Design Notes

May 31, 2024

Cold Thunder Saga Interlude Boss

Sidhe Waits... Answer the Deadly Muse's Call

You may have escaped Castle Eblana with your lives... but you're far from safe. A deceptively beautiful, incredibly deadly fairy waits... and watches... and hungers. Log in this weekend and fight to survive the next challenge in our Cold Thunder Saga: the Leanan Sidhe!

New Game Update

  • Main Story: Cold Thunder Saga Interlude... the Deadly Muse
  • New rewards: Sidhe's Devotees armor sets
  • Diogon's Quests: Unlock the Toxian gear in /ectocave
  • Zodiac Heroes:  Virgo quest rewards
  • Featured Gear sets: Anime x Meme fusion rares, Part 1

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double Gold, XP, Class Points, Rep
  • Resource Boost: Celestial Dungeon drops
  • Saturday: rare Cold Steel weapons from the Warden in /castleeblana
  • Sunday: rare Sheathed Blade Blade + cape  from Dage in /siegefortress

New Rewards: Deadly Muse's Gifts

Ordinary people given a glance by Leanan Sidhe are blessed with inspiration and unlimited potential. They may die young, but will be remembered forever by the Muse and those devotees not yet devoured.

Merge Shop

  • Sidhe's Devotee armor
  • Sidhe's Devotee Hair + Locks
  • Sidhe's Devotee Wrap
  • Sidhe's Devotee Dagger (single + dual-wield)
  • Ensnared Devotee's Mug (single + dual-wield)
  • Sidhe's Brigand Devotee armor
  • Sidhe's Brigand Bandana
  • Misty Fae's Moon cape
  • Sidhe's Brigand Pistol (single + dual-wield)
  • Leanan Sidhe’s Minions cape
  • Leanan Sidhe’s Aura

Boss Drops: 

  • Deadly Muse's Devotee Hair
  • Ensnared Traveler's Falchion (single + dual-wield)
  • Lunar Mist cape (member-only)
  • Leanan Fairy House Guest
  • Leanan Sidhe’s Familiars wall item

Zodiac Heroes Quest Rewards 

Talk to Kylokos in Arcangrove to find a latest in our Zodiac Heroes set series. Each of the sets is now permanently available (instead of seasonal). All future farmable Zodiac sets will be, too, so you can collect them all at any time!

  • Virgo quest: Verdant Virgo set (New!)
  • Libra quest: Harmonic Savant set
  • Leo quest: Leonine Regalia set
  • Pisces quest: Golden Pisces Maestro set
  • Aries quest: Mystic Aries Castigator set
  • Cancer quest: Karkinos Champion set

Zodiac Heroes AC Shop

Earlier this month Kylokos got a new shop with some bonus items for select Zodiac sets! Check out her AC shop to find permanent items, and find a color-custom version of the Harmonic Savant in the Featured Gear Shop for a limited time. 

Meme & Muse Rare Items

You asked for memes and anime, and our artists have delivered! Find new meme items in the Featured Gear Shop this weekend, and return as we add even more Anime x Meme items over the next few weeks. First up... the Absolute EbIL armor, the Tuba Knight, and the Disintegration Effect Moglins

Rare Meme Gear

  • Tuba Lord Bard armor
  • Top Brass Helm
  • Big Brass Blast cape
  • Tuban Cannon Gun
  • Abolute Evil armor
  • Abolute Evil Aura
  • Abolute Evil Vibe rune
  • Disintegrating Twilly, Twig, and Zorbak pets

Rare Deadly Muse Items

  • Leanan Sidhe armor*
  • Leanan Sidhe morph helms
  • Leanan Sidhe Wings
  • Leanan Sidhe Touch gauntlet
  • Leanan Sidhe Glories (mystical butterfly cape)
  • Leanan Sidhe Mist cape

The rare Meme items will be available until the end of Summer, along with our other Anime x Meme fusion items. The rare Deadly Muse items will be available until June 28th.

Master Chairman Drops:
permanently available in /ebilcorphq

  • Absolute Ebil Hair+ Locks
  • Absolute Ebil Morph + Visage (member-only)

Mozard Drops:
permanently available in /orchestra

  • Absolute Ebil Hair+ Locks
  • Absolute Ebil Morphs

Seasonal Drop: battle the DoomKittten in /doomkitten until June 30th to get the Purrito pet. In the future, it will be available the entire month of May each year.

* A swimsuit version of this armor will be available in the Summer 2024 collection chest next month.

Age of Ruin Saga: the Story So Far...

After the threat Malgor and his ShadowFlame army posed had been put to rest, you were left to address the scars he inflicted... and process the knowledge you gained. The Gods and Greater Beings of the Old Worlds Order have been revealed, and now you must complete the task they've set: to neutralize three dire threats before they awaken. 

Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea Chapter 1 of the  begins in the /TerminaTemple map. If you have not completed it, journey there now! You'll need to finish the entire saga before you can begin next week's adventure.

Events + Gear Leaving Soon

Last call for wicked rares and holiday gear!

Tags: Alina,

May 30, 2024

Summer AdventureCoin Bonus Starts NOW

Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack

Our Summer Bonus is ON! Get 50% more bonus AdventureCoins with any AC or Membership pack you buy. This is a great time to top up and grab new gear, because our event line-up is on FIRE! 

Gear up and get ready, because all Summer long, we'll be adding new items for you! 

  • Seasonal Summer Shop
  • Meme x Anime Fusion gear
  • Wheel of Doom Merge & Treasure Chest updates
  • 2024 Summer Collection Chest

Also happening this Summer:

  • New main story updates 
  • Father's Day of DOOM 
  • the next chapter of the Hollowborn Saga 
  • Tanabata (aka the Star Festival)
  • permanent versions of staff wedding events return + wedding-themed upgrade bonus pack (featuring a house, quest, and items) to help you spread the love

Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!

During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). 

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

Note: if you purchased ACs during the 24 hours before the bonus began (from 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM on May 30th), you were also given the bonus ACs. Those have already automatically been added to your account. 


May 27, 2024

Game News: May 27 - June 2

Read on for the latest news and information

Summer's almost here, and you know what that means: our flood of Spring updates is about to get super-heated! Get the latest details on this week's news, Treasure Hunt, Boosts, and find out more about this weekend's interlude boss battle.

Tuesday, May 28: Bounty Cache Hunt

This week's treasure hunt is live! Talk to Valencia in the /Museum to begin your hunt to recover the shipment of Lost Bounty Hunter gear. (Items are Color Custom to accessory)

Rewards include:

  • GL-1ST Salvage Blade
  • GL-1ST Salvage Blades
  • Sheathed GL-1ST Salvage Blade cape

Another Treasure Hunt is here! (It sure feels like it's been awhile, with the recent run of midweek monster drops). This Treasure Hunt is, like the others that released this year, on the easier side to give as many players as possible a reason to try out some of the older hunts.

But never fear, our midweek update design team have been on a hunt of their own to find rewards that will hit that sweet spot for new and old heroes alike.

Rewards will be permanently available. 

Thursday, May 30: Celestial Dungeon Boost

Get double rewards as you battle to create your Greatblade of the Entwined Eclipse until June 5th.


  • Temple of the Midnight Sun: 2x Sliver of Sunlight
  • Temple of the Solstice Moon: 2x Sliver of Moonlight
  • Ascension of the Eclipse: 2x Ecliptic Offering

Friday, May 31: Update Details

Get a first look at what's coming in this weekend's upcoming game release. Last week's Cold Thunder Saga left many of you thunderstruck; but before you can continue, you'll need to shake off a destructively-beautiful, deadly stalker that devours the hearts and souls of those unfortunate enough to fall under her spell. 

  • Main Story: Cold Thunder Saga Interlude... the Deadly Muse
  • New rewards: Sidhe's Devotees armor sets
  • Zodiac Heroes:  Virgo quest rewards
  • Featured Gear sets: Anime x Meme fusion rares, Part 1

Events + Gear Leaving Soon

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double Gold, XP, Class Points, Rep
  • Resource Boost: Celestial Dungeon drops
  • Saturday: rare Cold Steel weapons from the Warden in /castleeblana
  • Sunday: rare Sheathed Blade Blade + cape  from Dage in /siegefortress

Log in now at


May 24, 2024

This Weekend: Lightning at Landfall

Main Story Update: Cold Thunder Saga, Chapter 3

They say the Skye's the limit... unless you refuse to acknowledge them. But NO ONE could refuse the attention of Queen Iona Lothian, descendant of the original Champion of Energy. She seeks to protect her people, as do Queen Victoria and Empress Miko. While you're her *cough* guest... in Castle Eblana, she'll make you an offer. How you respond to it will determine much about what awaits you on her fair Isle. Log in now for Part 3 of our main story!

New Game Update

  • Main Story: Cold Thunder Saga, Part 2 continues in /castleeblana
  • New rewards: two new sets in Felix's Gilded Gear merge shop
  • Zodiac Heroes: Harmonic Savant quest rewards
  • Featured Gear sets: color-custom East Skye Warden + rare Mecha Dragon Commander

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double Gold
  • Resource Boost: double Legion Token + Unicorn Rib drops
  • Saturday: rare Skye Warrior Armaments on the boss in /castleeblana
  • Sunday: rare Sacred Forest Scythe on the Forest Guardian in /fableforest

Electrifying New Reward Items

Talk to Felix, the Court Mage of Castle Eblana, to find two new sets in his merge shop! Craft the Skye Warrior set then through power of SCIENCE!!! you can electroplate the gear into the golden version.

Felix's Gilded Gear Merge

  • Skye Warrior armor
  • Skye Warrior Mask + Hood helms
  • Skye Warrior's Cloak
  • Speirling Blade (single + dual-wield)
  • Skye Warden of the East armor
  • Skye Warden of the East Mask + Hood helms
  • Skye Warden of the East Cape
  • Speirling Gaheris Blade (single + dual-wield)

Monster Drops: 

  • Silver Skye Halberd drop from the zone boss
  • Bananach's Raven pet from the mob (member-only)

Zodiac Heroes Quest Rewards 

Talk to Kylokos in Arcangrove to find a latest in our Zodiac Heroes set series. Each of the sets is now permanently available (instead of seasonal). All future farmable Zodiac sets will be, too, so you can collect them all at any time!

  • Libra quest: Harmonic Savant set (New!)
  • Leo quest: Leonine Regalia set
  • Pisces quest: Golden Pisces Maestro set
  • Aries quest: Mystic Aries Castigator set
  • Cancer quest: Karkinos Champion set

Zodiac Heroes AC Shop

Last week, Kylokos got a new shop with some bonus items for select Zodiac sets! Check out her AC shop to find the following permanent itms:

  • Harmonic Libra Diadem Visage helm
  • Leonine Royal Flame + Fiery Crown helms
  • Beguiling Virgo Wings
  • Leonine + Platinum Burning Crown capes
  • Harmonic Libra's Companion Tome
  • Ground Runes: Harmonic Libra Rune, Virgo Changeling's Rune, Smoldering Lion's Sigil

Later this month, return to Arcangrove to find the...

  • Virgo set on May 31st

New: Rare Color Custom Mecha Dragon Commander

We've got a host of new color-customizable items for you this weekend! Find the rare color-custom Mecha Dragon Commander set in your Featured Gear shop in the game menu, along with the permanently available Enchanted East Skye Warden set. This week's rare items will be available until June 21st.

Rare color-customizable Mecha Dragon Commander set

  • Mecha Dragon Commander armor
  • Helms: Morph, Helmet, and Guard
  • Capes: Tail, Rune, Guard, Wings and combo variants
  • Mecha Dragon Commander Blade (single + dual-wield)

Permanently Available in the Balemorale Castle AC Shop:

  • Enchanted East Skye Warden armor
  • Enchanted East Skye Warden Mask
  • Enchanted Skye Hood and Mask 
  • Enchantd Speirling Gaheris Blade (single + dual-wield)
  • Enchanted Blade of Gaheris (single + dual-wield)

Age of Ruin Saga: the Story So Far...

After the threat Malgor and his ShadowFlame army posed had been put to rest, you were left to address the scars he inflicted... and process the knowledge you gained. The Gods and Greater Beings of the Old Worlds Order have been revealed, and now you must complete the task they've set: to neutralize three dire threats before they awaken. 

Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea Chapter 1 of the  begins in the /TerminaTemple map. If you have not completed it, journey there now! You'll need to finish the entire saga before you can begin next week's adventure.

Events + Gear Leaving Soon

Last call for wicked rares and holiday gear!

May 31

June 7

  • Seasonal May the Fourth Event Hub + Holiday drops
Tags: Alina,

May 17, 2024

This Weekend: Storm Clouds are Gathering...

Main Story Update: Cold Thunder Saga, Chapter 1

Balemorale Castle glows brightly in the Spring sunshine. But all that glitters is not gold, and appearances are deceptive; dark secrets lurk in its shadows, and envy is hidden in its visitors' hearts. This weekend, your Hero and Tara confront Queen Victoria about the horrors of Seabase Undine as the storm clouds of war and betrayal roll in...

New Game Update

  • Main Story: Cold Thunder Saga, Part 1 continues in /balmorale
  • New rewards: Skye Emissary shop
  • Zodiac Heroes: Leonine Regalia quest rewards
  • Featured Gear sets: color-custom Enchanted Harmonic Savant, Electrowave + Shockwave sets

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double Reputation
  • Resource Boost: double Essences and Totems of Nulgath
  • Saturday: rare Seraphic Fourth Blades from Twiggu's Bodyguard in /twigguhunt
  • Sunday: seasonal Seraphic Fourth Blasters on the Infantry Droid in /twigguhunt

Electrifying New Reward Items

Talk to Lieber, the Emissary of Skye, to find new faction gear in his merge shop! Plus, head to Arcangrove for the latest in our Zodiac Hero series. 

Skye Emissary's Merge Shop

  • Electrowave + Shockwave Scholar armors
  • Electrowave Scholar Morph
  • Scholar's AC Gauntlet
  • Royal Electrowave + Shockwave Scholar armors
  • Royal Electrowave Scholar Morph
  • Scholar's DC Gauntlet
  • Shockwave Paralyzer Bow
  • Halcyon Skye Longsword blades
  • Halcyon Skye Hand Axes

Monster Drops: Steel Skye Blades drop from the Skye Warrior

Zodiac Heroes Quest Rewards 

Talk to Kylokos in Arcangrove to find a latest in our Zodiac Heroes set series. Each of the sets is now permanently available (instead of seasonal). All future farmable Zodiac sets will be, too, so you can collect them all at any time!

  • Leo quest: Leonine Regalia set (New!)
  • Pisces quest: Golden Pisces Maestro set
  • Aries quest: Mystic Aries Castigator set
  • Cancer quest: Karkinos Champion set

Zodiac Heroes AC Shop

Kylokos has a new shop with some bonus items for select Zodiac sets! Check out her AC shop to find the following permanent itms:

  • Harmonic Libra Diadem Visage helm
  • Leonine Royal Flame + Fiery Crown helms
  • Beguiling Virgo Wings
  • Leonine + Platinum Burning Crown capes
  • Harmonic Libra's Companion Tome
  • Ground Runes: Harmonic Libra Rune, Virgo Changeling's Rune, Smoldering Lion's Sigil

Later this month, return to Arcangrove to find the...

  • Libra set on May 24th
  • Virgo set on May 31st

Now Available in the Featured Gear Shop!

We've got a host of new color-customizable items for you this weekend! Find the rare Enchanted Harmonic Savant set in your Featured Gear shop in the game menu, along with the permanently available Enchanted Electrowave, Electrojolt, and Shockwave sets. This week's rare items will be available until June 14th.

Leaving Monday, May 20th...

Find the rare color-customizable Enchanted Bujinn DoomKnight and Usagi Oni sets available for AdventureCoins in the Featured Gear Shop until May 20th. (The seasonal Inaba Oni set will return next February.) 

Rare Usagi Oni Gear

  • Usagi Oni + Festive Usagi Oni armors
  • Hair + Ponytail, Morph helms, Masked + Ornamental Mask Morph helms
  • Usagi Oni Obi cape
  • Usagi Oni pet
  • Moon Crusher Kanabo (single + dual-wield)
  • Usagi Oni Gourd (non-AC, single + dual-wield)

Seasonal Inaba Oni Gear

  • Inaba Oni armor
  • Hair + Ponytail, Morph helms, Masked + Ornamental Mask Morph helms
  • Inaba Oni Obi cape
  • Sheathed Kimon Benevolence Nagamaki cape
  • Inaba Oni Gourd (non-AC, single + dual-wield)
  • Kimon Benevolence Nagamaki (single + dual-wield)
  • Sacred Inaba Hare pet

Rare color-customizable Enchanted Bujinn DoomKnight set:

  • Enchanted Twisted Youxia Shadow
  • Enchanted Bujin DoomKnight armor
  • Hairbun + Locks, Morph Helms, 
  • Bujinn Empress' Helmets + Oni Mask
  • Enchanted Doomed Artillery Array
  • Enchanted Yinglian Tyrant's Sashimono
  • Enchanted Necrotic Dao of Doom (single + dual-wield)
  • Enchanted Dracolich Guandao of Death (single + dual-wield)
  • Enchanted Tyrannic Matchlock of Doom (single + dual-wield)

Age of Ruin Saga: the Story So Far...

After the threat Malgor and his ShadowFlame army posed had been put to rest, you were left to address the scars he inflicted... and process the knowledge you gained. The Gods and Greater Beings of the Old Worlds Order have been revealed, and now you must complete the task they've set: to neutralize three dire threats before they awaken. 

Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea Chapter 1 of the  begins in the /TerminaTemple map. If you have not completed it, journey there now! You'll need to finish the entire saga before you can begin next week's adventure.

Events + Gear Leaving Soon

Last call for wicked rares and holiday gear!

May 20

May 31

June 7

  • Seasonal May the Fourth Event Hub + Holiday drops
Tags: Alina,

May 10, 2024

The Rumbling of Cold Thunder...

Chapter Two of our Main Story begins in Balemorale Castle

After months of attempting to contact her, this weekend, you just might be able to meeet to meet Queen Victoria… and you have much to discuss. Log in now and travel to the hub town in Castle Balemorale. A gathering of Lore's greatest nobles and rulers have gathered. Their goal? To forge alliances and secure the safety of their people as the threat of war looms on the horizon.

New Game Update

  • Main Story: Chapter 2 begins in /balmorale
  • New Skye Faction Rewards: 3 all-new armor sets and more
  • Featured Gear sets: find the rare Stellar Sentinels in your Featured Gear Shop

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double Class Points
  • Resource Boost: double Void Auras
  • Saturday: rare Lunaris & Solaris Exemplar morph helms from Twiggu's Bodyguard
  • Sunday: seasonal Mother's Day drops from the Gifts for Mom monster in /eventhub

Age of Ruin Saga: the Story So Far...

After the threat Malgor and his ShadowFlame army posed had been put to rest, you were left to address the scars he inflicted... and process the knowledge you gained. The Gods and Greater Beings of the Old Worlds Order have been revealed, and now you must complete the task they've set: to neutralize three dire threats before they awaken. 

Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea Chapter 1 of the  begins in the /TerminaTemple map. If you have not completed it, journey there now! You'll need to finish the entire saga before you can begin next week's adventure.

This weekend, /join terminatemple to begin your adventures!

  • Meet new allies and discover more about your current battle companions
  • Complete quests to earn XP, gold, and new item rewards
  • Learn more about the Temple, Lady Celestia, and a host of faction guardians and Loremasters

Royal New Reward Items

Talk to Lieber, the Emissary of Skye, for two new shops. The Halcyon Skye + Coronation gear in his merge shop require rep + resources to craft. His Rep shop contains two base armor sets you'll need to unlock their electrifying tier 2 variants next week!

Lord Granville's Shop

  • Defender Of Balemorale armor
  • Defender Of Balemorale helm
  • Defenders of Balemorale Spikes cape
  • Sheathed Balemorale Defender Blades cape
  • Noble Defender Of Balemorale Blade 

Skye Emissary's Rep Shop

  • Electrojolt Scholar armor
  • Royal Electrojolt Scholar armor
  • Electrowave Scholar Hair helm
  • Electrowave Scholar Patch helm
  • Royal Electrowave Scholar Hair helm
  • Royal Electrowave Scholar Patch helm
  • Royal Electrowave Scholar's Quiver cape

Skye Emissary's Merge Shop

  • Tier 1: Halcyon Virtue Blades, Halcyon Virtue Scepter, Halcyon Virtue Axes*
  • Tier 2: Halcyon Skye Blades, Halcyon Skye Scepter, Halcyon Skye Axes
  • Tier 3: Halcyon Coronation Axes

Monster Drops

  • Skye Warrior Axes
  • Charged Electrowave Bow
  • Charged Shockwave Bow

Lady Laidronette's Quest Drops

  • Emperor Penguin Plushies
  • Seahorse Plushies
  • Sea Otter Plushies
  • Seahorse XL Plushies 

* Requires the Skye Warrior Axe from the Skye Warrior monster in /balemorale

Stellar Featured Gear Shop Update

Check out the Lunaris and Solaris Sentinel sets and more in your Featured Gear shop this weekend! Rare items in the set will be available until May 31st. 

New rares:

  • Halcyon Scythe, Spear, and Halberd of Virtue
  • Solaris Redeemer armor
  • Masked Solaris Communion Morph (male + female variants)
  • Solaris Corona Rune cape
  • Solaris Sunbeam Saber swords 
  • Solaris Double-Sided Khopesh polearms
  • SoLuna Beam Saber swords
  • Solaris Sunbeam Gauntlet
  • Lunaris Redeemer armor
  • Masked Lunaris Communion Morph (male + female variants)
  • Lunaris Aura Rune
  • Lunaris Moonbeam Saber swords
  • Lunaris Curved Moonbeam Daggers
  • LunaSol Beam Sabers
  • Lunaris Moonbeam Gauntlet

New seasonal items:

  • Solaris Communion Morph (male + female variants)
  • Solaris Redeemer capes 
  • Lunaris Communion Morph (male + female variants)
  • Lunaris Redeemer capes

Color-Custom Mother's Day Set:

  • Knight of Roses armor
  • Rise Knight Helm, Mask, and Visage
  • Rose Knight Verdure cape
  • Living Rose Bush animated pet
  • Damask Rose Rapier blades
  • Lisianthus Bloom Bow

Midweek Update: Managarmr's Mission

If you haven't started our midweek update, now is the time! The mysterious Managarmr is waiting somewhere in the /TrenchObservatory zone. If you've completed the Voice in the Sea saga, they will ask for your aid... and cause YOU to ask even more questions about who they are, where they come from, and what they want!

Quest to create the Panopticon Teuthi & Rhizo set or buy the Panopticon Proiso & Phormo set from the shop! These items will be permanently available, but with Summer fast approaching, there's no better time to dive in to a new adventure.

Quest Rewards

  • Panopticon Teuthi & Rhizo armor
  • Panopticon Rhizo & Teuthi armor
  • Panopticon Rhizo Countenance helm
  • Panopticon Teuthi Countenance helm
  • Panopticon Rhizo Artillery cape
  • Panopticon Teuthi Artillery cape
  • Panopticon Rhizo Armament whip
  • Panopticon Teuthi Armament sword

Panopticon AC Shop

  • Panopticon Proiso & Phormo armor
  • Panopticon Phormo & Proiso armor
  • Panopticon Phormo Countenance helm
  • Panopticon Proiso Countenance helm
  • Panopticon Phormo Artillery cape
  • Panopticon Proiso Artillery cape
  • Panopticon Proiso Armament sword
  • Panopticon Phormo Armament staff

Events + Gear Leaving Soon

Last call for wicked rares and holiday gear!

May 20

May 31

June 7

  • Seasonal May the Fourth Event Hub + Holiday drops
Tags: Alina,

May 06, 2024

Legion Paladin Rework

Legion Paladin Class Skills Breakdown

When you buy a Legion Armor T-shirt or Paladin Armor T-shirt from, each comes with an awesome weapon and half of the "Legion Paladin" class. Combine both halves to create the full class in AdventureQuest Worlds! Themed after the shirts... we merged Artix's Paladin armor and Dage's Paragon armor together into a horrifying and powerful new class.

Legion Paladin Member Trial Period

We're giving Members the opportunity to try out Legion Paladin! When this week's release goes live on Friday, May 10th, Members can find the Legion Paladin Trial class in the Featured Gear Shop.

This is a temporary version of the Legion Paladin Class that is only usable until Tuesday, May 14th. After the trial period ends, the Legion Paladin Trial class will turn into a Limited Event Coin.

Based on your feedback, we may do more class trials of this nature in the future.

Small QoL update for Legion Paladin

  • Blasphemous Battleaxe: Can no longer miss.
  • Incantation of Sin:Can no longer miss.

Legion Paladin Details

Recommended enhancement: Lucky, Hybrid. Legion Paladins favor the use of Souls over Spirits. As such, they have been exiled from the Paladin Order and are unable to channel Spirits through normal means.

Stat Model: Hybrid

Mana Regen
Legion Paladins gain mana when they:

  • Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
  • Are struck by an enemy in combat
  • Are under the effects of Spirits (restores 5 mana every 2 seconds)

Active Skill Breakdown


Rank needed: 1 / Auto Attack
Target: Enemy
Max Targets: 1
Type: 110% Hybrid
Range: Melee
Cooldown: 2 seconds

Strike your target with a malice filled attack, granting you a Soul in the process. Souls last 10 seconds, stack to 20, and are used by your other abilities.

Souls are what allow Legion Paladin to function. Each time you gain a Soul, you gain Crit Chance, and the damage of most of your skills are increased. 

Blasphemous Battleaxe

Rank needed: 1
Target: Enemy
Max Targets: 1
Type: 50% Hybrid
Range: Long
Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 5 seconds

Swing your soul infused battleaxe at your target, dealing increased damage for each Soul you have while also granting you a Soul.

If you have Spirits, applies Defiled to your target, reducing their Haste, Crit Chance, Dodge, and outgoing damage by 30% for 5 seconds. Can't miss.

Much like Desecration, this skill also grants you a Soul. In fact, almost all of Legion Paladin's skills grant you a Soul upon use. This skill also applies a pretty hefty debuff to your target if you have Spirits. What are Spirits? Well keep on reading!

Soul Convertor

Rank needed: 2
Target: Friendly
Max Targets: 7
Type: -200% Hybrid
Range: Infinite
Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 5 seconds

The spirits forsook you, so you created your own. Heals you and your allies, then converts up to 10 Souls into Spirits. Spirits last 10 seconds, restore 5 mana every second, and are used by your other abilities. You and your allies also gain a Spirit Shield, increasing Damage Resistance by 30% for 10 seconds. Always crits.

This skill is where Legion Paladin gets really interesting. Essentially, you trade in your Souls to heal yourself, your allies, and unlock the ability to apply some powerful buffs and debuffs. In other words, you're effectively exchanging your damage output to become a pretty sturdy tank in return! 

Incantation of Sin

Rank needed: 3
Target: Enemy
Max Targets: 1
Type: 150% Hybrid
Range: Long
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Unleash a ruinous wave of dark magic, dealing increased damage for each Soul you have while also granting you a Soul. 

If you have Spirits, applies Focus for 4 seconds, which forces your target to attack only you for the duration. Also applies Safeguard for 2 seconds, reducing the damage you take based on your Attack Power. Can't miss.

A more powerful skill that also grants you Souls. When you have Spirits, you'll not only apply Focus to your target, but also Safeguard to yourself, which is effectively an extra layer of damage reduction on top of your Damage Resistance, so you'll be withstanding some of the most powerful monster attacks! However, this version of Focus doesn't last as long as most, so you'll have to time it carefully.


Rank needed: 5
Target: Enemy
Max Targets: 1
Type: 350% Hybrid
Range: Long
Mana Cost: 30 
Cooldown: 18 seconds

Combine your light and dark powers to create a devastating spell, dealing increased damage for each Soul you have while also granting you a Soul. 

If you have Spirits, applies Shadowblight to your target, a DoT that also reduces Damage Resistance and DoT Resistance by 30% for 10 seconds.

Your strongest attack that once again also grants you Souls upon use! When you have Spirits, you apply a defense debuff to your target, perfect for increasing your party's total damage!

Passive Skill Breakdown

Heretic's Armor

Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive

Endurance increased by 100% and Damage Resistance increased by 30%.


Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive

Haste increased by 10% and Hit Chance increased by 20%.

Soul Infusion

Rank needed: 10
Type: Passive

Blasphemous Battleaxe applies Soul Infusion for 10 seconds, increasing your Crit Chance by 5% for each Soul you have at the time of application.

With this passive unlocked, you can gain Spirits before entering combat, perfect for when you're up against hard hitting opponents!


When Legion Paladins damage a target, they gain Souls, but it's up to you on how to utilize them. Will you hold onto your Souls in order to deal massive amounts of damage but at the cost of damage mitigation, or will you turn them into Spirits that can be used to support your allies and reduce your incoming damage? Don't forget, Legion Paladin can only be obtained by purchasing the Legion Armor T-shirt and Paladin Armor T-shirt while supplies last, so be sure to check them out on!

Tags: Alina,

May 03, 2024

May the Fourth Be With You...

The Hunt for Twiggu Begins Now

This weekend, log in as our May the Fourth celebration begins in... The Hunt for Twiggu! When an infamous bounty hunter from a galaxy far, far away lands on Lore, it’s up to you, our Hero Villain to help him capture his target. Your mission: help him bring in the notoriously-adorable fugitive, Baby Twiggu, from their refuge in the wilderness. Slash, hack, and reprogram your way through hordes of decrepit battle droids to reap the rewards of bringing a wanted criminal to justice! 

New Game Update

  • Holiday Events return: May the 4th, Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day
  • Darkon's New Rewards: new drop from The Moon in /astravia and the Garden
  • May Seasonal Sets: Lord of the J-Sixth set + Chronomancer of Earth
  • New Bonus Pack: embrace the madness with our new Upgrade Bonus gear

Our MogWars events are back! 

Login now and talk to Zoda the Space Moglin in /zorbaspalace. To guide your path he has come. Craft a weapon of your own fate you will. Then journey to the /murdermoon, where Fifth Lord Sepulchure (the most feared villain in the galaxy) awaits you... and your destiny. Return tomorrow for an all-new adventure, rewards, a new set for Cinco de Mayo set, and this month's upgrade bonus pack!

Check out all our MogWars event maps now:

  • Zorbaspalace
  • Zorbaspit
  • Murdermoon

After completing Zoda's quests in /zorbaspalace to craft our seasonal Laserblades, talk to Memet for even more adventures!

  • Battle Palace Enforcers + Cactus Creepers
  • Fight Thwompcats
  • Take on Zorba the Bakk

Then head to MurderMoon map. Fifth Lord Sepulchure is the most feared man in the galaxy, and has conquered countless worlds for the Fifth Order. He will NEVER stop until his master is satisfied. Talk to Hammer Wateru; he needs your help to destroy the Fifth Order's superweapon and ensure the Freedom Fighters' victory!

This is the Way... to Wicked Rewards

All of the items below were crafted for you by AQW artist, D Black Star to help you celebrate this one-of-a-kind holiday. Each of the sets below draws inspiration from the Star Wars universe and then fuses it with elements from AdventureQuest Worlds. 

New for 2024

  • GL-1ST Droid Set: monster drops from this weekend's new event in /twigguhunt
  • GL-24K Droid set: merge shop set in /twigguhunt
  • Seraphic Fourth Order set: new seasonal set in GL-24K AC Shop + Featured Gear Shop

Returning Sets

  • Zardian Pilot set: monster drop from this weekend's new event in /murdermoon
  • Astravian Enforcer set: merge shop set in /murdermooon
  • Grievous Fiend set: available for a limited time in the Featured Gear Shop
  • Galactic Gladinster set: a rare daily gift drops arriving this weekend 
  • Galactic Makai pet + Grievous Spear: daily gift items arriving later this month

Darkon's Rewards of Madness

  • DragonKnight of Madness set drops from The Moon in /astravia
  • Mutated Rebirth Daggers drop from Creature 72 and 83 in the /garden

May the 4th Seasonal Gear

Here at the Secret Underground Lab, we are all game developers but also HUGE nerds, and I have to say... these ARE the Mog Wars-themed items you're looking for! Head in game now and find the seasonal May 4th (sci-fi/space-themed) gear in the /eventhub map. 

Plus, find an entirely NEW merge shop full of space combat-ready items.

The Mawa's Stand Merge Shop includes:

  • Galactic Shadow Trooper minion armor/helm
  • Twicket, Twig Fortuna, and Twill-ek pets
  • StarCrasher armor set

DarkLord Class

In 2021, we brought back the original DarkSide Class skills paired with new art so ALL players can enjoy that gameplay. Talk to Hammer in /murdermoon to to create a cargo-hold's worth of space-gear... including ALL of the items in the DarkSide Class. 

The blue variant of the seasonal DarkSide 2.0 class is available for ALL players. A diabolically-evil red armor set variant will be locked to higher-level heroes. (Original Darkside class not required.)

Why IS May the Fourth a Holiday?

Well... it's not, really. Unless you're a particular breed of nerd. As the Intergalactic Space Wiki (run by wookies, of course) tells us:

"May 4 is considered a holiday by Star Wars fans to celebrate the franchise's films series, books, and culture as well as strict religious rituals.[3] The date was chosen for the easy pun on the catchphrase "May the Force be with you"—"May the fourth be with you". Even though the holiday was not actually created or declared byLucasfilm many Star Wars fans across the world choose to celebrate the holiday."

Events + Gear Leaving Soon

Last call for wicked rares and holiday gear!

May 20

May 31

June 7

  • Seasonal May the Fourth Event Hub + Holiday drops

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double XP
  • Saturday: rare Mecha Dragon Commander Tri-Spear
  • Sunday: Bodyguard Droid house guard and Beacon capes

That's right. This week YOU are the villain!

Tags: Alina,

May 03, 2024

Embrace the Madness

Upgrade to unlock all the exclusive new bonus gear

Known as Creature 8, this creation was meant to hold a massive amount of power within a small humanoid body. The result is destructive, but extremely unstable. Unlock all the items in the Titan of Madness set when you upgrade your account any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.

After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.

Pack Details

Choose the new upgrade bonus set to unlock all the color-customizable gear from the set's badge shop in your Book of Lore. The set includes:

  • Titan of Madness armor
  • Helms of Madness
  • Capes of Madness
  • GreatBlade of Madness pet
  • and a character page badge

Once you've chosen the new pack on the Account Manager page, log in and open your Book of Lore. You'll find the badge shop in the Other Achievements tab.

12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:

  • ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
  • 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
  • 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
  • and a character page badge

Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.

2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:

  • ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
  • 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
  • and a character page badge

May 02, 2024

Vote for the Arcana Invoker Badge

Help choose the character page badge art

Check out the 3 options for the Arcana Invoker Class character page badge art below. Log in to AQWorlds and vote by Thursday, May 9th. The winning entry will be used on character pages starting Friday, May 10th.

How to Vote

  1. Log in to AQWorlds
  2. Click the Polls button on your Game Menu
  3. Choose your favorite option and hit submit
Tags: Alina, Poll,

May 01, 2024

Game News: April 29 - May 5

Read on for the latest news and information

It's not gonna be May... it already IS! Read on for details on this week's news, Treasure Hunt, Boosts, returning holiday events, and new MogWars update.

Tuesday, April 30: Nostalgia Hunt of Awe

The #Nostalgia is real and our Tuesday Treasure Hunt is live! Find Valencia in the Crossroads inside the /Museum map to begin your adventure. Click her "Awe Quests" button and accept her quest to seek out the Original Treasure Chest. Once you've obtained that, place it in your house. It contains a quest to recover the Classic Blade of Awe.

Rewards include:

  • Classic AQ Chest house item
  • Classic Blade of Awe sword

Rewards will be permanently available.

Other updates going live today

  • 12.22.23 LQS POJ IYKYK 

Wednesday, May 1st: Seasonal Armor Set Returns

Talk to Garek for the Return of the J-Sixth Lord set in Battleon later today and find the Chronomancer of Earth set in your Featured Gear Shop this Friday. 

Thursday, April 25: Spirit Orbs + Metals Boost

Get triple rewards as you battle to create Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor until DATE.

Dark Spirit Orb Quests:

  • Dark Spirit Orbs
  • Penny For Your Fought quests

Get x10, x20, x30 or x40 Dark Spirit Orbs while the boost is on!
(Regular reward quantity: x5, x10, x15, or x20)

Log in each day for a new reward, bonus, or resource boost at

Friday, May 3rd: Update Details

Get a first look at what's coming in this weekend's upcoming game release: our out of this world MogWars gear and seasonal maps return! Plus, find an all-new adventure, rewards, our seasonal Cinco de Mayo items, and this month's upgrade bonus pack!

  • Holiday Events return: May the 4th, Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day
  • Darkon's New Rewards: DragonKnight of Madness set
  • May Seasonal Sets: Lord of the J-Sixth set + Chronomancer of Earth
  • New Bonus Pack: embrace the madness with our new Upgrade Bonus gear

Events + Gear Leaving Soon

May 3rd

  • Harlequin Fool + other April Fools rares
  • April Holiday events (Grenwog, April Fools, GardenQuest, etc)
  • seasonal April Event Hub + Holiday drops

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double XP
  • Saturday: rare Mecha Dragon Commander Tri-Spear
  • Sunday: Bodyguard Droid house guard and Beacon capes
Tags: Alina,

May 01, 2024

Embrace the Madness

Upgrade to unlock all the exclusive new bonus gear

Known as Creature 8, this creation was meant to hold a massive amount of power within a small humanoid body. The result is destructive, but extremely unstable. Unlock all the items in the Titan of Madness set when you upgrade your account any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.

After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.

Pack Details

Choose the new upgrade bonus set to unlock all the gear from the set's badge shop in your Book of Lore. The set includes:

  • Titan of Madness armor
  • Scream, Eye & Face of Madness helms
  • Hood & Hooded Halo of Madness helms
  • Greatsword of Madness Backblade cape
  • Eruption of Madness Tentacles cape
  • BloodMoon of Madness cape
  • Greatsword of Madness Pet
  • Boiling Madness ground 
  • BloodRiver of Madness ground 
  • Boiling Madness gautntlet
  • Greatsword of Madness (single + dual-wield)
  • Cleaver of Madness (single + dual-wield)
  • Guardian of Madness floor item
  • and a character page badge

Once you've chosen the new pack on the Account Manager page, log in and open your Book of Lore. You'll find the badge shop in the Other Achievements tab.

12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:

  • ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
  • 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
  • 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
  • and a character page badge

Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.

2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:

  • ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
  • 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
  • and a character page badge
Tags: Alina,
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