Design Notes
December 27, 2010
Last Release Of The Year
And What A Year It's Been!
- We started with the end of Yokai and the Kitsune battle.
- Groundhorc's Day!
- The return of the Superbowl Halftime Shop!
- Darkovia!
- Darkovia Brawl PVP map!
- PVP rewards!
- Heroes Heart Day!
- Chinese New Year and the first AC non-member pet the White Chibi Tiger!
- Pancake Day... yeah, that really happened!
- PTR Shop!
- The Shamrock Fair!
- The amazing AQW Wiki's first Birthday!
- Suffered through a LOT of Facebook and Twitter fakes!
- The release and eventual repair of Miltonius' Secret area!
- Grenwog and the Choco-Bunny which would change shape for EVERYONE!
- Member Only Twilight Zone expanded!
- Member Only PTR testing of the new engine!
- April Fools gag, where EVERYONE (except us) got a gold name!
- 8 Track Day and Disco Stoopid!
- PTR engine release, finally got STATS in AQW!
- The Rixty Ripper!
- The Portal Site and Master Accounts!
- Planet Day and Captain Lore!
- Mythsong & Chaos Lord Discordia!
- Started adding music to most weekly releases!
- One-Eyed Doll and our awesome LIVE event!
- NEW CLASSES, more than I can even list here!
- Return of Cinco De Mayo seasonal shop!
- Return of the Mother's Day seasonal shop!
- I got married!
- J6 began his amazing zone!
- TONS of awesome contests like the Art contest & Music contest!
- The Member-Only Hollowsoul Castle zone & expansion!
- The birth of HeroMart and all the Calendar craziness which is STILL happening!
- The GIANT SIZED quest chain!
- DragonCon, MetroCon * ShadoCon!
- Rolith and Alina got engaged!
- The J6 LIVE DRAW event where you watched and helped J6 draw a brand new weapon!
- Friday the 13th featuring George Lowe!
- Beleen's Stupid Derp Fish
- Korin got married!
- Arcangrove and Chaos Lord Ledgermayne!
- Talk Like a Pirate Day!
- Taco Day!
- The Obridgado Brasil shop!
- The addition of Dage The Evil, Skyline, Yorumi, & Stratos to AQW staff!
- AQW's 2nd Birthday Event featuring Paul & Storm and Jonathan Coulton!
- The rerelease of the Canadian Thanksgiving seasonal shop!
- Mogloween!
- Quibble visits and brings some great AC items and rares!
- Member only ALPHA testing for our new MMO, HeroSmash!
- Battleon Games again becomes a Platinum Sponsor of Child's Play! (Thanks!)
- Cornycopia!
- I hit the BIG RED BUTTON and turn off the entire game. Smooth move, me!
- Frostval (still going on!)
I'm sure I missed some stuff, and sorry for that, but I could keep writing this post all day!
Thanks to everyone for making this AQW BEST YEAR YET! Special Thank You to the Members for keeping us going. I know that not everyone can support the game with a membership, and every AC, AExtra and ad helps keep AQW running but Members are really the fires that keep the AQW engine running and we are SO grateful for your support. We promise to keep AQW Memberships the best value in gaming, keep listening to your ideas and suggestions and try to get as many of them in the game when and where we are able!
So What About This Week?
This week, we've got the return of the New Year's event with Icemaster Yeti and Lim! We will be re-releasing as many of the new-year's seasonal rares as makes sense (the 2010 New Year's Hat would NOT make sense) but we're also adding LOTS of brand new items!
House Items that DO STUFF!
Yorumi has been working his code magic and we're going to try and release a few MEMBER ONLY house items in the New Year's release! These items will ONLY work for the owner of the house. One will make everyone in the house dance, one will allow you to kick unwanted guests back to Battleon and if we can get it working we will add an item that will lock everyone out of your house except you and the people on your Friend's List (and mods, of course).
Speaking Of Members...
As promised, to make up for having to unlock Frostscythe for all players, we will be adding several new MEMBER ONLY seasonal rares to Frostscythe.
Speaking Of Adding Items...
I did say that Quibble would be staying until the new year and this Friday is still in 2010 so you will STILL be able to get his items for this week AND Next week. Quibble is leaving NEXT Friday, but THIS Friday we will be adding a few MORE new items!
If he doesn't sell his entore stock he's going to break his spine carrying those items out of town after new year.
Speaking Of The New Year...
This Saturday is January 1st, 2011... that means that all the gift boxes from Tinsel and the Big Red Bag in Battleon will open sometime on Saturday, the day after this week's release. It could happen at ANY TIME during Saturday (based on the server clock, which is Eastern Time) so don't bother flooding the forums and my Twitter with "What Time Do They Open?!".
However, It's perfectly fine to flood Beleen's Twitter! Heh.
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

December 17, 2010
Frostval Begins!
Happy Frostval!
My favorite time of year has finally arrived! Today we are being visited by the Ghost of Frostval Past (You may have watched in horror as Artix exorsized said ghost in DragonFable's Frostval event a few years ago. The position has been filled.)!
Once again the Frost Moglins of Frostvale are opening the snow-covered gates of their town to all of Lore as they prepare for the merriest of all of Lore's holidays... Frostval! If this is your first year with AQW then you get to play through all of the previous adventures leading up to NEXT WEEK's ALL NEW FROSTVAL ADVENTURE (where a old foe returns with vengence in their heart) and the return of the Battleon Seasonal Frostval Shop (with Holiday Jester 10!). You are welcome to all of the great Frostval seasonal rares and the heart-warming Frostval stories.
If you've played through these adventures before then you can visit your frieds Robina and Blizzy!
But you'll notice that we made a few changes to the old stuff for this year! We've added a few all new rewards to some of the repeatable quests in and around Frostvale and we've added the classic Frostval Theme to all of these ares. You might also notice that Yorumi has added a gently wafting snow to much of the event!
Major Moglin has had some changes too!
Last year, quite a few people had trouble figuring out the Frostvale Tale adventure. You had to read parts of it in your Book of Lore and run all over Lore looking for hidden clues which were far too well hidden. We've pet a lot of effort into stream-lining the adventure this year! The chapters of "Twas The Night before Frostval" have been removed from the Book of Lore and added to Major Moglin's dialogue box, sparklies have been added to the pick-up items to make them eaiser to spot and we've made the clues within the tale a lot eaiser to find. Hope this helps.
Quibble is STAYING (for a while)!
One of my wonderful Tweeple suggested that it might be nice to keep Quibble up for a while, so the folks who get AdventureCoins as holiday gifts might be able to get what THEY want. I asked the rest of my Tweeps what they thought and it seemed like a great idea. So, as per player request, Quibble will remain in BattleOn until after the new year begins. We'll even add a few new items each week!
Miltonius is working on a new Santa Outfit right now, and Dage has offered up an amazing, new holiday weapon!
Thanks, EvokerSoul, for your great suggestion! It's really great to see someone thinking of others but that is what Frostval is all about!
New Houses!
Penny over at Centaur 21 will have several new houses in stock.
We've got 7 new additions with stuff for members and non-members alike.
• Skyguard Cruiser
• Volcanic Cave
• Imploded Cathedral
• Safiria’s Castle
• Creepy Cabin
• Tree House
• And the Candy Corn Cottage
These are permanent additions to the game and will NOT go rare. Artix mentioned some new house functionality coming soon and it's STILL coming... in a while. Not today.
Dage's Legion Update!
Dage will get a teeny, tiny update today including a new villianous weapon and a new stackable, mergeable currency which will come in handy in future updates for upgrading his already very difficult to obtain items. If you're a fan of Dage The Evil and his wicked items, start collection Dage's Legion Tokens today!
Earn FREE stuff for the holidays!
The holidays are here, along with the best BattleOn Games events of the year, like the awesome George Lowe "Lowe Down Throw Down" at EpicDuel! (if you're keeping track, George has now appeared in AQW, DF and ED. 3 games down, 3 to go!). There are SO MANY great events and so much awesome gear to get but during the holidays you might find spare ACs hard to come by. FEAR NOT!
AExtras is a great way to earn free stuff while saving holiday cash!
You can use AExtras special offers system to earn FREE AdventureCoins in AQWorlds or Varium in EpicDuel, as well as Nova Gems, DragonCoins, Z-Tokens and EVEN FREE BATTLEON POINTS for your Master Account! Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!
Happy Holidays from BattleOn Games!