Design Notes
March 31, 2023
PvP Puzzle Game Imported to AQW
Play AS a Pony in NeighQWorlds: Pony vs Derp
Calling all foal villains and rodeo heroes: we herd you want MARE PONIES? If you're a fan of the original Ponies vs Ponies game we released back in 2012, you're going to LOVE this weekend! We've imported the puzzles, the ponies, and all the smol-lest pets... and added the ability for you to play AS a Pony! No joke O_O!!!
Log in now to play NeighQuest Worlds: Pony Vs Derp!
- /Join MagicMeaderp and talk to Neighbeleen
- Gallop through the zone as a pony and encounter super-cute creatures
- Play the AQWorlds version of the Pony vs Pony puzzle game with derp'd pets
- Defeat the DerpNightMare to unlock its secret
- Complete quests to earn tickets to create SUPER CUTE gear
Right now, you can /join magicmeaderp to play through the holiday version of the event + collection the seasonal rare gear.
Once this month is over ends, the derp creatures will revert to their normal adorable selves in the /magicmeadow map. But this time NEXT YEAR, they'll change back to their a-derp-able variants.

March 31, 2023
April Fools 2023 Rare Gear O_O
OMG MLP! My Little Pirate Commander Gear is Here
This is no joke. To celebrate the release of Beleen's BEST event yet, NeighQuest Worlds: Pony vs Derp... we combined a fan favorite armor set with... PONIES! This weekend, head to the Featured Gear Shop in your game menu to get the Dashing Pirate Commander and Magical Pirate Commander sets!
These are the first two of four My Little Pirate Commander set. The Pretty Pinkie Pirate Captain and Gentle Pirate Captain are on their way soon!
Spring AdventureCoin Boost FINAL WEEKEND
Your luck is in! To help you celebrate and make the most of all our Spring holiday events, get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy through Tuesday, April 4th.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Spring Bonus is on!
During our 2023 Spring AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each AdventureCoin or Membership pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

March 28, 2023
Friday's Game Release Written by Beleen
I wrote the April Fools Day event, and that’s no joke!
Howdy frens! April Fools Day is only a few days away, and, unless the AQW team has been sneaking spoilers on Twitter, this year’s event is going to make even the neigh-sayers laugh! This is the 3rd release written by yours truly and incorporates 3 of my most favorite things in the world. Sure, there’s going to be a little bit of pink involved – that’s obvious – however, that’s not the mane point of the event; you’ll soon find out everything straight from the horse’s mouth, I promise you. But you won’t have to wait furlong since the April Fools event is launching this Friday, March 31st!
It's not what you think. Promise!
Fun Fact!
Did you know April Fools Day originated in France in like the 16th century? Back then, the New Year was celebrated at the end of March, so when the Gregorian calendar was introduced, the New Year was moved to January 1st. Yet some people still celebrated the New Year in late March, and this was seen as foolish by the new new-year adopters. Thus, the tradition of playing pranks and jokes on April 1st was born, and AQWorlds has been celebrating April Fools Day every year since 2009 🤗
DID YA KNOW our 1st April 1st event was when Zorbak redrew Battleon with the Mystic Pencil of Endless Scribbles? It seemed sorta sketchy at first, but then again, that was the (pencil) point… *audible groans* Tehehe! That was one of my favorite and most memorable releases ever, so I sincerely hope my new April Fools event stirrups as much fun as Zorbak did 14 years ago!
Needless to say, I canter wait <3
~ Beleen

March 27, 2023
Now Available: Slayer's Scavenger Hunt
Log in and fight to complete today's new Scavenger Hunt
Log in now and battle the Frogzard in /battleontown to get the Slayer's Scavenger Hunt clue. Decipher the hint to figure out which monster drops today's two rare 0 AC weapons. The clue + monster drops will be available through April 10th.
To make sure everyone can easily find the clue itself, it drops off the Frogzard in /battleontown.
- Read + decipher the clue to figure out where the rewards are.
- Head to the monster you THINK has the new 0 AC rare drops and battle for a chance to get them
- The clue + 0 AC rare rewards will drop through April 10th.
Check out last week's Shadowy Scavenger Hunt in this post. Its clue + reward drop will be available until March 27th.
Scavenger Hunt? What is this?
Recently, we've been making some changes to the daily login gift lineup based on your feedback. This month, we're trying out some different ideas... like the new weekly scavenger hunts we've released recently.
The second one ended last night, and our third one will be available until next Tuesday. The fourth hunt begins NOW as we prepare for this weekend completely normal Friday release!
Note: You don't need to have the clue in your inventory or bank in order to get the reward drop from the monster. If you learn where it is from a friend, a video, or the wiki, that's also fine! Getting the clue just adds to the fun of the hunt for those who want the mental challenge.

March 27, 2023
Monday, March 27th Updates
News, News, News! Come hear all about it!
Haii Everyone! With so many players on so many different platforms, the team and I found that our information had become really scattered over the last few years. Last month, we began these "round-up" Design Notes posts to make sure everyone has access to all of the same info, no matter which platform you use! Read on to see what changed recently.
Recent Bug Fixes
The following issues should have been addressed with today's restart:
- Quests requiring Tendurrr The Assistant as a turn in requirement has been adjusted to just require owning him instead.
- Assisting Oblivion Blade, Assisting Crag and Bamboozle, Assisting Drudgen, The Game of Gemstones, Nulgath's Messenger, Kiss the Void
- Hollowborn Reaper's Scythe - Now requires Death's Scythe instead of Incarnation of Glitches Scythe.
- Hollowborn Reaper's Daggers - No longer requires Incarnation of Glitches Scythe to merge.
- Hollowborn Reaper's Karma - No longer requires Incarnation of Glitches Scythe to merge.
- Hollowborn Reaper's Karmas - No longer requires Incarnation of Glitches Scythe to merge.
The First Speaker Updates
The First Speaker is hard. Like, really hard. We’re listening and have heard your praises, complaints, strategizing, and victories. This level of difficulty will remain a one-off, and future bosses won’t be at this level for a very long time. A multi-year saga ending boss that shows that you’ve really conquered the game.
We spend a lot of time with these bosses in development. Testing different solutions, approaches, and thinking about how different types of players would approach them. Here’s a quick glimpse into some of the questions we try to answer when putting together these fights:
These questions must be positive before a boss can release. We work with many limitations, like system performance and lag, and we do think about them- such as making all bosses have static rotations and allowing at least two seconds to respond to most important mechanics.
- Can you beat it in a party of f2p friendly classes?
- Is the boss unengaging, uninteractive, or unfun?
These questions have strong determinants on difficulty and are generally answered positively before release.
- Can you beat it in a party of 3?
- Are there at least 4 unique class combinations that can beat it?
- Is the difficulty due to execution, gearing, or both?
- Is it possible to beat in a public party? (only ingame chat, people you haven’t played with before)
- Can you beat it without potions or boost weapons?
But sometimes, things still go unseen. Over the weekend, several new tactics and solutions were discovered using unintended interactions that made the fight easier than intended. Because many of you really enjoyed the level of difficulty and accomplishment that came with this, we’ve decided to address those by keeping the boss difficult (but speeding it up a bit), without affecting how most strategies work. As well, we’ve made the rewards faster to obtain and stronger.
The First Speaker boss updated:
- The First Speaker will return to position upon Power Split
- Healing reduced by 25%
- Scintillation defense buff reduced (100% -> 75%)
- Magia Burn magic vulnerability per stack increase (100 -> 300%), duration increased (16 -> 18)
- Sanctity duration reduced, and Equalizer will kill you if you have it and are hit
These changes make the fight faster, and prevent a few unintended interactions. It won’t affect most strategies outside of speeding up the fight.
Vohu's reward shop prices changed:
- Goddess of War damage bonuses increased (40% -> 50%)*
- Goddess of War no longer requires Insignia (5 -> 0), but now requires additional components
- War Blade of Power, Speed, Strength, Wisdom, and Courage Insignia price reduced (10 -> 7), but now requires additional components
- Malgor ShadowFlame Blade Insignia cost reduced (25 -> 20)
*Further update: Based on feedback, the merged armor will remain 40% to races, and instead, a quest will become available later this week to upgrade it to 50% and more rep and class rep boost.
These changes make the rewards stronger and require less boss kills to obtain, while increasing farming time spent outside the boss in return for the power.
Bugs Note from Cemaros
While optimizing inventory flow, there was an error resulting in the buyback shop in the Account manager not showing some items. This issue has now been resolved.

March 24, 2023
Spring 2023 AdventureCoin Bonus
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
Your luck is in! To help you celebrate and make the most of all our Spring holiday events, get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy through Tuesday, April 4th.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Spring Bonus is on!
During our 2023 Spring AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each AdventureCoin or Membership pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

March 24, 2023
New Featured Rare Sets
Available for a Limited Time!
Axeros, longtime AQWorlds artist, crafted several sets to help you celebrate his birthday and the end of the ShadowFlame Saga! Find the Scarlet Flame Sorcerer, Orochi Bladecaster sets, and more in your Featured Gear Shop in the game menu for AdventureCoins until April 21st.
Axeros, longtime AQWorlds artist, crafted several sets to help you celebrate his birthday and the end of the ShadowFlame Saga! Find his new sets in the Featured Gear Shop in your game meu now:
- Orochi BladeMaster armor
- Orochi BladeMaster helms
- 4 Serpent Guardian capes
- Sheathed Orochi Wazikashi cape
- 6 Orochi BladeMaster helms
- 9 Orochi BladeMaster weapons
- Scarlet Flame Sorcerer armor
- 6 Scarlet Flame Sorcerer helms
- 3 Scarlet Flame Sorcerer capes
- Scarlet Flame Guardian pet
- 2 Scarlet Flame swords
- 4 Scarlet Flame daggers
- 1 Scarlet Flame wand
- 1 Scarlet Flame staff
- Mage of Time's Rune ground item

March 24, 2023
ShadowFlame Ultra Boss
Battle the First Speaker This Weekend
With the Shadows of War Saga complete, there was only one thing left for the team, and your Hero, to do... take down the ULTRA BOSS! This weekend, login and /join ultraspeaker to battle the enemy you know best: Malgor, your strongest servant, the First Speaker! Defeat the First Speaker each week to gain 5 Insignia*, which can be used to create a variety of strong items, and a new enhancement trait.
Log in tonight for:
- First Speaker Ultra Boss battle in /ultraspeaker
- Malgor Insignia Rewards: Goddess of War set + Dauntless Enhancement
- Talk to Inevitabilis in /timeinn and complete her quests to unlock the four Hero of Time sets
- New Weapon Enhancements: Praxis and Dauntless
- Undead Painsaw set in the Dark Birthday Merge shop
- Undead Legion exclusive gear: Legion Inn house, house guard, and Dage's Devastation Paragon Helm
- Featured Rare Sets + House Items: Scarlet Flame Sorcerer + Orochi BladeMaster
- New functionality for Guild Leaders in the account site: manage your offline guild members
- Pax East 2023 axe available from Valencia in /museum... if you know the secret code!
The First Speaker battle tips
- The First Speaker’s autoattack reduces your damage and defense over time. You can cleanse this by taking the Equalizer attack, but if you and your team get greedy, it could result in your loss!
- Every time The First Speaker uses Equalizer, he heals a large amount. Be prepared to counteract this, or your fight could drag on forever.
- Two of The First Speaker’s abilities are devastatingly powerful or debilitating to your team. Be ready to taunt them to minimize their impact.
The full breakdown and boss abilities can be found on the wiki here.
First Speaker Merge Shop Rewards
Goddess of War set: Fight the boss to collect Insignia and obtain the Goddess of War set, featuring damage boosted weapons of every race, and an armor that increases your damage to all races by 40%!
Dauntless Enhancement: Create a new enhancement trait in /forge using your new insignia and resources!
Dauntless/ Weapon Enhancement
- 100% chance to activate on second skill
- 3 second cooldown
- Deals 220 - 660% Physical Damage, increasing the lower your health is, always hits and crits
- Heals you based on how much damage you did and applies Dauntless for 12 seconds, increasing your Crit Chance by 15%, Haste by 25%, and decreasing mana cost by 50%. Also applies Decay, Cannot Heal for 6 seconds.
DIFFICULTY WARNING: This is a very difficult fight that requires careful coordination and planning. Come prepared to practice the fight, and you will eventually succeed!
New Mid-Level Weapon Forge Enhancement Trait
Need a hand on your journey? We've got your back! If you're level 60 or higher, you can join /forge to create Praxis, a weapon enhancement focused around parrying your opponent and dealing increasing damage as the fight goes on. Note: This enhancement trait may change in the future based on player and team feedback.
Praxis / Weapon Enhancement
- 100% chance to activate on second skill
- 12 second cooldown
- Deals 250% Hybrid Damage
- Applies Spinning Dragon to the target for 1 second, reducing the next hit they do to 0, and Praxis for 32 seconds, reducing dodge by 30%. Deals +100% damage on each successive hit to the same target.
The list of all enhancement traits can be found here.
*Weekly quests reset every Friday at 12:01 AM EST. If you complete a weekly quest on a Thursday, it will be available again on Friday!
Dage's Dark Birthday Update
Head to Dage's /darkbirthday map this weekend to find even MORE wicked new gear to unlock.
Dage's Dark Birthday Merge:
- Mortal Underworld Painsaw Man armor
- Underworld Painsaw Man armor
- 2 Underworld Painsaw helms
- 1 Underworld Painsaw cape
- 2 Underworld Painsaw Gauntlets
- Dage's Devastation Paragon Helm
The Undead Painsaw set is available for ALL heroes, and Dage's Devastation Paragon helm is an Undead Legion exclusive, requiring Legion Tokens.
Undead Legion Merge Shop:
- Legion Inn House
- Dage the Lich King House Guard
New Guild Management Tool
Good news, Guild Leaders! Available now: Captain Rhubarb added added new guild management functionality for you in the Account Manager! You can promote, demote, and kick members that are offline.
Guild leaders, take note: you'll need to log out and back in if you want to see the updated information on a given server. If your guild members are online, on other servers, they will also need to log out and back in to get the most up-to-date information.
Class Changes for March 23, 2023
Read on to stay up to date with the latest news about what we've updated and what's been fixed for AdventureQuest Worlds classes + combat.
- Necromancer, Pinkomancer, and Grim Necro second and fifth skill switched
- StoneCrusher and Infinity Titan fourth skill defensive auras duration increased to 8 seconds
Bug Fixes
- Dragon of Time, Mindbreaker, and Psionic Mindbreaker’s healing mechanic fixed
- Several recently broken boss skills fixed
- Elysium damage on the Enhancement Traits page fixed.
- This was a typo, and there are no changes to the enhancement in-game.
Find the full post (with past updates) here.
April Calendar of Events
It's no joke... I herd you wanted some Good events? We'll stop stallion and get you mare of what you asked for! Check out the April 2023 event calendar to see our upcoming game releases. Daily Login Gift updates to be added soon.
Note: the March calendar previously listed an update to the Wheel of Doom for tonight. The set intended for that release was moved to April 7th, and will be a reward set instead.

March 22, 2023
Midweek Update Medley
Bits, Bites, and Bytes of News for You
Hello all, and happy Wednesday! As we near the end of the month, we've got a melange of things you may be interested in and/or need to know about before we move into April. Read on for news, and then come back tomorrow for the April release calendar!
Upcoming Gear Sneak Peek
We've got some great gear heading your way. Check out previews below:
- New farmable Underworld Painsaw set arrives this week from Lae
- Tagai's very Good Mage and Rogue of Swordhaven
- Hikari's new Necromancer will teach you the meaning of pain
- Lae's dark new Druids will arrive in the near future
AQWorlds Moderator Call Update
Sora to Hoshi, the lead AQWorlds moderator, just sent the final list of candidates she wants for Wave 3. We're hoping to get emails out to that group soon.
She writes: Thanks to everyone who got the Mod Note in their inventory for being so patient with the gap between wave 2 and 3. With the holidays, the new year, and just STUFF it got pushed back farther than I wanted. Thanks for being patient.
AQW:Infinity + Artix On the Way to PAX East
From Artix in the latest AQW:Infinity Design Notes post: Here is your latest progress report. First up... I posted a video with both AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity and the existing web on YouTube for you.
Since the video was posted, we have replaced the backgrounds with the new higher quality one and added leaf particles and sun rays. It looks absolutely beautiful. With all of these characters on the screen, it still scrolls smoothly at 60 FPS on my iPhone.
Special Convention Item... for everyone?
We are building a special convention item. But we do not want anyone to miss out. So we are creating a code that can be shared. Anyone who gets the code from us at the convention can share it online for anyone who could not make it.
Who from the team will be there?
This is our very first PAX experience! Our current roster includes Dage, Zhoom, Jongaar, Despair, & Artix. If you want anything signed, a selfie, or just want to say hi we are looking forward to meeting you.
Ramadan Mubarak Wishes+ Player Request
To all our heroes celebrating Ramadan: the entire AE team and I hope the holiday brings you and your family health, happiness, and peace. For this year, and all the years to come, may you find prosperity and joy in all you do. Ramadan Mubarak!
إلى جميع أبطالنا الذين يحتفلون بشهر رمضان: فريق AE بأكمله وآمل أن يجلب لك العيد لك ولعائلتك الصحة والسعادة والسلام. لهذا العام وكل السنوات القادمة ، قد تجد الرخاء والسعادة في كل ما تفعله. رمضان مبارك!
Once again, many thanks to the very talented Yunashimi, an AQWorlds Hero and guest contributor, for creating this beautiful graphic. It captures the mood and feel of the holiday perfectly.
Player Requests + How an Idea Evolves
Over the years, we've received countless requests from players and team members alike to add in more "real world" items, your in-game hero can reflect who you are offline. A player on Twitter today asked if the hijab in the image above was available in-game, we thought: "No, but it could be!"
Gathering feedback on the idea, I found:
- The leads loved the idea of giving players the option to wear an item that matters so much to them
- One of our Muslim testers really liked the idea, but was concerned because of a real-world situation happening in Iran where women are fighting for the choice not to wear headcoverings
- Several players on Discord expressed concern about releasing religious-based content / focusing on just one religion / making players feel forced to farm for a drop related to a religion they don't practice
In many other games, hairstyle selections include cultural headgear as an option. This feels like the right way for us to go, too.We are already working on adding more diverse hairs to Bev's Battleon Hair Shop in the near future.
Expanding on that plan by adding headcovering options from different cultures and groups makes the most sense, and gives to most flexibility and freedom of choice.
* Today, I was asked why I make an extra effort to post good wishes for Ramadan/Eid on social media. When I was young, I saw some of my Muslim neighbors experience hatred + abuse. The impact it had on them stayed with me ever since. Sending messages like this is a (small) way I can help people feel welcome.
Badger Byte #9846: NPC Friendship Timer Reminder
The NPC Friendship system uses our standard "clock resets at midnight" just like all the daily quests. (Originally, it used a true 24 hour clock, and reset 24 hours after your last interaction. This was very confusing to players, so we changed it.)

March 21, 2023
Now Available: Shadowy Scavenger Hunt
Log in and fight to complete today's new Scavenger Hunt
Recently, we've been making some changes to the daily login gift lineup based on your feedback. This month, we're trying out some different ideas. One of them is a weekly scavenger hunt; the first one ended last night, and our second one will be available until next Tuesday. The third hunt begins NOW as we race towards a new Ultra Boss battle this weekend!
To make sure everyone can easily find the clue itself, it drops off the Frogzard in /battleontown.
- Read + decipher the clue to figure out where the rewards are.
- Head to the monster you THINK has the new 0 AC rare drop and battle for a chance to get it
- The clue + 0 AC rare rewards will drop through April 3rd.
Check out last week's Lucky Scavenger Hunt in this post. Its clue + reward drop will be available until March 27th.
Note: you don't need to have the clue in your inventory or bank in order to get the reward drop from the monster. If you learn where it is from a friend, a video, or the wiki, that's also fine! Getting the clue just adds to the fun of the hunt for those who want the mental challenge.

March 20, 2023
Monday, March 20th Updates
New News and Updates Round-up
With so many players on so many different platforms, the team and I found that our information had become really scattered over the last few years. Last month, we began these "round-up" Design Notes posts make sure everyone has access to all of the same info, no matter which platform you use. Read on to get all the latest news on updates, fixes, and sneak peeks.
Recent Bug Fixes
The following issues should have been resolved with last week's update:
- The stray red pixel on Dage's Devastation armor was fixed.
- Dage's requested weapon upsizing was released.
- The missing UW3017 Shield armor is now available in the Dage's Dark Birthday Shop.
- If you were unable to continue the /siegefortress map, that was taken care of very early last week.
Upcoming Gear Sneak Peek
We've got some great gear heading your way. Check out previews below:
- Aranx's Good new gear
- Hikari's new Necromancer is gonna school you in the arts of the undead
- Check out Despera's fairy-ly gorgeous Spring set concept art
- Dino's puns are top notch... and so are these joke helms.
- Kartos si Botax has a lato-lato pain heading your way with these new animated weapons.
- Mariartix! gonna make you /dance: new collab for Cinco de Mayo from Lae & Dino.
- Mihuri's Chancla weapons are a shoe-in for an April release date!
Dark Scavenger Hunt Leaves Tonight
The Frogzard in /battleontown drops the clue to the Dark Scavenger Hunt reward location until 11:59 PM EST tonight. Use the clue to figure out which monster drops a rare 0 AC daily login gift. (The item also goes rare tonight.)
Each Scavenger Hunt runs for 2 weeks. The Lucky Scavenger Hunt ends next week, and a brand-new Scavenger Hunt begins tomorrow.
Missing Pet Added
The Original Bean Twilly pet now drops from the Treasure Pile in the /yulgarparty map! (h/t to AQW player Darches on Reddit for reminding me this had not been added.)
Badger Byte #02865: Book of Lore Badges
Your Book of Lore houses MANY badges, but not all of them are under "Other Badges". Please look in your "Achievement Badges" for badges related to completing in-game objectives.
An EGG-cellent Spring Update: Bird Pets
Did you know... May 4th has been a holiday to celebrate our feather-y friends since 1892! Yesterday, a few players on Discord introduced me to the majesty of the Kiwi bird. AQW will add in a flock of new bird pets this Spring. What other birds should we add?
Image courtesy of Smithsonian National Zoo
AQW:Infinity + Artix Goes to PAX East
From Artix: Anyone going to PAX: East this week? Artix and the AE team will be running a booth there. Find all the info here: We will also have a new convention item.
In case you missed it: Pisces' Song Set
we added the first set in a new reward series based on Western astrology. As the year cycles through the zodiac signs, we'll release a new set matching its theme. This month: Pisces Song! Get more details + lore in the Design Notes.
Not Released, But Not Forgotten...
Last month, I received another request for more inclusive hairs, since we have only a small selection of them. This is still on the schedule! The assigned artist is currently working on a farming set for early April, but then will get cutting on this project.
Good Intention... of DOOM
Over the weekend, I saw a tweet asking about being able not being able to get a Dual Wield version of the NSoD (IoDA) from the /nostalgiaquest map. My normal response for issues like this is that we'll take a look, investigate, and see what we can do. The request sounded like a reasonable one that many players would enjoy.
After seeing many responses that were pretty upset, I realized that I replied before fully investigating the details of this item. I assumed it was an issue with the removal of the Dual Wield shop from nostalgiaquest, which we may have been able to address. That is not what was being requested, though.
To help clear things up and avoid any more confusion or concern...
- No changes are planned, and a dual-wield version of the NSoD (IoDA) is not on the schedule.
- Our intent from the beginning was that an IoDA variant wouldn't give you access to the badge or other extras the original item unlocked.
- The dual-wield shop was removed due to several issues with the shop. Though the merge shop glitch is fixed, having AC items in the shop caused additional issues. Also, multiple copies of similiar items caused more frustration. At this time, there are no plans to return it.

March 17, 2023
2023 Dark Birthday Collection Chest
Dage's Devastation Birthday Gear is HERE
Celebrate darkness, destruction, and Dage the Evil's birthday this weekend! Last week, we released part 1 of Dage's 2023 birthday event and collection; this week, we've added even MORE gear for all you wicked heroes and epic evil-doers. Featuring the Legion Devastator armor set created by Dage the Evil, the full collection includes over 135 event rare items: 13 armors, battle accessories, a quest pet, and a rare exclusive character page badge for 10,000 ACs! (50,000 ACs worth of gear)
There are two ways to get the gear:
- Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs and unlock over 50,000 ACs worth of gear
- Check the Dark Birthday shop shop in your game menu to buy individual items from the collection
The collection includes:
- Dage's Devastation 2023 Collection Chest (unlocks the full collection shop)
- Proto Dark Caster set
- Proto Dark Caster ground rune
- Proto Legion Dark Caster armor*
- Undead Adept set
- Bestial Warlord of the Underworld
- Cyber Paragon set
- Floating Underworld Reaper cape
- Floating Underworld Judge cape
- Floating Evolved Paragon cape
- Dage the Evil's Legion Devastator set
- OverSoul DoomKnight set*
- Legion War Wraith (regular + shielded armor variants)
- Paragon Juggernaut set
- Legion Evocator set**
- Eternal Dark Spirit Flame cape
- Eternal Underworld Flame cape
- ShadowScythe Rune ground item
- Legionarius' Blades ground item
- Underworld Ritual Circle ground item
- Legion Warlord's Dragonblade pet
- Underworld Dragon pet + Bank pet
- Devastation Paragon pet
- Dage's Annihilator Paragon pet
- Dage's Annihilator Quest pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)
* Armor is also available for Legion Tokens in the Future War merge shop
** Set includes regular + inverse gender armor variants
*** This set was originally drawn by Dage the Evil many years ago but never redone as a game file. The art was translated by AQW team artist, Dominik this year!
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive Dage's Devastation Collection Chest pet itself, all of the gear contained inside the Collection Chest will also be available individually in his Birthday Shop.

March 17, 2023
Dage & Gravelyn vs the Light
Dage's Dark Birthday 2023 Event continues this weekend!
Log in this weekend as we continue celebrating Dage the Evil's birthday with Part 2 of our "The Curse & The Blessing" story! The battle between the Shadowscythe and the Legion was interrupted by the machinations of an unknown Light Elemental. Now, you must battle once again as young Empress Gravelyn as she and Dage form a temporary alliance to rend the Light. O_O
Progression note: this is a continuation of the Nulgath 2023 Birthday Storyline, so make sure you've completed the quests in /templedelve first, then last week's update in /siegefortress.
New Dark Rewards
All month long, we'll be releasing new Legion and Underworld-themed reward sets for you to collect. All players can complete this weekend's release to unlock the Undead Parabellum, Underworld Infiltrator, and Young Empress Gravelyn gear!
Monster drops:
- Standing Skeleton Prisoner Floor item
- Kneeling Skeleton Prisoner Floor item
- Reading Skeleton Floor item
- Underworld Infiltrator Shurikens (single + dual wield)
- Underworld Infiltrator Fractal Ground Rune (1% boss drop)
Fortress Delve Merge Shop:
- Undead Parabellum armor
- 3 Undead Parabellum helms
- 4 Undead Parabellum capes
- Undead Parabellum Gauntlet (single + dual wield)
- Undead Parabellum Sword and Shield
- Undead Parabellum Hammer
- Undead Parabellum Blades
- Undead Parabellum Blade
- Underworld Infiltrator armor
- 2 Underworld Infiltrator helms
- Underworld Infiltrator Blade (single + dual wield)
- Young Empress' armor + blade
Undead Legion Gear
Available in the Undead Legion merge shop
- Underworld Parabellum armor
- 3 Underworld Parabellum helms
- 4 Underworld Parabellum capes
- Underworld Parabellum Gauntlet (single + dual wield)
- Underworld Parabellum Sword and Shield
- Underworld Parabellum Hammer
- Underworld Parabellum Blades
- Underworld Parabellum Blade
Available in the Dark Birthday merge shop
- Proto Legion Dark Caster armor
- 2 Proto Legion Dark Caster helms
- Proto Legion Dark Caster Ancient Rune
- Proto Legion Dark Caster Focus Rune
The Proto Legion Dark Caster merge shop gear will go rare next month when the Dage's Devastation Birthday Collection leaves.
Undead Legion Exclusive items coming next week:
- Legion Yulgar's Inn house
- Dage the Lich King house guard (with animation that stares into your soul)
- Dage's Devastation Paragon helm (the same as the one the 2023 Paragon pet wears)
If you're not a member of the Undead Legion, never fear! You, too, can sell your soul to Dage the Evil and become a part of his immortal army.
Happy Lucky Day, Heroes!
Are you feelin' LUCKY today, heroes? You're going to need it if you want to our new Lucky Day armor set. Battle the Pot o' Gold in the /luck map to collect all the pieces of the 0 AC Jackpot Winner armor, helm, and house guards!

March 13, 2023
Now Available: Lucky Scavenger Hunt
Log in and fight to complete today's new Scavenger Hunt
Recently, we've been making some changes to the daily login gift lineup based on your feedback. This month, we're trying out some different ideas. One of them is a weekly scavenger hunt; the first one began last week, and our second one begins NOW as we prepare to celebrate the most RNG-iest holiday of them all... Lucky Day!
To make sure everyone can easily find the clue itself, it drops off the Frogzard in /battleontown.
- Read + decipher the clue to figure out where the rewards are.
- Head to the monster you THINK has the 10 new rare drops and battle for a chance to get them
- The clue + 0 AC rare rewards will drop through March 27th
Check out last week's Dark Scavenger Hunt in this post. Its clue + reward drop will be available until March 20th.
Note: you don't need to have the clue in your inventory or bank in order to get the reward drop from the monster. If you learn where it is from a friend, a video, or the wiki, that's also fine! Getting the clue just adds to the fun of the hunt for those who want the mental challenge.

March 13, 2023
New Set Series: Zodiac Heroes
In case you missed it last week...
In addition to all of the Dage's Birthday event quests + rewards that came out last week, we also added the first in of a new monthly farming reward series based on the sun signs of Western astrology: the Zodiac Heroes! We'll release a new set to match each of the astrological signs as the year cycles through them. This month, we're bringing you... the Pisces Song set featuring the silver and golden Pisces Maestro gear!
Talk to Kylokos the Astromancer, in the Arcangrove Observatory tower. Complete her quest to collect Star Shards; in return, she'll gift you pieces of the Pisces' Song set, available until March 20th!
Complete her quest to choose individual pieces of the set:
- Golden Pisces Maestro
- Golden Pisces Hair
- Golden Pisces Locks
- Golden Pisces Feathered Hair
- Golden Pisces Feathered Locks
- Golden Pisces Cradle Wings
- Golden Pisces Fae Wings
- Golden Pisces Lyre
- Golden Pisces Misty Aura
- Silver Pisces Maestro
- Silver Pisces Feathered Hair
- Silver Pisces Feathered Locks
- Silver Pisces Cradle Wings
- Silver Pisces Fae Wings
- Silver Pisces Lyre
Our set release dates will match as closely as possible to the date ranges of the Zodiac signs listed below. Next constellation set: Aries the Bull!
Lore's Astromancers + Western Astrology
On Lore, Astromancers channel their magic through the power of the stars, their movements, and their affinities. They draw in power through the ley lines that surround the planet, then "hook in" to the magic of other planets surrounds ours. To make the most of their power, then, it makes sense that Astromancers on Lore would be adept in the use of both astronomy and astrology*.
Astronomy is the study of the positions, motions, and properties of the stars.
Astrology is the study of how those positions, motions, and properties affect people** and events on Earth (and Lore)
The western zodiac is divided into 12 signs, with each corresponding to a section of the sky in the path of the sun as it moves across the "celestial sphere" over the course of the year. Each section roughly corresponds with a constellation it contains.
A person's sign is determined by the position of the sun in the sky (/ which zodiac section it is in) at the moment of their birth. Because the sun occupies each section of the zodiac for about a month, the signs are also known as sun signs.
Aquarius | January 20 - February 18 |
Pisces | February 19 - March 20 |
Aries | March 21 - April 19 |
Taurus | April 20 - May 20 |
Gemini | May 21 - June 20 |
Cancer | June 21 - July 22 |
Leo | July 23 - August 22 |
Virgo | August 23 - September 22 |
Libra | September 23 - October 22 |
Scorpio | October 23 - November 21 |
Sagittarius | November 22 - December 21 |
Capricorn | December 22- January 19 |
The zodiac has been used, in one form or another, back to the 1st century BC. From the Romans to today, people throughout history have been fascinated by the idea that the stars can guide our destinies, and even influence our personalities.
* I knew some of this but WOW, I learned a lot while researching this idea. All the above info on the zodiac is courtesy of Wikipedia.
** It is said a person's sun sign can influence their intelligence, personality, temperament, and character traits.

March 10, 2023
2023 Dark Birthday Collection Chest
Dage's Devastation Birthday Gear is HERE
Celebrate darkness, destruction, and Dage the Evil's birthday this weekend! Last week, Dage's seasonal birthday event returned; this week, we've got a whole new collection of gear for 2023 featuring the Legion Devastator armor set created by Dage the Evil! Unlock over 120 event rare items: 11 armors, battle accessories, a quest pet, and a rare exclusive character page badge for 10,000 ACs! (45,000 ACs worth of gear)
There are two ways to get the gear:
- Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs and unlock over 45,000 ACs worth of gear
- Check the Dark Birthday shop shop in your game menu to buy individual items from the collection
This week:
- Dage's Devastation 2023 Collection Chest (unlocks the full collection shop)
- Dage the Evil's Legion Devastator set
- OverSoul DoomKnight set*
- Legion War Wraith (regular + shielded armor variants)
- Paragon Juggernaut set
- Legion Evocator set**
- Eternal Dark Spirit Flame cape
- Eternal Underworld Flame cape
- ShadowScythe Rune ground item
- Legionarius' Blades ground item
- Underworld Ritual Circle ground item
- Legion Warlord's Dragonblade pet
- Underworld Dragon pet + Bank pet
- Devastation Paragon pet
- Dage's Annihilator Paragon pet
- Dage's Annihilator Quest pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)
- And more!
Dage's 2023 Dark Birthday Rares Shop and the Dage's Devastation Collection will be updated next week, too, with even more gear! The full collection includes over 120 items, plus a character page badge and the Collection Chest pet! If you buy the chest this week, you'll automatically receive the new items with the next release.
* Set includes regular + inverse gender armor variants
** This set was originally drawn by Dage the Evil many years ago but never redone as a game file. The art was translated by AQW team artist, Dominik this year!
Coming to the Collection and Birthday Rares Shop next week:
- Proto Dark Caster set
- Undead Adept set
- Bestial Warlord of the Underworld
- Floating Underworld Reaper cape
- Floating Underworld Judge cape
- Floating Evolved Paragon cape
- and more!
Proto Dark Caster set
Years ago, Dage the Evil created a wicked Dark Caster armor. Sadly, the file was lost... until AQW guest artist, Alvaro surprised us by recreating the files. Dage gave his blessing for the set to release in this year's Birthday collection chest!
Undead Adept set
Pieces of the Undead Adept set will also be available for Legion Tokens.
Bestial Warlord
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive Dage's Devastation Collection Chest pet itself, all of the gear contained inside the Collection Chest will also be available individually in his Birthday Shop.

March 10, 2023
Dage, Gravelyn, & Sepulchure Are Waiting...
Dage's Dark Birthday 2023 Event continues this weekend!
Log in this weekend as we continue celebrating Dage the Evil's birthday with Part 1 of our "The Curse & The Blessing" story! Battle as the young Empress Gravelyn as she fights to defend her father's fortress from Undead Legion invaders while he recovers from injury.
Progression note: this is a continuation of the Nulgath 2023 Birthday Storyline, so make sure you've completed the quests at /templedelve first!
New Dark Rewards
All month long, we'll be releasing new Legion and Underworld-themed reward sets for you to collect. All players can complete this weekend's release to unlock the ShadowScythe BladeMaster, Abyssal Frost Samurai, and Underworld Lich sets!
Monster drops:
- Underworld Lich armor, helm, and wings
- Abyssal Frost Samurai armor
- 2 Abyssal Frost Samurai helms
- Abyssal Frost Samurai Spirit cape
- 4 Abyssal Frost Samurai weapons
- Sword of the Underworld (single + dual wield)
Shakaz Merge Shop:
- ShadowScythe BladeMaster armor
- 4 ShadowScythe BladeMaster helms
- ShadowScythe Banner
- Necrotic Katana of Doom (single + dual wield)
- Sheathed Necrotic Katana of Doom
- Necrotic Naginata of Doom
- 3 Abyssal Frost Samurai helms
- Enchanted Abyssal Frost Samurai Spirit cape
Undead Legion Gear
Available in the Undead Legion merge shop
- Seven Circles Beast Warrior
- Ancient Underworld Wraith's Hood
- Ancient Underworld Wraith's Cape
- Legion Bone Crusher Mace (single + dual wield)
- Legion Bone Crusher Mace + Shield
Available in the Future War merge shop
- Legion MK 6 Hood
Drops from the First Class Entertainment quest
- Underworld Dragon Guard house item
If you're not a member of the Undead Legion, never fear! You, too, can sell your soul to Dage the Evil and become a part of his immortal army.
Join us to celebrate in the Underworld this weekend! OR ELSE.
Battle through all of Dage the Evil's returning birthday zones, take on wicked bosses, and check out his seasonal birthday gear shop. Return next Friday, March 18th for the next update in our birthday event: the Master of the Underworld WAR!
Log in and battle through the following zones to get wicked reward drops:
- /darkbirthday
- /undervoid
- /futurewar
- /futurelegion
- /futurewardage
- /legionarena
- /sevencircles - NEW!
Who is Dage the Evil?
If you're just joining us, you might not know who Dage the Evil is. In-game, Dage the Evil is the leader of the Undead Legion, ruler of the Underworld, and the Dark Weaponsmith. Many years ago, in the real world, the artist behind the NPC started releasing more and more rewards for his birthday until it became an annual, fan-favorite holiday. But the zones for his one, true love... PVP... are availalbe all year long!
Underworld PVP zones:
- Underworld Team PVP: /join dagepvp and choose which team you want to fight for
- Underworld 1v1 PVP: /join dage1v1 and go head to head with your friend... or a stranger
- Collect Legion Combat Trophies in the Team PVP map
- Complete Dumoose's daily quest in the 1v1 map to get Legion PVP Trophies
- Spend your trophies on all-new undead-themed rewards

March 07, 2023
Now Available: Dark Scavenger Hunt
Log in and fight to complete today's new Scavenger Hunt
Recently, we've been making some changes to the daily login gift lineup based on your feedback. This month, we're trying out some different ideas. One of them is a weekly scavenger hunt... and we're starting NOW!
To make sure everyone can easily find the clue itself, it drops off the Frogzard in /battleontown.
- Read + decipher the clue to figure out where the reward is.
- Head to the monster you THINK has the drop and battle for a chance to get it
- The clue + 0 AC rare reward will drop through March 20th
Note: you don't need to have the clue in your inventory or bank in order to get the reward drop from the monster. If you learn where it is from a friend, a video, or the wiki, that's also fine! Getting the clue just adds to the fun of the hunt for those who want the mental challenge.

March 06, 2023
Monday, March 6th Updates
New News and Updates Round-up
With so many players on so many different platforms, the team and I found that our information had become really scattered over the last few years. Last month, we began these "round-up" Design Notes posts make sure everyone has access to all of the same info, no matter which platform you use. Read on to get all the latest news on updates, fixes, and sneak peeks.
Recent Bug Fixes
The following issues should have been resolved with yesterday's server restart:
- NPC Friendship hearts still missing
- Inability to give gifts to NPCs
- Bugged guild commands
- Some enemies unable to be stunned
AQW:Infinity + Artix Goes to PAX East
AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity is going to PAX: East. Read Artix's full post on the game's final (for real this time) name and keep checking back for more updates on the mobile port of AQWorlds:
NPC Art Sneak Peek
New NPC art preview from Hikari of Young Gravelyn. Go back in time and battle as Young Empress Gravelyn during Part 1 of our "Dage the Evil: The Curse and The Blessing" story event. Our Month of EVIL events continues this weekend.
NPC Friendship System update
Dialogue updates: Last week, we added Gravelyn, Dage, and Nulgath to the NPC Friendship map in /battleodium. In response to your feedback, Cylisse wrote the new NPCs’ talk dialogue to be more unique to their characters. In the future, we’ll add new NPCs like this or circle back to give the older NPCs refreshed dialogue.
Player Request: MORE GOOD GEAR!
The message: Last week, AQW Hero TheLynxDev tweeted: "It feels like the past two months have been months of evil. Can Good and Chaos get some love for a change, in new Rares, classes, and stories? I'm pretty tired of every Rare shop lately having nothing but Evil items that wouldn't fit my character."
The reply: This came up at yesterday's schedule + script review. Good-themed items have been coming in as we prepare for Swordhaven's restoration (now that Queen Victoria has time focus on local matters). Keep an eye on the post-March schedule for more info!
Community Spotlight: IRL DragonFable Play
Check this out and give them some love! An English teacher in Istanbul put on a play based on DragonFable's book one. This is incredible! Congratulations to the teacher and all their students!
Update: the teacher reached out to me on twitter. "Hello Alina. It's me Kaan.The owner of the project.I play the role of Mysterious Stranger and my students are 5th, 6th and 7th graders.They overcome all the stage fear and English speaking fear just for the sake of AQW and Dragonfable.They love it! Full theatre is coming tonight!"

March 05, 2023
Sunday Updates and Fixes!
Sunday Updates #5 - March 5, 2023
Haii! (Yoshino here under the Alina disguise.. shhh) We are aware of the following recent issue:
Combat Issues
- Some monsters gained the ability to be stunned that weren't previously stunnable.
- Some monsters also lost the ability to be immune to stuns.
Fixes? You got them!
With tonight's restart.. (well, double restarts!), these issues have been addresed:
Friendships Bug
- Resolved the issue between being unable to talk/gift every day which essentially locked the option of only doing 1 of those every other day.
Guild Commands
- Resolved the issue between being unable to use any guild commands while in a guild.
Wanna read more like these? Check out the previous one here!

March 03, 2023
Spring 2023 AdventureCoin Bonus
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
Your luck is in! To help you celebrate and make the most of all our March and Spring holiday events, for a limited time, get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Spring AdventureCoins bonus!
If you bought any AdventureCoin or Membership package in the 24 hours before the bonus began (at 12:01 AM EST today), good news! Captain Rhubarb ran a query earlier today to give you the extra ACs, so it's like you got the AC bonus, too
Get 60,000 ACs while our Spring Bonus is on!
During our 2023 Spring AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

March 03, 2023
Dage's Dark Birthday Returns
Our Triple Update of Evil is now available!
Evil has taken over Lore this weekend! Log in this now because Dage's seasonal Dark Birthday zones and gear are back, along with the oh-so-evil RNG-themed minigames in the Lucky Day Fair. Plus, find Gravelyn, Dage, and Nulgath in /battleodium as we update our NPC Friendship system with your new BFFs (best fiends forever). Then join us on March 10th and 17th for an Undead x DOOM-filled story adventure!
Battle through Dage's Dark Birthday zones to get wicked reward drops:
- /darkbirthday
- /undervoid
- /futurewar
- /futurelegion
- /futurewardage
- /legionarena
- /dage
- /ultradage
Underworld PVP zones:
- Underworld Team PVP: choose which team you want to fight for in /dagepvp
- Underworld 1v1 PVP: go head to head with other heroes in /dage1v1
Dark New Quests + Reward Gear
Rand, Dage's first General of the Legion, could use a hand. And maybe some help with his memories. Talk to him in the /darkbirthday map, complete his quests, and he'llll pay you in gear + Legion secrets!
Monster Drops: /join abysslair
- Urban Underworld Gear
- 2 Urban Underworld Hairs
- Sheathed Underworld Katana cape
- Sheathed Underworld Rage cape
- Electric Underworld Katana
- Electric Underworld Rage blade
- Dark Artist's wrap
Abyssal Merge Shop Items: /join abysslair
- Ripper Blade of the Underworld (single + dual wield)
- Sheathed Soul Devouring Katana (single + dual wield)
- Urban Underworld Outfit
- 6 Urban Underworld Hairs
- Electric Underworld Katanas
- Urban Underworld Rages
Undead Legion Items in the Abyssal Merge Shop
- Ascended Legion Evoker armor
- Ascended Legion Evoker's Hair + Locks
- Ascended Legion Evoker's Staff
- Blade of Malevolence (single + dual wield)
- Legion Malignant Blade (single + dual wield)
- Devouring Legion Rune cape
- Reaping Scythe of the Legion
- Reaping Scythe of the Legion cape
Who is Dage the Evil?
If you're just joining us, you might not know who Dage the Evil is. In-game, Dage the Evil is the leader of the Undead Legion, ruler of the Underworld, and the Dark Weaponsmith. Many years ago, in the real world, the artist behind the NPC started releasing more and more rewards for his birthday until it became an annual, fan-favorite holiday. But the zones for his one, true love... PVP... are availalbe all year long!
Members of the Undead Legion will also be able to craft items for gear exclusive to Dage the Evil's most loyal followers. If you're not a member of the Undead Legion, never fear! You, too, can sell your soul to Dage the Evil and become a part of his immortal army.
Dark Caster Class Series Returns
The Undead Legion is made up of Lore's finest undead (and not-undead-yet) warriors. That is why we made sure to make ALL the Dark Caster Class skills, tied to art created by Dage just for his birthday. Each class is available from Dage's Dark Birthday Shop for 2,000 ACs and will return each year for his birthday.
- Infinite Dark Caster Class uses the Evolved DC class skills
- Timeless Dark Caster Class uses the Arcane DC class skills
- Immortal Dark Caster Class uses the original DC class skills
Original Class owners: If you have the original Dark Caster Class, you get the Immortal Dark Caster Class for FREE. Talk to Dage in the /darkbirthday map to complete his quest to claim your free class.
Evil NPC Friendship Update
Gravelyn, Dage, and Nulgath have been added to our NPC Friendship system in /battleodium. Talk to your new BFFs (best fiends forever) + give them gifts to build your friendship levels. Earn Void Auras from Gravelyn, Legion Tokens from Dage, and Unidentified 10 from Nulgath.
NPC Rewards
Gravelyn: Void Auras | Dage: Legion Tokens* | Nulgath: Unidentified 10 |
1-2 full hearts for x5 3-5 full hearts for x10 6 full hearts for x20 |
1-2 full hearts for x20 |
1-2 full hearts for x5 3-5 full hearts for x10 6 full hearts for x20 |
* Membership in the Undead Legion is required to get Legion Tokens.
NPC Friendship System Tips and Tricks
Track your friendship levels in the Friendship UI by clicking on the Character Icon.
How to build your friendship:
- Visit an NPC.
- Talk to them and give them a gift once a day. (Gifts can be obtained by killing monsters in the map)
- Use gifts to increase your Friendship Meter.
- Reach max friendship with that NPC to get a gift from them.
You will get the NPC's reward if you meet the following criteria:
- Have a good relationship with the NPC
- Gift them something they like. In return they will gift you their reward.
- Some NPCs are easier to make friends with, some are harder.
- Different gifts will have a different impact. If an NPC really likes a gift, you'll get more points for giving it. If they really dislike the gift, it'll take away points.
- Try out different gifts to see who likes what, and which gift will get the best reaction from each NPC.
- You'll see a green check mark appear in your Friendship List to help you track who you've visited.
- Regular contact IS important. You'll lose 1 full heart if you don't visit an NPC for 3 or more days.
- The /battleodium and /greyguard maps are not part of our seasonal Hero's Heart Day events. They will be permanently available.
- We'll be adding more NPCs to this system over time. Let us know which you'd like to see added in the future!
The Shamrock Fair Returns for Lucky Day
Do ya feel lucky, Hero? I hope so, because this weekend, The Shamrock Fair returns as we celebrate Lucky Day all month long! Log in for one of the most colorful holiday events of the year.
Lucky Day Fair events:
- Double gold and rep server boost
- Play minigames to collect Golden Tickets
- Unlock the Evolved Leprechaun Class
- Seasonal items and bosses return
You can access the Fair now when you /join Luck, and then continue to taste the painbow in the /rainbow and /hedge maps!
Don't miss the many minigames you'll find at the Shamrock Fair:
- Clover Fields (Legend-only)
- Jackpot o' Gold
- Rainbow Run
- Ring Toss
- Smack A Sneevil
- Shamrock Smash
- Battle Gems Mini
Save up the Golden Tickets you earn from the minigames to purchase gear from the Lucky Day Shamrock Fair Merge Shop, and if you get a Lucky Hat or Lucky Top Hat from the Fair Token Shop, you'll earn double the number of Golden Tickets from any minigame you play!
The veil between our world and the Fae is thin enough for you to return to the realm of the Fairy Queen. Battle the Trickster in /pooka for a chance to unlock magical fae-themed gear in a story based on the Celtic lore of the Pooka.
The Luckiest Class: Evolved Leprechaun!
Most people find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but we found the Evolved Leprechaun Class, and we can't think of a better Hero to /equip it than YOU.
You can get the Evolved Leprechaun Class in 2 ways:
- Buy the Evolved Leprechaun Class with 2,000 AdventureCoins
- Turn in 12 Lucky Clovers, 20 Rainbow Shards, and 2,000 Golden Tickets to the Lucky Day Shamrock Fair Merge Shop, run by Mog O’Rahilly
Make your friends GREEN with envy as you battle through this Luckiest of months filled with LUK, leprechauns, and LOTS of loot!

March 03, 2023
Paragon of Doom Sets
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
I am neither Dage nor Sepulchure! I am the one who will defeat you... and everyone else that stands in my way! Undead x DOOM FUSION HA! Get the Paragon of Doom upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock both the Paragon of Doom and ShadowScythe Paragon sets, over 30 items plus a character page badge.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Paragon of Doom upgrade bonus to unlock 2 full Undead x DOOM armor sets: Paragon of Doom and ShadowScythe Paragon
- 2 Armors
- 6 Helms
- 6 Capes
- 2 Daggers
- 2 Gauntlets
- 4 Swords
- 2 Ground Items
- Mini Paragon of Doom Pet
- Mini ShadowScythe Paragon Pet
- Paragon of Doom's Blade Pet
- ShadowScythe Paragon's Blade Pet
- and a character page badge
Plus 2 exclusive animated house items:
- Paragon of DOOM Guard
- Dage x Sepulchure Fusion
Once you've chosen the Paragon of Doom pack on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Paragon of Doom gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Paragon of Doom gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge

March 01, 2023
Missing Friendship Hearts?
Status: Investigations will begin soon
Hello! We are aware of the issue with Friendship hearts not tracking properly, gifts missing, etc. The coders are currently defragmenting their internal hard drives (aka sleeping), but as soon as they're online, we'll investigate further.