Design Notes
November 02, 2011
Letter to Bloodtusk Front
Status Report Required Immediately!
General Tibias,
I expected a report on your progress in the Bloodtusk Matter yesterday, and do not have it yet. This displeases me. When I sent you, in league with Commander Cynari from the Swordhaven Army, I specifically stated regular reports were required.
My scouts in your camp report that your efforts to subdue the Horcs and Trolls have failed. They are re-arming themselves as we speak! Are you aware of the strength the Horcs are able to draw on from that mountain Ore of theirs? Do you understand the power the living Arashtite Ore lends Troll magic?
And speaking of... have you been able to recover the missing Ore? The Accord of the Dark Sun is meaningless if the Trolls and Horcs do not have access to it! With that, they could turn on us; if we do not get it back before them, they certainly WILL. And, from all the reports I've gotten in this last day - and none of them from YOU - that is exactly what is about to happen.
Do not forget, Tibias. We KNOW that Chaos is in Bloodtusk Ravine. We have seen the signs, heard the whispers. It is so obvious that in these very inner halls I hear news of Chaotic goings-on in the Ravine. Even now, I am sure, the taint of Chaorruption has thoroughly soaked into the Horc and Troll communities.
It is up to YOU to settle the feud between them so that we may RIP OUT the core of Chaos that festers there.
Do not fail me. Or else.