Design Notes
August 29, 2023
Tuesday, August 29th Updates
New News For You to Use
With so many players on so many different platforms, the team and I found that our information had become really scattered over the last few years. Earlier this year, we began these "round-up" Design Notes posts make sure everyone has access to all of the same info, no matter which platform you use. Read on to get all the latest news on updates, fixes, and sneak peeks.
You've Got Questions...
We've got answers! A few rapid-fire FAQs we've been seeing lately, and the answers you're after.
- When will potions and party bugs be fixed? As soon as arachnophilically possible. Spider's our go-to guy for these fixes, and we've got dibs on his time and talent just as soon as he finishes his current list of Infinity combat updates.
- Can you make X character page badge? Maybe! It depends on what badge/s you'd like to see. Right now, we have 2 in progress. One for the Eclipse Ascent dungeon and the other for the Radiant Goddess of War armor. Let us know on Discord & Twitter what else you'd like to see!
New House Items Incoming!
That's right; we've got two new house item functions on their way this week!
- Guild Only Signpost: Add this to your house to make it Guild only accessible to your guild members.
- Friend Only Signpost: Add this to your house to make it Guild only accessible to other players on your Friends List.
Each of the above cost 0 ACs and can be found in Penny's House Item (Other) shop in /buyhouse.
IN TESTING: the House Visitors +5 Signpost. Goal: to allow you to increase the number of players you can in your house at one time. Again, this item is still in testing and is planned for release (if all goes well) in the future. Price: a non-zero AdventureCoin amount
August 29th || Lost Guardian Blade 2
The Guardians who watch over the tower in Battleon are famous throughout Lore, with a history going back for years upon years. Grizzled veterans tell tales to new recruits of the strongest and bravest among them, filling their heads with dreams of glory and visions of bright blades flashing in the sunlight. Talk to Valencia in the /museum to begin a series of quests to reforge a blade by one of these lost, legendary guardians!
Quests + reward are permanently available.
And don't miss part 1 of our "Treasure Hunt Tutorial" quest line from August 15th, starting with the Shattered Guardian Sword wall item...

August 25, 2023
Anime Parody Sets: Episode 2
Anime x Faction Set Fusion HAAAAA!
This week on AdventureQuest Worlds Z: our Anime Homage continues with two new armor sets inspired by characters from Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Boku no Hero combined with faction themes from our game universe. The gear is available in your Featured Gear Shop until September 15th.
Underworld Magia: Those who show the potential to change the natural order of the world fall to the weakness of their desires, lending their power to the Master of the Underworld.
- Underworld Magia armor + 8 helms
- Underworld Magia's Familiar cape
- Inculpable Underworld Kitty pet (AC + member variants)
- 4 weapons
Scion of Embers: This disgraced pyromancer became the bane and worst fear of their venerated lineage.
- Blue Ember Scion + Scion of Embers armors
- 4 helms
- Shoulder Coat + Flickering Blue Embers capes
- 2 Blue Ember ground runes
- Soul Fire Fists
The Ember Scion Hair + Locks, Flickering Blue Embers cape, and the Blue Ember Ground Rune are permanently available from Nekomimi's Cosplay Shop in /Akiba.
Last Time, In The Anime Shop...
This year's sets were inspired by fan-favorite Trigun and Naruto anime characters combined with faction themes from our game universe.
Star Debris Stampeder: This is the dark garb of someone inhuman, and a Trigun x Darkon's Debris faction parody.
- Star Debris Stampeder
- Galactic Stampeder Hair + Locks
Underworld Psy Operator: Traitor to their own kind. Master puppeteer. Trigun x Undead Legion faction parody.
- Underworld Psy Operator armor
- Psycho Psy Operator Hair + One Eyed Gunslinger Locks
- Cursed Psy Op Gun (single + dual-wield)
Diabolical Lone Wanderer: This Trigun x Diabolical faction parody goes from place to place looking to do good.
- Diabolical Lone Wanderer armor
- Lone Wolf's Wrapped Pack cape
- Merciful Bludgeon mace
Inked Ao Tsuki: Color-customizable Naruto-inspired set.
- Inked Ao Tsuki armor (with tattoos)
- Ao Tsuki armor (no tattoos)
- 6 helms + 3 capes
- Exiled Ninjutsu Tools dagger
- Ao Tsuki Banisher (single + dual-wield)
Find the rare Super Ryoku Charging Up! house item in the Featured Gear House Item Shop in your game menu! The permanently-available Wanted Poster is there, too, and in Obaasan's house item shop in /Akiba.
Don't Miss the Hai Kyuute!! Anime Gear
The last ones standing are the victors. Only the strongest survive. If you want to be the last one standing, become strong. Inspired by super-popular sports anime HaiKyuu!!, otakus everywhere can find sports-themed anime gear from Nekomimi's Anime Fan and Hai Kyuute!! Anime House shops in /Akiba.
Hai Kyuute!! Anime Items:
- Hollowborn Volleyball Jersey armor
- Diabolical Volleyball Jersey armor
- Debris Volleyball Jersey armor
- Crystallis Volleyball Jersey armor
- Wings of Victory + Total Victory capes
- Cloak of Flight and King of the Court capes
- Six helms
- Volleyball Pet
Hai Kyuute!! Anime House Items:
- Bareboru House (with customization room)
- Gym Benches
- Volleyball Basket
- Volleyball Net
- Volleyball Scoreboard
- Crystallis Cheer banner
- Darkon's Debris Cheer banner
- Diabolical Cheer banner
- Hollowborn Cheer banner

August 25, 2023
Voice in the Sea Epilogue
God of the Depths Battle + Termina Temple Expansion
This weekend, adventures await in:
- KathoolDepths: challenge battle vs the God of the Depths (level 80+)
- DeepChaos: new rewards from the original Kathool boss
- TerminaTemple: saga epilogue quests + cutscene
- ExtraCredit: new reward drops + shop items
This Weekend's Daily Login Gifts:
- Server Boost: Double EXP, Gold, Rep, and Class Points boost on all servers
- Saturday: 7 rare Dessert Decal wall items from the Videogame Console in /extracredit
- Sunday: rare pet drop from the Whale Louse in /twilightzone
The Deep One's Challenge and Rewards
Kathool, with its new title as God of the Depths, awaits in the abyss with a new challenge... and rewards to match. You'll need to be at least level 80 to enter the /KathoolDepths battle, but ALL heroes can take on the original Kathool boss in /deepchaos for even more new rewards.
Battle the God of the Depths in /KathoolDepths for a chance to get:
- Kathool Acolyte armor + 2 helms
- MindSmasher Blade*
- Psychic Domination Spear*
- Marine Metamorphosis Claw*
Defeat Kathool in /deepchaos for a chance to get:
- Kathool Acolyte armor
- Purgation Pistol*
- Kathool's Spear Breaker
- Spear of the Deep One
KathoolDepths Merge Shop:
- Adeptus Kathooli armor + 5 helms
- Adeptus Kathooli Fin cape
- Barbarous + Apex MindSmasher Blades*
- Leviathon + Thyllian Dominator Spears*
- Deep SeaBase House
* Single + dual-wield variants of each are available
Voice in the Sea Epilogue
The Voice in the Sea has been silenced, and the dangerous implications for our world cannot be denied any longer. As thunder rumbles across the land, the time has come for YOU to return to Termina Temple for the finale of our Age of Ruin: Voice in the Sea saga!
If you've completed the Dead Sea quest from Tara in the /Seavoice map, you'll automatically unlock the epilogue cutscene when you /join TerminaTemple. Then...
- Talk to Song to access new quests and her potion shop
- Rand will direct you to notable challenge fights and dungeons (like the Kathool Battle or the Eclipse Ascent)
Next week: a new Jukebox loaded with the saga's songs will become available!
Extra Credit Rewards for A+ Heroes!
Log in this weekend and battle to earn extra credit... and all new reward gear as heroes across Lore prepare for their next academic adventures. Battle bullies, smash distractions, and reap the rewards in the /extracredit map!
Battle the following monsters in /extracredit for a chance to get new drops:
- Meanest Girl: Violet Mayhem Streetgear armor + Guava Sip weapons
- Grade A Bully: Impish Purple Tail cape + Purple Paddlepop weapons
- Supply Locker: Violent Violet Gavel mace, Purple Party Pop + Guava Gulp capes, Raw Cookie Dough Blade
ExtraCredit Merge Shop:
- Violet Puffed Coat armor
- Grape Chill Package
- Cookie Blade series: Chewy, Crunchy, Melty, and Gourmet Cookie Blades
Back to School Gear Shop:
- Violet Mayhem Outfit armor
- 11 new weapons
Note: there are a TON of new helms matching the Violet Mayhem armor sets. We'll be adding those in alongside an update to Bev's hair shop in Battleontown next week.

August 18, 2023
New Anime Parody Sets
Anime x Faction Set Fusion HAAAAA!
For trained (martial) artists, the Dragon Koi Faction Fusion attack can merge two themes into a single, superior design. This year's sets were inspired by fan-favorite anime characters combined with faction themes from our game universe. The gear is available in your Featured Gear Shop until September 15th.
Star Debris Stampeder: This is the dark garb of someone inhuman, and a Trigun x Darkon's Debris faction parody.
- Star Debris Stampeder
- Galactic Stampeder Hair + Locks
Underworld Psy Operator: Traitor to their own kind. Master puppeteer. Trigun x Undead Legion faction parody.
- Underworld Psy Operator armor
- Psycho Psy Operator Hair + One Eyed Gunslinger Locks
- Cursed Psy Op Gun (single + dual-wield)
Diabolical Lone Wanderer: This Trigun x Diabolical faction parody goes from place to place looking to do good.
- Diabolical Lone Wanderer armor
- Lone Wolf's Wrapped Pack cape
- Merciful Bludgeon mace
Inked Ao Tsuki: Color-customizable Naruto-inspired set.
- Inked Ao Tsuki armor (with tattoos)
- Ao Tsuki armor (no tattoos)
- 6 helms + 3 capes
- Exiled Ninjutsu Tools dagger
- Ao Tsuki Banisher (single + dual-wield)
New house items: find the rare Super Ryoku Charging Up! house item in the Featured Gear House Item Shop in your game menu! The permanently-available Wanted Poster is there, too, and in Obaasan's house item shop in /Akiba.
Don't Miss the Hai Kyuute!! Anime Gear
The last ones standing are the victors. Only the strongest survive. If you want to be the last one standing, become strong. Inspired by super-popular sports anime HaiKyuu!!, otakus everywhere can find sports-themed anime gear from Nekomimi's Anime Fan and Hai Kyuute!! Anime House shops in /Akiba.
Hai Kyuute!! Anime Items:
- Hollowborn Volleyball Jersey armor
- Diabolical Volleyball Jersey armor
- Debris Volleyball Jersey armor
- Crystallis Volleyball Jersey armor
- Wings of Victory + Total Victory capes
- Cloak of Flight and King of the Court capes
- Six helms
- Volleyball Pet
Hai Kyuute!! Anime House Items:
- Bareboru House (with customization room)
- Gym Benches
- Volleyball Basket
- Volleyball Net
- Volleyball Scoreboard
- Crystallis Cheer banner
- Darkon's Debris Cheer banner
- Diabolical Cheer banner
- Hollowborn Cheer banner

August 18, 2023
Super Slayin' Boss Battle
Battle to Unlock Anime-Inspired Rewards
Tournament Announcer Guy: This week on AdventureQuest Worlds Z: Hero vs the Super Slayin in an EXTREME BOSS BATTLE! Ryuko is back and stronger than ever. He's been charging up for years, just waiting to take you down & take back the Champion title. Defeat him in the /superslayin map and reap the rewards!
New this weekend:
- Super Ryoku boss battle + rewards
- Color-custom Super Ryoku set in the merge shop
- New drops on Ryoku in the /dragonkoiz tournament
- Featured Gear Shop: Anime-inspired rare sets
Daily Gifts and Boosts:
- Server Boost: Double Class Points
- Resource Boost: double Void Aura drops
- Saturday's Gift: rare pet + battlepet drops from the Charidon in /superslayin
- Sunday's Gift: rare single + dual-wield guns from Creature 343 in /garden
Note: Entering the Super Slayin Boss fight requires completion of the Dragon Koi Tournament chapter of the Chaos Lord Kitsune Saga. If you haven't completed it yet, /join dragonkoi to begin!
SuperSlayin Reward Gear
Announcer Guy: You've changed the face of the sport, champ, and you've earned everything coming your way!
Super Ryoku Drops
- Martial Artist's Gi armor
- Master's Gi armor
- Ryoku's Spikes helm
- Super Ryoku Spikes + Morph helms
- Super Ryoklin pet
- Ao Tsuki Kunai (single and dual-wield)
- Super Ryoku House Guest
- K.O. Ryoku House Guest
- Challenger Ryoku House Guest
Charidon Drops
- Charidon House Guard
- Bash and Charidon House Guest (1% 0 AC drop)
Newb Cybot Drops
- Ninja Stealth Mask
Super Slayin Merge Shop
Defeat Super Ryoku, Charidons, and Newb Cybots to collect Dragon Orbs, Fatal Lilies, and Pockey Balls to create the following color-customizable 0 AC items:
- Enchanted Martial Artist's Gi
- Enchanted Master's Gi
- Enchanted Ryoku's Spikes
- Enchanted Super Ryoku Morph
- Enchanted Super Ryoku Spikes
Permanently available items from Nekomimi in /akiba are:
- Super Ryoku's Aura (regular + color customizable)
- Diabolical Lone Wanderer Hair + Locks
- Ao Tsuki Shuriken (single + dual-wield)
New house items: find the rare Super Ryoku Charging Up! house item in the Featured Gear House Item Shop in your game menu! The permanently-available Wanted Poster is there, too, and in Nekomimi's house item shop in /Akiba.
Summer's Hot and so is our AC Bonus
Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership pack until September 5th. Our Fall event lineup is only just beginning, so if you're excited for holiday rares, need more inventory space or just want to instantly unlock a new class to blast through bosses, this is best time to stock up.
We've got a bounty of big events heading your way this Fall: Talk Like a Pirate Day, our 15th Birthday event, this year's final Friday the 13th event, and more.
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

August 15, 2023
Tuesday, August 15th Updates
Ah-Goooose News!
Haaaaay everyone, Yoshino here! With so many players on so many different platforms, the team and I found that our information had become really scattered over the last few years. We began these "round-up" Design Notes posts to make sure everyone has access to all of the same info, no matter which platform you use! Read on to see what changed recently or have been added.
August 15th || New Valencia Hunt!
I heard Valencia in the /Museum map has something new for those who enjoy a l'il hunting. Few weeks ago*, we talked about adding star difficulty and now that has been implemented into Valencia's Museum Hunts.
Reward will be permanently available.
*If you're wondering why the date seems so recent, we've been updating that post with more information on our hunts as time goes on and changing the date as a 'last updated' indication.
Gib badge pls?
Due to popular request, a character page badge for the Voice in the Sea World Boss** has been added!
How to get the character page badge:
- /join seavoice
- Talk to Tara's NPC and click on the "Badge Quest" button. (Requires full storyline progress)
- Complete the Voice in the Sea Badge Quest (requires x1 Algal Bloom) to get your badge!
This quest will only be available until August 28, 2023.
**First character page Badge I created! Maybe more to come for other things?!? :D
A Message from Artix Support!
Anyone who brought the 'Ascended Cosmic Chaos' Ground Rune item when the pricing was 6,000 ACs have been refunded their ACs.
Battle? or Butter On!
Anywhoo, that's all I have in this roundup for today. Hopefully I have something in the works for next month, only time will tell! 👀👀👀

August 11, 2023
Voice in the Sea Finale
Avatar of Water World Boss Battle
In your quest to learn more about your fate, you've fought to save your sanity, exposed the secrets of Queen Victoria and Sea Base Undine, and disrupted a plan to steal Kathool's power. Now, the final battle lies ahead of you. You must stop Neso, the Avatar of Water, from subsuming Lore into the Plane of Water. Survive, and silence the Voice in the Sea... forever!
Log in this weekend and join with ALL the heroes of Lore across all servers as you tame on Neso, the Avatar of Water, in the Voice in the Sea story finale.
This weekend, log in for:
- Age of Ruin Saga: Voice in the Sea Finale
- Featured Rare Gear Shop update
- Bido's Belated Birthday set
This Weekend's Daily Login Gifts:
- Server Boost: Double EXP boost on all servers
- Saturday: rare Elemental Ice Cream Pet (0 AC) and Battle Pet (0 AC member) drop from the Ice Guardian in /twilightzone
- Sunday: rare Miniature Kala pet drops from the boss in /kala
Voice in the Sea VII Reward Gear
We've caught a bounty of new rewards for you! Read on to see what you can unlock, and how, then log in this weekend and head to /seavoice to get your battle on!
- Reward Quest: Glaucus Mystic armor, 2 Helms, pet, Polearm
- World Boss Merge Shop: Midnight Glaucus Sage set, Midnight Glaucus Mystic sets, and more!
Featured Gear Shop Update
Before you dive into battle against this weekend's World Boss, check our the new shop gear. You'll be seeing stars with our Cosmic Genesis Magus and Philospher sets, and don't miss the sea of celestial weapons! Find all the rare and seasonal items in your Featured Gear Shop for AdventureCoins until Friday, September 15th.
Head to the Featured Gear Shop in your Game Menu to find all of the set pieces!
If you're a fan of seeing (real) star, are a night creature, or just have a slight case of insomnia, head outdoor to see:
- Perseid Meteor Shower (northern hemisphere)
- Delta Aquariid meteor shower (southern hemisphere)
Summer's Hot and so is our AC Bonus
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Summer AdventureCoins bonus!
Gear up and get ready for the Finale and Epilogue of our Voice in the Sea Saga, our Ryoku-themed boss battle, new Anime-themed rares, and more!
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
* The Primaris Paladin armor, helms, and accessories arrive next Friday, August 4th, in the Titan Gear merge shops.

August 09, 2023
Wednesday, August 9th Updates
Aaaaaah-Gust News!
Haii everyone, Yoshino here! With so many players on so many different platforms, the team and I found that our information had become really scattered over the last few years. We began these "round-up" Design Notes posts to make sure everyone has access to all of the same info, no matter which platform you use! Read on to see what changed recently.
Recent Changes
The following issues should have been addressed:
- Canadian Flag Staff should no longer turn into the house item banner.
- We've streamlined the J6 storyline now so you won't be resetted back to the start of the storyline when you decide to shoot J6. (Have fun viewing both endings!)
- July Seasonal maps have reopened. They'll be closing at the end of this month.
- This includes: Julyhub, Icestorm, Akibalight, Brightlights, Yokaistarriver
- Don't forget to grab these rare house items before the end of the month
- Lavazard in Augusthub has been eating a lot of items. Our usual seasonal August drop items will now also drop from it.
- MC Runty included! (Wait.. did the Lavazard eat him?!?)
- We've also changed a select few house items (R) versions to be rare as you can now flip house items.
- This applies to: Immortal Crusader's Steed, Marble Merlion Fountain, Merlion Fountain

August 06, 2023
Voice in the Sea Bonus Lore
Extra Details and Information on Our Newest Saga
Join us Friday night for the Voice in the Sea finale! This story of madness & mystery is the first chapter of our Age of Ruin Saga. To celebrate, Cylisse, the new lead writer for AQWorlds, gathered all the behind-the-scenes details she's shared so far into one giant "Loremaster" post! Be aware, spoilers abound!
Want to know more about the in-game lore and real-life references that inspired our newest Saga? Read the full post here.
* Editor's Note: the urge to include a "behind the sea-nes" pun was real... but I fought it off. - Alina

August 04, 2023
Our Summer Bonus Heats Up
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
LoreMaster Maya always teaches heroes to recognize a good deal when they see one! Get 50% more AdventureCoins with any AC or Membership pack while our holiday AC bonus is on. If you're excited about this month's rare gear or next month's Talk Like a Pirate Day events, this is the best time to top up.
Keep an eye on the Design Notes, because we've got a bounty of rare items heading your way this Summer!
- New featured rare gear sets
- August Anime Rares Shop
- Last Call for the Summer 2023 collection chest
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

August 04, 2023
Times to School Your Foes
New Boss Battle and August Seasonal Zones Return
Starting tonight, gear up for a month of new story updates, breaking the rules, wicked rewards, and schooling the fools that threaten your friends, family, and home. Log in now and /join augusthub to find all our August events. Plus, take on this weekend's newest boss in /wentira as our Indonesian Celebration begins, then head back to school in the /extracredit map!
New game release:
- New Indonesian Celebration boss + rewards
- Back to School battles + rewards return in /extracredit
- Featured Gear Shop: Elemental Chronomancer of Wind
- New Upgrade Bonus set: Water Dragon Summoner
Plus, find all our seasonal August events more easily in the new hub town in /augusthub!
This Weekend's Daily Gifts & Boosts:
Server Boost: Double Gold Boost until Monday
Farming Resource Boost: Spirit Orbs & Metals for the Blinding Light of Destiny
Saturday: seasonal Sunflower Claymores drop from the Flowering Bush in /rangda
Sunday: seasonal + rare Were-Crocodile pets drop from the Tuyul in /rangda
Celebrating the Spirit of Indonesia in Nusantara
This weekend, we return to Nusantara, Lore's land of emerald islands and 1,000 temples. The area and adventures are inspired by the real-life country of Indonesia. Each year, members of our team and larger artist community come together to craft new items and adventures to help honor our Indonesian heroes.
Our newest adventure takes place in the royal city of Wentira, a paradise made of gold and only visible to those who deemed worthy. Demonstrate your worth to Prince Agung Palakka; he needs your aid to expel a corrupted former royal guard turned evil magician.
Indonesian Celebration Zones:
- Golden City of Wentira: defeat the Kabasaran Waranei and his boar minions in /wentira to help Prince Agung defend his home.
- Demon Queen Battle: defeat the monsters and boss in /rangda to collect the pieces of the Arjuna, Payas Madras, and Gatotkaca sets.
- Batara Kala Battles: take on Batara Kala to earn Kala Insignias, which can be used to purchase the Kala Helmets and Dalang Sinden armor.*
Wentiran Merge Shop
Complete the farming quest and slay monsters to ollect Wentiran Seals, Broken Tusks, Gold Nuggets, and Ancient Bones. Keep them to craft:
- Pesugihan Boar armor
- 6 Pesugihan Boar helms
- Pesugihan Ritual Instruments dagger
- Kabasaran armor
- Master Kabasaran Headdress
- Master Kabasaran Adornment
- Kabasaran Polearm
- Kabasaran Shielded Sword
- Kabasaran Shielded Polearm
Royan Wentiran Gear
- Kabasaran Soul Ground Rune
- Kabasaran Blazing Skull Pet
- Kabasaran War Dancing Sword Pet
- Kabasaran Manifestation guardian cape
- Kabasaran Morph helm (male + female variants)
- Pesugihan Greed Offering Ground Rune
- Pesugihan Greed Ritual Ground Rune
- Rain of Gold Coins cape
Monster Drops
Pesugihan Boar
- Pesugihan Boar Morph
- Maned Pesugihan Boar
- Feathered Bone Embellishment
- Greedy Pet Boar
- Candle Cane
- Burgle Bag (single + dual-wield)
- Dish of Abundance
Kabasaran Waranei
- Kabasaran Headdress
- Kabasaran Adornment
- Shoulder Barn Owl
- Kabasaran Cape
- Sheathed Kabasaran Sword
- Kabasaran Sword (single + dual-wield)
- Kabasaran Bone Club (single + dual-wield)
- Wentira Abode House
- Dalang Sinden: Requires level 75. Deals 25% more damage to all monsters when equipped.
- Living Kala Helmet: Requires level 75. Gives 30% More XP, Class Points, Gold, and Rep when equipped.
Batara Kala battle tips:
- He is extremely resistant to hard hitting attacks
- He heals for a lot, can you do anything about it?
- The longer you fight him, the hungrier he gets.
- His powerful Club Smash shreds your defenses, be prepared!
We have a vast number of dedicated and passionate Indonesian heroes in our videogame community. To help you celebrate your Independence Day later this month, many of our team members (and players) joined forces to help create this year's event for everyone. As you battle through the event, know that Artix, the AdventureQuest Worlds team, and I wish you and your family peace, joy, and love. At a time when there is so much darkness in our world, we strive to help spread light and happiness to as many people as possible... and hope you'll join us in doing the same.**
* Only one Kala Insignia one can be earned per day, so be sure to collect the full set before the event leaves for the year on September 1st.
** For our Indonesian heroes, read a translated version of the above here, courtesy of AQW mod Attar.
Gear up with extra credit and wicked new reward gear
Log in this weekend and prepare to level up! LoreMaster Maya's offering you bonus training time in the /extracredit map as heroes across Lore prepare for their next academic adventures. Battle bullies, smash distractions, and reap the rewards!
/join extracredit now to:
- Battle the Grade A Bully and Meanest Girl to help your friends focus
- Raid the School Supplies locker to make sure you've got the right tools for school
- Defeat distractions and scoree extra points by beating the Evil Console
- And /slay Dogear for your final exam
Complete Maya's lessons in the seasonal /extracredit map to collect merge resources to make gear that will help you rule the halls and conquer ANY challenges. Plus, find her Back to School shop with items for ACs and gold. (Four candy canes for YOU if you find all our Mean Girls references)
Gear Shop:
- Dramatic Royal armor set
- Academy Casual armor sets
- Regular + color-custom Academy Tracksuit armor sets
- Spring, Summer, Fall Uniform armor sets
Merge Shop:
- Academy Jacket Outfit armor
- Academy Jeans Outfit armor
- Autumn Days armor set
- Academic Attitude armor, Power Puffs + Curls of Power helms
- Ultra Fierce Outfit, Ultra Fierce Locks, Super Cute Hair
- Becky's Hair + Morph helms
- Ben's Hair + Morph helms
Extra Credit Drops:
- Meanest Bully armor
- Burning Book mace
- Dogged Professor Helm
- Bagged Lunch, Number 2 Pencil, Chair Mace, Backpacks
- Winter Uniform armor set
Featured Gear Shop: Singaporean Formal Batik Returns

The set contains:
- Formal Batik armor
- Formal Celebration hairs
- Golden and Orchid Celebration Keyswords
These items will be available for AdventureCoins until September 1st, 2023. Then they'll leave game until next August.

August 04, 2023
Summon the Mythical Water Dragons
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive Water Dragon Summoner sets
Sea Dragons are rumored to be masters of aquatic elemental magic. These ancient, powerful creatures have never been known to interact with the humans of Lore... until now. Unlock all 22 fully color-customizable items in the Water Dragon Summoner upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the new upgrade bonus set to unlock all the gear from the set's badge shop in your Book of Lore. The set includes:
White Water Dragon Summoner (white water detailing)
- Water Dragon Summoner armor
- Crested Summoner's Helmet
- Cetean Summoner's Hood
- Serpentine Shell Horns
- Bright Water Dragon Guardian
- Nacreous Arch + Banners Cape
- Living Water Wings
- Draco Sanguis Blade (single + dual-wield)
- Water Dragon's Fang Reaver (single + dual-wield)
- Aqua Vivae's Edge
Dark Water Dragon Summoner (dark water detailing)
- Dark Water Dragon Summoner armor
- Crested Dark Water Helmet
- Dark Dragon Summoner's Hood
- Dark Water Dragon Guardian
- Dark Water Wings
- Dark Draco Sanguis Blade (single + dual-wield)
- Dark Dragon's Fang Reaver (single + dual-wield)
- Dark Aqua Vivae's Edge
- exclusive character page badge
Once you've chosen the new pack on the Account Manager page, log in and open your Book of Lore. You'll find the badge shop in the Other Achievements tab.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge