Design Notes
February 17, 2015
It's Pancake Day!
Grab Your Maple Syrup!
The Grand Master Lunch Lady Oishii has returned to Battleon bringing with her a few silly, pancake based items. You can find her in Yulgar's Inn but watch out, you will probably get hit at random by her flying flapjacks of doom!
Seasonal items are returning - like the Pancake Hat w/Butter and the Oolong the pancake bunny pet, and there is even a new Pancake Puppy pet!
Oishii's Pancake Goodies:
- Pancake Hat
- Pancake Hat w/Butter
- The Full Stack
- Oolong Pet
- Pancake-Topus pet
- Pancake Puppy pet
Tags: Reens, Pancake Day,