Design Notes
June 14, 2024
Anime x Memes = Absolute Parody
Featured Rare Gear Available through August 30th
It's gonna be MEMES! You asked for memes and anime, and our artists have delivered. Find new anime, moglin, and meme-themed parody items in the Featured Gear Shop now, and return as even more arrive this weekend and next as daily login gift drops!
New rares this weekend:
- Enchanted Lovely Rocker armor (color-customizable)
- Lovely Rocker's Back-up Bass, Guitar, and Keytar
- Fellow Player and Fellow Gamer armors
- Fellow Player Cap helm and Back-up Board cape
- Fellow Player Skateboard
- Bro Morph helm
- Portable Twilly Spin Cycle cape
- Moglin Gawkers, Sus Moglin pets, Spin Cycle
- Moglin Home Entertainment floor item
- Amazed Twilly + Twigstagramer house guests
Click to Change Expression Helms
- Excited Rocker's Expressions helm
- Elated Rocker's Expressions helm
- Aspirational Rocker's Expressions helm
- Zealous Rocker's Expressions
- Lovely Rocker's Expressions
Twilly Supports You! Quest Pet
Find this iconic, rare meme x moglin pet in the Featured Gear Shop for 1,000 ACs. Click it to unlock a quest to get the house item variant and the Extremely Enthusiastic Hero morph helm.
Akiba Cosplay Shop:
The following items will be permanently available from the Cosplay Shop in /akiba.
- Lovely Rocker Hair
- Lovely Rocker Short Locks
- Lovely Rocker Ponytail
- Lovely Rocker Locks
- Lovely Rocker Bob Cut
- Lovely Rocker Shades
- Lovely Rocker's Drumsticks
- Lovely Rocker's Drum Set
- Lovely Rocker's Guitar
- Lovely Rocker's Keytar
The first shop Anime x Meme shop update included:
- Tuba Lord Bard armor
- Top Brass Helm
- Big Brass Blast cape
- Tuban Cannon Gun
- Abolute Evil armor
- Abolute Evil Aura
- Abolute Evil Vibe rune
- Disintegrating Twilly, Twig, and Zorbak pets
Our 2024 Meme x Anime rare items will be available until August 30th.

June 14, 2024
This Weekend: Flames of War
Main Story Update: Cold Thunder Saga, Chapter 3
The rumbling of Cold Thunder is drowned out by the cries of anguished innocents. The flames of war have ignited the shores of Skye, and Galanoth needs your help to defend and protect the rebels being ravaged in the Ruins of Loughshine. Log in this weekend for the next chapter of our main story, plus the return of our Father's Day events and all-new anime x meme rares and permanent items!
New Game Update
- Main Story: new update in the Cold Thunder Saga
- New rewards: Skye Rogue armor sets
- Holiday Event: Father's Day of Doom maps + gear return
- Featured Gear sets: Anime x Meme rares, Twilly Supports you! pet, and color-custom Rogue set
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double Reputation
- Saturday drops: Sus moglin helms from the Baconcatzard in /eventhub
- Sunday drops: Father's Day of DOOM maces from GleebleGlarble in the /nursery
Rogues, Rebels, & Rewards
Talk to Caoimhe* in the Ruins of Loughshine for two new sets in her merge shop! Craft the Skye Rogue set them gild it into the golden version.
Merge Shop Items:
- Skye Executor
- Skye Executor Hood (male & female)
- Backhanded Speirling Dagger (single & dual-wield)
- Skye Warden of the West
- Skye Warden's Mask and Male/Female Cowled Mask
- Skye Warden of the West Cape
- Speirling Guardian Dagger (single & dual-wield)
- Backhanded Speirling Guardian Dagger (single & dual-wield)
Loughshine monster drops:
- Skye Executor Hooded Locks
- Skye Executor's Cloak
- Speirling Dagger (single & dual-wield)
- Scorched Elder Yew floor item
- Overdriven Energy Elemental floor item
Event hub monster drops:
- Pufferfish Plushie (single & dual-wield)
- Starfish Plushie (single & dual-wield)
- Stingray Plushie (single & dual-wield)
- Tiger Shark Plushie (single & dual-wield)
* Pronounced KEE-vah
Age of Ruin Saga: the Story So Far...
After the threat Malgor and his ShadowFlame army posed had been put to rest, you were left to address the scars he inflicted... and process the knowledge you gained. The Gods and Greater Beings of the Old Worlds Order have been revealed, and now you must complete the task they've set: to neutralize three dire threats before they awaken.
Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea Chapter 1 of the begins in the /TerminaTemple map. If you have not completed it, journey there now! You'll need to finish the entire saga before you can begin next week's adventure.
Events + Gear Leaving Soon
Summer's heating up, and so are our weekly game releases! Check out the June release calendar to see what's happening and when things leave so you don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
- June 21: rare Mecha Dragon Commander set

May 28, 2013
Featured Artist: Jemini
Magical Items and Magical Birthday Wishes!
Happy Tuesday everyone—and a very Happy Birthday to our beautiful, perky, and friendly AQW Artist, Jemini! Today is her special day, and so we’ve dedicated this week’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop to Jemini and all her magical goodies =D
Starting at 5pm EST today, Jemini’s shop will be full of AMAZING “Magical Anime” items to quench your anime thirst. Cat ears, costumes, alpacas, and sparkles await!
When the clock strikes 5pm Server Time, it's time to get your Anime On in Battleon’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop >^.,.^<
Jemini on the Fly
Sorry J6, but Jemini is my favorite Time Traveling Kleptomanic EVAR! Jemini has traversed space and time, collecting awesome artifacts and adorable loot. Throughout her travels, Jemini picked up a message from Korin and landed her spaceship, The Yaris, at the Secret Underground Lab in February 2008.
Jemini has always loved drawing. Disney played a major roll in helping her develop her skills at a young level. And once Jemini found the wonderful world of Anime—especially Sailor Moon!—she really got into drawing people and portraits.
Jemini has contributed her art style to almost every Artix game at one point or another. And now this week’s AQW Featured Artist Shop is dedicated just to her! Jemini can't help herself—she loves Magical Girl anime. She feels like if anyone could deliver this theme to AQW, it would be her!
My thoughts exactly =D
Magical Alpaca!
Oh. My. Goodness! Jemini’s Alpaca Pets are magically adorable!
But what’s the story behind Jemini’s Alpaca-infatuation?
A few weeks ago, Jemini took a trip to a local alpaca farm called Golden Spirit Alpaca Ranch. Nestled on 75 acres and home to over 160 Alpacas, Golden Spirit Alpaca Ranch was the perfect place for Jemini to play with…erm, do “research” on… alpacas!
Jemini LOVED her trip to Golden Spirit Alpaca Ranch and just HAD to create an in-game Alpaca Pet for AdventureQuest Worlds. Now that you can have your very own Alpaca, here are some fun facts about Jemini’s favorite furry friends!
Alpaca Facts
- Alpacas are part of the camelid family, most known for the humped camels (also related to in-game Bupers Camels)
- Alpacas come in two varieties: the most popular are “huacaya” (pronounced way-KI-ah) and the other “sure”
- Alpacas live 15 - 20 years
- Their fleece is used for high-end fashion pieces
- Alpacas love to roll in dirt pits
- Alpacas have only one row of teeth—derp!
- Alpacas are quiet docile animals, like Moglins!
If you are in the Tampa Bay area and would like to visit a real-life Alpaca ranch, make an appointment with the super friendly Golden Spirit Alpaca Ranch family! But if you’re too far from Florida, you can always get an Alpaca Pet inside AQWorlds right at your fingertips.
Let’s make this Tuesday the most magical one ever whooohooo!
Give Jemini much love and many birthday wishes on her Twitter!
And then get your Anime On in Battleon! Starting at 5pm Server Time!