Design Notes
July 15, 2016
Friday: Black Dragon's Pearl Treasure Chest
Unlock all 12 Surfboards when you buy the Black Dragon's Pearl!
This Friday, when you buy the Black Dragon's Pearl from the July Rares Shop for 1000 AdventureCoins, you'll be able to unlock... the Black Dragon's Pearl Treasure Chest filled with all 12 0 AC surfboards from the July Rares Shop!
4 of the 12 dragon surfboards
Recently, I put out a Twitter poll recently to see what kinds of themes you guys would like on the 2016 surfboards, and dragons were a really popular answer. Last year, we launched our AdventureQuest:Dragons idle, mobile game, and it had some of the prettiest art we've ever created. Combining the two made a lot of sense, and so... starting this Friday, if you have a Black Dragon's Pearl, the treasure will be yours!
Tags: Alina,