Design Notes
May 16, 2014
Free Fortune Ticket Update
More Fortune Tickets being awarded Saturday night!
We always like to give more than we receive... but it turns out that giving away almost 1 MILLION Fortune Tickets* is almost more than our game can handle!
Yorumi spent part of today rewriting how we award those to make them hurt the game less. (You should have heard the server hamsters groaning as their wheels spun!)
He said that, starting tomorrow night at midnight, the new awarding process will go into effect, and people will start getting the tickets faster.
Why we did this, and why it's taking longer
One of our long-time fans made a suggestion that makes a lot of sense: "You should wait to announce things like this; that way, you won't have so many questions and complaints." (As long as that doesn't mean you guys miss out on freebies, that is definitely the better way to do it.)
Here is our answer to that very understandable idea:
If we hadn't announced this ahead of time, we would have had a tidal wave of (very reasonable but upset) feedback saying if people had spinning the Wheel in the last month would qualify them to get spin tickets, they would have used their free spin.
The purpose of giving away the free tickets was to do something nice for as many of our heroes as possible. Though it is taking longer than we'd hoped to get the free spins out to everyone, I'd rather it longer, but have more people get the free spins. This is the kind of gift we want to share to as many heroes as we can!
* 3 free Fortune Tickets each to 600,000 players is a LOT for a room full of server hamsters to handle!