pet in the Book of Lore.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 2 seconds
AOE: 1
Melee Range
Dam: 100% weapon damage
Rank 1: Sand Rift
Deals damage to your target and applies Temporal Rift to you. Temporal Rift stacks 4 times and is used by your other abilities.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 15
Cooldown: 4 seconds
AOE: 1
Melee range
Dam: 10% APSP2
Rank 2: Hourglass Inversion
Reverses time to heal you. Heal is increased by stacks of Temporal Rift and consumes those stacks.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 30
Cooldown: 16 seconds
AOE: 1
Full range
Rank 3: Corruption Through Time
Applies Corruption Through Time. Corruption Through Time increases all damage you do by 20% for 10 seconds. Doesn’t stack.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 20
Cooldown: 6 seconds
AOE: 1 (hostiles)
Melee range
Rank 4 Passive: Sandskin
Dodge chance increased by 10%
Rank 4 Passive: Corruption Master
Critical strike chance, Hit chance, and Haste increased by 7%
Rank 5: Temporal Collapse
Deals damage to your target based on the damage you've recently dealt while under the effects of Temporal Rift (in the past 10 seconds). Consumes Temporal Rift stacks.
Type: Magical
ManaCost: 35
Cooldown: 20 seconds
AOE: 1
Melee range
Rank 10 Passive: Timesmith
Starting from Rank 1, you can equip Hourglasses and Corruption as a consumable to enhance your other skills.
Hourglass of Power
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs your Hourglass Inversion skill now also increases most of your secondary stats a further 10% for 30 seconds. Doesn’t stack. This includes Damage Done, Haste, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Hit Chance, Dodge Chance and Damage Reduction.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: This one is as straight forward as you can get. It’s a broad buff on everything you want. It doesn’t complicate things or add strategy. You just smash it and go.
Hourglass of Paradise
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs, your Corruption Through Time skill now also toggles between several new buffs. You get a mana and heal over time, a reduction in damage taken by 60% and increased haste by 50%. Also, your crit chance and damage are reduced by 30%. These auras last 2hrs and toggle on and off each time you use Hourglass Inversion.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: Mix this with an offensive Corruption to mitigate some of the Corruption’s defensive weakness. Turn Paradise off right before your nuke for great sustain AND damage!
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs, Corruption Through Time makes you Transient for 20s. Applies a growing DoT to you. Using it again applies Ephemeral for 5s. Buffs dodge & damage by 50%. Using Hourglass Inversion while Transient gives you Incorporeal for 10s. Increases END & Haste by 50% & removes Transient & Ephemeral. While Transient, Sand Rift applies Flow. Increases enemy damage taken by 15% for 5s, stacks to 3. While Stable, it instead applies Ebb for 8s. Gives a growing DoT
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Infinite Corruption
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 30 seconds your Corrupted Sand Strike applies a DoT that stacks 15 times and lasts 40 seconds. Your Hourglass Inversion now applies a Heal over Time that lasts for 20 seconds and doesn’t stack.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: Throwback to Infinity Knight/Chrono DragonKnight where DoT/HoTs were the highlight of Chrono classes. Provides great synergy if an Arachnomancer is being used to further increase their DoTs which Temporal Rift records for an even more powerful nuke.
Entropic Corruption
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 30 seconds your Corruption Through Time skill now also reduces mana costs by 50% and increases Haste by 30% for 7 second. It also increases damage done by 100% for 4 seconds, and increases damage taken by 150% for 10 seconds. Finally, it gives up to 6 enemies Focus, forcing them to attack you for 3 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: This Corruption grants massive power boosts, but severely increases the amount of damage you take. In addition, Sand Rift starts applying Focus to monsters, forcing them to target you and making parties less of a safety net. You may have to combine this with a defensive Corruption or something like Archpaladin in order to get the rewards from this risky Corruption.
Foresee Corruption
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 10s your Corruption Through Time skill now also applies Foresee for 150s. Using this hourglass while Foresee is active will consume it and apply Seer for 20s. Using Corruption Through Time while Seer is active removes it and applies Change the Future which applies Focus, reduces damage taken by 80%, increases Dodge Chance, Haste, Hit Chance, Critical Strike Damage, and Outgoing Damage by 100% for 5s. 40s cooldown.
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Note: This is the slow burn of Corruption in its slowest of slow forms. The damage boost is one of the highest in the game, the defense fits the cap and that’s not even half of what you get! Patience is power here.

October 20, 2018
Master of Moglins Class and ShadowScythe General Buffs!
Welcome our newest class to the mix and get excited about some ShadowScythe General buffs!
*Master of Moglins has changed since these original Design Notes came out. These changes are not final. Also, a bug has been fixed and you should now properly see all 12 battlepets! Here are the changes:
Moglin's Magical Strike
No longer applies any auras
Number of targets reduced from 3 to 1
Damage on hit reduced slightly
Moglin Life
Heal power reduced slightly
Mana cost reduced from 40 to 30
Moglin Spirit
Damage increased slightly
Number of targets increased from 3 to 4
Pirate Haste increased from 20% to 30% haste
Quibble Luck reduced from 20% to 10%
Auras can now be refreshed
Moglin Menace
Cooldown increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds
Aura duration time reduced from 200 seconds to 20 seconds
Aura cycling removed, auras now apply randomly and you can have all of them at once
Zorbak and Memet Auras have a 50% chance to apply
Legion and Mort Auras have an 80% chance to apply
Mort Dodge increased from 5% to 7% per stack
Memet Haste removed and replaced with Memet Crit Chance. Memet now increases your crit chance by 10%
Auras can now be refreshed
Moglin's Frenzy!
Damage increased slightly
Number of targets increased from 3 to 4
Memet, Twig and Quibble's Good Luck!
Critical Strike Chance reduced from 20% to 10%
These changes were made in response to player feedback. The class now plays significantly simpler. You no longer have to wait through your cycles to get the buffs you want and get them right away. You can also get all 4 at once and oftentimes do. You also now hit 4 targets with your skills. For these reasons we had to reduce the power level on other parts of the class, notably, on hit damage and Luck. These changes have been added to the design notes below.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Moglin kickstarter! We are mega-moglin proud to announce the release of the Master of Moglins AQW battlepet class! Fight alongside your favorite moglin friends to take down good, evil and anything in between! Your 1 skill will summon Twilly to fight alongside you and your 4 skill will attack with all 10 Kickstarter moglins!
Before we get into the nitty-gritty details though I wanted to give a quick summary of the changes to ShadowScythe General:
Shadow Slam damage increased from 12% to 16% (25% increase)
Overwhelming Shadows increased from 10% to 15% (33% increase)
Undead Rebirth heal doubled
Shadow Void skill damage increased from 80% to 90% (12% increase)
We found that ShadowScythe General was very close to the power level we wanted. We didn't want it to push out other, harder to get, classes (particularly farming classes). We made some small adjustments based on your feedback. Also, we noticed a few players struggled to defeat ShadowScythe General as Void Highlords. We found Void Highlord will always win if they're patient with their skills. Don't kill yourself spamming those self harming skills! Anyways, thanks to everyone who tested out the class, we read all the feedback and appreciated all help. Your test ShadowScythe General classes should all now be Warrior skins.
Now, onto Master of Moglins!
Concept: You battle alongside moglins and call them to your aide. This is a well rounded jack-of-all-trades/buff/support class. Your skills target 4 enemies (or friends) and have long range. Due to the limiting way this class was made available, we didn't want to make it the go-to for anything. We opted, instead, for a fun, easy to use class that can be used for a variety of things.
Description: Recommended Enhancement: Wizard. Thank you for your contribution to the 2018 Moglin Kickstarter! You have earned your place as a Master of Moglins and can now call on them to assist you and your allies in battle!
Stats: Masters of Moglins favor Intellect and Wisdom.
ManaRegen: Master of Moglins gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.
Auto Attack - Moglin's Magical Strike: Deals between 10% of spell power as damage to your target.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 2 seconds
Rank 1 - Moglin Life: Your Moglins heal you! Heals you and up to 4 allies on hit. Then Twilly buffs Endurance. If it's already buffed, Twig heals health over time. If that's already buffed, Cupcake heals mana over time! If used out of combat, while you don't already have a pet equipped, will summon Twilly!
Twilly +20% Endurance
Twig heals health over time
Cupcake heals mana rapidly over time
Buffs lasts 30 seconds, don’t stack and don't refresh.
Type: Magical
ManaCost: 30
Cooldown: 8 seconds
AOE: 4
Long Ranged
Rank 2 - Moglin Spirit: You burst with Moglin spirit! Deals damage to up to 4 targets and applies Pirate +20% Haste to you. If you already have Pirate, you get Frogzard. If you already have Frogzard you get Quibble, then Paladin and finally Dricken.
Pirate +30% Haste
Frogzard +80% Hit Chance
Quibble +10% Luck
Paladin -20% Damage Taken
Dricken +20% All Damage Done
Buffs lasts 30 seconds and don't stack.
Type: Magical
ManaCost: 20
Cooldown: 6 seconds
AOE: 4
Long Ranged
Rank 3- Moglin Menace: Has a chance to randomly apply up to 4 different evil Moglin Auras for each hostile target. Zorbak DoT to your enemy (lasts 20 seconds and doesn't stack), Legion 5% Damage Buff to you (lasts 20 seconds stacks to 6), Mort 7% Dodge Buff to you (lasts 20 seconds and stacks to 6) and Memet 10% Crit Chance Buff to you (lasts 20 seconds and doesn't stack).
Type: Magical
ManaCost: 10
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Long Ranged
Rank 4 Passives
Twilly’s Helping Hand: +15% healing done
Zorbak's Dark Influence: +10% DoT damage and INT
Rank 5 - Moglins Frenzy! : Damages and debuffs based on your buffs!
Twilly -20% Damage Done
Twig Decay, Cannot Heal
Cupcake +20% Mana Costs
Paladin +20% Damage Taken
Pirate -20% Haste
Quibble -20% Crit Chance
Dricken -20% Damage Done
Frogzard -20% Hit Chance
Zorbak Spell Power DoT
Legion +20% Damage Taken
Mort -80% Dodge
Memet 4sec Stun
Last 10sec
Type: Magical
ManaCost: 50
Cooldown: 30 seconds
AOE: 3
Long Ranged
This final skill applies a different debuff to your enemy for each buff you have on yourself! For example, if you have Twilly +20% Endurance from your Moglin Life skill, you'll apply Twilly -20% Damage to your enemy.
Rank 10 passive: Memet, Twig and Quibble's Good Luck!: +10% Crit Chance

October 19, 2018
Tonight: ShadowScythe General Class
Our 10th Anniversary Class is here!
We are celebrating the AQWorlds 10th anniversary with a class full of DOOOOOOOOOM! Starting tonight, log in immediately unlock the ShadowScythe General Class for 2,000 AdventureCoins or begin the fight to unlock it.
How to Get the Class
Starting Friday, October 19th, you can get the class by...
- Talking to Gravelyn in Battleontown to find the Class for 2,000 ACs or
- Collect merge items from the daily quest to create the Class or
- Farm the war boss for a 3% drop to get the merge items to create the class
Important details
- Legends can earn the merge items 2x faster!
- Both versions of the Class and gear will be permanently available.
- The AC versions of the armor, helms, cape, and weapon will have additional damage boosts.
Member Preview Version
Last week, members got a chance to preview the class early and give us feedback on its skills and balance. We appreciate their help, and they'll be able to keep the armor art as our way of saying "Thanks!"
Class Focus
We built this class with a focus on group PvP. It’s a niche we haven’t really focused on much and we wanted the Paladin-crushing General to be an absolute boss in group PvP. In fact, your Undead Rebirth straight up prevents Paladins (and LightCasters) from getting or giving several of their auras! Outside of PvP we also wanted it to hold its own as a farming class and we gave it some of the best sustain out there.
Description: Recommended Enhancements: Lucky, Hybrid. By the powers of of Noxus, you have been reborn as an Undead General! Paladins, Lightcasters and even High Lords tremble at your dark presence. Gather your undead army and take what is rightfully yours!
Stats: ShadowScythe Generals favor Strength, Intellect, and Endurance
Mana Regen: ShadowScythe Generals don't use mana. They gain power from submitting their defenses to Consuming Shadows.
Auto Attack: Shadow Slam
Deals damage on hit and grants a stack of Consuming Shadows which which debuffs your damage resistance by 4% and increases the damage done on all of your skills for 20 seconds. Stacks to 20. Also applies Overwhelming Shadows to your target, reducing their haste and damage by 10% for 2 seconds.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 4 seconds
AOE: 1
Medium range
Rank 1: Shadow Blast
Disperse the shadows in a blast of dark energy. Deals damage to up to 6 targets and has a 50% chance to petrify them for 1 second. Applies 3 stacks of Consuming Shadows per target hit. You also gain Rush of Unlife which increases your haste by 40% for 8 seconds.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 8 seconds
AOE: 6
Full screen range
Rank 2: Bone Picker
Rips the bones right out of your enemies! Deals damage to up to 6 targets and applies a stack of Consuming Shadows. Also applies a stack of Undead Assembly which increases your damage done and healing done by 10%. Undead Assembly lasts 15 seconds and stacks to 4.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 6 seconds
AOE: 6
Full screen range
Rank 3: Undead Rebirth
You rebuild yourself. Applies a HoT that lasts 4 seconds. Your undeath creates an aura of decay around you preventing up to 6 hostile targets from healing for 4 seconds. Applies a Shadow Seal on you and your enemies which blocks your enemies from applying the following auras: Illuminated, Lumen, Light Wave, Soul Drinking, Abolish, Righteous Seal and Blinding Light. Shadow Seals lasts 10 seconds.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 10
AOE: 6 (hostile only)
Full screen range
Rank 4 Living Dead
Increases damage resistance to a max of 80% and prevents 10% of damage resistance debuffs.
Rank 4 Passive: Unblinded
Increases your hit chance by 30%
Rank 5: Shadow Void
Explode in a void of darkness. Deals massive damage to your primary target and less damage to up to 5 surrounding targets. Damage is increased by Consuming Shadows stacks and consumes those stacks. Damage always crits and can't miss. Also applies Crippling Fear to all enemies hit, decreasing their dodge and hit chance by 30% for 3 seconds.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 12 seconds
AOE: 6
Full screen range
Rank 10 Passive: Sepulchure’s Blessing
Increases your Crit Chance by 20%

October 04, 2018
Naval Commander and Dragon Shinobi Buffs!
Classy Buffs for Killer Heroes
This week we have two class buffs for you. The (delayed) Naval Commander and Dragon Shinobi. Read on for more details about the changes to each class in the full Design Notes post here.

September 10, 2018
How to Get LightCaster Class: Update
If you've already got the Class, this does not apply to you
The Good news: the LightCaster Class is CRAZY strong and REALLY easy to get.
The Not-So-Good news: the LightCaster Class is CRAZY strong and REALLY easy to get.
In the name of improving class diversity and healthier game balance moving forward, we're making some changes to the LightCaster Class requirements.
The Better news: If you already have the LightCaster Class, NOTHING changes for you. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Go on blasting bad guys like you always have.
The Best news: LightCaster Class is NOT CHANGING or being nerfed. (BUT Heroes who do not already have the class will need to hit level 80 before they can start to unlock it.)
If you don't have LightCaster Class yet, pull up a notepad and read on. You've unlocked a new quest!
LightMage Class: the Precursor to LightCaster
If you do not have the LightCaster Class yet, starting this Friday, you'll need to obtain LightMage Class. LightMage is LightCaster’s younger sibling. It’s a less powerful but balanced version you'll unlock if you own the Evolved LightCaster or Enchanted LightCaster armors.
To get LightMage Class:
- Talk to Aranx in the /celestialrealm map (click "Shops")
- Buy the Evolved LightCaster armor from the Evolved LightCaster Armor shop.*
- Get the Evolved LightCaster Token from its shop.
- Use this token to purchase the LightMage Class.**
Rank up your LightMage Class and enjoy!
*If you already have the LightCaster Class you can get LightMage for free by buying a free LightCaster Token C from the same shop.
**The LightMage Class Shop will only appear if you own Evolved LightCaster (or the Rare Enchanted LightCaster). If you have Enchanted LightCaster, then you will use that Token to purchase the LightMage Class.
To get LightCaster Class:
- Talk to Aranx in the /celestialrealm map
- Get the Evolved LightCaster Armor. Buy the Evolved LightCaster armor from Aranx’s shop shop to get the LightMage Token.
- Get LightMage Class. Click “LightMage Class” in Aranx’s apop once you have the LightMage Token to get the Class.
- Complete Aranx's Celestial Realm quests. You’ll need to do all the quests in /celestialrealm and /lostruinswar to access the farming quest
- Get LightMage to at least Rank 1 and gather all the items required to start the quest, then begin the LightCaster Quest. Accept Aranx’s LightCaster Class quest to begin (Level 80+ required, at least 1 rank in LightMage required and the items listed below)**
- Complete the quest to unlock the LightCaster Class.
Rank up your LightCaster Class and enjoy!
** The LightCaster Class quest can be found by clicking ‘Shops’ and then ‘LightCaster Class’ on Aranx in /celestialrealm.
LightCaster Class Quest
Requires LightMage (rank 1)
Items required to start the quest are:
- Guardian of Spirits’ Blade
- Avatar Of Death’s Scythe
- Lance of Time
- Burning Blade
- Burning Blade of Abezeth
Guardian of Spirits’ Blade
Defeat Infernal Knights or Fallen Knights in /celestialrealm, /lostruinswar or /lostruins
Turn in Trapped Spirits to Aranx in /celestialrealm by clicking ‘Farming Quests’
Avatar Of Death’s Scythe
Defeat Undead Hounds in /lostruinswar or /lostruins
Turn in Energy of Death to Aranx in /celestialrealm by clicking ‘Farming Quests’.
Lance of Time
Defeat Infernal Imps in /celestialrealm, /lostruins or /lostruinswar
Turn in Captured Time to Aranx in /celestialrealm by clicking ‘Farming Quests’.
Burning Blade
Defeat Diabolic Warlord in /lostruinswar for a 1% chance to get a Burning Blade.
Burning Blade of Abezeth
Defeat Aranx in /celestialarenad for a 5% chance to get a Burning Blade of Abezeth
You'll need Aranx’s Pure Light to complete the quest, which has a 10% chance to drop from Aranx in /celestialarenad starting this Friday!
Now that the how is out of the way, here is the what!
LightMage Class
(Armor art and skill animations match LightCaster)
Auto Attack (1)
Double click a monster to start Auto Attacking it. This is a basic attack, taught to all adventurers. Damage dealt is based on your weapon damage.
Light Beacon (2)
Cast down an elemental light beacon upon the target. Does lite damage and applies In The Beacon increasing the amount of damage your opponent takes by 2% per stack and lasts 10 seconds if not re-stacked. (Stacks up to 50 times)
Light Beam (3)
Beam your opponent with a ball of pure light. Deals significant damage that is guaranteed to hit but cannot crit. Each hit applies a stack of Blinding Light which decreases your opponent's chance to hit by 5% per stack and lasts 12 seconds if not restacked. Maxes out at 2 stacks.
Lumenator (4)
Casts a net of light upon your allies. Heals for 300% spell damage to up to 6 allies and applies Lumen which increases damage, crit damage, crit chance, hit chance, dodge chance, haste and damage resistance all by 8% for 12 seconds. Cannot stack.
Seared by the Light (5)
You focus the power of the entire sun on a single point. Does a large amount of damage on hit then deals 400% damage over 10 seconds.
Bright Mind (p1)
Increases Intellect by 8%
Light Speed (p2)
Increases Haste by 8%
Power of the Light (p3)
Increases all damage done by 10%
All in all, this is a solid single target mixed healing/dps class with a decent group buff. It doesn’t have that absolutely busted well rounded good-at-everything-ness that LightCaster has but it will hold you over for pretty much any non-major boss fight in the game. Also, pro-tip, LightMage and LightCaster's auras are different so you can stack LightMage's Lumen with LightCaster's Illuminated!

October 29, 2013
Plasma Pyro: Too Hot For This World
Plasma Pyro should totally be rare, right?
Yep. It should. It's an awesome set! Each piece of it is made of beautifully rendered flames that flicker and dance across your character's body. And, apparently, cause a lot of lag for a significant portion of our players. Wouldn't be a big deal if this was a rarely-seen set, but when an armor looks this good, of course everyone is going to want it:
Freakin' gorgeous.
Obviously it's freakin' gorgeous, so we don't want to remove it from the game entirely. And we definitely want to give those of you who might have used a slightly-delayed payment method a chance to get this great set. However, we do need to limit the number of people who have it, for lag-management reasons. So the set will remain in game until Friday, at which point it will go rare.
And on the bright side (heh, bright), all of you Arklen fans who bought it will be the proud owners of a very limited, very prestigious set. Good compromise?
PS: the Chaos War rare gear leaves this Friday! Don't miss out on some of this great gear. /join chaoswar to battle the Chaorrupted creatures of Lore!

October 29, 2013
Arklen’s Artist Showcase Shop
Animation Wizard turned Featured Artist
Just when you thought your favorite day was Friday Release Day… here comes Tuesday taking the spotlight with the Featured Artist Showcase Shop!
Special Tuesdays throughout the year are dedicated to an AdventureQuest Worlds artist who gets to express his or her creativity by creating unique items for YOU! We have been blessed with the artistic talents of… *a really big deep breath*… Zoshi, Diozz, Tyronius, Aegis, Jemini, Ven, J6, Dage, Mido, Hizu, Nuglath, and myself, *another big breath* aaaand now it’s time for Arklen to ignite the stage.
Give me the Goodies
As much as you’d love to learn more about Arklen as a person, you’re probably a bit more excited about the items in his shop. And for good reason, too—Arklen conjured up some of the HOTTEST items we have ever seen!
Plasma Pyro Armor and Helm
Plasma Pyro Cape, Plasma Pyro Blade, and Battle Pet Pyro
B’Naner Blade… because you’ve always wanted a delicious concealed weapon… some might even call it a conpeeled weapon...
Starting at 5pm Sever Time, open your Game Menu and claim your favorite Arklen items from the Featured Artist Shop! You can also speak with Arklen in Battlecon to access his hot stuff.
Pyro Pricing
Due to insane inferno animations, the items in Arklen’s Shop will be Legend-Only, OR you can use AdventureCoins instead! If you haven’t already become an Upgraded Legend, then this is the PERFECT time to Upgrade your Membership because the LAST day for 5th Upholders is Thursday, October 31.
Click here to become a Legend now!
Additionally, we are running a special on AdventureCoins: 10% More AdventureCoins when you buy with a Credit Card.
Click here to order your AdventureCoins bundle and receive 10% more ACs!
So if you wanna be the hottest thing in AQWorlds—literally—then help support your favorite online adventure game and show off your smokin’ hotness =D
Hark Arklen’s Story
Arklen’s adventures began 10 years ago when he started playing the original AdventureQuest—it was the only Flash RPG back then! After scoring some animation software, Arklen created a magical floating turtle that shot a blue water blob at its enemies. When Captain Rhubarb and Galanoth caught sight of this reptilian rascal, they invited the intrepid animator to join the Artix Entertainment family.
For as long as he can remember, Arklen always liked drawing. Japanese TV shows made drawing seem a little more accessible, and his immensely more talented friend kept him motivated. Arklen calls himself an Animator first and an Artist second. He’s been focusing on effects animation (hence the Plasma Pyro armor set), but character animation is close behind. To this day, Arklen continues to animate and is leveling up his artist abilities with the help of the AE community!
Not only has Arklen traveled across AdventureQuest Worlds, but also all across the real-world; he’s found artistic inspiration in Poland, London, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco. Arklen also loves raviolis, sweet chili, and spaghetti squash. Douse that with red sauce, and he’s in love. Wash it all down with an almond milkshake and Arklen is in heaven!
Wowie! Arklen sure is a fascinating fellow. And come later this afternoon, you too will be fascinated by Arklen’s fiery items as you Battle On to victory!
xoxo Beleen